Could they void the PL due to the Coronavirus? | No | Resuming June 17th

The season should never be canceled, it wouldn't be fair to Liverpool or their fans who've waited 30 years to become the champions, which they essentially have been regardless by now.

The main issue is access to testing, if the testing kits that are supposed to give you results in minutes without needing a lab are going to be approved and massively produced (which they will if they pull it off), then there's no reason to not have games continue at that point. They'll be behind closed doors, you test the teams + staff to see if they can play, you keep the quarantine process outside of the games because the players on the field will know not to be infected while they are on it, and just televise the game and let's get back to it. It's a headache but they'll figure a way to reschedule the rest of the season and keep going. However, until we reach this checkpoint in testing, it's not going to be possible to safely pull this off so the season should be suspended until then.

Did I miss the moment where Liverpool amassed enough points to be champions mathematically? Fairness has sod all to do with this. They objectively, factually are not the champions.
But what I meant as soon as the numbers are showing sustainable decline the slow reintroducion of things will be looked at. A complete lockdown like this isn't sustainable economy wise or mental health wise. Yes people will say "lives are more important than the economy" which is absolutely true, but after a certain amount of time the negative long term impact of halting the economy will actually cause more damage than the virus. As for the mental health issues, there's already been an MP in Germany committing suicide, this will only get worse if a complete lockdown is even medium term. At some point caution becomes counter productive and actually causes more harm than good, we could be walking out of a coronovirus pandemic straight to Austerity and mental health pandemics if we're not careful.

Furthermore beyond anything do you think the general public would accept such strict measures continuing if/when the numbers are sharply reducing? The majority are being complient at this minute to prevent the UK hitting the heights Italy did but can you see that happening once the spread seriously declines? If nothing else they will slowly reintroduce the basics (like 1v1 meetings with freinds) to shut people up, and then work from there.
Agree with this. It's all about taking off the strain on the NHS as well. If and when that is manageable, things can get reintroduced slowly, but it shouldn't be reintroduced at the risk of cases spiking up again soon after.

This video was sent in the context of my country (South Africa) but it's just as applicable to any country, including the UK, which shows how crippling this can become if we don't get ahead of the numbers and not take the lock down imposed seriously.

So basically you want to strip the NHS of staff so you can win the league, feck off, there's more important things going on take it on the chin and move on. If your that good you will win it next season (if there is one)

This isn't purely aimed at you just the general consensus of Liverpool fans who are trying to make any possible argument that the league can be played out behind closed doors when it clearly isn't possible at the moment due to the fact that it is impossible to play football whilst keeping a 2 metre distance from other people.

individual posters like this one should be called out. He still fails to understand the implications of playing football and the impact is has on resources and the need for social distancing.

the notion that professional football can be played whilst society can’t get within 2m of each other is absurd.

I know right. It's baffling. And spoken with such clarity and certainty to boot. :wenger:

Liverpool fans really are a desperate species.

Exactly why the season shouldn't be voided, the loss would be massive for more than just Liverpool, there are all kinds of logistic issues, even beyond the leagues like the CL and Euro/Copa/Olympics. But whatever one league does should not influence what the others do.

to state that it doesn’t matter what other leagues do is utterly ridiculous.

do you really think you can have Italy and Spain on lockdown and them voiding the league and somehow the PL starts the league season again in July for 2 months.

you have to have a Europe wide transfer window, agreement on contracts that are expiring and a common approach to European competition.

again, this is an utterly insane argument to try and show horn in the end of the season, no matter what the circumstances and just ignoring everything else that going on.
Did I miss the moment where Liverpool amassed enough points to be champions mathematically? Fairness has sod all to do with this. They objectively, factually are not the champions.

and it wouldn’t even matter if Liverpool had already amassed enough points, but explaining that to a Liverpool supported with be nigh on impossible, they are a special breed - they are not champions in a league that’s not completed.
Dortmund's squad have returned to training in pairs.

Anyone got the highlights?
The main fear is that a bunch of low paid workers; catering, cleaning etc. get dragged out from lockdown unnecessarily just so a bunch of entitled brats can get their trophy and the money men can get paid.

