Gary Neville

It was obvious what he was up to when he grew that moustache.
He's a pundit. It's part of his job. Some of my employees were Berties, but I still authorised their wages and let them have share options.

He's also turned into a bitter, opinionated knob. But that's a different matter.
I would never play for them, always said if i wasn't good enough for mufc i wouldn't play for anyone

Thank you!! I think:nervous:

Wait, are we allies in this thread? How the feck did that happen. I thought I was mocking you.

He’s a professional pundit employed by the biggest broadcaster in Europe, if he turned round and said “no way, United till I die, feck Klopp” I would think he was an absolute wanker to be honest.
I was his biggest fan growing up, always loved him, even played as a right back and asked for the number 2 shirt when i played in my local youth team.

He's done nothing but shit on us for years and now goes and jumps into bed with the Liverpool manager when it's looking like they might win the league, he can go and get fecked in my opinion
He tries too hard to be impartial, and it can look that way sometimes. But to me, he's doing what any of us would do if we were sat there. He's a fan of United, and fans rarely go on about the positives. They talk about what they want to see improved, what isn't working etc. We do it all the time on here, it can be a negative place at the best of times. But we're not "shitting on the club". He's a pundit, and it's his job to give his opinion on us, and let's face it - the last 6 years have not been good enough. Is he expected to pretend like it's been brilliant football? Or is he going to moan like the rest of us fans?

As for the outrage over him going to Liverpool's ground and interviewing Klopp, it's the Liverpool manager not Adolf Hitler. He's doing his job ffs. Talk about an overreaction.
He’s a professional pundit employed by the biggest broadcaster in Europe, if he turned round and said “no way, United till I die, feck Klopp” I would think he was an absolute wanker to be honest.
But your a spurs fan so your opinion doesn't matter to be honest.
The success went to his head and he's become an idiot in a bid to stay novel and "on the pulse". Spouting crap like Moyes shouldn't have been sacked and who can forget his blind support of England players (silent domination).

But this, you're overreacting a tad.
There's better reasons to list if you're wanting to hate on Gary Neville.

I'd go to Anfield etc. whenever asked if someone gave me £5 million a year to talk shit about football.
He's done his Soccer Box thing with Barnes, Fowler, Owen and countless others. It is a strange position to take.
OP, you're lacking perspective, so here's some:

Manchester United and Liverpool are football clubs. Establishments that employ players and other people who go about playing the GAME of football. We HUMANS have been playing this game for a while now and people seem to enjoy it a lot all over the world. So we all started getting together to watch the best players compete at this game.

Liverpool FC is a football club. They're not terrorists. They didn't kill your family. They didn't bully you in school. They're just a bunch of people who got employed to either play or contribute in some other way in the GAME of football. They all worked very hard to get where they are, since there a hundreds of thousands of people who are trying to get to their place, and hence why they get paid a lot of money.

We all enjoy watching this game continuously, throughout the year, throughout our lives, but some of us (you) forget what it is. You seem to have forgotten what anything is actually.

Gary Neville, if you weren't aware, is just a guy. He sh*ts in the morning, eats junk food on occasion, watches p*rn, argues with his wife sometimes, and then goes to work where he talks about/to people about the GAME of football. He used to play it - he was famously good at it since he made it to a level where the majority of players never make it to. And now he talks about it.

He's never met you. He doesn't know who you are. He didn't mean to cause you to be upset. He's not even thinking about the reasons that you might be upset about. He's just living his life, same as you. He even, just like you, sometimes has a go at people (the whole Pogba instagram photo thing a couple weeks back) and looses his cool about petty things, so surely that could make you relate to him even more?

So please relax, take a bath or something. Eat some ice cream. Say something nice and warm to your wife/girlfriend/mother/friend/dog/a stranger. And quit posting negative rubbish. There's so much better things to occupy your mind with - like who to get for next week's Fantasy Premier League round, or how many ants live in the world - it's actually 10,000 trillion! Isn't that f*cking crazy!
OP, you're lacking perspective, so here's some:

Manchester United and Liverpool are football clubs. Establishments that employ players and other people who go about playing the GAME of football. We HUMANS have been playing this game for a while now and people seem to enjoy it a lot all over the world. So we all started getting together to watch the best players compete at this game.

Liverpool FC is a football club. They're not terrorists. They didn't kill your family. They didn't bully you in school. They're just a bunch of people who got employed to either play or contribute in some other way in the GAME of football. They all worked very hard to get where they are, since there a hundreds of thousands of people who are trying to get to their place, and hence why they get paid a lot of money.

We all enjoy watching this game continuously, throughout the year, throughout our lives, but some of us (you) forget what it is. You seem to have forgotten what anything is actually.

Gary Neville, if you weren't aware, is just a guy. He sh*ts in the morning, eats junk food on occasion, watches p*rn, argues with his wife sometimes, and then goes to work where he talks about/to people about the GAME of football. He used to play it - he was famously good at it since he made it to a level where the majority of players never make it to. And now he talks about it.

He's never met you. He doesn't know who you are. He didn't mean to cause you to be upset. He's not even thinking about the reasons that you might be upset about. He's just living his life, same as you. He even, just like you, sometimes has a go at people (the whole Pogba instagram photo thing a couple weeks back) and looses his cool about petty things, so surely that could make you relate to him even more?

So please relax, take a bath or something. Eat some ice cream. Say something nice and warm to your wife/girlfriend/mother/friend/dog/a stranger. And quit posting negative rubbish. There's so much better things to occupy your mind with - like who to get for next week's Fantasy Premier League round, or how many ants live in the world - it's actually 10,000 trillion! Isn't that f*cking crazy!