Club Sale | It’s done!

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Odd, thought there would be a bit more noise around now. A lot of reports after the game yesterday but all quiet today.
Can we have a list of all posters, who have told us they would stop supporting the club and leave the forum if Qataris buy us?

Why? So you can point and laugh and mock them for your own selfish amusement?

This post is cnutish and pathetic.

F**k :mad::(
It depends on who wants United and how badly they want it. if the Saudis and Qataris are motivated, the sky’s the limit.

Right but as I said commercially the folks in charge don't see the local surroundings of a club having much meaning in the grand scheme of things. Hurts for some to hear this but that's the reality.
This thread is insane. Just random gibberish and ramblings that no one is understanding. Is this a social experiment?
If you don't understand the conflict people have you may just not understand the game.

Your delight in poking people who have a genuine concern is pretty vile.

You can have a different opinion but revelling in a fellow fan's discomfort is not a great look.
I wasn't actually being serious. I fully understand the implications.

Shows how huge we are. Not just us but Madrid and Barca but only one can be bought

Not only a xenophobe, he is also an awful human being, look at the Fabrice Muamba tweets.

Yep, those are pretty dreadful tbf. Totally tone deaf.
I think you’re on a different planet if you can’t grasp the difference between United and PSG, City. We won’t need to spend disproportionately because we generate that much. But yeah, City and PSG do it so that automatically means we will as well.
I grasp the difference just fine, thanks. I think you're either willfully ignorant or on another planet if you think the Qataris will spend 5 billion or whatever on a prestige purchase and subsequently NOT spend absurd money. The squad needs a lot of work and they will definitely not do it on the cheap. Regardless, being owned by a nation state, to me, fundamentally changes how I'll feel about the club. Others disagree. That's life.
Be Nice.
Can you all please read the thread title every now and then and try to have this conversation without wumming or insulting. It's an emotive topic for lots of folk on a few levels.
Can we have a list of all posters, who have told us they would stop supporting the club and leave the forum if Qataris buy us?

Count me in being gay. If they were to buy it I would go so far as to hope the club falls into complete footballing irrelevance.
Count me in being gay. If they were to buy it I would go so far as to hope the club falls into complete footballing irrelevance.

Really sorry that you are in this position mate. I’m genuinely heartbroken for you. I will be stopping supporting the club in any way in solidarity.
Are there many of us left from the days when Malcolm came and bought the club?

If you think this is horrible, search the threads from back then. We were helpless and hopeless. Pleading with imaginary figures from Microsoft to come in.

I'd take a scouse Satan in a shellsuit if he kicked the Glazers out.

Shows how huge we are. Not just us but Madrid and Barca but only one can be bought

Great point about Barca/Madrid actually.

With them technically not possible to buy, we are THE top club available.

It's no wonder the Glazers will easily get what they ask for IMO.
Count me in being gay. If they were to buy it I would go so far as to hope the club falls into complete footballing irrelevance.
Why though? it's not the club's fault is it.

Manchester United are a separate entity from who owns them.

Do you not support them now because the Glazers are cnuts too?

The club will be here long after Qatar when they eventually get bored too.
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