Gaming Final Fantasy VII Remake (PS4, PS5) | Put discussion of chapters etc in labelled spoilers as people will be at different points

Quite a lot of people already have this, my brother included. Watch out for spoilers guys!

My copy has already the wrong address. And of course it's taking days for them to respond.
Update: It arrived. God dammit. I could be playing it right now.
Spoilt for choice. :D

If I was in your gaming shoes I would go for the shorter game first. So,RE3,Doom and FF7.
FF7 seems like quite time consuming game.

I'm midway through Doom, which I'm absolutely loving and probably a third through RE3...I'll almost certainly complete them in your order.

Years ago I got and finished the PS1 Metal Gear Solid on release day...since then I've been more careful to ration ganes, so unless it's a huge RPG, I'll generally mix up my gaming sessions to spread the enjoyment a bit more. My mates think I'm weird and generally stick to one gane at a time.
Got a chance to play the first few hours and am impressed. The first level is basically the demo, it plays pretty slick, the combat feels good and isn’t too dissimilar to FFXV. I did feel the boss to be a little harsh for the first level but was cool nonetheless. Have got to say the graphics are absolutely immense.

My only gripe so far is that the game feels like a sequel as to how the story has progressed so far. I know Crisis Core came before but a few cutscenes into the second part, it felt like it was necessary playing. I’m hoping that it isn’t a permanent thing and the back story starts to make sense.
I played through the reactor and the next hour. The combat annoys me (I hated XV @siw2007 for what it's worth), but I'm liking it overall. I played on a projector, that doesn't like random resolution changes so it was a bit jittery in parts when switching, but I might move the PS4 back onto a normal TV.

Another thing that bugs is the style of talking that started with 13, latterly 15. Similar in TLOU too, but they handled the volume levels better.

I don't want to read up on anything but having played the demo and this:
are chest contents random? I got miles more grenades in the demo

I was really impressed with parts of it though, real nostalgia goosebumps. Full day at it tomorrow.
I played through the reactor and the next hour. The combat annoys me (I hated XV @siw2007 for what it's worth), but I'm liking it overall. I played on a projector, that doesn't like random resolution changes so it was a bit jittery in parts when switching, but I might move the PS4 back onto a normal TV.

Another thing that bugs is the style of talking that started with 13, latterly 15. Similar in TLOU too, but they handled the volume levels better.

I don't want to read up on anything but having played the demo and this:
are chest contents random? I got miles more grenades in the demo

I was really impressed with parts of it though, real nostalgia goosebumps. Full day at it tomorrow.

I quite liked XV, but I also like XIII. Neither were as good as X mind.

Never played the original so really looking forward to see how it pans out.
I quite liked XV, but I also like XIII. Neither were as good as X mind.

Never played the original so really looking forward to see how it pans out.

I loved XIII's system after playing an NCU run. X is nice (as were original 7 and 9), but XII is probably my favourite of the latter day ones (post 7) since it could be completely manual or not. I am hoping you get more manual slots as you level up in this.
I loved XIII's system after playing an NCU run. X is nice (as were original 7 and 9), but XII is probably my favourite of the latter day ones (post 7) since it could be completely manual or not.

I actually didn’t like XII, the combat and development systems were ace but the world and characters we’re just boring to me, I had the zodiac age and got quite far in it but couldn’t bring myself to finish it.
The demo didn’t sell me on the new combat and I prefer turn based FF games but I’m really enjoying it. Curious to see how it pans out with it only being Midgar but strong start.
I actually didn’t like XII, the combat and development systems were ace but the world and characters we’re just boring to me, I had the zodiac age and got quite far in it but couldn’t bring myself to finish it.

