Could they void the PL due to the Coronavirus? | No | Resuming June 17th

Boggles my mind listening to some of you - it's as if the world is over, all doom and gloom and that we won't get back to opening the economy (football being a big part of that) soon (by july).

You know we won't have around 1k people dying every day right? At some point it has to taper off. Also, great news coming out of Spain suggesting mid may they will have their curve completely flattened (around 30 deaths a day). At which point I don't see why they can't start football in early June.

What do you think the reason will be for it flattening and tapering off?
Boggles my mind listening to some of you - it's as if the world is over, all doom and gloom and that we won't get back to opening the economy (football being a big part of that) soon (by july).

You know we won't have around 1k people dying every day right? At some point it has to taper off. Also, great news coming out of Spain suggesting mid may they will have their curve completely flattened (around 30 deaths a day). At which point I don't see why they can't start football in early June.
"Even 30" people dying a day is serious.
What do you think the reason will be for it flattening and tapering off?

No doubt it's social distancing, but when it flattens (for the most part completely). It'll be safe enough for the economy to open up again. It'll be done in phases.
No doubt it's social distancing, but when it flattens (for the most part completely). It'll be safe enough for the economy to open up again. It'll be done in phases.

And what do you think will happen social distancing stops?
Looks like given the leaks in the press today, premier league and government are talking and latest "plan" will be to restart training from middle of May and take things from there. Mass testing on squads, journalists who cover BCD games, neutral venues possibly, you know the drill by now.
Looks like given the leaks in the press today, premier league and government are talking and latest "plan" will be to restart training from middle of May and take things from there. Mass testing on squads, journalists who cover BCD games, neutral venues possibly, you know the drill by now.

Not possible according to most people here.. who suggest there's 0% chance we get back to real regular life and life as we know it is over.
Not possible according to most people here.. who suggest there's 0% chance we get back to real regular life and life as we know it is over.

It's better to be safe than sorry so I'd still advocate a June return to training and then matches from July (hopefully fit in with a final lockdown) although like you I am surprised at the general tone here of seemingly not wanting any football in the next six months and not even wanting to discuss ways of organizing it in a safe and respectful way.

Anyway it's really growing in Italy for serie A to resume by start of June now. Had Marcello Lippi coming out today saying season must finish even if BCD and now sports minister wants training to restart on May 4th, which is day after latest lockdown ends.
no one is going to refund season tickets. You are being ridiculous on purpose. Over the next 14 months, you are only going to be able to play a certain no. of games - and it’s much preferable to play out an entire season for the sake of 8 games.

prize money will clearly be distributed pro rata.

how can you distribute prize money pro rata in the result of a void?

Null and void means just that.

There are 3 options, all of which create problems but they are as follows.

1. Finish the season when it is safe to do.
Yes there will be issues with contracts, but it seems like there is little that can be done about this. In this scenario no team can complain about the final table and relegation and promotion not being fair. Prize money will be paid out in full.

2. Don't complete the season, all league places will be based on the most recent league table. Focus on getting ready for the next season.
This is problematic because obviously some teams would benefit and suffer when they might not have deserved to. Would likely cause lawsuits from the relegated teams and teams that weren't promoted. Prize money could be paid out, but again teams would complain that they could have finished higher and earned more money. Part refunds of season tickets may also need to be paid out in this scenario.

3. Null and void the season.
In this scenario you are essentially saying let's go back to the summer of 2019.
No promotions or relegation from the current season would stand. No prize money would be paid out. Season tickets and match tickets would be null and void so would be open to full refunds. TV money would not be paid out. Lawsuits from teams that have been denied promotion or were on course to receive huge prize money.

Some people are completely underestimating the legality of voiding a season.
Why do you think people like Karen Brady have done a complete U turn on voiding the season?

There is no such thing as a part null and void it doesn't exist!
I value lives over Football funnily enough. If it means no sport for a year so be it.

Okay.. and what do you think will happen for people who have to make money to survive? Staying indoors for a year will mean tons of suicides, businesses going out, jobs completely phased out, going into depression, etc.

The system will be completely broken.

I will bet anyone any money liverpool will get their title.
how can you distribute prize money pro rata in the result of a void?

Null and void means just that.

There are 3 options, all of which create problems but they are as follows.

1. Finish the season when it is safe to do.
Yes there will be issues with contracts, but it seems like there is little that can be done about this. In this scenario no team can complain about the final table and relegation and promotion not being fair. Prize money will be paid out in full.

2. Don't complete the season, all league places will be based on the most recent league table. Focus on getting ready for the next season.
This is problematic because obviously some teams would benefit and suffer when they might not have deserved to. Would likely cause lawsuits from the relegated teams and teams that weren't promoted. Prize money could be paid out, but again teams would complain that they could have finished higher and earned more money. Part refunds of season tickets may also need to be paid out in this scenario.