Sure, if playing a few games of football in virusville will save you your multi million dollar contract then I can see why you might personally take the risk but there might be a lot of staff involved in this not being compensated sufficiently for the risk to their health.
and it wouldn’t even matter if Liverpool had already amassed enough points, but explaining that to a Liverpool supported with be nigh on impossible, they are a special breed - they are not champions in a league that’s not completed.
I mean, they have been alternate PL Champions going on 30 years in a row now, so there's that.
Cant they not just finish the season right now with everyone, that stays in the position they are in. Might be harsh on the relegation teams but might have to be that way anyway. United are fifth, possibly still qualify if city stay banned. Liverpool win the league and the last three teams get relegated.
No because sheff utd have to play villa to make sure everyone is on the same hames played.
Germany is dealing with the outbreak much better than us, so its no wonder they're ahead of us with footballers returning to training. The level of testing is ten times more than here.
The main fear is that a bunch of low paid workers; catering, cleaning etc. get dragged out from lockdown unnecessarily just so a bunch of entitled brats can get their trophy and the money men can get paid.

Sure, if playing a few games of football in virusville will save you your multi million dollar contract then I can see why you might personally take the risk but there might be a lot of staff involved in this not being compensated sufficiently for the risk to their health.

No might about it. Clubs will tell people they need to come in, etc, those people then have to travel into work, exposing themselves and their family to the virus. You know thats all good though so the PL and club get to keep 750m quids.
The main fear is that a bunch of low paid workers; catering, cleaning etc. get dragged out from lockdown unnecessarily just so a bunch of entitled brats can get their trophy and the money men can get paid.

Sure, if playing a few games of football in virusville will save you your multi million dollar contract then I can see why you might personally take the risk but there might be a lot of staff involved in this not being compensated sufficiently for the risk to their health.
Playing devils advocate....Those low paid workers might just want to work to feed their families. Sure they can get financial support but for how long. Then you get to the lower leagues and if they go bankrupt then everyone is out of a job. What about small business that support the teams...pie companies etc. Just saying its not just the players and owners that benefit from football starting up again.
Yes people literally played football in the midsts of war, I’m not talking about leagues, I’m talking about literally playing football in battlefields, have you not heard of the Christmas truce?

Of course i heard of the Christmas truce but you didn't explain yourself properly in your initial post.
In china there are fears arising of a Second Wave of the pandemic starting. :mad:
My prediction is that the league will eventually be cancelled after being postponed numerous times and a number of very valid technical issues being cited. The finances will be sorted behind closed doors with the TV companies agreeing to pay a large percentage of the money in order to protect the leagues future.

The FA will then indulge Liverpool with some sort of carefully named award that will signify their achievements but will not be counted as an official League title. In response Liverpool will print merchandise accordingly and go to great lengths to celebrate it. Meanwhile we will continue to laugh at them because they still haven’t won the Premier League because the Universe hates them for who they are.
Playing devils advocate....Those low paid workers might just want to work to feed their families. Sure they can get financial support but for how long. Then you get to the lower leagues and if they go bankrupt then everyone is out of a job. What about small business that support the teams...pie companies etc. Just saying its not just the players and owners that benefit from football starting up again.
Well yes I'm sure eventually restrictions will have to be relaxed and some of us including low paid workers will be required return to work, hopefully when it is reasonable and responsible to do so. What I'm really talking about is the pressure being applied for a (too) early return by some football writers, some executives and some fans. I'm referring to the arrogant proclamations that the season "will" finish, the incessant talk of money lost, and the lame brain Virus Village ideas and clambering for behind closed doors games.
As I've already stated I worded it wrong and didn't mean solely football I meant life in general, we will probably get slowly reintroduced to everyday life over a period of time the same way we slowly got the lockdown implemented, for example schools with reopen before pubs.

But ofcourse, if you don't want to take my word for it, here's a doctor who pretty much said the exact same thing. Between 1:10 and 2:45.

And here's the UKs Deputy Chief Medical Officer saying it could be six months.

I know she's not a doctor on a sofa with Phil and Holly but she seems to have some credentials.

We are not doing/opening anything in the next couple of month and even when we do, football/sport will not be high on anyone's priority list.

As much as I want to see football start up again, it can wait.
In china there are fears arising of a Second Wave of the pandemic starting. :mad:

This virus spread like the flu or colds, maybe even more so given people spread for up to a week without even showing any symptoms. Lock-downs aren't a solution to a virus like this, we'll either end up with herd immunity or a vaccine.

Whichever comes sooner.

