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Bruno Fernandes Portugal flag

2023-24 Performances

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5.4 Season Average Rating
Yellow cards
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Poor performance today. But got an assist, and 7G + 6A total so far this season
The way he plays reminds me of Stevie Me, always looking for the Hollywood ball or scoring himself. It makes for a great Youtube reel at the end of the season but it's not the greatest if you want to bulid a consistantly winning team.

Today he did none of that to be fair. He kept possession well and was really good in the build up. It was the final ball/finish that let him down BIG time.
He was average. When most players have an average game, it means they did all things at an unspectacular level. When Bruno has an average game, it means he did some things brilliantly and some things utterly, inexplicably terribly. So his average performances have both camps magnifying his talents and flaws. Which is what we are seeing here again tonight.
He was average. When most players have an average game, it means they did all things at an unspectacular level. When Bruno has an average game, it means he did some things brilliantly and some things utterly, inexplicably terribly. So his average performances have both camps magnifying his talents and flaws. Which is what we are seeing here again tonight.

Well put, you could make 2 different highlights from today to make him look good or poor.
God his final ball tonight was appalling.
i liked the way he spoke after the game. Hopefully he is developing some leadership skills.
Great 1st half. Sloppiness crept in during the second half.

I get the frustrations that people have with him.

But pretty much everything creative goes through him.

Countless through balls tonight that probably should have been better used by teammates…

the step over through to Hojlund on the first goal.

Two free kicks on six pence for Casemiro.

Corner assist for McT

Constantly showing in dangerous areas in and around the box for shots.

His creative inputs are absolutely light years ahead of 99% of alternative options available… and for me outweigh his sloppiness .

If he was to get injured for a period, we would look so much less dangerous, and be counting the days until he was back available.
Great 1st half. Sloppiness crept in during the second half.

I get the frustrations that people have with him.

But pretty much everything creative goes through him.

Countless through balls tonight that probably should have been better used by teammates…

the step over through to Hojlund on the first goal.

Two free kicks on six pence for Casemiro.

Corner assist for McT

Constantly showing in dangerous areas in and around the box for shots.

His creative inputs are absolutely light years ahead of 99% of alternative options available… and for me outweigh his sloppiness .

If he was to get injured for a period, we would look so much less dangerous, and be counting the days until he was back available.

I have no idea how someone can watch our game tonight and think "Bruno is the only way we can be creative" when almost every chance besides the corner was created by someone else. You do realize there are other midfielders capable of that performance tonight right? Especially if given the license to endlessly spray passes ahead of 2 DM's?
Thankfully we have our best players back we can carry Bruno and still win matches.
I have no idea how someone can watch our game tonight and think "Bruno is the only way we can be creative" when almost every chance besides the corner was created by someone else. You do realize there are other midfielders capable of that performance tonight right? Especially if given the license to endlessly spray passes ahead of 2 DM's?

I just don’t buy that argument.

He definitely gives it away more than other players might. I don’t for one second think that there are not flaws to his game. He plays plenty of passes that aren’t on. And he also occasionally doesn’t execute passes that he spots that are on.

But he spots the opportunities infinity more frequently that anyone else in the squad, and as a result impacts the creative impact of our play infinity more than any other player.
I just don’t buy that argument.

He definitely gives it away more than other players might. I don’t for one second think that there are not flaws to his game. He plays plenty of passes that aren’t on. And he also occasionally doesn’t execute passes that he spots that are on.

But he spots the opportunities infinity more frequently that anyone else in the squad, and as a result impacts the creative impact of our play infinity more than any other player.

What argument? There was fecking evidence tonight that we don't need Bruno to gunsling it for us to create a ton of chances? It's not like I'm just basing this on theory.

A proper team creates chances through teamplay and correct decision making with enough quality to execute in the final third. You don't necessarily need some world class creator, especially if he's going to be so inefficient and lacking in other areas of his game that the team suffers.

