Conte | Spurs Manager

Fantastic manager!

This is also proof of how important a top manager is. People were saying that Conte made a huge mistake going to Spurs, that Conte will completely fail at Spurs, that this Spurs team is broken and cannot be fixed by Conte , that Spurs do not have the players, that Conte is a defensive manager but that defense cannot improve because Nuno was a defense specialist too. Under Conte, they scored 60 goals and conceded 24. They finished with a goal difference of +29. We finished with a goal difference of 0.
Spurs said no to Ten Haag, and went for Conte. Utd said no to Conte and went for Ten Haag.

Conte is pure class. If he is backed, I can see Spurs being a big threat next season.
So he’s searching for a place to stay long term, but so far hasn’t found anywhere he can last longer than three seasons, with two seasons being about the average.

He’s got a personality that will eventually wear down himself or everyone else around him and that would have absolutely continued at United. He’d get pissed off at the board, pissed off at the players and leave. Absolutely not the man needed for a complete top to bottom reset, which is clearly what we need.

He’d have got us top four this year - personally I think most half decent managers would have. Ole got us top four, Jose got us top four, Conte is not the man to rebuild a club.

Finally, Kane was good in the second half of the season, certainly nowhere near terrible. Spurs may have been 9th when Conte took over, but it’s not like Conte took the 9th best team in the league and made them the 4th best. They were in a false position.
All Conte wanted was team s best. I don't know ETH will be another great manager who is up and coming. But again if failed to withstand this league s pressure you will look for another manager.

United board and fans want to win and Conte can provide that. If he wins your board will back him and he gets what he wants to win further.And fans will back him like they always do. Why he need to go away from you. There is no logic in it.

Conte and United made for each other and you just messed it up. He could have done you and your team proud and can go toe to toe with pep and klopp as well in coming season if he will be backed up properly.Only manager who won more than 90 points in recent times was him other than pep and klopp.
Spurs said no to Ten Haag, and went for Conte. Utd said no to Conte and went for Ten Haag.

Conte is pure class. If he is backed, I can see Spurs being a big threat next season.
You've just made that up, haven't you? I mean, if ten Hag was available and keen to leave Ajax mid-season, why didn't we get him in earlier?
All Conte wanted was team s best. I don't know ETH will be another great manager who is up and coming. But again if failed to withstand this league s pressure you will look for another manager.

United board and fans want to win and Conte can provide that. If he wins your board will back him and he gets what he wants to win further.And fans will back him like they always do. Why he need to go away from you. There is no logic in it.

Conte and United made for each other and you just messed it up. He could have done you and your team proud and can go toe to toe with pep and klopp as well in coming season if he will be backed up properly.Only manager who won more than 90 points in recent times was him other than pep and klopp.

If ETH can’t win then we can hire Conte in 2/3 years time when’s been through another couple of clubs. It’s as bad of a match as Jose was as United.

A lot of Conte’s signings at Chelsea were absolutely awful, I wouldn’t have any faith in him to rebuild a squad because he’s simply never shown he can do it. Unless you think he can get this lot to 90 points with just a summer of transfers?
We should've got him.

If we still believed Ten Hag was the man, we should've just fired him in the summer and got him anyway.
He's done a good job, but Spurs were never worse than 6th on paper. I feel that Arsenal's bottling and us having a shocker made the biggest difference.

I don't see this team winning the PL or CL anytime soon, even with Conte and decent financial backing. I wonder if they'll be able to keep Son? He's way too good to retire without winning a major trophy.
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Bet Gary Neville must feel really stupid for his over the top denouncing of Conte getting the United job.
For the supposed ‘non United way’ Spurs have scored 60 goals in the 28 league games he’s been in charge.
3rd in the table since Conte came in too. He’s done a brilliant job as expected. Signed two loan players who were sat on Juves bench, and that’s all it took for him to come above Arsenal who according to Paul merson had the greatest transfer window of all time.
Good manager, but I hear his training methods are like punishment. And, we all know, as we were recently informed, that training is supposed to be fun.
Still seemed con committal in his post match interview. I'm convinced he is watching the PSG managerial situation before deciding for sure
Bet Gary Neville must feel really stupid for his over the top denouncing of Conte getting the United job.
For the supposed ‘non United way’ Spurs have scored 60 goals in the 28 league games he’s been in charge.
3rd in the table since Conte came in too. He’s done a brilliant job as expected. Signed two loan players who were sat on Juves bench, and that’s all it took for him to come above Arsenal who according to Paul merson had the greatest transfer window of all time.
Gary Neville is an over the top, hysterical, sensational idiot.
Conte is a short term manager. He's done well with an average Spurs team but no doubt will implode at some point next season.
He might be short term but the players he attracts can win you stuff.
What's better?