Either way, very likely to be curtains for football till next year.
This virus spread like the flu or colds, maybe even more so given people spread for up to a week without even showing any symptoms. Lock-downs aren't a solution to a virus like this, we'll either end up with herd immunity or a vaccine.

Whichever comes sooner.

Either way, very likely to be curtains for football till next year.

Agree about your comments except that if you read my today's Press Gossip Thread you'll see that the FA etc are going to do anything possible (irresponsibly!) to squeeze in end of season Behind closed doors.
Agree about your comments except that if you read my today's Press Gossip Thread you'll see that the FA etc are going to do anything possible (irresponsibly!) to squeeze in end of season Behind closed doors.

PL have £752m reasons to try. Players, staff, managers and all the rest will be going down with the virus at different stages in the next 9 months though so think they'll be stuffed. Other issue will be, if they kill someone by trying to rush football back they'll have much more to worry about than the money, corporate manslaughter charges possible, would destroy the reputation of the league.
Yes people literally played football in the midsts of war, I’m not talking about leagues, I’m talking about literally playing football in battlefields, have you not heard of the Christmas truce?

The Christmas truce is one of my very favorite moments of humanity. And one of the very starch reminders that the vast majority of people want to live their lives and be friends. It's the men in command with their feelings hurt that get us into situations like the first and second world war.

A season of CL, or even two, would cost the big hitter teams a lot more than curtailing the end of this domestic season. The PL is unique in its financial power, the rest of the big European teams pull their main finances out of the CL. No way are they allowing that to be cancelled more than this season in order to save their league seasons.

Further, this £750m figure being banded about for the PL is nonsense. A far more likely scenario is that Sky/BT pull 25%. They are not going to pull the full amount as to do so will have serious implications for their biggest cash cow, why would they do that? It would be a prime example of being penny wise and pound foolish if they pulled the full amount in the medium to long term. Further, the current situation for them benefits them as more people have been signing up for services and spending on their platforms. The only concessions that they have given are a freeze on their sports products other than that they are booming.

As for logistics of the CL that could be admittedly be an issue. However, an easy way around that is to regionalise the groups next season so no team has to travel far so they could do their trips by road/train.

I take it you get the 25% number from the 9 remaining game rounds. Sky is owned by Comcast (USA), while BT's largest shareholder is Deutche Telecom at 12%. - You can get a Sky subscription through BT fibre. That's the relationship between the two, (as far as I understand, I'm not British).

I assume that the numbers presented to the FA is not pulled out of a hat, but is rather something presented in a contractual clause in the event a substantial amount of the league is not finished. SKY and BT Sport own the TV rights until 2022, with Amazon that shows 20 games pr season from 2019-22.

I actually had a good look online and I could not find a single corporate statement, forum post or news article detailing that subscriptions are up in the UK.. because why on earth would it be? The main draw in the UK market is suspended. Sky IS sports, that's their biggest draw.

For good measure, Sky sports have made it easy for subscribers to pause (not cancel) their Sky Sports subscriptions until Sky resumes again. That is an astonishing amount of lost revenue. BT Sports have also made it possible to pause the subscription, but they put some less customer friendly. "Reports and anecdotal evidence suggest that at present BT is offering customers who ring up to cancel a month’s free BT Sport."

I think you are looking at this from a BT/Sky should carry the burden perspective. Butt hey are not going to do that. They are beholden to their shareholders and are legally obliged to not take any action that damages the share value. if they do they will face class action lawsuits faster than you can say cashgrab.

There is a way football clubs that receive TV money can make it through this on, and that is their main source of expense: Player wages. Players in the Bundeliga, Serie A and Primiera Division have already agreed to take paycuts, and I fully expect the Premier League clubs to follow suit, the sooner the better. The players can and should take the brunt of the cost here to protect the club in a show of solidarity. While I understand that that statement might seem a bit callous, let's just get a solid reminder out there that most players in the Premier League earn what you make in a year, in a single week sitting at home posting "Don't go outside" videos on Twitter. The players are the main entiety who are in power to protect the club from financial hardship.

Then you can make the argument that the owners should pay, or that Sky/BT should pay, or that the players have contracts and bla bla. But even if the players say "I will only earn £25k a week instead of £50k a week". Well, I am happy to say that I think the PL playres can somehow afford to keept he lights on and their families fed through these hard times along with the thousands that are currently laid off from their jobs

*50k was the Premier League Median weekly wage in 2017, I did not find a more recent number but obviously it has gone up with inflation.


