Do you agree with the protest today?

Do you agree with the protest today?

  • Yes

    Votes: 1,069 82.8%
  • No

    Votes: 126 9.8%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 96 7.4%

  • Total voters
I'm not going to vote as I'm not a Man United fan and I don't like to taint the votes on here but I agree 100% with the protests and it's awesome to see fans making their feelings known in a meaningful and impactful way.


I was really please to watch the true geordie channel earlier. All of them on there were supportive. Well, the city fan didn't seem too bothered of course. But this is bigger than just united or the ESL, we need many clubs' fans involved if we're going to get significant legislative change.
I fully stand behind the reasons for the protest today and most of the protest itself. I don't stand behind those who took it too far and started throwing bottles at police officers etc. That's unacceptable and has nothing to do with the Glazers Out movement. That's just a bunch of knobheads wanting to riot. They should be held accountable for their actions.
I strongly advise just forwarding at the 9minute 55mark to hear what the guy in white says about today's protest.

And this is a Liverpool fan, in case anyone hasn't seen this channel before:

But... but... but... it ruined my afternoon :(
We need to get a list going round of Glazer owned companies. If we can use our global fanbase to affect the earnings of their other interests it could help motivate them into selling the shares they have in United. Fully support the protest today , not sure if the on field scenes are necessary as we could have cancelled the game without breaking into the stadium most likely.
We need to get a list going round of Glazer owned companies. If we can use our global fanbase to affect the earnings of their other interests it could help motivate them into selling the shares they have in United. Fully support the protest today , not sure if the on field scenes are necessary as we could have cancelled the game without breaking into the stadium most likely.

United fans need a GameStop-like cause to rally around, albeit one that actually achieves its stated objective (I'm unsure they actually accomplished that with the Wall Street Bets gme short squeeze but you can see what they were trying to do).
Has anyone posted this? To me it just further proves the players know the fans are AGAINST THE GLAZERS but behind the team.

Do not be fooled.

95% of the protest I agree with , it’s the minority that ruin it sometimes and it’s the minority is what the tabloids are going to write about . Throwing a flare and a can at the sky crew is wrong as is that muppet throwing the camera .
Are the people who just want to protest for the glazers to sell just fine with the saudi taking over then? Because a lot of people seemed to have a strong opinion against it and preferred the glazers.
Serious question, is this all about us not spending millions in the transfer window? Fan protests are being touted as being mainly about the super league, and those two are separate issues.
No it's related to a number of issues, number one being the mountains of debt they've saddled us with. I was just using that as an example.
95% of the protest I agree with , it’s the minority that ruin it sometimes and it’s the minority is what the tabloids are going to write about . Throwing a flare and a can at the sky crew is wrong as is that muppet throwing the camera .
This is understandable but regrettably it's part of (nearly) every protest, especially one where people are passionate about the cause.

The media can always frame things that work for their vested interest. Sometimes you have to look at the bigger picture which is what some are missing here and what's leading to some of the frustration (including mine).
No it's related to a number of issues, number one being the mountains of debt they've saddled us with. I was just using that as an example.
Have you been getting bills in the mail for you to pay the interest on their debt?
Just as anyone who voted "yes" doesn't have the right to complain if we get sold to the Saudis or someone worse.

Agreed. Don't mistake me as being desperate for a sugar daddy. I would like an owner who cares about bringing success to the club while not being a human rights abuser, ideally.
100% - wish I could be there as well.

The fans have tried for years to get their voices heard with little to no effect.
I absolutely love it. Hats off to those involved. Apart from the few idiots that went violent.

However I doubt those American feckwiths give two shits about it. So where to go from here. What's the best way to get rid off them? Pretty hard making shareholders sell if they don't want to.
Have you been getting bills in the mail for you to pay the interest on their debt?
Again this is another false equivalence. The fans are paying the debt from the revenue generated.

This revenue is growing by virtue of the almost guaranteed annual increases in TV subscription fees over the past 10 or 15 years, which coincided with the Glazers taking us over.

So it would be nice if you take this kind of Investment banking narrative back to the crooks of wall street and stop trying to guilt trip people for making genuine points.
I hope that the club will view all the video footage of the morons that were on pitch, the same pitch that legends have walked on and performed on over the years and ban them for life. A saw a Mother with a young kid! Totally unacceptable. Keep it lawful and do give the ABU media any ammunition to vilify United fans.
Broadly speaking, yes. But I think there needs to be a better leadership (possibly from Neville) so that the message stays on point and doesn't get drowned out by general anti-authority sentiments.

The protests are more than just anti-Glazer. They're pro-fan. 'Glazers out' means nothing unless we get 50+1. It'd mean even less if we get bought by the Saudis in the process.

But everyone's heart was in the right place today. We need to keep this up whilst being careful not to get distracted by minor victories.
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Again this is another false equivalence. The fans are paying the debt from the revenue generated.

This revenue is growing by virtue of the almost guaranteed annual increases in TV subscription fees over the past 10 or 15 years, which coincided with the Glazers taking us over.

