Film Black Panther

The best for me is Idriss Elba, when I first learned that he wasn't american I was stunned.

Elba is phenomenal at accents. Period.

He does however get away with adopting some shocking accents at times. They're consistent throughout a movie but Mollys Game & The Mountain Between Us we're fecking annoying.
Elba is phenomenal at accents. Period.

He does however get away with adopting some shocking accents at times. They're consistent throughout a movie but Mollys Game & The Mountain Between Us we're fecking annoying.
First time I saw him was on "The Wire". Never for a moment I thought he was british.
I actually like that they didn't try to standardise an accent. I'd wager that it was a decision from Coogler. If they don't all sound like they're from Southern Africa they all sound soft.

It wouldn't have taken much to tell the cast to arrive at a middling accent that they all met on.

As it was, they all had a softened accent albeit in different varieties. Considering it's set in a fictional somewhat isolated region of Africa it's kind of beyond critique.

Every interview I’ve read with the director and Boseman has showed that they were very intentional about the South African influence, including Boseman working with a dialect coach, and Coogler visiting South Africa - therefore I wouldn’t say it’s beyond critique just because it’s a fictional country. They use a real language, a variety of real traditional clothing, tradition, cultural marks etc. Why get sloppy with the accent?
Language is important, and in a film that does so many things well when it comes to representing Africa - it’s a shame that the accents are disappointing, thats all.
I actually like the idea of the Jabari having a different accent because they isolated themselves further away, so it’s not inconceivable for them to sound different, also the other tribes are so well connected to each other it makes no sense for them to not be standardised.
But most of the accents were just sloppy and inconsistent - and considering the way that African accents have been historically portrayed in films - I don’t think it’s asking for much for there to be a better representation of them.
I mean, ‘de strengt of de blak pantha’ is basically a meme at this point.
It doesn’t ruin the movie at all, but it couldve been better, that’s all I’m saying.
Every interview I’ve read with the director and Boseman has showed that they were very intentional about the South African influence, including Boseman working with a dialect coach, and Coogler visiting South Africa - therefore I wouldn’t say it’s beyond critique just because it’s a fictional country. They use a real language, a variety of real traditional clothing, tradition, cultural marks etc. Why get sloppy with the accent?
Language is important, and in a film that does so many things well when it comes to representing Africa - it’s a shame that the accents are disappointing, thats all.
I actually like the idea of the Jabari having a different accent because they isolated themselves further away, so it’s not inconceivable for them to sound different, also the other tribes are so well connected to each other it makes no sense for them to not be standardised.
But most of the accents were just sloppy and inconsistent - and considering the way that African accents have been historically portrayed in films - I don’t think it’s asking for much for there to be a better representation of them.
I mean, ‘de strengt of de blak pantha’ is basically a meme at this point.
It doesn’t ruin the movie at all, but it couldve been better, that’s all I’m saying.

I think you're setting the bar far too high if you think the accents are bad.

You could shoot a doco in London and have a wider variety of English accents, as an example. You could go to that region of Africa and they're accents would change village to village.

This article is pretty solid if you hadn't already read it :

As a rough and ready rule of thumb, your phonemes are locked in very young, pre-puberty. It comes to a point where a mouth that's learned to speak a certain way simply cannot make certain sounds without years of retraining.

To have found an entire cast to speak an identical accent would lead to a dilution in the quality of available actors.

I think they nailed it. Different people set different standards though. All good.
Just watched it. Mostly disappointing.

(+) It was mostly well cast. Most characters fit the role. Exceptions being Martin Freeman (who felt too comic for a CIA agent) and MBJ (who felt more punk than a super villian)

(+) Some visual effect. The ships, bits and pieces of fight sequence. The Wakanda City felt a bit underwhelming and most of the interior mountain scenes were too dark and glowy to truly appreciate


(-) Lazy story and screenplay - It's just so formulaic that the writers didn't make any effort to throw some plot turns or intrigue. The next scenes and events could be anticipated easily.

(-) Music (though I liked it) felt a bit Lion King'esque.


Probably the worst Marvel movie alongside Iron Man 3 and maybe Avengers 2
Just watched it. Mostly disappointing.

