Gary Neville - Pundit

Sorry but this is just such an emotionally charged response. It's good to care and feel about these things but a) yes I have noticed as its literally everywhere. Twitter, newspapers, tv - the state of the UK is on almost 24/7 coverage, including punditry for the world cup final. It's disingenuous to suggest people havent noticed or that it 'hits close to home' for 'some people'. People are dealing with this shit day in day out in their family lives and professional lives and Gary Neville bleating on about it doesnt hammer home the point. b) It's just patently false to say 'no one seems to mention anything' re politicians. what news cycle are you following? You cant possibly miss the daily scathing and justified criticism of plenty of politicians. It's just too emotional and not rational to argue that nobody 'mentions anything'. It's hard to fathom how anyone can believe that to be true.

There are countless, near 24/7 outlets for people to use their platforms, and I doubt Im in a minority who believes 120 minutes of escapism might be healthy, without hypocrites like Neville beating their drum. On that note Im going to escape this conversation as its a forum I use for football. Believe it or not I think it's possible to separate compartments of daily life.
And therein lies the problem with the UK population, never making enough noise to make a change.
Well, at least they NEVER gave a free pass to the ira scumbag women and kiddie killing murdering terrorists like labour did.

Anyway, we need to get back to a time when these pundits talk about footie and nothing else, as keep the fecking politics out of the game, as its meant to be a form of escapisms from all that bullshit.
You can curl up with that article while the NHS, education and most public services crumble.

I'm no fan of Keir Starmer or Blair. But bringing this up in defence of the Tories is fecking backwards looking and pointless.

I'm glad Neville brought it up. It is a major part of everyone's life in the UK and is relevant when taking about workers rights in Qatar.
He's a grade A cnut who used immigration and race as a weapon. Brexit is a complete failure. Now he just stands on the coast with his binoculars and spews his shite on GB news.

He is.
Interestingly he had Matt Le Tissier on his show a few weeks ago and he didn't tell him just to stick to football.
Farage couldn't wait to discuss mad Matts love of conspiracy theories!
Good to have a high profile person back striking workers.
100%. This forum is so fecking weird.

This is a government that decided the best way to thank its medical staff was with pots, pans and vibes rather than actual f ucking money.

I’d be livid if that was me.

Good on Gary for highlighting that as well as what he’s highlighted about Qatar.
As Ian Hislop pointed out when you're taking money from a Qatari held World Cup you're in no position to preach.
Neville is getting into politics and this is more self serving crap when people want to enjoy football and not be patronised.
He is.
Interestingly he had Matt Le Tissier on his show a few weeks ago and he didn't tell him just to stick to football.
Farage couldn't wait to discuss mad Matts love of conspiracy theories!

They are all the same when it’s someone who agrees with them. It’s amazing how they bang on about free speech but can’t take it when someone actually uses it. Remember when they told Obama to stay out of Uk politics but they gave Trump free reign to say what he wants.
As Ian Hislop pointed out when you're taking money from a Qatari held World Cup you're in no position to preach.
Neville is getting into politics and this is more self serving crap when people want to enjoy football and not be patronised.
I don't get this.

We live in a global world. Many of us work for large multinationals, buy all our clothes and our products from factories in China, travel to all these countries on holiday - does that mean we're also not allowed to criticise our government's and their policies?
And therein lies the problem with the UK population, never making enough noise to make a change.

:wenger: yes, the multiple problems the UK is facing definitely aren't getting enough noise. The 24/7 news cycle about them isn't enough. The mass strikes and discontent. The marches, the riots, the motorway protests, the endless stream of social media live tweeting about every politicians latest gaffe. Better post more on redcafe

For the last time I'm out of this thread. Just blatant lying going on at this point
:wenger: yes, the multiple problems the UK is facing definitely aren't getting enough noise. The 24/7 news cycle about them isn't enough. The mass strikes and discontent. The marches, the riots, the motorway protests, the endless stream of social media live tweeting about every politicians latest gaffe. Better post more on redcafe

For the last time I'm out of this thread. Just blatant lying going on at this point

But for each of those events, there is a Politician feeding misinformation on every news channel, social media etc. They don’t like it when a platform which could reach a lot of people is used to tell the truth to contradict them.

