City fans disgusting behaviour | Aeroplane and monkey gestures | Do not dox please

May 22, 2017
It's strange isn't it.
It's almost like some strange deep seated issued with him, and are trying to fall back on some sort of club hypocrisy thing to slate him.
Indeed. Using this incident as an opportunity to criticise a role model of the modern game. Couldn’t care less that he plays for City, this is a guy who is an inspiration to many youngsters who don’t even support city - and clearly he’s don’t nothing to be critical of.

Has that poster condemned the bloke in the crowd, or just used this an an opportunity to have a go at Sterling?


Full Member
Jul 26, 2013
Firing a single perpetrator and shaming him in front of the world isn't going to eradicate the broader plague. People will fear being exposed and will still continue to harbor racist thoughts and ideologies in private. In fact, they may even operate insidiously.

Radical change is needed both in terms of educating people, specially supporters or popular sports where common sense can be eclipsed by tribalism. Clubs need to lead the charge in communicating excessively, adding it in the agenda for each and every media interaction. It should feature in any and all forms of communication with fans. Past footballers need to come out with detailed explanations on why this is wrong and how the victim feels when being subjected to such treatment. Simple fear of punishment won't be a deterrent for people to broaden their mindset, they will simply hide it better.


aka sex on the beach
Mar 14, 2011
Indeed. Using this incident as an opportunity to criticise a role model of the modern game. Couldn’t care less that he plays for City, this is a guy who is an inspiration to many youngsters who don’t even support city - and clearly he’s don’t nothing to be critical of.

Has that poster condemned the bloke in the crowd, or just used this an an opportunity to have a go at Sterling?
Just slating Sterling I think.

Don't get me wrong, I don't like Sterling at all, he's obviously played for both our big rivals, and has a bit of an obnoxious angry confrontational style on the pitch. But you have to leave that sort of thing aside from the much bigger issues at hand.


Full Member
Aug 10, 2011
LVG's notebook
Terrible English, hates Corbyn, ex-army, racist, doubles down when confronted about it. Well colour me shocked.

Utterly painful how empowered people like that have become in recent years.
I would put money on him being a Tommy Robinson follower and a fan of the likes of Nigel Farage (if he even knows who he is). Voted Brexit too.

Sadly, these are the kind of stupid people given a voice due to the current political climate.


Full Member
Mar 24, 2013
He's pretty unrepentant about it.

Turn the volume up on this and you can hear it slightly:

Whatever they plan to fine this moron should be doubled for the state of that spelling and grammar alone.


New Member
Jan 9, 2016
Adds nothing to the discussion
Respect to the City players who tried to calm the crowd, and respect to the many City fans who condemned these idiots. Not all City fans are knobheads. There are many at every club, Chrissakes I've seen some total idiots who follow United. It was absolutely shameful, but unfortunately racism is becoming stronger in this country. Brexit seems to have helped it fester.
Absolutely bollocks


New Member
Jan 9, 2016
United have a lot of squaddies that the Caf would rather see in politics or a battlefield than on a football pitch.
Nothing wrong with Squaddies. They are heroes when in conflicts and treated like dirt when not.


Full Member
Aug 24, 2013

When it happens to him, he wants points deduction. But when it happens to an opponent in front of his own eyes, he stands there pathetic doing nothing.
Yes Raheem, We should deduct 9 points of City.


New Member
Jan 9, 2016
It's going to get worse before it gets better. The rise of right-wing nationalist governments all around the world buuld their power by fear, hate and ethnocentrism, which gives birth to shit like we saw last night. All we can do is to always call racism out and condemn it.
Keep politics out of this FFS, it's nothing to do with politics. You're as bad as brainless Neville.
I shouldn't say this but it looks like your one of the left wing, spoilt snow flakes.


New Member
May 20, 2018
Don’t know if you are kidding?

I’m f****** delighted that this prick’s Xmas & personal life is now completely ruined. Also deservedly been named & shamed. He has no one else to bland other than himself.

There is no place in society for a******* like that!
Hehe. Good. Let the hate flow through you.

Alabaster Codify7

New Member
Mar 11, 2015

When it happens to him, he wants points deduction. But when it happens to an opponent in front of his own eyes, he stands there pathetic doing nothing.
Yes Raheem, We should deduct 9 points of City.

It's an odd one. I don't think he NEEDED to get involved, at all. But it is quite hypocritical at the same time.
May 22, 2017

When it happens to him, he wants points deduction. But when it happens to an opponent in front of his own eyes, he stands there pathetic doing nothing.
Yes Raheem, We should deduct 9 points of City.
Nothing wrong with highlighting what’s he’s said - but using it to have a go at him is pathetic.

Just let it play out, City have been proactive and the police are involved. As has been said previously it’s not up to Sterling to police the crowd at every match he plays in.


The Qatar Pounder
May 8, 2008
Obertans #1 fan.

