Cold War against China?

I don't really like constrasting a single country with the entire western world. You have to go country by country.
Worse than mass slavery of Africans? Worse than wiping out indigenous populations because we had a flag to stick in?

Really? Worse than the crusades? Witch hunts?

2 World Wars? And the issues that caused and still causes in the Middle East ?

Do I really need to continu
No as your opening statement was in regards to China, not all over the world.

Mass slavery of Africans, hate to say it but we're not the leaders in that either. If we're going back through historic wars, then yes even more so. The Taiping rebellions killed more Chinese than all those who died in World war 1. I do believe the British Empire is responsible for the deaths of 29 million Indians through starvation. Mao's great Revolution killed 45 million. We can play this game all day.
No as your opening statement was in regards to China, not all over the world.

Mass slavery of Africans, hate to say it but we're not the leaders in that either. If we're going back through historic wars, then yes even more so. The Taiping rebellions killed more Chinese than all those who died in World war 1.

World War II took even more, 75 million, started by a western state. Ended with a couple of atom bombs.

All I’m saying is it’s a bit rich some of the critique China gets considering the shit some western countries have done.

How many deaths did the French and US cause in Vietnam?
France, Belgium, Holland, British Empire, Portugal, Germany, Spain, Austro-Hungarian Empire, The US.

Plenty of Western countries if you want them named. All done plenty of horrific shit.

On your historical virtue scale, which countries in the world rank the highest?
World War II took even more, 75 million, started by a western state. Ended with a couple of atom bombs.

All I’m saying is it’s a bit rich some of the critique China gets considering the shit some western countries have done.
I fully admit to the shit Western countries have done. I'm just going to admit to what every one across the world has done as well. As a species were incredibly shitty to one another. China is no different. My point was China has done far worse to itself than anything the west has done to them. Mao's revolution is expected to be responsible for 70-100 million deaths in China alone.
That’s a tricky one. You?

I honestly wouldn't know. One the least harm bit it would probably be a small country that never had great military power, but on the other hand that country would probably be low on the scale in gifts to the world and scientific achievements. I don't have a great lexicon in my head of the history of every country that ever existed so I honestly wouldn't know. In terms of western countries Iceland springs to mind.
I honestly wouldn't know. One the least harm bit it would probably be a small country that never had great military power, but on the other hand that country would probably be low on the scale in gifts to the world and scientific achievements. I don't have a great lexicon in my head of the history of every country that ever existed so I honestly wouldn't know. In terms of western countries Iceland springs to mind.

I was going to say Norway, but then I remembered the vikings :wenger:
Probably best to look at societies and culture than country as you'll always find something atrocious.
I'm not sure you can claim to understand modern China if you've never been to be honest. It's leadership maybe and specific events but not the people and country. It gives a very different impression.

Wild Swans is a good book that i think explains China's journey from it's people point of view. Honestly if your starting view of China is Confucius then you're missing a lot of suffering some of it caused by us in the west of course.

It's certainly not gone wrong for China in fact it's gone very right. After all the hostilities from the west and Japan then Mao they've managed to take a historical amount of people out of poverty. Doesn't mean their moral failings are any less relevant but they're mostly a by-product of progress.

I'm not sure you can say it's gone very right just because they have improved their economic position. Nor can you say what has happened to the Tibetans, Uighur or what they've done to wildlife can be put down to simply a by-product of progress.

Also I never claimed to understand modern China, just know that so many of the actions of the country(government) are so at odds with the peaceful religions and the values that have come out of the country/region. So historically I wondered when that change occured, or maybe those religions weren't as widespread and adopted as it seemed to me.

Thank you for the book rec.
Which peaceful religions are you referring to? I only ask as in a way, it looks and feels like China is still doing what its always done since early times.
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Which peaceful religions are you referring to? I only ask as in a way, it looks and feels like China is still doing what its always done since early times.