1) SKY/BT Subscriptions are NOT up. Their key customer group can't watch their product, and their buying power is down due to being laid off/reduced production in industry
2) SKY/BT custumers can suspend their subscritpions. The cost is enormous for SKY/BT and will affect their budget if prolonged
3) The players can reduce their salaries by 50%, still be rich, and save the clubs from difficulty
4) The British state needs to offer a financial stimulus package to help the lower-league clubs, compensate them in full for lost attendance and commercial revenue due to the corona outbreak.
5) SKY/BT will not simply sponsor the PL clubs so that they can pay full wages to players. They will, and should be able to be compensated for the loss of prodcut like everyone else.
6) IF they are claiming £750, theres a contract that allows them to do this
PL have £752m reasons to try. Players, staff, managers and all the rest will be going down with the virus at different stages in the next 9 months though so think they'll be stuffed. Other issue will be, if they kill someone by trying to rush football back they'll have much more to worry about than the money, corporate manslaughter charges possible, would destroy the reputation of the league.

Yep! ;)
Interesting article from BBC regarding lower league sides who have sent an open letter to the Football Association, calling for it to "urgently" reconsider the decision to expunge their seasons.

Quite right. You cannot have a situation where the lowly leagues seasons is null & void but the higher league are still going to be played out. Either all the leagues are cancelled or none.

The present plans from PL are absurd. If they are the only league finishing, where do the bottom three go, as the Championship would be void & no one to go up. Not without serious legal issues anyway. What about European Competition if all the other major leagues are null & void. It would be a bit ridiculous if other countries representatives were based on previous season whilst ours had different ones relevant to this years league. I am sure there would be some sort of legal issues to this. Particularly to sides like Spurs. Also, what about Man City. They could argue if you are using the previous years leagues to put clubs in Europe then shouldn't they be part of it.

I certainly wouldn't want to be a decision maker in these troubling times.
The Christmas truce is one of my very favorite moments of humanity. And one of the very starch reminders that the vast majority of people want to live their lives and be friends. It's the men in command with their feelings hurt that get us into situations like the first and second world war.

I take it you get the 25% number from the 9 remaining game rounds. Sky is owned by Comcast (USA), while BT's largest shareholder is Deutche Telecom at 12%. - You can get a Sky subscription through BT fibre. That's the relationship between the two, (as far as I understand, I'm not British).

I assume that the numbers presented to the FA is not pulled out of a hat, but is rather something presented in a contractual clause in the event a substantial amount of the league is not finished. SKY and BT Sport own the TV rights until 2022, with Amazon that shows 20 games pr season from 2019-22.

I actually had a good look online and I could not find a single corporate statement, forum post or news article detailing that subscriptions are up in the UK.. because why on earth would it be? The main draw in the UK market is suspended. Sky IS sports, that's their biggest draw.

For good measure, Sky sports have made it easy for subscribers to pause (not cancel) their Sky Sports subscriptions until Sky resumes again. That is an astonishing amount of lost revenue. BT Sports have also made it possible to pause the subscription, but they put some less customer friendly. "Reports and anecdotal evidence suggest that at present BT is offering customers who ring up to cancel a month’s free BT Sport."

I think you are looking at this from a BT/Sky should carry the burden perspective. Butt hey are not going to do that. They are beholden to their shareholders and are legally obliged to not take any action that damages the share value. if they do they will face class action lawsuits faster than you can say cashgrab.

There is a way football clubs that receive TV money can make it through this on, and that is their main source of expense: Player wages. Players in the Bundeliga, Serie A and Primiera Division have already agreed to take paycuts, and I fully expect the Premier League clubs to follow suit, the sooner the better. The players can and should take the brunt of the cost here to protect the club in a show of solidarity. While I understand that that statement might seem a bit callous, let's just get a solid reminder out there that most players in the Premier League earn what you make in a year, in a single week sitting at home posting "Don't go outside" videos on Twitter. The players are the main entiety who are in power to protect the club from financial hardship.

