Boycott The Qatar World Cup?

It is, that's why I asked "How many workers do you think will die in the US building infrastructure? Do you think certain minorities will be stopped from expressing themselves in the stadiums and around them?"

Do you think this will affect the US world cup? I don't think so.

I know qatar treats their own lgbt community like crap, but if they had taken this opportunity to show more tolerance and be more open to foreign lgbt fans, that could indeed by a positive step in the right direction. So in this regard both things (wc related issues with fans and internal politics issues) kinda go hand in hand. But again, I don't see how this applies to the us.
I think the ‘how many workers will die building infrastructure’ is a bit of a red herring. Rood has posted a couple of Twitter threads that have spoken to that figure (not trying to downplay any death) but there’s been some sensationalism regarding the figures and what they mean and where they are applied.

Agree on the minorities point.

But as you yourself say - WC related issues and internal politics go hand in hand - meaning that the US’s foreign policy is a valid thing to highlight given that they’re hosting a global sporting event, just as it was for China when it came to the the Winter Olympics, and Russia with 2018 (both due to internal issues and their meddling across the world during elections and the amount of misinformation they pump out etc).
I think the ‘how many workers will die building infrastructure’ is a bit of a red herring. Rood has posted a couple of Twitter threads that have spoken to that figure (not trying to downplay any death) but there’s been some sensationalism regarding the figures and what they mean and where they are applied.

Agree on the minorities point.

But as you yourself say - WC related issues and internal politics go hand in hand - meaning that the US’s foreign policy is a valid thing to highlight given that they’re hosting a global sporting event, just as it was for China when it came to the the Winter Olympics, and Russia with 2018 (both due to internal issues and their meddling across the world during elections and the amount of misinformation they pump out etc).

I didn't mention any numbers because there seems to be disagreement about them. But even conservative figures talk about hundreds in wc related infrastructures. Regardless of the numbers, and even knowing that lots of migrants are exploited everywhere, I doubt any western organization of a world cup would allow similar stuff to happen.

You distorted my point in your last paragraph. I said that if qatar had welcomed lgbt fans and allowed them free expression, that could've been a good sign for their own lgbt communities, because it could be the first step in changing their internal policy. In that case they would have gone hand in hand, which sadly didn't happen. In this specific case an issue affecting the wc also affects internal policy.

Nothing in us foreign policy or internal policy is connected to the wc.
That's not what's happening. They are just pointing out Western arrogance and elitism. Nobody is saying you can't complain about Qatar. I just want to see the same energy when the WC rolls around for the US, without making excuses for why the US is different (hint: it's not).

Is that so.

If there is a thread on here highlighting human rights issues with the 2026 WC hosts. I wonder will there be same energy from some folk to constantly derail that thread by consistently bringing up the transgressions (World Cup related or not) of the 2030 World Cup hosts?

Somehow I doubt it.
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I think the ‘how many workers will die building infrastructure’ is a bit of a red herring. Rood has posted a couple of Twitter threads that have spoken to that figure (not trying to downplay any death) but there’s been some sensationalism regarding the figures and what they mean and where they are applied.

Agree on the minorities point.

But as you yourself say - WC related issues and internal politics go hand in hand - meaning that the US’s foreign policy is a valid thing to highlight given that they’re hosting a global sporting event, just as it was for China when it came to the the Winter Olympics, and Russia with 2018 (both due to internal issues and their meddling across the world during elections and the amount of misinformation they pump out etc).

It's pointless arguing. They will never accept. WC related is only when it's being held in countries that are not supposed to hold them. Other countries can go and bomb the hell out of countries that are not western countries and it's alright. It has got nothing to do with the WC though the next WC is going to be held in one of those countries.
Indeed, many of the biggest construction firms that have worked on World Cup projects, along with many hotels and residences, are western-based. Westerners in these industries also earn higher salaries in Qatar. These facts, however, are rarely addressed by western critics of Qatar’s human rights record.