(+) It was mostly well cast. Most characters fit the role. Exceptions being Martin Freeman (who felt too comic for a CIA agent) and MBJ (who felt more punk than a super villian)

(+) Some visual effect. The ships, bits and pieces of fight sequence. The Wakanda City felt a bit underwhelming and most of the interior mountain scenes were too dark and glowy to truly appreciate


(-) Lazy story and screenplay - It's just so formulaic that the writers didn't make any effort to throw some plot turns or intrigue. The next scenes and events could be anticipated easily.

(-) Music (though I liked it) felt a bit Lion King'esque.


Probably the worst Marvel movie alongside Iron Man 3 and maybe Avengers 2
Even your positives have negatives :lol:
What's wrong with the Lion King Soundtrack?! It's one of the best
Not many reviews where I see the following criticised for BP

Eventually I have.
Just watched it. Mostly disappointing.

(+) It was mostly well cast. Most characters fit the role. Exceptions being Martin Freeman (who felt too comic for a CIA agent) and MBJ (who felt more punk than a super villian)

(+) Some visual effect. The ships, bits and pieces of fight sequence. The Wakanda City felt a bit underwhelming and most of the interior mountain scenes were too dark and glowy to truly appreciate


(-) Lazy story and screenplay - It's just so formulaic that the writers didn't make any effort to throw some plot turns or intrigue. The next scenes and events could be anticipated easily.

(-) Music (though I liked it) felt a bit Lion King'esque.


Probably the worst Marvel movie alongside Iron Man 3 and maybe Avengers 2

This, I really hate self-revolving plots, stories that don't travel anywhere and could be shot in a few scenes.
Just got back from seeing it. I liked it, standard Marvel movie for me though. From all of the reviews I was expecting something that rivalled TDK but the story was too predictable.

Would watch the shit out of a sequel though, TBP is a great character and Wakanda makes for an interesting setting which should have been shown a lot more than it was. It just seemed like a backdrop to scenes rather than a living nation.
hey thinking of taking my son

reckon it would be cool to take a 4 year old Marvel fan to see it? anything totally unsuitable (not counting the normal Marvel fighting/violence)

he sat through Thor Ragnorak
hey thinking of taking my son

reckon it would be cool to take a 4 year old Marvel fan to see it? anything totally unsuitable (not counting the normal Marvel fighting/violence)

he sat through Thor Ragnorak
From memory I don't think there was any nude-moments or super-gory stuff. So if he generally gets to see marvel films and like them I think this one should be just fine.
hey thinking of taking my son

reckon it would be cool to take a 4 year old Marvel fan to see it? anything totally unsuitable (not counting the normal Marvel fighting/violence)

he sat through Thor Ragnorak
Took my nephew who is 5 years old.. Had no issues with any scene..

Should be good..
Just saw this, as a movie its standard marvel, one of the better ones at least, but for the whole african thing they deserve all the praise and accolade
From memory I don't think there was any nude-moments or super-gory stuff. So if he generally gets to see marvel films and like them I think this one should be just fine.

Took my nephew who is 5 years old.. Had no issues with any scene..

Should be good..
cheers fellas

yes was a good watch and he enjoyed it for the most part. One of the better Marvel movies
Just watched this. It was alright. One of the better superhero flicks. Oddly enough, I wasn't overly impressed with the action but the story was decent. The soundtrack was very erratic, I thought. It was spot on at times and completely inappropriate at others.

Solid movie, overall. I've got no idea how it got such superlative reviews, mind.
May 8th is the digital release, but I have seen HD versions for download already.
Was a bit meh, nothing really stood out, was an entertaining watch but not one where i will watch again. Thing that disappointed me the most was we didn't see enough hand to hand combat with BP, and when we did he was mostly getting his ass handed to him by Killmonger. Would have also been good if they had a few scenes picking up where they left off at the end of Civil War with Cap and Bucky.
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I was surprised by how average it was. The film as a cultural event far outweighed the film as a work of art.
I think this movie is too hyped. Killmonger is a stereotypical villain the plot is Lion King meets James Bond and its put in the Marvel package. A standard 5-6/10 popcorn flick that looks really nice. Casting and design was very nice so that may have taken the attention away from the typical movie goer but watch it at home and falls short.