Then you can make the argument that the owners should pay, or that Sky/BT should pay, or that the players have contracts and bla bla. But even if the players say "I will only earn £25k a week instead of £50k a week". Well, I am happy to say that I think the PL playres can somehow afford to keept he lights on and their families fed through these hard times along with the thousands that are currently laid off from their jobs

*50k was the Premier League Median weekly wage in 2017, I did not find a more recent number but obviously it has gone up with inflation.


1) SKY/BT Subscriptions are NOT up. Their key customer group can't watch their product, and their buying power is down due to being laid off/reduced production in industry
2) SKY/BT custumers can suspend their subscritpions. The cost is enormous for SKY/BT and will affect their budget if prolonged
3) The players can reduce their salaries by 50%, still be rich, and save the clubs from difficulty
4) The British state needs to offer a financial stimulus package to help the lower-league clubs, compensate them in full for lost attendance and commercial revenue due to the corona outbreak.
5) SKY/BT will not simply sponsor the PL clubs so that they can pay full wages to players. They will, and should be able to be compensated for the loss of prodcut like everyone else.
6) IF they are claiming £750, theres a contract that allows them to do this

Thanks, that was a nice read. Although you should tldr your tldr section :lol:
Quite right. You cannot have a situation where the lowly leagues seasons is null & void but the higher league are still going to be played out. Either all the leagues are cancelled or none.
I'm not that familiar with the structure of English football but aren't the top 4 leagues part of a separate institution/entity than the rest of them? I'd think, if they really want to finish the seasons, that this wouldn't be a hindrance - just don't relegate any teams form League Two and you're good to go. Not saying that'll happen but like I said, if they're hell bend on finishing it all, this would just be a minor annoyance imo.
How many WC22 's stadiums are ready in Qatar? What about the facilities (accommodations...)?
With the low number of C-19 down there:
Let's take all the 20 EPL teams down there. End the season there, playing in the morning and at night with Massive Air conditioners
2 weeks of Training Camp and a 5-week season playing every 4 days...
In "empty stadiums"
I work for an engineering company constructing the 60,000 capacity stadium in Al Khor.
Nowhere near ready to hold a camp as you’re suggesting.
I'm not that familiar with the structure of English football but aren't the top 4 leagues part of a separate institution/entity than the rest of them? I'd think, if they really want to finish the seasons, that this wouldn't be a hindrance - just don't relegate any teams form League Two and you're good to go. Not saying that'll happen but like I said, if they're hell bend on finishing it all, this would just be a minor annoyance imo.

No. The English league system is the best in the world, & in reality a side could advance from the bottom of the pyramid to the top. Though would be playing village sides at the bottom, as well as B & C teams. The whole pyramid at least up to level 10 has promotion & relegation. They do below that, but only A sides can be promoted to that level. I don't think many in England know how lucky we are with the system we have, & there is a fear for many of these clubs. As for not relegating teams from League two. Good luck in that, when all the legal actions come flying in.
No. The English league system is the best in the world, & in reality a side could advance from the bottom of the pyramid to the top. Though would be playing village sides at the bottom, as well as B & C teams. The whole pyramid at least up to level 10 has promotion & relegation. They do below that, but only A sides can be promoted to that level. I don't think many in England know how lucky we are with the system we have, & there is a fear for many of these clubs. As for not relegating teams from League two. Good luck in that, when all the legal actions come flying in.
Don't think that's particularly different from a lot of other countries in Europe - in Belgium you can go from the bottom to the top as well if you're good with stadium requirements and stuff, that's only logical.

As for your last point - who'd file a legal complaint? The teams at the bottom who won't get relegated wouldn't, the other ones don't have a disadvantage, and the ones who should've been promoted but won't because their league is voided would file a complaint in any case when they want to, if they don't go up, although they probably don't have a leg to stand on.
Well yes I'm sure eventually restrictions will have to be relaxed and some of us including low paid workers will be required return to work, hopefully when it is reasonable and responsible to do so. What I'm really talking about is the pressure being applied for a (too) early return by some football writers, some executives and some fans. I'm referring to the arrogant proclamations that the season "will" finish, the incessant talk of money lost, and the lame brain Virus Village ideas and clambering for behind closed doors games.

You're seeing this as a arrogant proclamation. I see this as a statement of both hope and a stated course for normalcy. "We will do it because we can". "Because we can" obviously under the condition that it can and will be executed safely for everyone involved.