'Desert World Cup'
Western ex-pats are among the biggest beneficiaries of the unfair and unjust wage distribution in Gulf states, including Qatar, but this issue has not gained traction in western coverage. They are often offered attractive compensation packages, including relocation and accommodation expenses, along with tax-free salaries.
Indeed, many of the biggest construction firms that have worked on World Cup projects, along with many hotels and residences, are western-based. Westerners in these industries also earn higher salaries in Qatar. These facts, however, are rarely addressed by western critics of Qatar’s human rights record.

'Desert World Cup'
Western ex-pats are among the biggest beneficiaries of the unfair and unjust wage distribution in Gulf states, including Qatar, but this issue has not gained traction in western coverage. They are often offered attractive compensation packages, including relocation and accommodation expenses, along with tax-free salaries.

Yeah, and Qatar is not the only place these vultures prey. The thing a lot of people don't get is that people who care about human rights usually care about all injustices. This is not an Arab v the West Issue unless you want to make that , but that's basically racism.

What's the point you are trying to make?
It's pointless arguing. They will never accept. WC related is only when it's being held in countries that are not supposed to hold them. Other countries can go and bomb the hell out of countries that are not western countries and it's alright. It has got nothing to do with the WC though the next WC is going to be held in one of those countries.

I'm done with the thinly veiled cries of racism shouted into the ether. Explain what you mean and who you are talking to an accusing or your'e getting banned for trolling. That just can't go on on a forum. It is a huige an sinster leap to go from concvenns of human rights to racism, so you need to fill in the gaps. This nonsense wouldn't be tolerated in any of the current events threads and that's basically what this is.
england won’t get the plaudits they deserve for making a stand and refusing to take any further part in the tournament. the ‘anyone but england’ mentality is truly sickening.
england won’t get the plaudits they deserve for making a stand and refusing to take any further part in the tournament. the ‘anyone but england’ mentality is truly sickening.

I don't understand the anyone but England thing either, haven't won a tournament for 56 years not like England is dominant. England invented the sport as we know it with setting the rules of the game if anything the country that the sport originated should at least win a bit of favour in the world.
Credit where it’s due, they’ve put on without doubt the greatest World Cup ever. Good luck topping this one.
Shoutout to the boycotters; you're the real goats. You can keep your heads held high from now on and stay absolutely silent whenever anyone discusses the greatest World Cup final ever played.
You can keep your heads held high from now on and stay absolutely silent whenever anyone discusses the greatest World Cup final ever played.

I'm sure they will wake up in cold sweats pondering that one mate :lol: I'm not a boycotter (because I'm too weak) but in the grand scheme of things their morals are probably more valuable to them than an exciting game of football.
Shoutout to the boycotters; you're the real goats. You can keep your heads held high from now on and stay absolutely silent whenever anyone discusses the greatest World Cup final ever played.
Yeah I’m sure we’re all super gutted and regretting our life decisions (not).
I'm sure they will wake up in cold sweats pondering that one mate :lol: I'm not a boycotter (because I'm too weak) but in the grand scheme of things their morals are probably more valuable to them than an exciting game of football.

Lets hope they keep that same energy for future tournaments too. Wonder if they know who won the tournament?
I boycotted this tournament and i genuinely don't care that i missed some good football, some things are more important. It's just sport after all.
Continuous unexplained accusations and insinuations of racism.
I'm done with the thinly veiled cries of racism shouted into the ether. Explain what you mean and who you are talking to an accusing or your'e getting banned for trolling. That just can't go on on a forum. It is a huige an sinster leap to go from concvenns of human rights to racism, so you need to fill in the gaps. This nonsense wouldn't be tolerated in any of the current events threads and that's basically what this is.

