Gaming Destiny 2 • RedCafe Clan in OP

Essentially just a bigger story DLC by looks of it? Not suprised its just a cash cow for them why bother changing it
Essentially just a bigger story DLC by looks of it? Not suprised its just a cash cow for them why bother changing it

Yeah, i love Destiny, but not exactly impressed by anything i've seen so far. Looks more like Destiny 1.5 than a fully realized sequel

Unless of course they follow the "standard formula" these days in which the main game is just a bare bones grid and you have to get a bazzillion paid DLC to get the full expereince
Had no interest in Destiny, but seeing now that it's going to be on the App, I might pick it up as I can pay for it with WoW gold :D
Heard World of Warcraft players went full berzerk about whole Destiny 2 thing,so much hate towards Activision and Blizzard at the moment.
Absolutely love destiny. Went off it after vanilla but it's a brilliant game tbh. Story was crap, but looks like they are going to fix it. I'm excited
Destiny 2 BETA
July 18
: PlayStation 4 Pre-Order BETA
July 19: Xbox One Pre-Order BETA
July 21: Open BETA for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One
July 23: Console BETA End-date
Late August: PC BETA

Destiny 2 LAUNCH
September 6
: PS4 and Xbox One
October 24: PC
Will be playing on PC especially since it's running through Bnet. I must say after the Anthem reveal this already looks old as feck though.
Will be playing on PC especially since it's running through Bnet. I must say after the Anthem reveal this already looks old as feck though.

Anthem barely showed anything mind and we don't really know how it works and ties together. Plus there's a big chance it doesn't come out until a year+ after Destiny 2.
Could do with a Redcafe Clan set up when this comes out, I like the look of the Arcstrider Hunter
I'm excited by what anthem might be, but I also remember when the division was going to come along and kill destiny....

Destiny 2 will provide me and my online buddies with plenty of co op goodness and I can't wait for it to be released.
AHH balls, it just won't download for me, might have to delete and reinstall
Maybe its already installed for you? Check your application version first before uninstalling.
I am really not feeling it with the slow as shit cooldowns on abilities. Didn't try crucible much but pve would become absolute snoozefest when the novelty wears off.
I've got the game pre ordered, but I'm not playing the beta this time round.
I am really not feeling it with the slow as shit cooldowns on abilities. Didn't try crucible much but pve would become absolute snoozefest when the novelty wears off.
I'm assuming that is due to the gear being basic. As you level up and get better gear with different mods, the cooldowns might improve.

what I wanna know is - is it basically the same as the first game?

if so, avoid avoid avoid.
Yeah it is. I wish they used the opportunity to expand upon the original game with vast areas to explore but based on everything I've heard and seen so far, it will be more of the same as the original.
I've got the game pre ordered, but I'm not playing the beta this time round.
Yeah good decision. The beta is smaller than the one for Destiny 1 but I remember by the time I played through that alpha and the various betas that it got tiring going through the same missions once more at the start of the full game.
Loved the first Destiny, so will no doubt be getting my Raid boots back on. Only gripe I ever had was the repetitiveness, so hopefully they'll be doing stuff more regularly, new missions/challenges weekly etc.

They started getting there with the prison of elders and other add ons that kept it fresh, I'm sure they'll have plenty more of that to come.
I'm assuming that is due to the gear being basic. As you level up and get better gear with different mods, the cooldowns might improve.
I hope that is the case as I am used to my 5/5/2 gear in D1.
Yeah it is. I wish they used the opportunity to expand upon the original game with vast areas to explore but based on everything I've heard and seen so far, it will be more of the same as the original.

I'm pretty sure that the maps for the open world areas of the game are a lot bigger than in D1. There should also be a lot more to explore with the lost sectors and 'adventures'

I agree that it probably won't still be a proper open-world experience like other games provide, but it should be a lot larger than D1
So it appears it's basically the same as D1? From what I've read here and other places...

I want a team based game again, used to enjoy GTA, with the guys from here.