3. Null and void the season.
In this scenario you are essentially saying let's go back to the summer of 2019.
No promotions or relegation from the current season would stand. No prize money would be paid out. Season tickets and match tickets would be null and void so would be open to full refunds. TV money would not be paid out. Lawsuits from teams that have been denied promotion or were on course to receive huge prize money.

Some people are completely underestimating the legality of voiding a season.
Why do you think people like Karen Brady have done a complete U turn on voiding the season?

There is no such thing as a part null and void it doesn't exist!
That’s why the word curtail has been used. No need for paragraphs of explanation.

Edited because it’s utterly ridiculous to suggest if the season was “voided” that all season rockets would have to be relayed in full and there would be no prize money - you do realise that actual football matches took place?

what next refund travel expenses, cost of chips and beer because the matches “have been erased”. seriously have a word with yourself, start living in the real world and stop trying to twist your hypothetical scenarios so that Liverpool win the league.

clubs will not be refunding any tickets for matches that have taken place - you are an absolute muppet if you think this is the case.

Utd have issued a statement (I’m sure other clubs have also) saying that the remaining home games (not played) will be refunded if they do not take place. To even think that season tickets will be fully refunded makes me think you have zero comprehension of the situation.
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No doubt it's social distancing, but when it flattens (for the most part completely). It'll be safe enough for the economy to open up again. It'll be done in phases.

You are right there but Football will be one the last things to get going again, I don't think we're going to see normality until the end of the year and that's hoping this fecker of virus doesn't rock up for round two.
Why would it be next year when I just showed you that things are not as bad as they say they are supposed to be and that we are on the downward trend?
Are you on drugs or what ? You keep spouting this shit about us being on a downward trend yet I can't see that at the moment. It is always In this thread as well so you are either a Liverpool fan longing for the season to restart or you are some sort of lunatic.
what about the lower league teams who can not afford to keep these players - as unlike the super rich PL don’t have any money. They will need to release 6-12 first team squad players (as they do every year) as they can’t afford to keep them in order to finish the season.

If then they are forced to finish the season, you will have hundreds of out of contract players without clubs and clubs playing a bunch of kids. It will be utter madness.

just for a minute think about teams other than Liverpool

He hasn't done until now
Are you on drugs or what ? You keep spouting this shit about us being on a downward trend yet I can't see that at the moment. It is always In this thread as well so you are either a Liverpool fan longing for the season to restart or you are some sort of lunatic.

I think it's a youngster. So we have to be kind and go easy on them
Like I said, it was from the highly respected IHME.

Here is the link -

No, I live in Canada. Much of our situation is based off the current epicenter which is in the US and their death estimates have dropped from 100-200k to 60k.
And how can't you understand that by opening up stuff and doing non essential activities like football can mess with those "projections". As it is based on a certain set of lockdown requirements to be enforced. Just because there will be no deaths in July, doesn't mean there will be no cases at all, and that's if the current lockdown parameters are kept till the end of the projections, but any change to that and it can be very different. You get to June or even July and the 2nd or 3rd wave hits and its all back again trying to get it from spreading further.

But hey, keep pushing your narrative.
Boggles my mind listening to some of you - it's as if the world is over, all doom and gloom and that we won't get back to opening the economy (football being a big part of that) soon (by july).

You know we won't have around 1k people dying every day right? At some point it has to taper off. Also, great news coming out of Spain suggesting mid may they will have their curve completely flattened (around 30 deaths a day). At which point I don't see why they can't start football in early June.

Just stop dude. Feck me, how is it "great news", its flipping 1 month of deaths between now and mid may, but its great news! Get a grip. There are people dying in the thousands everyday and all you can jam about is getting football back. Yay, happy, great. Geez, bug the right off and have some decency.
There are many others, even Liverpool supporters that really want the season to be resumed, but are not as half as callous as you are.
Just stop dude. Feck me, how is it "great news", its flipping 1 month of deaths between now and mid may, but its great news! Get a grip. There are people dying in the thousands everyday and all you can jam about is getting football back. Yay, happy, great. Geez, bug the right off and have some decency.
There are many others, even Liverpool supporters that really want the season to be resumed, but are not as half as callous as you are.
Maybe you shouldn't be on a football forum then, not to mention this thread..
You are right there but Football will be one the last things to get going again, I don't think we're going to see normality until the end of the year and that's hoping this fecker of virus doesn't rock up for round two.

I disagree, I think football will be part of the driving force to get the economy back up again. It'll be a great feel good story to get people's morales up again. Lots of people are feeling down right now and football being back will be a huge lift!

Are you on drugs or what ? You keep spouting this shit about us being on a downward trend yet I can't see that at the moment. It is always In this thread as well so you are either a Liverpool fan longing for the season to restart or you are some sort of lunatic.