It's actually a good idea, to house all the teams and relevant staff in housing units or hotels that have exclusive access only to people with accredential to prevent accidentl visitrs who are carriers. The "entitled brats" as you so kindly label everyone who play in the top division, will be required to be away from their families and children for up to two months. Yes they earn a ton of money, but this is the market have have managed to get into. Are you saying that Harry Maguire is a spoiled brat? All he's done is tell people to be safe, look out for one another, while staying home like everyone else.

I'm not sure what pressure you are talking about regaring a "too early return". No one has said anything about playing a single game of football unless its actually safe for crowds to gather. There is however a massive difference between a football squad and support staff, than 65000 fans. in the same area, I'm sure you see the difference. At no point however, will anyone, not even the teams, play a single game unless its safe for everyone involved.

There is hope that the spread of infection can be under control when we see the end of May, and that's when the suggested "Premier League cup" can take place. If its just as bad when we see May, it's never going to happen.

The very real problem with housing the games behind closed doors that can topple the entire thing, are football fans who don't care about anything than their social fix, who will flock outside the stadiums where the games are played to have themselves great party, like we saw with the PSG - Dortmund game.

So this entire undertaking is still only a suggestion, but right now its the best suggestion to finish the league. Not finishing the league has enormous consequences for a LOT of people, everyday people, employers and even players, so the league can and will do anything within the realm of safety to see it being completed. If it can't, it can't, bu tits too early to throw in the towel when we still can't accurately predict the future, no matter how many physic octopuses are utilized.
I'm not that familiar with the structure of English football but aren't the top 4 leagues part of a separate institution/entity than the rest of them? I'd think, if they really want to finish the seasons, that this wouldn't be a hindrance - just don't relegate any teams form League Two and you're good to go. Not saying that'll happen but like I said, if they're hell bend on finishing it all, this would just be a minor annoyance imo.

Completely unrealistic scenario!
I find it confusing why people are calling for it to be null and void? Surely they would just declare the season as unfinished and try to start next season on time? Just have no champion or relegations. All goals and matches should still count.

Would be ridiculous if we went to Stamford Bridge next season, won 2-0 with Maguire scoring and it was declared “first win at Stanford Bridge in 8 years and first goal for Maguire at United” even more ridiculous if someone scores our 2000th premier league goal for the 2nd time.

If we can’t finish it by June/July announce it as unfinished. “Null and void” I.e. pretending that 7 months didn’t happen is fecking stupid.
I find it confusing why people are calling for it to be null and void? Surely they would just declare the season as unfinished and try to start next season on time? Just have no champion or relegations. All goals and matches should still count.

Would be ridiculous if we went to Stamford Bridge next season, won 2-0 with Maguire scoring and it was declared “first win at Stanford Bridge in 8 years and first goal for Maguire at United” even more ridiculous if someone scores our 2000th premier league goal for the 2nd time.

If we can’t finish it by June/July announce it as unfinished. “Null and void” I.e. pretending that 7 months didn’t happen is fecking stupid.

there are precedents:

League aborted due to World War II
1940–46League suspended due to World War II

So let's call it ABORTED or SUSPENDED.
After the war they didn't continue there they had left off.
You're seeing this as a arrogant proclamation. I see this as a statement of both hope and a stated course for normalcy. "We will do it because we can". "Because we can" obviously under the condition that it can and will be executed safely for everyone involved.

It's actually a good idea, to house all the teams and relevant staff in housing units or hotels that have exclusive access only to people with accredential to prevent accidentl visitrs who are carriers. The "entitled brats" as you so kindly label everyone who play in the top division, will be required to be away from their families and children for up to two months. Yes they earn a ton of money, but this is the market have have managed to get into. Are you saying that Harry Maguire is a spoiled brat? All he's done is tell people to be safe, look out for one another, while staying home like everyone else.

I'm not sure what pressure you are talking about regaring a "too early return". No one has said anything about playing a single game of football unless its actually safe for crowds to gather. There is however a massive difference between a football squad and support staff, than 65000 fans. in the same area, I'm sure you see the difference. At no point however, will anyone, not even the teams, play a single game unless its safe for everyone involved.

There is hope that the spread of infection can be under control when we see the end of May, and that's when the suggested "Premier League cup" can take place. If its just as bad when we see May, it's never going to happen.

The very real problem with housing the games behind closed doors
that can topple the entire thing, are football fans who don't care about anything than their social fix, who will flock outside the stadiums where the games are played to have themselves great party, like we saw with the PSG - Dortmund game.