Shame but I get it, I agree to a point about the story, but the rest was so good, and so (kinda) open, that it's probably second to only X for me. In real 12 it was great that you could OP quickly, and with ZA you can abuse the Trials. Basically gimping the games are why I play Final Fantasy. I didn't expect to get the remake so soon, so had started an 8 playthrough, just maxing cards and spells.
Heartening that it's reviewed so well, but I was going to play it regardless. I'm hoping to get a copy in the post sometime soon... I rent games through the post and the service I use hasn't been affected, but it's just up to Royal Mail to deliver it I guess!
Reading a few of those reviews and it's all very encouraging. To think I've been waiting for this ever since Sony did that teaser in 2005. 15 years waiting and now it's just a matter of days away :drool:
8 from IGN is basically garbage isn't it? Their review scale is silly... anything and it's mum basically gets like 9 from them

It's pretty garbage considering they tend to overrate games.
Bit random, but is the game making anyone nauseous? I have never felt off when playing a game, including thousands of hours in VR. I played 2 hours of this yesterday on a projector and felt rough as feck, so today tried on TV in case it was due to screen size or something. Same thing within 30 minutes.

For what it's worth, I played Witcher III a little this morning and no issues.
8 from IGN is basically garbage isn't it? Their review scale is silly... anything and it's mum basically gets like 9 from them
They got a bit of flack last week for giving Resident Evil 3 a 9. Then again their RE2 review blew up in their faces when it emerged whoever "reviewed" it didn't even play half the game. They are a bit of a joke and not to be taken seriously.
Bit random, but is the game making anyone nauseous? I have never felt off when playing a game, including thousands of hours in VR. I played 2 hours of this yesterday on a projector and felt rough as feck, so today tried on TV in case it was due to screen size or something. Same thing within 30 minutes.

For what it's worth, I played Witcher III a little this morning and no issues.
You tried changing the camera distance?

Perfect Dark and Wasteland 2 both made me nauseous in the past.
They got a bit of flack last week for giving Resident Evil 3 a 9. Then again their RE2 review blew up in their faces when it emerged whoever "reviewed" it didn't even play half the game. They are a bit of a joke and not to be taken seriously.

I generally don't take IGN to seriously. I also feel they tend be biased by conflicts of interest. Same with gamespot. In general I used to use gamerankings to get overall idea of the quality of a game. Now I guess it's only metacritic.
Got a couple of mates who got copies from Game early yesterday. Little irritated as I ordered from Game too and cancelled due to post shortages. Pre ordered on PSN store, better to safe then sorry I guess.
Surprised many people still order/buy from GAME. Always found them overpriced and it seems to take an age before their prices drop in-comparison to say SimplyGames or Shopto.
Surprised many people still order/buy from GAME. Always found them overpriced and it seems to take an age before their prices drop in-comparison to say SimplyGames or Shopto.
Some times you don't have a choice if you want a deluxe edition or anything like that as they hoover up exclusivity and if you're looking to pick it up in store there aren't a lot of other choices. I avoid them when I can though.

My deluxe copy is coming today from them. Got a text to say it will be here between 2 and 3.
Some times you don't have a choice if you want a deluxe edition or anything like that as they hoover up exclusivity and if you're looking to pick it up in store there aren't a lot of other choices. I avoid them when I can though.

My deluxe copy is coming today from them. Got a text to say it will be here between 2 and 3.
What's that ? weeks or months ?

Agree, with you though. Desperate times calls for desperate measures.
The amount of people getting it early is annoying. Wish Amazon would ship it before release date, the bastards.
At long last - ordered it from SimplyGames, thanks to whoever mentioned them above.... no fingers crossed I gets it. Not a fan of paying extra for a non physical copy.
I played up until where the demo ends and I'm still not really getting the combat. I'm essentially just button mashing a lot of the time because half the enemies are off screen. Waiting for noise cancelling headphones to charge before I dive back in.
I've not even played the demo! The part 1 stuff really put me off, but theres enough out there now saying it's a class game and been extended, so worth the risk. Not often I buy games on release, so a rare purchase won't hurt.
After playing about 8 hours I can start to see why it’s got such good write ups. Very good so far, very impressed.

