Gary Neville - Pundit

Oh for feck stake, I never said those vile bastards didn't kill innocents. Like a week before bloody Sunday the hard men of the british army shot an 11 yr old girl dead IN DERRY, shot her in the back, or when they pumped 150 bullets into a car carrying three16 yr olds that didn't stop, 75 of those bullets after it came to a stop, so I know the army, cops killed many and were killing innocent catholics and prods and blaming the ra or uda, just like I know they helped the uda bomb Dublin and Monaghan, kill Pat FInucane looking to start an all out war as Tim Pat Googan pointed out in his books many a time, both sets were as bad as each other.
This is a Gary Neville thread right?!
While Neville deserve a lot of criticism, it’s worth saying it seems Rio is making promo vids for Qatar on his YouTube channel. Kind of forget just how awful other pundits can be.
Oh for feck stake, I never said those vile bastards didn't kill innocents. Like a week before bloody Sunday the hard men of the british army shot an 11 yr old girl dead IN DERRY, shot her in the back, or when they pumped 150 bullets into a car carrying three16 yr olds that didn't stop, 75 of those bullets after it came to a stop, so I know the army, cops killed many and were killing innocent catholics and prods and blaming the ra or uda, just like I know they helped the uda bomb Dublin and Monaghan, kill Pat FInucane looking to start an all out war as Tim Pat Googan pointed out in his books many a time, both sets were as bad as each other.
Read what you posted. You accused Labour of forgiving killers and the Tories of not doing so and when I pointed out their NI bill you said it’s just for the RUC and Army right? As if you knew about it and didn’t think it counted because it was the army and RUC.
Such a basic diversionary tactic by Neville. He’s an egomaniac, he’s been questioned about taking Qatari money and using the platform to raise the issues of human rights violations and instead he’s used the platform to make comparisons between the British government and Qatar. If anyone seriously believes that wet lettuce of a rant was anything but self-serving then they are as deluded as Neville (who will obviously believe it wasn’t self-serving because he’s Gary Neville)

If it’s ok for me to take the money and work in Britain then it’s ok for me to take Qatari money too. Because you know, both have issues with workers rights.
While Neville deserve a lot of criticism, it’s worth saying it seems Rio is making promo vids for Qatar on his YouTube channel. Kind of forget just how awful other pundits can be.

If you want to look at it that way they're all as bad as each other. In some ways I respect Rio more now. He took the Qatari money and didn't sugarcoat it or try to pretend that it was all part of a virtuous crusade.

Such a basic diversionary tactic by Neville. He’s an egomaniac, he’s been questioned about taking Qatari money and using the platform to raise the issues of human rights violations and instead he’s used the platform to make comparisons between the British government and Qatar. If anyone seriously believes that wet lettuce of a rant was anything but self-serving then they are as deluded as Neville (who will obviously believe it wasn’t self-serving because he’s Gary Neville)

If it’s ok for me to take the money and work in Britain then it’s ok for me to take Qatari money too. Because you know, both have issues with workers rights.

I don't even get animated about this stuff nowadays. We can all see through it. I think its a bit off to compare the conditions of British workers to slaves in Qatar. However, when you're caught on the spot a bit of displacement is like a reflex reaction isn't it? Nev's positioning himself as a man of the left. Its not a good look to be seen as taking the money of ultra socially conservative autocratic states. He knows it, we know it, but if you're fresh meat throw something fresher at it, right?

What Nev says doesn't change things either in the UK or Qatar. Ultimately I listen to him for what he has to say about football. He may be a massive hypocrite but that doesn't make him any worse at analysing how a defence sets up. It is what it is. When he starts doing his non-football stuff I just tune out.
If you want to look at it that way they're all as bad as each other. In some ways I respect Rio more now. He took the Qatari money and didn't sugarcoat it or try to pretend that it was all part of a virtuous crusade.

I don't even get animated about this stuff nowadays. We can all see through it. I think its a bit off to compare the conditions of British workers to slaves in Qatar. However, when you're caught on the spot a bit of displacement is like a reflex reaction isn't it? Nev's positioning himself as a man of the left. Its not a good look to be seen as taking the money of ultra socially conservative autocratic states. He knows it, we know it, but if you're fresh meat throw something fresher at it, right?

What Nev says doesn't change things either in the UK or Qatar. Ultimately I listen to him for what he has to say about football. He may be a massive hypocrite but that doesn't make him any worse at analysing how a defence sets up. It is what it is. When he starts doing his non-football stuff I just tune out.
Spot on
Gary's completely on the ETH train now it appears. "Mesmerised" by the job ETH is doing, he says.
Even had a little dig at those who were giving him grief with the Ronaldo saga :)
Shouldn’t be allowed to commentate United games.

He’s far too afraid to be seen as bias, that he just bums any team United is playing.
The commentary on both goals has been shit
I found it funny that Arsenal fans were raging that he was commentating on the game when he seemed desperate for them to score a winner. The man’s a disgrace when covering Utd games, goes far too over the top for the opposition to seem like he’s unbiased.
I think he's lumped a few quid on the London shit houses to win the league. I thought Rashford hadn't scored, Neville or the other tit said nothing for a bit. It was ropey commentary at best, it seems to me both want them to push City.
You guys get WAY too triggered by Gary. I love the guy and for a footballer, I find him to be very thoughtful and entertaining.
Funny because the Arsenal fans are also in uproar over his appearance yesterday
I found it funny that Arsenal fans were raging that he was commentating on the game when he seemed desperate for them to score a winner. The man’s a disgrace when covering Utd games, goes far too over the top for the opposition to seem like he’s unbiased.

Seriously, I think he needs to outright embrace the Jamie Carragher route during games. I have seen Carragher very pro-Liverpool on the air, Andy Townsend being pro-Chelsea, Andy Walker being pro-Celtic, Ally McCoist being pro-Rangers, etc. Heck, I enjoyed it when Gary celebrated the goals against Liverpool earlier this season. All of them work on Sky Sports.

If Arsenal are triggered by Gary Neville, why don't they push for Alan Smith (the older one) to be in the booth alongsde Tyler and Neville in United vs. Arsenal matches?
Gary is the best pundit on Sky Sports. I don't know why some of our fans complain about him.
Gary is the best pundit on Sky Sports. I don't know why some of our fans complain about him.

Because he doesn't suck us off apparently which is ironic given a quick visit to the CAF suggests we must be shit anyway
He's more heartbroken that Forrest goal didn't stand than anyone else in the ground
I love him as an ex-player but I hate it when he co-commentates. I put on an ESPN+ stream tonight just to avoid him.
Yeah what is making him pronounce it like that
There's another one whose name I can't remember who pronounces it in a more Spanish type way Mala-sia. He does also give it the Valenthia and Barthelona too so he may just be a fecking idiot.
Wow, the last couple of pages have diverted a thread about an ex player who does a bit of punditry into some ugly areas :nervous:
I said it in another thread but I feel he’s being overly harsh today. It’s as if context for the game doesn’t matter
Madison like prime Zidane out there, he busting to cream his monks if he scores
Definitely a red, and he pissed me off when he sounded annoyed that Rashford was onside.

Imagine agreeing with Souness.
I actually think he was annoyed at the boy playing cb. Was annoyed with his defending for the first as well and kept saying he can't understand why he stepped in
I actually think he was annoyed at the boy playing cb. Was annoyed with his defending for the first as well and kept saying he can't understand why he stepped in

I do too really, but I wish sometimes he'd just be a United fan and let it out. Carragher doesn't get too much shit for his Liverpool affection, and I think Neville would get something of a free pass as well.