So this entire undertaking is still only a suggestion, but right now its the best suggestion to finish the league. Not finishing the league has enormous consequences for a LOT of people, everyday people, employers and even players, so the league can and will do anything within the realm of safety to see it being completed. If it can't, it can't, bu tits too early to throw in the towel when we still can't accurately predict the future, no matter how many physic octopuses are utilized.
I'd like to think/hope most fans would take it more seriously if they're told football will get resuspended should that happen, although that said fans of clubs who benefit from a void may do it on purpose.

If games end up at neutral venue's i wonder if there's a way to possibly keep the location under wraps till close to kick off, ie if Chelsea vs City were allocated Villa Park then there won't be enough time for fans (atleast the core local ones) to make their way there if they find that out just before k/o.
The main fear is that a bunch of low paid workers; catering, cleaning etc. get dragged out from lockdown unnecessarily just so a bunch of entitled brats can get their trophy and the money men can get paid.

Sure, if playing a few games of football in virusville will save you your multi million dollar contract then I can see why you might personally take the risk but there might be a lot of staff involved in this not being compensated sufficiently for the risk to their health.

You could apply that argument to health care workers & all the thousands of others who are still working for a pittance fearful of losing their job if they don't turn up for work so the fat-cat shareholders get their money. Mike Ashley for one wouldn't have a problem risking the lives of his employees so long as the money keeps rolling in. There's plenty of others out there just like him. The chances of footballers, ground-staff, journalists, tv crew, etc contracting the disease whilst playing BCD would be minimal in comparison to the millions of people still out there working in the hospitals, shops, factories, care-homes etc.
You could apply that argument to health care workers & all the thousands of others who are still working for a pittance fearful of losing their job if they don't turn up for work so the fat-cat shareholders get their money. Mike Ashley for one wouldn't have a problem risking the lives of his employees so long as the money keeps rolling in. There's plenty of others out there just like him. The chances of footballers, ground-staff, journalists, tv crew, etc contracting the disease whilst playing BCD would be minimal in comparison to the millions of people still out there working in the hospitals, shops, factories, care-homes etc.


I think you missed the keyword in Dumbos post - unncessarily. At least I really hope you missed it.

Health care workers are not unnecessarily working at the minute. They are literally the defintion of necissity at this point in time.
You could apply that argument to health care workers & all the thousands of others who are still working for a pittance fearful of losing their job if they don't turn up for work so the fat-cat shareholders get their money. Mike Ashley for one wouldn't have a problem risking the lives of his employees so long as the money keeps rolling in. There's plenty of others out there just like him. The chances of footballers, ground-staff, journalists, tv crew, etc contracting the disease whilst playing BCD would be minimal in comparison to the millions of people still out there working in the hospitals, shops, factories, care-homes etc.
Healthcare workers amongst others have been deemed essential workers, and for very obvious reasons. I feel for them and as a society we are indebted to them. Hopefully on the otherside of this thing we can take that gratitude and reward them properly, in a way that we haven't done in decades.

If you are likening Liverpool fans and football writers who are champing at the bit to get things going again with scant regard for public safety, to Mike Ashley then I agree with you. His behaviour in keeping his business running, and valuing personal gain over public health was despicable. Hopefully the fans have the self awareness to realise this soon and we can knock some of these fecking idiotic ideas on the head.
I'd like to think/hope most fans would take it more seriously if they're told football will get resuspended should that happen, although that said fans of clubs who benefit from a void may do it on purpose.

If games end up at neutral venue's i wonder if there's a way to possibly keep the location under wraps till close to kick off, ie if Chelsea vs City were allocated Villa Park then there won't be enough time for fans (atleast the core local ones) to make their way there if they find that out just before k/o.

Yeah hoping fans would be sensible is probably not the answer.

Right now I think the only answer would be in the testing, but I am not sure how good the tests are, and should we be taking up 10000 testing kits just to ensure football finishes quickly? The testing kits may well come to the rescue, but its an awfully big health risk still, and whether big corps like football clubs would want to potentially risk corporate manslaughter or even just the bad publicity generated by causing the death or hospitilisation of someone, I'm not sure thats the answer yet. Maybe back end of July with the use of testing kits we could see some behind closed doors football, I think that is distinctly more likely than before.