1) One short-term manager bringing in trophies and leaving the team in good enough states with winning mentality to win more trophies in the future

2) Five "long-term" managers who inevitably get sacked after breaking one embarrassing record after another

I sure hope ETH succeeds with us. With that said, Spurs were the true winners of "El Sackico". I'm positive we would've finished 4th and maybe even 3rd instead of Spurs had we gotten Conte and them someone else.
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He might be short term but the players he attracts can win you stuff.
This idea that Conte is short term needs to die. If you give him what he wants, he becomes long term, simple as that.

Many people don’t know that the great manager that Klopp is refused to join Liverpool initially when the higher ups did not grant his request to have the say regarding back room staff. Later the management reconsidered his proposal and Klopp came on board. Do you think Pep would still be at City if he was always in a tussle with his bosses? Dare I say, even the great SAF would not be at ours as long as he was if his bosses didn’t trust him and complied with his requests.

At this point I cannot help but support Ten Hag who I watch and I’m impressed by what he hasto offer but I hope to God that he succeeds in the medium term (he is still in his building phase so I wouldn’t mind if he doesn’t immediately hit the ground running) but seeing what Conte did with Spurs keeps me thinking all the time, “could this have been United?”

Time will tell all things indeed.
Bet Gary Neville must feel really stupid for his over the top denouncing of Conte getting the United job.
For the supposed ‘non United way’ Spurs have scored 60 goals in the 28 league games he’s been in charge.
3rd in the table since Conte came in too. He’s done a brilliant job as expected. Signed two loan players who were sat on Juves bench, and that’s all it took for him to come above Arsenal who according to Paul merson had the greatest transfer window of all time.

Anyone resents being shown they are an idiot or a fool, of course, and rightly so. Former top level footballers (aka insiders who knew and appreciated first hand what it takes to win trophies) now working as pundits and behaving like internet fans are even more susceptible.
They'll back him to an extent, the players he wants, he wont get, i doubt.

If Conte had his choices, Spurs outlay would be at least 200m+. Levy wont do it, IMO

Im sure within reason, clearly Spurs are not going to be able to attract the Mbappe's and Haaland's of the world. But with CL football, Conte at the helm and some CL money in the xfer window they will be able to bring in some talent. Will it be enough to satisfy Conte however is another thing entirely.

Spurs need to get rid of clowns like Sanchez and Winks, Royal has only had 1 season but not sure him or Doherty are good enough. Hojbjerg puts in a shift no doubt, just feel there are much better DM's out there, whatever happened to that Skipp kid? Bentancur looks tidy, he will put a foot in and is providing assists from midfield, but Spurs need more than just him, playing in four competitions and having the ability to make 5 substitutions. Romero looks like he could be real class, like a top CB one day that the European giants will be after.
He's an excellent league manager, but his CL record is just abysmal.

I wonder how Spurs perform in the CL next season.
This idea that Conte is short term needs to die. If you give him what he wants, he becomes long term, simple as that.

He has had eight jobs in management prior to this one and only stayed at one of them longer than two years (and that job he only stayed four). If that's not the sign of a short term manager, what is?

I think the problem for Spurs is that Conte wants to compete for the league. He is obsessed with winning the biggest trophies, he isn't going to be happy with top four and neither will he care about the domestic cups. But competing for the PL is incredibly hard right now with the quality of City and Liverpool, plus Spurs are basically nowhere near ready to do it. They have neither the quality in the first eleven nor the depth. Realistically, they need to add like 6 top class players (top class starting LWB, top class starting RWB, top class starting CM, top class starting LCB, very good backup striker, very good backup winger who can rotate with Son/Kulu and not see quality dip too much) and then they have to hope that a 29-year-old Kane and 30-year-old Son don't decline or start missing lots of time via injury, and then they might have a shot, but would still probably be underdogs to both City and Liverpool. That's going to take a massive outlay financially and they probably have to be willing to make some of those signings veteran players because Conte definitely prefers experience. CL will help for sure but they also already owe 80m for Romero and Kulu just to keep the team they have.
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He has had eight jobs in management prior to this one and only stayed at one of them longer than two years (and that job he only stayed four). If that's not the sign of a short term manager, what is?

I think the problem for Spurs is that Conte wants to compete for the league. He is obsessed with winning the biggest trophies, he isn't going to be happy with top four and neither will he care about the domestic cups. But competing for the PL is incredibly hard right now with the quality of City and Liverpool, plus Spurs are basically nowhere near ready to do it. They have neither the quality in the first eleven nor the depth.

