Other Geoguessr


(• ___ •)
Dec 31, 2007
Wasn't sure what forum to post this in but think Entertainment works.

Does anyone play Geoguessr? It's the game where it drops you anywhere in the world using Street View and you have to work out where you are by dropping a pin and seeing how close you are.

As a geography nerd I love this shit. It's very satisfying to play it without moving around and managing to get the exact location in the world. They've just added a Battle Royale mode where you just have to guess the country you are in as fast as possible, and the slowest person gets eliminated each round (or whoever doesn't get it in time). I've won a couple of those too and they're good fun.

You learn a lot about certain countries and it's weird how your brain just recognises places based on how the roads look, especially if you've been there before or lived there.

I think you have to pay like £2 or something to be able to play it proper but if you like that kind of thing it's easily worth it.
Wasn't sure what forum to post this in but think Entertainment works.

Does anyone play Geoguessr? It's the game where it drops you anywhere in the world using Street View and you have to work out where you are by dropping a pin and seeing how close you are.

As a geography nerd I love this shit. It's very satisfying to play it without moving around and managing to get the exact location in the world. They've just added a Battle Royale mode where you just have to guess the country you are in as fast as possible, and the slowest person gets eliminated each round (or whoever doesn't get it in time). I've won a couple of those too and they're good fun.

You learn a lot about certain countries and it's weird how your brain just recognises places based on how the roads look, especially if you've been there before or lived there.

I think you have to pay like £2 or something to be able to play it proper but if you like that kind of thing it's easily worth it.

I actually watch some dude doing this on YouTube and doing it fast and getting ridiculously close. I don't understand how people do it but it amazes me. I think I ended up watching videos of people playing for an hour or 2 :lol:

You could send me a photo of my town and I wouldn't have a clue it was my town!
I once got dropped in a science laboratory in Eastern Europe. Absolutely no writing anywhere to hint at a country. I was competing with a work mate and it was very annoying as I ended up about 3000 miles wrong which won her the game. I’m not bitter about it.
how long would you need on average to guess the location that would be regarded as decent time wise?
how long would you need on average to guess the location that would be regarded as decent time wise?

However long you want really. I do no moving so I usually spend about a minute or two on each one zooming in and out before making a decision.
how long would you need on average to guess the location that would be regarded as decent time wise?


This shows how long I spent on each round of that challenge I just posted. I spent the longest on the first one because I worked out the city and was searching to see if I could find the street. The second one I had nothing to go on so I just guessed a country.

This shows how long I spent on each round of that challenge I just posted. I spent the longest on the first one because I worked out the city and was searching to see if I could find the street. The second one I had nothing to go on so I just guessed a country.

Ok thanks, under a minute is pretty quick though.
Ok thanks, under a minute is pretty quick though.

That's to get the country but it would take longer to narrow down and get exact for 5000 points. You can usually work out the country pretty quick based on the language of signs or website addresses, as a lot of them end in country codes like .dk (denmark) or .se (sweden) etc...
@Solius 500 points less than you and super slow because Tesco mobile couldn’t load the map half the time.
I once got dropped in a science laboratory in Eastern Europe. Absolutely no writing anywhere to hint at a country. I was competing with a work mate and it was very annoying as I ended up about 3000 miles wrong which won her the game. I’m not bitter about it.
I really want to joke about novichok, but can't really think of a witty reply :(
I done shit :lol: not surprised. I think this could be loads of fun now I've actually played it once. Could be brilliant for break times at work.
Came 4th so far, but with the quickest time, should probably slow down a bit and try to nail the area more than the country.
There is a guy on YouTube that’s quite fun to watch play this. He even started a series where he does it in real life (in the UK).
Came 4th so far, but with the quickest time, should probably slow down a bit and try to nail the area more than the country.

Yeah once I thought I knew the country I went for stabs in the dark, felt like I was under a timer even though I wasn't.
I like doing the challenges (because they're free), but I always get way too into it and spend ages on each one looking for the slightest clue.
There is a guy on YouTube that’s quite fun to watch play this. He even started a series where he does it in real life (in the UK).

GeoWizard? His other series' are great as well, the straight line challenge and the 'How not to travel Europe" ones.
30 minutes for 11 points :lol:
A lot of it was spent on different tabs tbf, but I definitely spent more time on the 2nd one than on any other one. I didn't realise that they've had so many Russian cars in Macedonia — so I assumed that it was Russia; there are only 2 zones with similar climate, around Krasnodar and in the far East, just north of Japan. The weird Japanese-like looking roof on one of the buildings in the background led me to a completely wrong conclusion :lol:
A lot of it was spent on different tabs tbf, but I definitely spent more time on the 2nd one than on any other one. I didn't realise that they've had so many Russian cars in Macedonia — so I assumed that it was Russia; there are only 2 zones with similar climate, around Krasnodar and in the far East, just north of Japan. The weird Japanese-like looking roof on one of the buildings in the background led me to a completely wrong conclusion :lol:

How did you and @Olly Gunnar Solskjær get the 5th one so close?
I lost interest after I had two almost perfect games with 3 fully perfect rounds in each one. I guessr I am just too good in this.