I gave you the link that shows it's headed towards a downward trend after next week. I can't spoon feed you every information, look it up yourself.

Just stop dude. Feck me, how is it "great news", its flipping 1 month of deaths between now and mid may, but its great news! Get a grip. There are people dying in the thousands everyday and all you can jam about is getting football back. Yay, happy, great. Geez, bug the right off and have some decency.
There are many others, even Liverpool supporters that really want the season to be resumed, but are not as half as callous as you are.

It's great news that spain isn't suffering as much as they were before. Thousands are not dying anymore in Spain. It's reducing everyday and like I said by mid may they should have very low death counts a day. That's great news.

Stop trying to spin my message.
Maybe you shouldn't be on a football forum then, not to mention this thread..
I'm more than able to be here, to discuss football, but when someone blatantly says its great news when its not really great at all, because he's sole point is getting football back, and blindly ignoring the many points other's including myself have made, then I'm going to call it out. I've been well able to separate the 2 matters, and he should be able to not talk so callously about "only 30" deaths as if its fine. It's not. I can talk about football and still be respectful of the seriousness of what's happening.
Yes I can laugh Liverpool won't get their title etc like that, but I don't have to be spouting it without thought.
I think we need to stop humouring him. He doesn’t seem to have either the most basic understanding of the situation or an ounce of empathy for those suffering.
I think we need to stop humouring him. He doesn’t seem to have either the most basic understanding of the situation or an ounce of empathy for those suffering.

he should be banned along with all the other Liverpool trolls. It’s ridiculous that they are tolerated here.

there are some that add value, and it’s good to have fans of other teams, But there are far too many on here that are toxic and wouldn't be tolerated on most forums.
As someone who has been passive following this thread for quite a while, Ronaldo's Mum's posts are extremely strange. I've not even seen that sort of desperation for the league to restart from the Liverpool fans as he/she shows. I've long accepted Liverpool will win the title and I don't care either way if the season is voided or cancelled and current positions declared final but the total lack of empathy that fellow has shown is staggering. Even as someone not from any of the 4 countries so badly affected, it's horrifying to read on a daily basis of all the deaths and yet you've got people who can just be so callous about it. It's really sad to read.
Looks like given the leaks in the press today, premier league and government are talking and latest "plan" will be to restart training from middle of May and take things from there. Mass testing on squads, journalists who cover BCD games, neutral venues possibly, you know the drill by now.
So mass testing for squads and journalists while the NHS workers get shafted everyday. My wife (NHS Doctor) had symptoms for 12 days (fever, cough, fatigue) and she couldn't get tested because her condition wasn't serious. The situation on the ground regarding tests is very different to what the government is saying. If they can do 100k tests a day, then fair enough but if there aren't enough tests for key workers then testing squads shouldn't be allowed.
As someone who has been passive following this thread for quite a while, Ronaldo's Mum's posts are extremely strange. I've not even seen that sort of desperation for the league to restart from the Liverpool fans as he/she shows. I've long accepted Liverpool will win the title and I don't care either way if the season is voided or cancelled and current positions declared final but the total lack of empathy that fellow has shown is staggering. Even as someone not from any of the 4 countries so badly affected, it's horrifying to read on a daily basis of all the deaths and yet you've got people who can just be so callous about it. It's really sad to read.

I know someone who has died of this virus. There's no reason to suggest I am not taking it seriously just because I believe and have presented reasons as to why things are getting better in the world. You read negative news all day and a lot of people here are falling into the trap of doom and gloom. I'm providing a different perspective, a lot of united fans don't want to hear it because they are so obsessed with football being cancelled and thus liverpool not getting their trophy.
It's great news that spain isn't suffering as much as they were before. Thousands are not dying anymore in Spain. It's reducing everyday and like I said by mid may they should have very low death counts a day. That's great news.

Stop trying to spin my message.

Let's see if I'm spinning words shall we, or if you changing yours now.

Boggles my mind listening to some of you - it's as if the world is over, all doom and gloom and that we won't get back to opening the economy (football being a big part of that) soon (by july).

You know we won't have around 1k people dying every day right? At some point it has to taper off. Also, great news coming out of Spain suggesting mid may they will have their curve completely flattened (around 30 deaths a day). At which point I don't see why they can't start football in early June.

You didn't say its great news that they aren't suffering as much as before. You said its great news that by mid may there will only be around 30 deaths. Last time I check, there is nothing great about 30 people dying of this virus. Sure, lets go with your changed message, that, yes its not as bad as it is currently, but the only time it will be great, is when people stop dying of this fecking virus, period. That is "completely flattened", not "around 30 deaths a day". Geez. So, the only person spinning here is you.

But lets get back to your "great news" belief.