To appease Conte they're going to have to make a really big outlay financially and they're probably also going to have to agree to sign a number of veteran players like Perisic because he is absolutely a manager that prefers experience. CL will help for sure but they also already owe 80m for Romero and Kulu just to keep the team they have.

Is having a short term manager that bad of a thing? I'm honestly sick of our club trying to find the next SAF. Chelsea and Real Madrid have both had a bunch of short-term managers over the past decade and look at their trophy cases compared to ours. We've spent more money than both of them combined in the meantime (in fact, almost double their combined net spend).

I would much rather have a short-term manager who can bring us success rather than have a bunch of "long term managers" who fail miserably and end up being short term anyway. You don't pass on managers like Conte because you're afraid he'll leave in 2-3 years.
Is having a short term manager that bad of a thing? I'm honestly sick of our club trying to find the next SAF. Chelsea and Real Madrid have both had a bunch of short-term managers over the past decade and look at their trophy cases compared to ours. We've spent more money than both of them combined in the meantime (in fact, almost double their combined net spend).

I would much rather have a short-term manager who can bring us success rather than have a bunch of "long term managers" who fail miserably and end up being short term anyway. You don't pass on managers like Conte because you're afraid he'll leave in 2-3 years.

I agree. I don’t think it’s necessarily a bad thing, especially if you have good sporting directors who are looking after the long term interests of the club.

Plenty of successful clubs cycle through short term managers.
2) Five "long-term" managers who inevitably get sacked after breaking one embarrassing record after another

That has been one of the biggest problems with Manchester United, overcommitment to managers to mediocre managers in detriment to the team.

Of course Manchester United would have done better with Conte but I guess it was more a matter of choosing a different profile than his. Perhaps it was for the best and could still come to United when they're at a different stage and ready to challenge for the league.
I genuinely think he has United DNA in him and I dont want to hear anything about "defensive football". His sides are compact, and devastating on the break. Wanted him when Ole was here. Shocking we didn't get him.

I've never once brought the argument that his team is a defensive team. The title winning season with Chelsea puts that idea to bed. Conte should have been the manager to come in and replace Ole. Glazers / Footballing director made a poor judgement in going after Ragnick.
I feel like putting a small bet (Nothing big) on Conte winning the PL next season because the price will surely be high for an unlikely team like Spurs.

The chances are obviously slim but its how much I rate Conte’s ability to win League titles but nothing much else.
Is having a short term manager that bad of a thing? I'm honestly sick of our club trying to find the next SAF. Chelsea and Real Madrid have both had a bunch of short-term managers over the past decade and look at their trophy cases compared to ours. We've spent more money than both of them combined in the meantime (in fact, almost double their combined net spend).

I would much rather have a short-term manager who can bring us success rather than have a bunch of "long term managers" who fail miserably and end up being short term anyway. You don't pass on managers like Conte because you're afraid he'll leave in 2-3 years.

Whilst I agree about Conte -

how could Van Gaal and Mourinho be “the next SAF”?
Spurs said no to Ten Haag, and went for Conte. Utd said no to Conte and went for Ten Haag.

Conte is pure class. If he is backed, I can see Spurs being a big threat next season.

Spurs didn't say no to Ten Hag. Ten Hag rejected Spurs, at least that's what was reported.

Conte is elite coach, he is relentless and every player should give their all and switched on all the time. Awesome coach.
Would have been good to get some Italian DNA at the club as well - feel like it’s something we have always lacked.
He has had eight jobs in management prior to this one and only stayed at one of them longer than two years (and that job he only stayed four). If that's not the sign of a short term manager, what is?

I think the problem for Spurs is that Conte wants to compete for the league. He is obsessed with winning the biggest trophies, he isn't going to be happy with top four and neither will he care about the domestic cups. But competing for the PL is incredibly hard right now with the quality of City and Liverpool, plus Spurs are basically nowhere near ready to do it. They have neither the quality in the first eleven nor the depth. Realistically, they need to add like 6 top class players (top class starting LWB, top class starting RWB, top class starting CM, top class starting LCB, very good backup striker, very good backup winger who can rotate with Son/Kulu and not see quality dip too much) and then they have to hope that a 29-year-old Kane and 30-year-old Son don't decline or start missing lots of time via injury, and then they might have a shot, but would still probably be underdogs to both City and Liverpool. That's going to take a massive outlay financially and they probably have to be willing to make some of those signings veteran players because Conte definitely prefers experience. CL will help for sure but they also already owe 80m for Romero and Kulu just to keep the team they have.

It's £67.5m, not £80m. But this can be offset by fees for Lo Celso and N'Dombele, should Spurs choose to sell them and not recall from loan.