The 99th minute overhit pass sums him up really. McTominay rides a couple challenges excellently and gets it to Bruno (team captain mind you) who decides to try and first time slip in Antony instead of taking it to the corner flag and seeing out the game. Every game with him is a 90 minute rollercoaster that you hope just has high enough highs to make up for the low lows, and quite frankly it's an illogical way to build a team if you are willingly relying on it.
I think his corner taking and free kicks are abysmal, maybe it’s time someone else should takeover.
What argument? There was fecking evidence tonight that we don't need Bruno to gunsling it for us to create a ton of chances? It's not like I'm just basing this on theory.

A proper team creates chances through teamplay and correct decision making with enough quality to execute in the final third. You don't necessarily need some world class creator, especially if he's going to be so inefficient and lacking in other areas of his game that the team suffers.

The 99th minute overhit pass sums him up really. McTominay rides a couple challenges excellently and gets it to Bruno (team captain mind you) who decides to try and first time slip in Antony instead of taking it to the corner flag and seeing out the game. Every game with him is a 90 minute rollercoaster that you hope just has high enough highs to make up for the low lows, and quite frankly it's an illogical way to build a team if you are willingly relying on it.

I’m saying I don’t buy the argument that there are many other players in Europe, let alone our squad who would be so creatively impactful if given a free role at 10 (a role he no longer has mind you).

Lentwood puts it perfectly.

He makes easy things look hard at times. But he doesn’t half make hard things look easy too when it comes to making things happen in the final 3rd.

I guarantee if you go back and watch tonight’s game, you’ll find that Bruno was heavily involved in most of our chance creation.
He had his shite moments tonight, no doubt but I still think tonight gave a fair hint at the potential of a Mainoo Cas Bruno midfield might be capable of.
He has to stop using that left foot for pass longer than 10ft....the ball can go anywhere
It was an uncharacteristic performance, and he probably should have been taken off. No qualms about playing him again on Sunday. He will do better, I'm sure.
Sooner INEOS spot that he's a major, major contributor to our lack of control the better.

He is so wasteful, and creates so many chances for the opposition it's just shocking really.

Obviously Mount isn't the answer (is he even a footballer?) but we desperately need a future without Bruno, and fast.
He was average in a way he did some good things and some bad. His biggest weakness for me is he is weak defensively and that isn't a problem when he plays #10, but he seems to be deployed in "run all around the field and do everything" kind of role.

I also think Mount is much more suited to that role than Bruno.
First half, he was fine as a whole but the 2nd half was actually a real downgrade. Too many misplaced passes and even hesitation to release the ball
Not his best game but worked hard and available for the ball. Decent leadership, even if it wasn't his day.

Great comments after the game as well. Was asked about Rashford having a point to prove and just said they all have a point to prove every game. Bit of a change from Maguire's 'I've got nothing to prove' bullshit
Just finished watching whole first half again and he was so sloppy already there - missed way too many passes - some which could have been potential assists/key passes.

Second half was even worse.
Needs to sort out his game.
On the positive side he never stops running.
So incredibly sloppy. It's one thing to do it when he's pushing the final pass to create a difficult chance, but it's when he messes up easy (but important) passes that it really riles me up. I don't think I can remember a player who can pull off such brilliant technical passes one moment and then completely mess up an easy one the next like he does.
I thought he was much better yesterday because he was less advanced. Have been banging on about the need for him to move away from the goal and be more of a CM and he was yday:

Second half we started reverting to type a bit and rushing things, playing wild balls (everyone, not just him) but in that deeper role and on set pieces (case should have scored form the fk) he is a good asset.
So incredibly sloppy. It's one thing to do it when he's pushing the final pass to create a difficult chance, but it's when he messes up easy (but important) passes that it really riles me up. I don't think I can remember a player who can pull off such brilliant technical passes one moment and then completely mess up an easy one the next like he does.

The makes difficult stuff look easy and easy stuff look difficult description is pretty apt. It’s got to the point where I have 100% confidence in him threading the needle with a perfectly weighted, fizzed 40 yard daisy cutter down the line (extremely difficult technique) but it’s a coin toss whether or not he’ll complete a five yarder at the edge of their box.