If you even look at how China managed to halt this virus in its tracks, from the very first case in NOVEMBER, Wuhan only ended lockdown in MARCH. That's at least 4/5 months of dealing with it, and only 2 months of sever lockdown, but STILL, there are restrictions in place and only necessary travel. Football is not necessary. Work and essential stuff and travel only when absolutely necessary are being allowed. Things like football and normal entertainment are still not on the radar.

Then, if you take a look at how the UK has dealt with it, they only started a form of lockdown on the 23rd March, after a total of 335 deaths were already confirmed and with about 6,650 cases confirmed. And even then, the lockdown was a very "loosely" define, as many slammed Boris on this. Even folks who actually live in the UK said that for a bit the tubes and stuff were still packed in the general thread on coronavirus. People taking the piss of it, grannies still going for outings etc. Things have tighten up since and why there was a need to extend was because the peak isn't insight yet. Come 17th, we will see how the projections line up with what's happening in reality.
Wuhan was slightly worse when it implemented a full lockdown but still took this long to end it and still not full travel and normal activities have resumed.

I fully understand getting the economy up and running, but it will not be football first, that will be one of the last things to be introduced. BCD is an option only once there are no deaths perhaps, but even then it is a risk.

All I'm saying, is yes we shouldn't be doom and gloom and declare its the end of the world, cause it's not, but at the same time lets not act like this thing is going away by May or June and everything will be back to normal. Even with a full 2 month lockdown from 23 March to 23 May, it will take another month or 2 to start getting stuff up and running, and football won't be the first of them to start up, that's for sure.
I think we need to stop humouring him. He doesn’t seem to have either the most basic understanding of the situation or an ounce of empathy for those suffering.
Yeah, I wrote my last say on the matter with him. Even have better chances of discussing it rationally with some Liverpool supporters on here. Emphasis on some though. :nervous:
As someone who has been passive following this thread for quite a while, Ronaldo's Mum's posts are extremely strange. I've not even seen that sort of desperation for the league to restart from the Liverpool fans as he/she shows. I've long accepted Liverpool will win the title and I don't care either way if the season is voided or cancelled and current positions declared final but the total lack of empathy that fellow has shown is staggering. Even as someone not from any of the 4 countries so badly affected, it's horrifying to read on a daily basis of all the deaths and yet you've got people who can just be so callous about it. It's really sad to read.
This is what I'm saying. Plenty of folk have come on here with different opinions and we can engage, but the way he presents it just grates everyone up the arse. It's not even his point, others have put it forward, I think its how he puts it across.
I think we need to stop humouring him. He doesn’t seem to have either the most basic understanding of the situation or an ounce of empathy for those suffering.

Yeah that seems to be the case or he just wants attention. Either way i agree we should just ignore his nonsense from here on out.
What was it that Dalgish was saying about not wanting to void the season? Wonder what he thinks now he’s caught the virus?
I agree with your point regarding this season, couldn't disagree more regarding his prior season's.

He made Drinkwater and Matic (after his legs went) look good.

The issue with him is that he's not suited to possession football, that's why I can't confidently say he's past his best like I can with most cases of players performance dipping strongly.
I agree that Kante's not suited to possession football, and that's a pretty huge limitation considering most larger sides have more of the ball in 95% of their games. If a player only finds himself useful in 5% of the games throughout the season, I personally wouldn't rate him so high. A true top player should be versatile enough to adopt in different roles and perform in different tactical setups, Kante doesn't fall into that category imo.

The 15/16 Leicester team was a miracle and it's Ranieri who made the whole team look good. Drinkwater was known for his lobbed pass to Vardy that season and Kante had nothing to do with that. Don't get me wrong, he was excellent in making interceptions and recovering the ball, but it would be an overstatement if he took all the credit.

At Chelsea, Kante actually made his partner look bad. Matic and Fabregas were heavily criticized when playing alongside him and were sold subsequently. In a 3-4-3 setting, there were only 2 midfielders and with Kante's poor ball playing ability, his partner was the only one trying to bring the ball from back to front, organize attack, create chances, literally doing everything on his own. Inevitably, this position was targetted by the opponents and they made quite a lot of mistakes under intense pressing.

For me Kante's long past his best as his prime year is at Leicester. Since then he has never been able to operate at that level as Chelsea (and France) usually have more possessions. It's also worth to note that his defensive contributions also drop this season. He may revive if he joins a weaker side but I just don't feel right when he's playing under Sarri or Lampard. It's pretty obvious he's the weak link in Chelsea's midfield, even Barkley and Gilmour offer more than him.
I disagree, I think football will be part of the driving force to get the economy back up again. It'll be a great feel good story to get people's morales up again. Lots of people are feeling down right now and football being back will be a huge lift!

BCD football will be weird as hell and will remind people of the tragic time we are going through. It wont boost the economy and it wont get morale up. It will have a ghostlt atmosphere, not exactly what we want after so much death.