When it happens to him, he wants points deduction. But when it happens to an opponent in front of his own eyes, he stands there pathetic doing nothing.
Yes Raheem, We should deduct 9 points of City.
How do you know he heard it? Ffs, he’s done nothing wrong at all.


The Qatar Pounder
May 8, 2008
Obertans #1 fan.
Keep politics out of this FFS, it's nothing to do with politics. You're as bad as brainless Neville.
I shouldn't say this but it looks like your one of the left wing, spoilt snow flakes.
State of this post.
You won’t get promoted any time soon.


Full Member
May 4, 2005
Goa, India
How do you know he heard it? Ffs, he’s done nothing wrong at all.
Maybe he didn't hear it and so didn't do anything about it on the pitch. But now that everyone has seen that it has happened do you think he will take a stand and ask the FA to deduct points?


Full Member
Jun 6, 2013
That's more for "chanting", suggesting a whole group or stand doing it, which is a much worse situation than one random idiot shouting something.

If they started dishing out such severe points bans for lone idiots, you can see the massive issue, randoms would turn up at rivals grounds and BE that idiot.
And then people would find their social media accounts and identify them as x supporters anyway.

Could have been a pro

New Member
May 15, 2018
It's been going in football for donkey's years, it never stopped. Neville trying to get political and blame Johnson is wrong and out of order.
Spot on.

Three observations :

1) Racism was around long before the EU, Brexit and Boris. In fact, racism was much more prevalent before Brexit and Boris or immigration debates. Not many on here are old enough to remember the 70's, but I assure you those were far worse times.

2) Gary taking the opportunity to do a bit of electioneering on behalf of Corbyn and Labour especially on matters of racism, was disgusting. Labour are only the second party after the BNP to be officially investigated for institutional racism by the ECHR and indications are Labour may be found guilty when investigations conclude next year.

3) And just a follow up to point 2. One maybe two morons doing monkey gestures grab all the headlines, whilst videos of Labour supporters spouting anti-semitic comments make it onto Jewish newspapers and occasionally the daily mail. The double standard in this country between anti-black racism and anti-semitism sickens me and makes Gary's little rant so disingenuous. One is an evil that needs rooting out, the know..kind of a smear by them.


Full Member
Jun 6, 2013
Maybe not everyone has one.
Maybe not everyone mentions their team on there?
There are very few people who have no social media footprint or friends/family members/work mates who know what club they support. Especially if they're supporting their team to the extent that they're going to the games.

Jim Beam

Gets aroused by men in low socks
Feb 10, 2017
All over the place
Yeah, this Sterling thing is a bit weird. What makes him so different from all other City players, except from being subject of that same racial abuse? Which in the end makes calling specifically him to act a bit uncomfortable imo.

He can say something (we already know what he thinks and I highly doubt anything changed because it came from City fan) or not, but same goes for all other City players. And tbf to City, both club and Pep condemned the abuse immediately.


Pochettino's #1 fan
Feb 10, 2008
I don't think City should be punished as a club either with a points deduction or playing behind closed doors.
There's not a club in the world who can predict the actions of a dickhead.
Football in this country was beating shit like this with the long and successful kick it out campaign (still loads to do but getting there slowly) but 2016 changed everything, suddenly everyone of these pathetic cnuts suddenly felt empowered and took full advantage of the platform given to them due to the language being used and still is being used by the likes of Farage, Robinson and a big number of leave supporters. Immigration, control our borders etc etc etc.
Education? Does anything think it would really work on people who are so ingrained in their thinking that they are willing to imitate a monkey knowing full well that their seat is directly in view of live tv cameras?
Don't take it out on the decent supporters who are just as disgusted as any decent human being will be.
This guy will lose going to club he supports, maybe sacked from his job and face criminal charges, and although I detest City, there's no need to punish them as its impossible to stop.
I think part of the ‘education’ is the swift and comprehensive way civil society enjoins to condemn such action. The speed with which clubs, pundits, fans and the public have condemned this guy has been quite startling.

There is a side debate about the ethics of ‘trial by social media’ by angry and projecting critics, but I dare say every English match attending fan is now forewarned about what happens if you should indulge in such illegal and anti social behaviour.

Tom Cato

Godt nyttår!
Jan 3, 2019
Keep politics out of this FFS, it's nothing to do with politics. You're as bad as brainless Neville.
I shouldn't say this but it looks like your one of the left wing, spoilt snow flakes.
I'm sure you see the irony of calling someone a snowflake when you got offended by someone pointing out racists are right wingers. Didn't take much to set you off there bud :D


Pochettino's #1 fan
Feb 10, 2008
What's Sterling's views on this? Thought he wanted points deductions when fans are racist?

He's very quick to open his mouth when other team's fans are racist. Or when he's criticised and decides its because the media is racist.