Buddhism and Taoism are in doctrine pretty peaceful.
Buddhism is Indian. Taoism, Confucianism and Legalism all came about the same time. Taoism and Confucianism for the masses, Legalism for the rulers. It's incredibly similar to most of the power/religious structures of the world. You could say the same of the west. Mostly evolved from Christianity, a religion of forgiveness and acceptance but the acts committed in the name of it or the actual acts of those in power, being pretty much like for like.
Buddhism is Indian. Taoism, Confucianism and Legalism all came about the same time. Taoism and Confucianism for the masses, Legalism for the rulers. It's incredibly similar to most of the power/religious structures of the world. You could say the same of the west. Mostly evolved from Christianity, a religion of forgiveness and acceptance but the acts committed in the name of it or the actual acts of those in power, being pretty much like for like.

Buddhism originated in India but was a massive religion in China and still is but too a much smaller degree after the cultural revolution. In fact Buddhism was eventually wiped out in India and only came back with the Tibetan exiles.
Buddhism originated in India but was a massive religion in China and still is but too a much smaller degree after the cultural revolution. In fact Buddhism was eventually wiped out in India and only came back with the Tibetan exiles.
Oh I know the history of it. What I think is that if we look at the philosophy of Confucism/Taoism and the philosophy of Legalism, the contrast between how the people act and the government acts seems pretty much the same. There are thoughts that Xi Jinping has moved the government towards a modernised stance of Legalism over the traits of communism and capitalism, which are seen as foreign influences.
Interestingly, the West may have found themselves a highly convenient ally: India.

There seems to be some real tension going on between India and China. The latter trying to sabotage India's navy development for fear of organizing blockades against China.
Now that the Netherlands and Canada has declared China's treatment as genocide I wonder if @Foxbatt is ready to concede how wrong he was?

Not at all. I have been to China many times. Just because Canada or Netherlands say anything like that it doesn't mean I have to accept. By the way I know one in the delegation of Organization of Islamic Countries that went to Xianjing.
I believe him more than people who have never been there.
Not at all. I have been to China many times. Just because Canada or Netherlands say anything like that it doesn't mean I have to accept. By the way I know one in the delegation of Organization of Islamic Countries that went to Xianjing.
I believe him more than people who have never been there.
The number of times you have been to China is irrelevant to what is happening in Xinjiang. I practically live in China and this doesn't make any of my opinion more valid than yours.
The number of times you have been to China is irrelevant to what is happening in Xinjiang. I practically live in China and this doesn't make any of my opinion more valid than yours.
Are you being monitored by the CCP? :nervous:
Not at all. I have been to China many times. Just because Canada or Netherlands say anything like that it doesn't mean I have to accept. By the way I know one in the delegation of Organization of Islamic Countries that went to Xianjing.
I believe him more than people who have never been there.

You keep talking about the number of times you've been to China. To me it really sounds like "I'm not racist I have black friends" in terms of how logical this line of argument is. There are born and bred Americans who think Trump has done nothing wrong so I wouldn't say "going to China" qualifies you any more.

Certainly does not qualify you any more than my co-worker who has actually escaped the region leaving her friends and family behind who are fearing for their lives and future every day. I guess she is lying? Pretty sick to see someone deny genocide.
You keep talking about the number of times you've been to China. To me it really sounds like "I'm not racist I have black friends" in terms of how logical this line of argument is. There are born and bred Americans who think Trump has done nothing wrong so I wouldn't say "going to China" qualifies you any more.

Certainly does not qualify you any more than my co-worker who has actually escaped the region leaving her friends and family behind who are fearing for their lives and future every day. I guess she is lying? Pretty sick to see someone deny genocide.