The bit that at the moment is making me think is ‘roles’ of the squad. I’m from the FFX school where characters should have well defined roles, at the moment I haven’t quite figured it out and the move sets are looking a little all over the place. Hoping I can tidy it up as the game roles on.
I've playing a couple of hours and it plays well enough and has mostly stuck to the original. I say mostly there are a few tweaks, mostly minor, but a couple major and I am not happy about the bits they changed at all, they give me a very bad feeling about this going forward.
I've playing a couple of hours and it plays well enough and has mostly stuck to the original. I say mostly there are a few tweaks, mostly minor, but a couple major and I am not happy about the bits they changed at all, they give me a very bad feeling about this going forward.
Care to elaborate (in spoilers if necessary)? Genuinely curious.
Care to elaborate (in spoilers if necessary)? Genuinely curious.
It's probably nothing and one of them was in the demo but:

First off was Shinra blowing up their own reactor kind of absolving Avalanche of the blame as terrorists, although it's very early and that could change. Just felt like a bit of a cop out, even though Barrett accepts responsibility for it we know they didn't really set out to do it now. Feels a bit wishy washy.

The other issues are Sephiroth related, he's been in it twice already and I've only just got on the train to go back to Tifa's bar. The first time was Cloud imagining him which is fair enough that's probably replacing the voices in Cloud's head. The second one is when you meet Aerith, the game is paused and she's essentially given a back seat for more Sephiroth then the new ghosts/fates that they added kick in and she runs off. So the entire first meeting with her is first hijacked by Sephiroth and then these ghosts which clearly mark Aerith out as special right from the get go.

Maybe it's nothing, but one of my main fears all along has been that they will make it all about Cloud versus Sephiroth while everyone else takes a back seat and that's already being hinted at with Sephiroth hijacking Aerith's introduction.

It's all probably nothing, but it just worried me early on that that's where they are going with it all.
Friday 12 AM can't come soon enough. Despite the good reviews i'm seeing, I do have mixed feelings after what I saw from the demo.
Massive massive massive spoilers below in regards to the ending.

They've gone batshit crazy with it. Time travel shenanigans all over the place. What the feck. The ending hasn't stayed faithful to the original in the slightest, it's almost a new story now.
I've played as far as the Sector 7 slums and they do a great job of capturing the atmosphere of there and the train station just outside of it while expanding them. I think I might have to wait for a patch though as the graphics are absolutey fecking shocking at times. Textures are either not loading or they decided to emulate the Shenmue port. Tifa was a blurry mess at one point, standing beside a door that seems to have been imported from a PS2 game.
I've played about 5 and a half hours so far and for the most part it's very good. I am playing on a PS4 slim and the graphics are terrible at times, but I'm used to 4k on the Xbox One X so mileage may vary there. The music is fantastic as always. Combat is fun, but camera is all over the place and makes it into a chaotic mess at times. Sidequests are basic but fun, some of them tie in very nicely with the original which I won't spoil.

My main concern is really a few of the story beats and the fact that Tifa seems to be trapped in an anime with her canned movements looking weird as feck during conversations. Other than that she's been great.
The graphics are terrible? Sorry but that's all I took from that.... bit surprised by that. Might as well play non remake then.
The graphics are terrible? Sorry but that's all I took from that.... bit surprised by that. Might as well play non remake then.
Bit of an overreaction. They are pixelated and blurry a lot of the time, often textures don't load in at all, there are parts that look like a PS2 game because textures haven't loaded. Other times it looks gorgeous. I'm assuming there's going to be a day one patch to fix the textures as other people have been saying the same thing. When it looks good it looks very good.
The graphics are terrible? Sorry but that's all I took from that.... bit surprised by that. Might as well play non remake then.
From what I've seen in various reviews and in the DigitalFoundry analysis video, it can look spectacular at times but seems to have a huge texture issue. In many places the textures are utterly atrocious, so bad it almost has to be a bug or something. Not exaggerating, I've seen the DF video and it's PS2 level at times. If it really is an issue, perhaps a day-one patch could fix it.