Emiliano Sala: Rest In Peace


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May 10, 2009
There is "genuine concern" Premier League footballer Emiliano Sala was on a flight missing off Alderney.

It is feared the Argentine striker was one of two people on board the Piper Malibu, which disappeared near the Casquets lighthouse on Monday night.

The plane was travelling from Nantes in France to Cardiff.

A coastguard rescue helicopter and crews from Alderney and Guernsey RNLI joined the search in the area around the lighthouse.

HM Coastguard said the disappearance was not in the UK search and rescue area, but it had sent two helicopters to help.

A spokeswoman said they were assisting Guernsey Coastguard with a search for a light aircraft off Alderney: "HM Coastguard helicopters from Solent and Newquay have been helping to search overnight with nothing found."

The search and rescue operation had to deal with worsening conditions as they scoured the area on Monday night.


Cardiff City's record signing and looks like he was on the plane that is missing.
We have far less controls over our lives than we like to think. Just imagine how many things needed to fall into place for him to be in that plane at that particular time. He probably had no idea he would be moving to Wales a month ago or so.

Let's hope for the best, people do survive these things occasionally.
I live in the Channel Islands - heard several helicopters flying around last night and wondered what it was :(
Doesn’t look good. You’d imagine Cardiff would be able to confirm fairly quickly if he wasn’t on the plane.
Imagine him telling my wife/family/etc that he's moving to a new city and a new club and he's excited to try something different.

Now picture what has happened in reality.

We have almost no control over our lives, even though we seem to think we do. Enjoy every minute you can.

Hope he's safe.
Really hope they find them but if they called off the search at a point overnight due to conditions doesn’t sound good. Hopefully both are found though
Sad news. Hope my question isn't inconsiderate, what happens to the price of the player now? If Cardiff had paid the 15m, is that covered by insurance or something else?
Sad news. Hope my question isn't inconsiderate, what happens to the price of the player now? If Cardiff had paid the 15m, is that covered by insurance or something else?

Was also thinking this but i think there is a time and a place and for now all respect should be shown to the player and his family/colleagues.

So soon after the Leicester tragedy it is not a nice thing to hear. Hopefully they are found alive.
Wow. Very sad news. I hope this has a happier ending than we expect, that goes for whoever was on board that plane. Shocking stuff seeing as he was just signed by the club m.

And i have no idea why they'd stick him in a Piper Malibu.

Chillingly, his most recent tweet was titled the last one - goodbye

Awful awful news, hope there's some positive news that comes from this
This is shocking stuff and I hope hes found.

how does a plane go missing in 2019?
Please don't let it be the worst. He was having the no doubt the biggest moment of his professional career and I'm sure was so happy going there.
I always hate plane crash. It's one tragedy that you think should never happen again after decades of improvements and technology advancement. But there's always risks... when you board a plane, you pretty much rely your life on the pilot and the condition of the plane.

Hope He and everyone else on board are safe. There were also cases where the pilots managed to pull off emergency landing and saved lives. Finger crossed.
Let's hope they are all okay but it's not looking good.
Single engine airplanes are very dangerous because there's no backup in case of mechanical failure.

Hopefully they were lucky and landed somewhere on land, that's their best chance at the moment.
Let's hope they are all okay but it's not looking good.
Single engine airplanes are very dangerous because there's no backup in case of mechanical failure.

Hopefully they were lucky and landed somewhere on land, that's their best chance at the moment.
Unfortunately that is hugely unlikely. It went down near Alderney, a very small island. We would know by now if it had landed there or on its coast.
Weren’t Cardiff/Nantes in dispute as to when he would travel to Cardiff? I thought I read that Cardiff wanted him to arrive before the weekend so he could play on last Saturday. But Nantes refused.
Just heard about this. So bloody awful. Still hoping for some good news...:(
I hope it's just some system malfunction and they will soon report all well.
That's a short flight across the English channel, shit luck to have things to go awry in such a small duration.