I had heard before a lot that you were supposed to sympathize with Killmonger and be conflicted about who you rooted for. How does that make sense? The villain was sociopathic who both loved and took pride in killing. Oh poor boy, you lost your dad because he was traitor to his country that really doesn't like that.

Looked very nice, not as entertaining as the recent Thor movie.
^ what the last 5 of you said. Visuals were very nice, I like the Black Panther hero persona and the culture and world that forms his background makes him rather unique in the marvel universe - at least with regards to those from Earth. Story however was borderline cheesy at times - probably because it seemed to take itself too seriously.
I take Thor than BP. I too think this is bit overhyped not overrated. The thing is, Ragnarok and BP almost have the same plot throughout but Thor managed to make it looks more convincing.
I take Thor than BP. I too think this is bit overhyped not overrated. The thing is, Ragnarok and BP almost have the same plot throughout but Thor managed to make it looks more convincing.

Wakanda as an advanced country is a total joke to be honest.

My point was strengthened in Infinity war when they were attacked... Come on man, a totally more advanced country doesn't have any specific fleet for defending their country. There was no Navy, Seal, no aircraft, no turrets, no standard border defensive system. They just take their melee weapons and....fight. Stupid as it is.

I face palmed with my friends, sure, nice war scene you got there mate.
Wakanda as an advanced country is a total joke to be honest.

My point was strengthened in Infinity war when they were attacked... Come on man, a totally more advanced country doesn't have any specific fleet for defending their country. There was no Navy, Seal, no aircraft, no turrets, no standard border defensive system. They just take their melee weapons and....fight. Stupid as it is.

I face palmed with my friends, sure, nice war scene you got there mate.

This is very true. Most advanced civilization on the planet and they fight with spears that fire the odd plasma bolt at a low rate of fire. No aircraft, no heavy artillery. No anything really. Rubbish.
This is very true. Most advanced civilization on the planet and they fight with spears that fire the odd plasma bolt at a low rate of fire. No aircraft, no heavy artillery. No anything really. Rubbish.

But they got Rhinos!!

haha. Jokes aside, they could have made a tank made of Vibranium. Put those tanks like 100 units fleet, Enough to kill those melee monsters.
All of Marvel’s origin films aside from Thor and CA have been cheap Iron Man knock offs. Best not to pay much attention to plot.
Wakanda as an advanced country is a total joke to be honest.

My point was strengthened in Infinity war when they were attacked... Come on man, a totally more advanced country doesn't have any specific fleet for defending their country. There was no Navy, Seal, no aircraft, no turrets, no standard border defensive system. They just take their melee weapons and....fight. Stupid as it is.

I face palmed with my friends, sure, nice war scene you got there mate.
I’d imagine since they are all for peace and all and no ones knows about them and that they have a big F off massive forcefield they felt alright. Maybe didn’t just account for being attacked by aliens.

They also do have aircraft. You see them in this film and they are armed.

Film was in general pretty average tho, gets worse on a 2nd viewing.
I’d imagine since they are all for peace and all and no ones knows about them and that they have a big F off massive forcefield they felt alright. Maybe didn’t just account for being attacked by aliens.

They also do have aircraft. You see them in this film and they are armed.

Film was in general pretty average tho, gets worse on a 2nd viewing.

That is just lazy writing, right?

As an advanced country of course you have to take all things into consideration. You said you are the best country in the world, hence you should be better in every aspects of some of these less advanced countries.

There are no excuses here, this is just lazy world building.
That is just lazy writing, right?

As an advanced country of course you have to take all things into consideration. You said you are the best country in the world, hence you should be better in every aspects of some of these less advanced countries.

There are no excuses here, this is just lazy world building.
I suppose. They don’t even have a Starbucks.
I think that what made it so disappointing for me, was that TBP was bad ass in Civil war. Probably the best thing about that whole movie in fact. But I just don’t feel as though the standalone movie capitalised on that at all.

In Civil War he was going toe to toe with the genetically enhanced Captain America and Winter Soldier, but made an absolute meal of defeating the annoying MBJ character in the standalone movie.