So it would be nice if you take this kind of Investment banking narrative back to the crooks of wall street and stop trying to guilt trip people for making genuine points.
They're not genuine points. The fans don't get billed for the interest. If you don't spend a single cent on anything United related for a year you don't have a liability to still somehow cover an interest payment. The owners still do.
Protest, yes. Invasion, no.
They're not genuine points. The fans don't get billed for the interest. If you don't spend a single cent on anything United related for a year you don't have a liability to still somehow cover an interest payment. The owners still do.
The only reason the debt is there is because of these leeches. And yes, they are genuine points to someone who doesn't purposefully try to twist them to suit their world view.
The only reason the debt is there is because of these leeches. And yes, they are genuine points to someone who doesn't purposefully try to twist them to suit their world view.
It's still theirs and the club's debt, not yours or mine.
Agree in principle with it, it's pretty much the only ways fans can go to make the owners take notice. I don't think getting the game called off was part of the plan.

But as with everything else like this you will have a certain amount of knobs taking it too far and doing damage etc.

Also, when you see videos of people knocking balls about and videoing themselves scoring goals you have to question why they are there at all.
This is understandable but regrettably it's part of (nearly) every protest, especially one where people are passionate about the cause.

The media can always frame things that work for their vested interest. Sometimes you have to look at the bigger picture which is what some are missing here and what's leading to some of the frustration (including mine).
The big picture is that laws were broken and policemen hurt.
Agreed. Don't mistake me as being desperate for a sugar daddy. I would like an owner who cares about bringing success to the club while not being a human rights abuser, ideally.
Wouldn't we all, but realistically who is there?
The big picture is that laws were broken and policemen hurt.
Wrong. This happens at all kinds of protests. You might not like it and it certainly is not a good look but the protest was legal and police knew about the strenght of feeling. They should have been prepared.

The general message is that Manchester United fans called off the biggest game in English football. A game that's something every United fan, especially ones who go to games, and they stood up and said, our club is more important than a one-off game.

I am not condoning the actions of some fans and if I was there, I'd tried to stop it but don't taint 99% of people with the same dark brush. It was a remarkably well-behaved protest, especially considering a lot of these young fans have been locked away for a year.

It's still theirs and the club's debt, not yours or mine.
This is your problem, mate. The club is the fans. They should own the business that represents the club.

The club having debt on its books is not isolated from our football matters. Just like our success in the commercial space is largely reliant on our sporting success.
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100% agree with the protest. It was terrific. High-profile, dramatic, global and effective. Well done. It was brilliant, standing on that pitch challenging the ownership of their club.

Any violence cannot be condoned, so anyone hurt is a shame and simply unacceptable.

The protest is a superb expression of dissatisfaction by many football fans from many football clubs.

I hope today acts as a step-change in the re-assessment of the relationship between the football industry and fans.

I felt v proud to be a supporter of Manchester United today.
100% agree with the protest. It was terrific. High-profile, dramatic, global and effective. Well done. It was brilliant, standing on that pitch challenging the ownership of their club.

Any violence cannot be condoned, so anyone hurt is a shame and simply unacceptable.

The protest is a superb expression of dissatisfaction by many football fans from many football clubs.

I hope today acts as a step-change in the re-assessment of the relationship between the football industry and fans.

I felt v proud to be a supporter of Manchester United today.

Completely agree with you.
100%. Now it’s time to get rid of the glazers. Enough is enough. Keep on going until the Glazers throw in the towel.

Wasn’t sure if it was right to enter the pitch, but now I think “why not” as long as no one is hurt or nothing is seriously damaged.

Proud of supporters who take action. You are doing it for all of us. Wish I had the opportunity to join the protest.
Yes. Everything except any acts of violence or antagonising bystanders. Throwing flares towards the pundits, and jumping on cars on the main road was too far.

But protest has to be disruptive and uncomfortable to have an impact, and getting the game postponed is a huge impact. It puts a spotlight on the events all over the world. It took one of the biggest games away from multiple broadcasters, which is going to make the moneymen take notice.

Some bits got a little out of control, but I support the overarching principal for sure. Wouldn't even care if it resulted in a forfeit and giving the 3 points to Liverpool.

This is a great post.

If they hadn't made it to the pitch, I think the protests would've fallen on deaf ears...which is sad.

Glad they made enough noise to make themselves heard.
The BBC news story is very much focussing on the violence and a copper getting his face slashed.
What a surprise!

The idiots gave them a perfect excuse to pile on and largely ignore the reason for the protest.

Well done you.
Protesting is fine but in this case will it help the Glazers to pack their bags and leave the club? If not then why bother even protesting.
100%. Now it’s time to get rid of the glazers. Enough is enough. Keep on going until the Glazers throw in the towel.

Wasn’t sure if it was right to enter the pitch, but now I think “why not” as long as no one is hurt or nothing is seriously damaged.

Proud of supporters who take action. You are doing it for all of us. Wish I had the opportunity to join the protest.
So you now think that it was wrong, yes?
I don't agree with the protests because I don't agree that the Glazers are to blame for our lack of success on the pitch post SAF.