Still incredibly effective at what he does, mind you. Always involved in all our best attacking football
His set-pieces were on point yesterday. Can't remember the last time we had 3 threatening headers from set-plays in one game? (Yeah Case was offside for the 2nd one, but he could easily have been on and still scored with that header)

Obviously the one he had a shot from was rubbish, but yeah.
Bruno is above average but comes nowhere close to meeting our expectations. I’m still convinced we brought in Mount this season so that we can sell Bruno next season but we shall see about that.
I was fuming at him with some dumb balls and possession losses during the game but having looked at Mainoo's goal again, you can see him involved with a bit of skill in the build up. I think it's just better for our hearts that we accept all of his flaws with the pros.
I was fuming at him with some dumb balls and possession losses during the game but having looked at Mainoo's goal again, you can see him involved with a bit of skill in the build up. I think it's just better for our hearts that we accept all of his flaws with the pros.

That's how the club has approached squad building for about 10 years now and look where it's gotten us.
That's how the club has approached squad building for about 10 years now and look where it's gotten us.

I don't disagree with that overall sentiment but the disparity between poor squad building and what we're seeing now is 'mostly' on the manager for me. ETH's refusal to hold 1) Bruno accountable for his ball spamming and 2) his team for not midfielding is his responsibility alone. There's a middle ground, which most managers' jobs entail and that's giving the players a platform to succeed, whilst enhancing their qualities and reducing their weaknesses; this is not being met.

Anyways, my comment was a throwaway because in reality it's probably better for my emotions and mental health to accept rather than get angry all the time :lol:
I don't disagree with that overall sentiment but the disparity between poor squad building and what we're seeing now is 'mostly' on the manager for me. ETH's refusal to hold 1) Bruno accountable for his ball spamming and 2) his team for not midfielding is his responsibility alone. There's a middle ground, which most managers' jobs entail and that's giving the players a platform to succeed, whilst enhancing their qualities and reducing their weaknesses; this is not being met.

Anyways, my comment was a throwaway because in reality it's probably better for my emotions and mental health to accept rather than get angry all the time :lol:

Fair enough, honestly your comment just triggered me because I have seen that sentiment a LOT over the years with regards to Bruno and other players and it’s frustrating because as a club we should never just blindly accept a player playing terrible at many points just because he does great things at other moments. It’s how you get an entire squad of inconsistency that’s impossible to properly evaluate as a whole.

If it’s a striker that’s just a pure goalscorer then fair enough if the production is there, but I think none of us should accept mediocre/poor general play from any other position just because a player might pop up with brilliance.
I love the guy, despite his obvious flaws. But he must be knackered. he's run himself into the ground for us since day one.

Hopefully the reduced schedule will allow for a bit of recovery. It can only help the sloppiness I feel.
Bruno is not the most pressing of our concerns but he should be moved on in the next 2-3 years or at least upgraded on.
I have no idea how someone can watch our game tonight and think "Bruno is the only way we can be creative" when almost every chance besides the corner was created by someone else. You do realize there are other midfielders capable of that performance tonight right? Especially if given the license to endlessly spray passes ahead of 2 DM's?

Well said. I'd say KdB and Ødegaard are light-years ahead when it comes to making the ball interactions "click" and thereby create much more sustainable attacks and more team chances.

United have become this ego-centrist stat galore, where all want the assists and goals on their name, but no one wants to be third, it makes the team suffer big.
Man Utd 3:0 West Ham
Garnacho will deservedly steal the headlines, but Bruno is the cog that makes us tick. I honestly don't care if he doesn't score if he can keep playing like this.
I think, the way ETH has us play moves Bruno away from where he can be the most influential. But once again, he was solid today.
Garnacho will deservedly steal the headlines, but Bruno is the cog that makes us tick. I honestly don't care if he doesn't score if he can keep playing like this.
Absolutely. He's so good when he keeps things simple. Had to find a better balance in the 1st half between being conservative and adventurous but seemed to have a struck a good middle-ground in the 2nd.
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