During the first Iraq War there was first hand quotation of Babies being taken out of incubators and bring thrown out. Later it was discovered it was a PR job done by the US. The lady was the daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador.
As for the guy practically living in China. Are you living in China or just visiting? Have you been to Xianjing? I know and have met guys who are Muslims who went to Xianjing. There is no genocide. It's demeaning for the Jews in Germany to call it so.
Are the Chinese a dictatorship? Of course they are. Are they murdering an ethnicity just because they are a different ethnicity to the Han? Of course not.
By the way you don't know what ethnicity or religion I follow.
During the first Iraq War there was first hand quotation of Babies being taken out of incubators and bring thrown out. Later it was discovered it was a PR job done by the US. The lady was the daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador.
As for the guy practically living in China. Are you living in China or just visiting? Have you been to Xianjing? I know and have met guys who are Muslims who went to Xianjing. There is no genocide. It's demeaning for the Jews in Germany to call it so.
Are the Chinese a dictatorship? Of course they are. Are they murdering an ethnicity just because they are a different ethnicity to the Han? Of course not.
By the way you don't know what ethnicity or religion I follow.
Can't you see my username and location? I really doubt your understanding on this matter as you still can't spell "Xinjiang" right.
Can't you see my username and location? I really doubt your understanding on this matter as you still can't spell "Xinjiang" right.

@Foxbatt I don't need to know your ethnicity to know how dumb you are on this subject. You acting like some ITK just makes it worst so quit embarrassing yourself further
@Foxbatt I don't need to know your ethnicity to know how dumb you are on this subject. You acting like some ITK just makes it worst so quit embarrassing yourself further
Let's not forget that's the guy who claimed to be an aviation "regulator" who wants to unlock cockpit doors so passengers can land airliners with some guidance via radio.
Let's not forget that's the guy who claimed to be an aviation "regulator" who wants to unlock cockpit doors so passengers can land airliners with some guidance via radio.
Ah yes, all you needed was clear instructions to land, wasn't it? :lol:
Good luck putting caps on international students, they are a revenue cash cow for most western universities.
Good luck putting caps on international students, they are a revenue cash cow for most western universities.
Yes - and why the entire university system needs at worst a revamp and at best a total and utter rethink from the ground up. There is too much inefficiency in the university system and hopefully covid times have highlighted some of the more egregiously disgusting practices. Once accreditation is sorted, I fully expect online learning and home study to become a lot more involved and a lot of the wasted time and money repurposed. (9am lectures are vaguely pointless exercises - to borrow one of my own lecturers quotes "a method of passing notes from teacher to student without entering the brains of either")
Good luck putting caps on international students, they are a revenue cash cow for most western universities.
Putting revenue aside, the international student ratio is also an important factor in the QS ranking. I don't think universities would give up this portion easily.
Yes - and why the entire university system needs at worst a revamp and at best a total and utter rethink from the ground up. There is too much inefficiency in the university system and hopefully covid times have highlighted some of the more egregiously disgusting practices. Once accreditation is sorted, I fully expect online learning and home study to become a lot more involved and a lot of the wasted time and money repurposed. (9am lectures are vaguely pointless exercises - to borrow one of my own lecturers quotes "a method of passing notes from teacher to student without entering the brains of either")

In my Uni days I took a course on existential philosophy. It started at 8:15am. I was always a wreck and my professor spent every lecture huffing the whiteboard markers, which made sitting in the front row very interesting.
In my Uni days I took a course on existential philosophy. It started at 8:15am. I was always a wreck and my professor spent every lecture huffing the whiteboard markers, which made sitting in the front row very interesting.
Ahhhhahhahahahaha!!! Same for me, those deals the student bars had on shots were no joke. 9am was not a good time for learning after spank a student at walkabouts
I find it fascinating just to ponder all the things that China are doing in secret. For such a big country they really are good at hiding all of their affairs. You always hear about the crazy scientific experiments that go on over there. Is there even anything to all that?
In my Uni days I took a course on existential philosophy. It started at 8:15am. I was always a wreck and my professor spent every lecture huffing the whiteboard markers, which made sitting in the front row very interesting.

What a flashback, I had philosophical anthropology at 8 am. The teacher used to take selfies next to people who fell asleep in the auditorium.