Fred has a great shot on him and will start scoring more eventually

The thing that no coach, the captain of the team or a fecking character hasn’t told him to stop fecking shooting is telling what a mess we are. A proper manager or part of the coaching staff would bollock him after shooting constantly while being awful at it.
OP needs to stop giving opinions on football related things IMO
Someone should instruct him to stop shooting and instead focus on trying to make incisive passes to create chances for others.
Haha. I was thinking about this thread when watching the game. He has about as much of a shooting ability as a random bloke in the park.
He makes me miss Gibson's shots, at least that bloke could trouble the keeper once in a blue moon.
Power in some of his shots...they barely reach goal line.
It's exactly like Anderson used to be. Just random swings of the leg. The shot could end up anywhere, even when it's going in the direction of the goal it's 50/50 if he's even connected well enough for it to reach it. It's like he's always shooting with his weaker foot.
If this ends up like that 'Nani will revive our season' thread from years ago then you are a genius.
The OP was actually discussing about his long range shooting which is dreadful
I think his second might’ve been just outside the box, could be generous and count that as long range. ;)
He just needs to calm down, I think he gets excited and then makes a mess of it, because he gets in great positions. Hopefully with the couple he's got tonight really helps him.
I've never read the thread so am surprised now how obnoxious do you have to be to post some of the things up there. He's no Scholes but reading the stuffs in this thread I would have thought he's an Ali Dia of shooting the football.