Frenkie De Jong - Part 3?

I feel like this can be resolved simply.
What is FDJ worth in the open market? £90 million as a world class midfield is probably about right, considering how much the likes of Rice and Caiceido went for.
Sell him for that, then pay him off the £30M he's owed. They keep £60M and that's job done.
I feel like this can be resolved simply.
What is FDJ worth in the open market? £90 million as a world class midfield is probably about right, considering how much the likes of Rice and Caiceido went for.
Sell him for that, then pay him off the £30M he's owed. They keep £60M and that's job done.

It’s not really that simple, as 90m players don’t simply get sold from top clubs. So in this instance, this is a forced sale, which weakens their leverage considerably, because if he’s not told then he simply stays and collects huge money. That means a smart club should not be offering his market value, but considerably less. Barcelona either take it and get rid of the wages, or keep him and pay them, which they don’t want.
De Jong signed for €75m (rising to €86m) in 2019, assuming the standard 5 year amortisation, when he signed his renewal in 2020 to extend to 2026, the remaining €60m would be spread to €10m annually, not withstanding bonuses. Let’s say that the break even FFP wise for Barca now is €30m for the remaining 2 years, a fee of €50-60m is about fair since the buying club would have to give him a hefty bonus, and they accepted €85m 2 years ago.

The notion that he can only go for €80m+ this summer just because Chelsea spent like a drunken sailor in a brothel is delusional. They are in no position to drive a hard bargain and can easily see him picking those €60m in wages and walks away for free in 26, effectively getting a €80-100m hole in their account for the next couple of years. With the stadium project, levers up to their ears and no big silverware in sight, that kind of expense is hard to justify.
That seems a strange take, considering Barca did everything they could (constant public pressure to turn the fans against him, attempted to sell him, threatened legal action) two years ago and he just sat back and refused to accept anything other than them continuing to pay the contract that he had.

Yes they did and weren’t successful and time is running out for them as is his contract. FDJ could have taken that at face value and moved but didn’t because he is smitten by the club and his partner likes it there. Any other player would have probably come out and just said that I would move if they just paid me what they owe me but he continues to be the good servant of the club. It’s a question of how much he would be willing to go through because Barca would be feeling the pressure of his wages as this drags on
Just read that Barca’s spending cap is getting reduced by €66m (down to €204m) meaning they are in for a very tough summer, as they physically can’t buy any players unless they sell (or pull another lever out their arses).

Could be the reason for the recent PR leaks on the FDJ rumour mill again, with us being the most obvious team to throw in the mix.
They'd probably have to force him out for real this time but city, bayern even arsenal are the much likelier destinations than we'll be.
You do realize Barca aren't giving anything in any of those options? Everyone else is ceding something for Barca's benefit?

Teams pay very high amounts when they have needs. I think he is not going to renew his contract.
If he does agree to leave, I see clubs paying high sums.

I feel like this can be resolved simply.
What is FDJ worth in the open market? £90 million as a world class midfield is probably about right, considering how much the likes of Rice and Caiceido went for.
Sell him for that, then pay him off the £30M he's owed. They keep £60M and that's job done.

Barcelona could well accept such an offer.

Just read that Barca’s spending cap is getting reduced by €66m (down to €204m) meaning they are in for a very tough summer, as they physically can’t buy any players unless they sell (or pull another lever out their arses).

The fact that the 66M salary limit has been lowered does not change the situation. Even if that amount had gone up.
Barcelona is over the salary cap and it all depends on BarcaStudios, in principle. If this year's budget is met the club will go back to 1/1.

"Lately I've been getting a bit irritated. I'm pissed off with what the press writes in general, a lot of things come out that aren't true. I can't understand it. They keep saying things that aren't true. I don't know why you're not ashamed to say it".


"You are talking a lot about my contract, situation, salary... it's a lot of smoke and lies. You say I'm getting paid like 40 and so on... it's far from reality. I'm not going to say figures. They have invented a story that is not true. I'm very happy at Barça, it's the club of my dreams and I hope to continue playing here for many years to come.

Insider information

"I can't say because I don't know. I hope not. I know that a lot of things are made up because you write things that are not true. You are doing it in general with a lot of players and coaches. I don't have the feeling that you are going to change, but you should because you can't write things that are not true".