He should be the first one condemning it when it's his own fans
WTF?? What on earth does any of this have to do with Sterling??? He has no responsibility to call out such behaviour. The behaviour itself is illegal. Why should it fall on non Caucasian players to have to be the most vocal against it.

Are you saying that only black players who publicly condem racism are worthy of not being racially abused?? Is what what your saying?

Really quite disgusted by this point of view.


Full Member
Dec 31, 2018
When it happens to him, he wants points deduction. But when it happens to an opponent in front of his own eyes, he stands there pathetic doing nothing.
Yes Raheem, We should deduct 9 points of City.
Yo really need to stop with this narrative. Sterling shouldn't have to be responsible for addressing every racist incident that happens. Do you know who else did nothing, Fred, Rashford, the rest of the City and United teams as well as every idiot stood beside the guy in the stands. To turn it on a young guy who has done so much to raise the issue of racism in football is a bit low in my opinion.
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Full Member
Aug 24, 2013
How do you know he heard it? Ffs, he’s done nothing wrong at all.
He can simply write a tweet showing his firm response to racism (as he has been for a time active against it in the media and social media). Then he can repeat what he said few months ago about point deductions. Simple.


all-round nice guy, aka Uncle Joe Kardashian
Oct 22, 2010
STERLING: "I condemn this racist behaviour by a City fan."
FANS: "He's betrayed our club, the f*cking b***k b*****d!!!!"


Full Member
Aug 24, 2013
Yo really need to stop with this narrative. Sterling shouldn't have to be responsible for addressing every racist incident that happens. Do you know who else did nothing, Fred, Rashford, the rest of the City and United teams as well as every idiot stood beside the guy in the stands. To turn it on a young guy who has done so much to raise the issue of racism in football is a bit low in my opinion.
Yes, he has. He is not just a football player. He is a public figure who has followers, and I applauded him many times when he spoke about it bravely. His views on this subject specifically has been very big and in the last year he was in the center of it on the media and social media. I really was waiting for him to say something about it. Anyhow, I like Sterling as a player and a person, I was a bit disappointed and thought he would be one of the first people to talk about it, but he said nothing.


Full Member
May 8, 2014
The Horsehead Nebula

You can see the racist incident starting at 1:02. Honestly I’m struggling to see where this gorilla gesture is. He shakes his hands for a second but I think that’s because it’s cold. He’s an idiot but I don’t think he was racially abusing Fred or Lingard.


Mar 8, 2012
Poland, Kraków
You can see the racist incident starting at 1:02. Honestly I’m struggling to see where this gorilla gesture is. He shakes his hands for a second but I think that’s because it’s cold. He’s an idiot but I don’t think he was racially abusing Fred or Lingard.


Sensible and not a complete jerk like most oppo's
Jun 24, 2004
Chelsea (the saviours of football) fan.
You can see the racist incident starting at 1:02. Honestly I’m struggling to see where this gorilla gesture is. He shakes his hands for a second but I think that’s because it’s cold. He’s an idiot but I don’t think he was racially abusing Fred or Lingard.
Come on now.


all-round nice guy, aka Uncle Joe Kardashian
Oct 22, 2010
Yes, he has. He is not just a football player. He is a public figure who has followers, and I applauded him many times when he spoke about it bravely. His views on this subject specifically has been very big and in the last year he was in the center of it on the media and social media. I really was waiting for him to say something about it. Anyhow, I like Sterling as a player and a person, I was a bit disappointed and thought he would be one of the first people to talk about it, but he said nothing.
I appreciate you making your point in a civil manner (unlike some who are now banned). However, the following is a longstanding problem when it comes to the public discussion of racism by those who are victimised: they are either expected to 'shut up, and stop playing the race card' or they are expected to be proactive spokespeople every time an incident occurs. This attitude is merely another form of control, conscious or otherwise.


lemons are annoying
Sep 12, 2019
Since he was closest to Fred, he could have gone over and put his arm around him, or patted him on the back, to show some solidarity. Like a few of the other City players did, when they came over.
Fred said he himself didn't even notice the racism before after the game, and he was both the closest person and the guy the abuse was directed at.

Sterling, for his awful crime of shining light on an inconvenient and uncomfortable part of football and society in general, is supposed to be some sort of anti-racist superhero. He needs to, during a game, be hyper focused on noticing sounds and gestures from the stands, and he needs to call out any and all incidents personally. If he doesn't, well, he's just not committed to the cause, he's in it for himself, for attention, or whatever.

This attitude towards Sterling (yours is a pretty mild example, just the latest one I read) all over this thread is so disappointing. It's downplaying the racism in this specific incident by taking the focus off of the abuse and on to Sterling, and it's downplaying the issue of racism in general.

Why is this post full of people talking about Sterling? Because he's black, and because he has talked about racism before. That's it, and it's ridiculous. Placing the burden of fighting anti-black racism on black people is a tradition as old as the racism itself, and it's so so wrong on every level.
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