China-The next cold war?


Full Member
Nov 20, 2017
Hong Kong
Well not quite, history shows us that it most cases when China has an established and overarching/ruling elite, as now the CCP (but probably even in the days of the Emperors) it always has planned in something like 50 year cycles. A totalitarian state almost independent of ideology is able to pressed ahead without undue concern for internal resistance because for the majority what they have now is better than what they had before, even if a few 'capitalist running dogs', as Mao's red guard use to call western democracies, point fingers at them and goes on about Human Rights etc.

China appears to be on course in the next fifty years, (unless D. Trump stops them) to become the dominant power in the world and will probably from around the middle of the 21st Century dictate everything through a combination of trade/technology dominance. Chances are they are already ahead of their plans and now feel confident enough to talk about reducing carbon emissions etc. in 40 years time. This of course ensures all the (predominantly western) world states who are desperate to hear China say something, anything in public about reducing emissions, climate change etc. will breathe a sigh of relief and reign back on any criticism of China and most importantly will continue to trade with China; now perhaps with a sigh of relief, they can now convince their own people that all the pain they are going through to save energy etc. is worth it, because China is now onboard and there is a real chance to save the planet.

Why is it D. Trump can stop them? Precisely because he is what he is, a loose canon, unpredictable, he is the one thing the Chinese plan probably did not include for in the West. Nobody could foresee his elevation to President, not even I suspect Trump himself in his wildest dreams. Even his 'go it alone/America first' is a threat, China knows that if, with the rest of the world chiding him from the sidelines, that his behavior would be curtailed; but out on his own he's possess an unknown quantity of threat to China.

It wont just be the Democrats that want rid of Trump in November.
You really believe in this bullshit? China makes claims and promises all the time that they never comply to.

Classical Mechanic

Full Member
Aug 25, 2014
xG Zombie Nation
When people talk about stopping China, we have to talk about stopping them from doing what excatly? And Trump isn't excatly this mastermind who can prevent China from becoming a superpower. It's good if he sets Jared on the case though. If Jared can't stop China, no one can.
Bit awkward but that has kind of already happened.


Full Member
Nov 8, 2018
You really believe in this bullshit? China makes claims and promises all the time that they never comply to.
I didn't say they did, this is just an opinion, ....remember one mans 'bullshit' is another mans 'fertilizer' have a nice day!

Sir Matt

Blue Devil
Jul 22, 2009

A museum in Nantes pulled an exhibition on Genghis Khan after China demanded that it not use the name Genghis Khan, "Empire", or "Mongol" in the exhibition. Not necessarily Cold War-related, but it's further evidence of China's growing sense of entitlement that it control of China-related things outside of China. At least the museum told them to piss off.


Full Member
Nov 20, 2017
Hong Kong

A museum in Nantes pulled an exhibition on Genghis Khan after China demanded that it not use the name Genghis Khan, "Empire", or "Mongol" in the exhibition. Not necessarily Cold War-related, but it's further evidence of China's growing sense of entitlement that it control of China-related things outside of China. At least the museum told them to piss off.
This is nothing new.


Full Member
Apr 26, 2015

A museum in Nantes pulled an exhibition on Genghis Khan after China demanded that it not use the name Genghis Khan, "Empire", or "Mongol" in the exhibition. Not necessarily Cold War-related, but it's further evidence of China's growing sense of entitlement that it control of China-related things outside of China. At least the museum told them to piss off.
I mean not really, they pulled the exhibition.