Five seasons

"I consider the club, my teammates, the people I work with on a daily basis, the staff... and I'm happy. I'm enjoying it a lot. If someone says that I play badly in the press, it doesn't matter, because everyone can have their own opinion, but the lies... you have to change it".
As has been the case every single time, he does not want to leave
He will only leave if Barca force him out. However he’s only 2 years left on his contract so Barca need to be careful or he could easily say I’ll see how next 2 years go and take it from there. At this moment an extension seems unlikely hence the Barca leaks / nonsense press which Laporte loves. can’t see him here and I’d prefer others personally. He doesn’t want us and very expensive. Plus I’m still in the need a new manager come the summer camp so no more Dutch players please.
Yeah, feels like the guy can’t be anymore clear at this point. Not a crumb of encouragement, and yet here we are
Unbelievable really, he has pretty much said on multiple occasions that he doesn't want to leave.

"Lately I've been getting a bit irritated. I'm pissed off with what the press writes in general, a lot of things come out that aren't true. I can't understand it. They keep saying things that aren't true. I don't know why you're not ashamed to say it".


"You are talking a lot about my contract, situation, salary... it's a lot of smoke and lies. You say I'm getting paid like 40 and so on... it's far from reality. I'm not going to say figures. They have invented a story that is not true. I'm very happy at Barça, it's the club of my dreams and I hope to continue playing here for many years to come.

Insider information

"I can't say because I don't know. I hope not. I know that a lot of things are made up because you write things that are not true. You are doing it in general with a lot of players and coaches. I don't have the feeling that you are going to change, but you should because you can't write things that are not true".

Five seasons

"I consider the club, my teammates, the people I work with on a daily basis, the staff... and I'm happy. I'm enjoying it a lot. If someone says that I play badly in the press, it doesn't matter, because everyone can have their own opinion, but the lies... you have to change it".

Again, he made it clear that he wants to stay.

Move on.
Barca's wage bill exceeds what La Liga will let them spend, selling their two highest earners De Jong and Lewandowski is practically a must for them.
With the emergence of Mainoo, I don't know that De Jong would be a perfect Midfield partner for him, and Mainoo is most definitely our long term future.
Even if he wanted to join - is this not the sort of signing we are trying to move away from?

Big fee, big wages for someone who will be 27 by the summer.
Even if he wanted to join - is this not the sort of signing we are trying to move away from?

Big fee, big wages for someone who will be 27 by the summer.

Isnt 27 the age you would want to be paying the big wages? Those are prime years. As if 27 is old, that would be atleast 5 more prime years usually. At least.

When does a player deserve the big wages anyway?

Cant pay young players the big wages because it makes them 'think they made it and lose their hunger'. (Rashford, Sancho, Martial will be used as example here)
Cant pay old players big wages because 'they just want a last pay day'. (Casemiro, Varane will be used as examples here)
Barca's wage bill exceeds what La Liga will let them spend, selling their two highest earners De Jong and Lewandowski is practically a must for them.
They're the players they want to sell to solve their problem. They're not the players other clubs will want to buy.
De Jong is a non starter. Stay at his dream club earning two or three times the absolute best offer he'll get elsewhere or move because its convenient for Barcelona? We've already seen the answer. I dont see how paying a chunk of his wages is going to save them on wages.
Maybe the Saudi's will make an offer for Lewandowski. Thats plausible I guess. Dont see the attraction to lewandowski, not like he's going to get dropped if he stays, not exactly stiff competition in the position.
Isnt 27 the age you would want to be paying the big wages? Those are prime years. As if 27 is old, that would be atleast 5 more prime years usually. At least.

When does a player deserve the big wages anyway?

Cant pay young players the big wages because it makes them 'think they made it and lose their hunger'. (Rashford, Sancho, Martial will be used as example here)
Cant pay old players big wages because 'they just want a last pay day'. (Casemiro, Varane will be used as examples here)
I don’t disagree that 27 is peak years.

Players deserve big wages when they’ve delivered consistently for United. Look at how long Liverpool held off rewarding Salah with what he wanted.

I would prefer us to sign younger players and they become top players whilst here - rather than signing them at their peak values and wage demands.
Just move on already. He only wants to play for Barcelona and will never initiate to leave the club by himself. The only thing that would make him leave is if Barcelona is forcing him out. But than you will end up with an unhappy underperforming player who actually don't want to be here like Di Maria or Messi at PSG.
It is obvious to everyone that he will fulfill his contract with Barcelona, and leave the club in 2026.
if hes 27 in the summer, then...hes going to be 32 soon enough. do not want. too old.
We need to forget about Frenkie. He made the right decision for himself and ETH wasted too much time and credibility chasing him.
We need to forget about Frenkie. He made the right decision for himself and ETH wasted too much time and credibility chasing him.
Agreed, Frenkie (and/or his Missus) didn't want to come to OT anyway. He would have just been another cruiser that took a fat cheque every month.
Surely with Mainoo’s emergence FDJ isn’t the profile of CM we need to buy.

We need a strong, mobile destroyer of a midfielder.