If the cap suits you put it on.
I'm done with the thinly veiled cries of racism shouted into the ether. Explain what you mean and who you are talking to an accusing or your'e getting banned for trolling. That just can't go on on a forum. It is a huige an sinster leap to go from concvenns of human rights to racism, so you need to fill in the gaps. This nonsense wouldn't be tolerated in any of the current events threads and that's basically what this is.
No wonder I keep getting banned in the Current Events thread. This is the tolerance level you guys apply. What did this poster say that was implying racism? His point was that the folks against this WC don’t like that it’s being hosted in Qatar because they don’t like Qatar. Not because you’re anti-Arab or anti-Muslim but because you don’t like their moral stance.
They provided the slaves who died building the pitch. So it’s fair I guess.

Yes could say that. At least they didn't annihilate millions of people or bomb them to smithereens.
Yes could say that. At least they didn't annihilate millions of people or bomb them to smithereens.

That is such a grim bit of whataboutery. You make it sound like westerners don’t get criticise their own governments at all. There have been global protests about many things that have happened in America or which the Americans have done. Same regarding actions by other western governments. Qatar is not an exception.
That is such a grim bit of whataboutery. You make it sound like westerners don’t get criticise their own governments at all. There have been global protests about many things that have happened in America or which the Americans have done. Same regarding actions by other western governments. Qatar is not an exception.

Yemen war thread : 5 pages.
Shoutout to the boycotters; you're the real goats. You can keep your heads held high from now on and stay absolutely silent whenever anyone discusses the greatest World Cup final ever played.
Probably will be but it definitely won't reach 58 pages. Morals won't be as important for that one.

Check out the CE forum and see what people think of the morality of the US. It wont reach 58 pages because what needs to be said is in there taking up hundreds of pages over many many threads.
No wonder I keep getting banned in the Current Events thread. This is the tolerance level you guys apply. What did this poster say that was implying racism? His point was that the folks against this WC don’t like that it’s being hosted in Qatar because they don’t like Qatar. Not because you’re anti-Arab or anti-Muslim but because you don’t like their moral stance.

Having a look back at your posts, I agree, it is not a wonder you keep getting banned. I think the fact you are still here is a testament to the mods tolerance for people they disagree with or hold odious viewpoints.

Not a surprise to find you in a thread dissing concerns for women and the gay community.
Having a look back at your posts, I agree, it is not a wonder you keep getting banned. I think the fact you are still here is a testament to the mods tolerance for people they disagree with or hold odious viewpoints.

Not a surprise to find you in a thread dissing concerns for women and the gay community.
I find this post very funny, because you’ve deflected completely from what was said but it’s par the course for you and most on here. “odious” because you don’t agree? Please, I understand the concept of disagreement and that people are allowed to have varying view points and won’t make the other side seem like animals for it but you don’t. Testament to the mods? I’ve not done anything apart from express my opinion, if they banned me for that then what are we doing here. Anyways I digress. Good luck being righteous and blind to life outside your bubble. 7bn people, I’m surprised you’re shocked many of them don’t subscribe to your same beliefs and if the mods feel inclined to power trip, feel free. Peace.
Who invented whataboutism? Or recency bias? Anyway I can't wait for the proper football to start. The Qatari sheikhs are psychopathic cnuts with no care for humanity ( I'd delete them off the face of the earth). But I suspect they're not the only ones. The WC has been a success for many reasons...and I must admit to changing my stance on it.
I find this post very funny, because you’ve deflected completely from what was said but it’s par the course for you and most on here. “odious” because you don’t agree? Please, I understand the concept of disagreement and that people are allowed to have varying view points and won’t make the other side seem like animals for it but you don’t. Testament to the mods? I’ve not done anything apart from express my opinion, if they banned me for that then what are we doing here. Anyways I digress. Good luck being righteous and blind to life outside your bubble. 7bn people, I’m surprised you’re shocked many of them don’t subscribe to your same beliefs and if the mods feel inclined to power trip, feel free. Peace.

I ignored your incorrect interjection because he literally doubled down on it.

If the cap suits you put it on.