Not sure what lying you are referring to.
with you totally on this. the nonsense that well-off people can't be left wing is so... well, so Rees Mogg mentality. And the best the cretins can come up with is "champagne socialist" which is (a) so 1970s and (b) pathetically juvenile
Oh agree, the right wing have really ran out of any ideas. Their answer seems to be to point at anything they don’t like and to called it socialist, while undermining basic democratic rights.

Not to mention its the fecking lazy approach some people have that has got this country to it's current pathetic state. They'll rely on headlines and voice notes but won't ready anything else.
There seems to be a very basic denial that when economic/social conditions get worse then politics will become more relevant. It’s unavoidable and simply

100%. This forum is so fecking weird.

This is a government that decided the best way to thank its medical staff was with pots, pans and vibes rather than actual f ucking money.

I’d be livid if that was me.

Good on Gary for highlighting that as well as what he’s highlighted about Qatar.
Yeah I’m not Gary biggest fan but it would be odd for people to not give him credit for this.
What I don’t get is that he is talking about the lack of workers rights but then comparing it to the UK and saying we are a shambles. I know that most of you will disagree here but the Strike action to me is showing the exact opposite, surely the right to strike is absolutely massive. Think about all the positive changes that industrial action and unions have brought to this country over the last 200 years. Working hours, fair pay, safety, these are all things that we take for granted now but sounds like they did not have at all for the WC.

Surely rather than advertising is as a shit show he should be saying this is what the Quatari’s should be doing to bring in positive change too?

Or we could all stick to the party line that our country has absolutely abhorrent workers rights and we should have a 20% pay rise for all?
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I suggest you type into Google "Gary Neville tax arrangements" and do some research. The hypocrite is the same as the rest of them.

I have and seems he pays tax, unless we going back to a article in 2004 linking him to a possible avoidance, but yeah he's just the same as the rest.
Well, at least they NEVER gave a free pass to the ira scumbag women and kiddie killing murdering terrorists like labour did.

Anyway, we need to get back to a time when these pundits talk about footie and nothing else, as keep the fecking politics out of the game, as its meant to be a form of escapisms from all that bullshit.

:lol: @ escapism while ranting about labour and the RA.

You just annoyed because what he is saying has rattled you in some way, and I suspect it's because he attacking your side.
Well, at least they NEVER gave a free pass to the ira scumbag women and kiddie killing murdering terrorists like labour did.

Anyway, we need to get back to a time when these pundits talk about footie and nothing else, as keep the fecking politics out of the game, as its meant to be a form of escapisms from all that bullshit.
They just let IRA sympathisers like Claire Fox into the house of lords instead.
with you totally on this. the nonsense that well-off people can't be left wing is so... well, so Rees Mogg mentality. And the best the cretins can come up with is "champagne socialist" which is (a) so 1970s and (b) pathetically juvenile
Part of me thinks it’s so very deliberate. The history books tell us outright that for massive changes to happen then the proletariat do actually need assistance from some of those in the position of privilege. The attacks on those who have the position of privilege who will use that spot to support people is to try stopping them doing so knowing they would be the biggest threat to the status quo, and what’s the best way to stop them? By turning them into the bad guy in the eyes of the people they’re trying to help, because who wants to help people who attack you for helping.

But hey, as we can see some people fall right into it. It’s so daft to fall for such a blatant ploy.
What I don’t get is that he is talking about the lack of workers rights but then comparing it to the UK and saying we are a shambles. I know that most of you will disagree here but the Strike action to me is showing the exact opposite, surely the right to strike is absolutely massive. Think about all the positive changes that industrial action and unions have brought to this country over the last 200 years. Working hours, fair pay, safety, these are all things that we take for granted now but sounds like they did not have at all for the WC.

Surely rather than advertising is as a shit show he should be saying this is what the Quatari’s should be doing to bring in positive change too?

Or we could all stick to the party line that our country has absolutely abhorrent workers rights and we should have a 20% pay rise for all?
I'm not sure if you've noticed, but the government is planning to take away some of those rights - having already banned meaningful protests
It's very odd that people can't agree with someone about one thing because they disagree with them about another thing.
Well, at least they NEVER gave a free pass to the ira scumbag women and kiddie killing murdering terrorists like labour did.

