Gary Neville - Pundit

We absolutely battered City in the same fixture a few years back? We were 2 up in 30 minutes.

That was our best performance under Ole by an absolute mile. Some very effective high pressing and Fred's probably best ever game of football for any club, where he actually looked like he might be worth half what we paid, pressing well and being precise and timely with his passing. But that wasn't the high line proactive football we played in the first 30 minutes today. And that day City had a centre back pairing of Stones and Fernandinho, which did look a little flustered.

Today we pressed as a team for quite a decent spell (given our team cannot perform well for more than 30 minutes at a time) and we held them off despite the numerous shortcomings in the playing personnel with a high line which would have spelled utter disaster before, until a chain of individual mistakes got them back in the lead. And then, of course, we shat the bed.
I dont see it like that personally, and. i think he is as harsh on all the players imo, i think people just hear it different. After the game he was very critical of Rashford and Lingard, saying we looked even worse when they came on and also talked about how he was benched despite us missing 4 strikers that we started the season with.

People hear things differently, and for me it just feels as thought people cant wait to jump on him for saying what most fans are thinking. Its the same with Carragher and liverpool fans too.
I can see your point, I just feel that he can be very negative about Utd yet give a pass to other teams, there was very few positives from yesterday though.
Gary just grumbles like the rest of us, picking up on points most supporters make, but it is a bit 'wearing' when he is the co-commentator as well, because its incessant, its like sitting behind a fan who never gives his personal vocal criticism of the team or certain players, a rest.

My old man (God rest his Soul) use to drive me mad with the same complaint and I am sure at times it was only his age that stopped someone around us sticking one on him.

At least with Gary you can turn the sound off, or skip through his summations!
And he does annoy the ABU's because they want him to try to defend United, so they can moan at him, but its the United fans who get that dubious pleasure! :rolleyes:
Shame this current Gary Neville was nowhere to be seen a few years ago
Shame this current Gary Neville was nowhere to be seen a few years ago
Yep same guy that was saying this bunch of players were the most likable bunch of players in a long time whilst his buddy ole was in charge and all of a sudden has changed his tune and now they are worst bunch ever in his eyes, he has ole to thank for that
Funny he seems to have found his voice finally after defending the last regime to hell and back for 3 years...

Honestly the worst pundit on TV for me, his constantly reactionary and agenda based bullocks does my head in
Funny he seems to have found his voice finally after defending the last regime to hell and back for 3 years...

Honestly the worst pundit on TV for me, his constantly reactionary and agenda based bullocks does my head in
We were a Kane away from winning the league last summer according to Gary
He was good last night, schooling Souness on the disease known as the glazers.
One of the things Gary mentioned last night which I agree firmly with is this Clubs Hierarchy putting the players above the manager. Trying to create celebrities rather than elite sportsmen. Unveiling them with cheesy promos and who can ever for get these two adverts from a few years back. Cringeworthy on the highest level.

Both things can be true.
Its widely reported our ground is outdated. Why does everything that doesnt suit someone's narrative need to be b@llshit? Glazers have allowed every aspect of the club to rot. THe real surprise is muppets still refuse to see this.
At times he talks some sense, but most of the time Nev is the average caf poster.
I actually couldn't stand his commentary yesterday. Constantly moaning during the game about the club having no culture, no identity, etc. Man let me watch the mother fecking game.
At times he talks some sense, but most of the time Nev is the average caf poster.
I actually couldn't stand his commentary yesterday. Constantly moaning during the game about the club having no culture, no identity, etc. Man let me watch the mother fecking game.
Yeah it was annoying, was actually a very selfish way of covering the game.
Just because both things can be true doesn't mean both things ARE true.
People around the club have been complaining about the training ground for years. We need better facilities and better people using them to compete. I dont think that's controversial is it?
Funny he seems to have found his voice finally after defending the last regime to hell and back for 3 years...

Honestly the worst pundit on TV for me, his constantly reactionary and agenda based bullocks does my head in

Strange isn't it. Never a bad word to say about Ole because he was his mate. Clear as day for a long time that Ole was in over his head but Neville never admitted that some of Uniteds issues stemmed from the manager. He would praise Klopp and Pep in one breath and then say how Ole couldn't possibly be responsible for any issues at United in the next.
I’m Ok with Neville defending Ole till the last minute even though it was to the clubs detriment. They are mates and I can understand it and hate it at the same time.

I didn’t like it one bit when he rode with Carragher’s Ronaldo narrative which caused a huge faction of United supporters to call for Ronaldo’s head.

Neville’s real test will be this next season with his coverage of Ten Hag and I do have a feeling he’ll be an insufferable twat.
Tbf to Neville there really isn’t a lot more anyone can say about the current situation at United.

Everyone is just repeating the same talking points.
Tbf to Neville there really isn’t a lot more anyone can say about the current situation at United.

Everyone is just repeating the same talking points.
Only have to see the threads on this board to work that one out.
"At this moment in time."

He says this phrase so often it's actually quite strange...

Its probably a phrase he learned to cover his ass in the future because he’s afraid itll be used against him, or it’s a redundant, verbal tic he picked up somewhere, like how millennials start a sentence with ‘I mean’
People around the club have been complaining about the training ground for years. We need better facilities and better people using them to compete. I dont think that's controversial is it?

From the horses mouth. Yes we can always improve things but our training ground being used as a reason that we are not competing is laughable.
Look at the football we produced training at The Cliff. How can Carrington not be good enough? How much more can footballers need?

It's just Gary laying into everything as usual.

It'd be nice to see Gary and other pundits questioned on their opinion now and again. They don't need to be put in front of a select committee but a little reflection here and there would be good TV.

Does Gary still think ETH won't come because of what van de Beek tells him?
Neville and Carragher spot on regarding ten hag and ronaldo.