By this time next week we could be out of all cup competitions


New Member
Dec 21, 2017
Mourinho was backed with much more money than what Ole has been given so far. The objective is obviously the league, and right now we are showing progress in the league not declining compare to LVG & Jose. However, if we can add that progress with winning something this season especially when the competition are much tougher compare to previous seasons, it will be a very positive sign for next season for our mentality.
You're right. I thought he'd got those signing the summer before the EL win but most of his signing came after. I concede that point.


Full Member
Aug 7, 2014
This might be an unpopular opinion but at the start of the season the minimum target I set was top four (should be a given) and a trophy.

If we were to go out of the Europa league against this Milan side I'd be really upset, they were extremely weak and we should be beating them.

That said he will get another season regardless of what some say and we have to get behind him and hope another couple of transfers and we must surely be close to ready to compete for the league, let alone trophies.


Correctly predicted France to win World Cup 2018
Jul 7, 2012
Near Old Trafford
The idea of having a winning mentality is absolutely not a myth. Some people cope better with pressure or can push themselves harder in the face of adversity than others in all walks of life. That's a fact. You can also 'teach' a winning mentality, I don't doubt that either.

The idea that you somehow gain a winning mentality from winning a League Cup or even an FA Cup is what I am disputing.

You use the term 'confirmation bias' in your post...well this idea about winning a cup and it being the trigger for a period of success demonstrates both confirmation bias and survivor bias.

Of course, if you're good enough to win any trophy (whether it's the League Cup, FA Cup or Europa League) then it's likely that you're a pretty decent football team, at least at some level, and therefore it stands to reason you might then win other trophies as well.

Likewise, people point to the example of United winning a League Cup under SAF as the trigger for us then going on to win Premier League titles and European titles. What about the thousands of players who won something once and then never won anything again?

What about the thousands of players who had never won anything before and then won a major trophy?

So I repeat...the idea that winning some tin-pot cup blesses a squad of players with some kind of mystical 'winning mentality' is rubbish. There's no evidence for it, it can't be measured, it can't be quantified or qualified and it's retrodictive, not predictive. So it's nonsense.
It really isn't nonsense, and if it football is based on just quantifiable data then we may as well pack up and go and watch baseball or cricket or another stat laden sport.

I think as Rio pointed out when he came to United, he had offers from other clubs but the big draw was two things, Walking into a winning team who was Winning Trophies and SAF. If you are in that Elite level of footballer then of course winning trophies is a big draw. Winning trophies builds good momentum. No matter if it's Ole, Poch, Allegri, or Klopp, surely it's easier to sell a club to potential new recruits who are in high demand like Haaland if you are winning trophies rather than the promise of winning trophies. It helps recruit better footballers which in turn helps win more trophies and attracts better footballers. Would Liverpool be such a draw for Thiago if they hadn't recently won the Champions League, been at the World Club Championships and was current FA Premier League Champions, I doubt it

Based on my limited experience of football coaching, challenging for silverware either through winning or losing develops a whole e.g. leadership, setting and maintaining of high standards, learning through adversity, resilience e.g. losing to Sunderland on the last day as a catalyst to go on and win the league the following year. Likewise, Klopp would well be within his rights to say 'You have won the Champions League, now go on and be consistent and win the League.' Those are the conversations that go in dressing rooms at clubs from grass roots to elite level up and down the country. e.g You have won the cup now go and do one better.

I respect your opinion