Anyway, we need to get back to a time when these pundits talk about footie and nothing else, as keep the fecking politics out of the game, as its meant to be a form of escapisms from all that bullshit.

Remind me who it was that elected the son of a KGB agent in to the house of lords again?
Well, at least they NEVER gave a free pass to the ira scumbag women and kiddie killing murdering terrorists like labour did.

Anyway, we need to get back to a time when these pundits talk about footie and nothing else, as keep the fecking politics out of the game, as its meant to be a form of escapisms from all that bullshit.
Might want to see what the Tories are proposing in NI now buddy
Might want to see what the Tories are proposing in NI now buddy
If that's the amnesty thing, I thought that was just for the army/ruc and not pira, inla, soar Eire, uda, uff, lvf, uvf and the rest of the other scumbag cowardly twats like the shankill butchers ?
If that's the amnesty thing, I thought that was just for the army/ruc and not pira, inla, soar Eire, uda, uff, lvf, uvf and the rest of the other scumbag cowardly twats like the shankill butchers ?
It’s striking how you’re not including the army in your little rant never mind the RUC that had to be disbanded due to collusion with loyalists that led to the murder of men, women and children but that’s a different story.
And no, it doesn’t just apply to just those two organisations but to everybody. A Tory bill here in 2022.
It’s striking how you’re not including the army in your little rant never mind the RUC that had to be disbanded due to collusion with loyalists that led to the murder of men, women and children but that’s a different story.
And no, it doesn’t just apply to just those two organisations but to everybody. A Tory bill here in 2022.
What the feck is your problem, eh ? What the feck are you talking about, "rant" I asked you a bloody question, (was it the amnesty thing for which the Tories don't want ex women and kiddie killing army, ruc and B wankers charged but just the groups I named) was what you were talking about, and you react like a child throwing its toys of out its fecking pram.

Now the above like your reply is a fecking rant, learn the difference.
What the feck is your problem, eh ? What the feck are you talking about, "rant" I asked you a bloody question, was it the amnesty thing for which the Tories don't want ex army, ruc and B wankers charged but just the groups I named you were talking about and you react like a child throwing its toys of out its fecking pram.
I’m correcting your Labour claim. It’s you who seems to have thrown your toys out of the pram.
Do you know why they want the bill Introduced? It’s to not investigate their own, decades long campaign of killing British citizens in Northern Ireland through collusion with loyalists. This bill stops that.
When you’re preaching about murders don’t separate the army and RUC with the other groups you mentioned. They’re every bit the murdering bastards as well.
I’m correcting your Labour claim. It’s you who seems to have thrown your toys out of the pram.
Do you know why they want the bill Introduced? It’s to not investigate their own, decades long campaign of killing British citizens in Northern Ireland through collusion with loyalists. This bill stops that.
When you’re preaching about murders don’t separate the army and RUC with the other groups you mentioned. They’re every bit the murdering bastards as well.
Oh for feck stake, I never said those vile bastards didn't kill innocents. Like a week before bloody Sunday the hard men of the british army shot an 11 yr old girl dead IN DERRY, shot her in the back, or when they pumped 150 bullets into a car carrying three16 yr olds that didn't stop, 75 of those bullets after it came to a stop, so I know the army, cops killed many and were killing innocent catholics and prods and blaming the ra or uda, just like I know they helped the uda bomb Dublin and Monaghan, kill Pat FInucane looking to start an all out war as Tim Pat Googan pointed out in his books many a time, both sets were as bad as each other.
There are countless, near 24/7 outlets for people to use their platforms, and I doubt Im in a minority who believes 120 minutes of escapism might be healthy, without hypocrites like Neville beating their drum.

You are exactly the kind of person that he, and we, are trying to look after.
You are exactly the kind of person that he, and we, are trying to look after.

Such incredible conceit and narcissism. To announce to a stranger on a football forum that you're 'trying to look after' them,it's hard to fathom.

If you care about my thoughts I have other posts here. I'm absolutely not getting involved in this sort of online hyperbole. I'm asking nicely to please not engage me further