Giggs Super Injunction......

Red Dreams

Full Member
Aug 16, 2003
Across the Universe....from Old Trafford.
Yes, but no one's making it their business are they? Who's going p to Ryan and lecturing him? If anyone did that he'd be well within his rights to tell them to feck off...

We all have opinions on everything don't we?, football for example. Or someone beating someone up, or mugging them, or whatever. The Current Event forums would be useless without people having opinions on other people...Is that "no one elses business?"

Again, it's only when people are trying to protect themselves, (or in this case, someone who's a hero to them) that they trot out the "you're all cnuts for having opinions on it, worse than murderers you are, it's not your business"'s life mate, people have opinions on things, and people also make their own moral standards...That doesn't equate to the same things as "making it their business."

I'm referring of course to mere people chatting about it, not the tabloids, who obviously ARE making it their business...but then, ina weird way, it's their business to make it their business...Whether right or (in this case most likely) wrong.

thats fair enough mate.


Lowering the tone since 2006
Sep 1, 2006
I'm highly suspicious of why Dwayne turns every thread that mentions sex into a discussion about guns.



Full Member
Apr 2, 2010
Smoke crack like Isaac Asimov
was just about to check my email when I spoted this: (Giggs got sister in law pregnant)

The sister-in-law of Manchester United footballer Ryan Giggs has revealed that he made her pregnant towards the end of their eight-year secret affair and then paid for an abortion. "He told me straight off, 'You know there's only one option, a termination. We can't ruin everybody's life'," she told the News of the World.

Natasha Giggs says she discovered she was pregnant only weeks before her wedding to Ryan's younger brother, Rhodri Giggs, last year.

She says it happened when she slept with Ryan Giggs on the night he scored two penalties to help Manchester United beat Tottenham Hotspur in April 2010. "There was no doubt about it, it was Ryan's," she said. "I remember thinking, 'God. He's going to go mental'. I didn't know whether to tell him, to be honest."

She did tell him - by phone - and booked the termination operation at a clinic in Stockport for June 3, two weeks before she was due to marry Rhodri in Las Vegas.

The cost was £700. Having spent "every bit of my money" on preparations for her upcoming wedding, Ryan Giggs offered to help. The day before the operation, he came over on his bicycle. "He was in his shorts and sunglasses and handed me £500, saying that was all he could get out."

Natasha Giggs is represented by the celebrity PR Max Clifford, who has negotiated her "kiss and tell" deal with the News of the World.

Her husband Rhodri is reported to have "dumped" her as soon as the News of the World first revealed the affair last Sunday. The paper claims he is now considering a £250,000 payout from his brother to stop him talking to the press, too.

More on Ryan Giggs got me pregnant, says sister-in-law


Full Member
Nov 30, 2007
Has anybody came up with a good reason yet for why the feck this has got anything to do with anybody other then the 4 adults involved and their kids?


New Member
Jan 16, 2006
at the altar of ryan giggs
was just about to check my email when I spoted this: (Giggs got sister in law pregnant)

The sister-in-law of Manchester United footballer Ryan Giggs has revealed that he made her pregnant towards the end of their eight-year secret affair and then paid for an abortion. "He told me straight off, 'You know there's only one option, a termination. We can't ruin everybody's life'," she told the News of the World.

Natasha Giggs says she discovered she was pregnant only weeks before her wedding to Ryan's younger brother, Rhodri Giggs, last year.

She says it happened when she slept with Ryan Giggs on the night he scored two penalties to help Manchester United beat Tottenham Hotspur in April 2010. "There was no doubt about it, it was Ryan's," she said. "I remember thinking, 'God. He's going to go mental'. I didn't know whether to tell him, to be honest."

She did tell him - by phone - and booked the termination operation at a clinic in Stockport for June 3, two weeks before she was due to marry Rhodri in Las Vegas.

The cost was £700. Having spent "every bit of my money" on preparations for her upcoming wedding, Ryan Giggs offered to help. The day before the operation, he came over on his bicycle. "He was in his shorts and sunglasses and handed me £500, saying that was all he could get out."

Natasha Giggs is represented by the celebrity PR Max Clifford, who has negotiated her "kiss and tell" deal with the News of the World.

Her husband Rhodri is reported to have "dumped" her as soon as the News of the World first revealed the affair last Sunday. The paper claims he is now considering a £250,000 payout from his brother to stop him talking to the press, too.

More on Ryan Giggs got me pregnant, says sister-in-law

I know giggsy's a tighter than a scotsman but kinell, that's got to take the piss.


Lowering the tone since 2006
Sep 1, 2006
Is anyone else a little bit suspect that the out and out hatchet job that's being done on him is the tabloids getting their pound of flesh as payback for the super injunction itself?


Full Member
Dec 9, 2006
So she had an abortion shortly before her wedding night, and her new husband failed to notice? Did he think she was having the world's longest, most painful period or something? Doesn't add up at all.


New Member
Jan 16, 2006
at the altar of ryan giggs
Is it really so hard to be monagamous ?
whilst I don't condone giggsy, it's mainly because of the quality of fanny he's dug into.

But yeah, I'm sure if you are a pro footballer/celebrity/man in power under 40 and have top class fanny thrown at you left, right, and's pretty feckin hard.

"you are only as faithful as your options" and all that bollocks.


Part of first caf team to complete Destiny raid
May 12, 2005
All this moralising... If only we all practised what we preach.


Not the only poster to be named Poster of the Year
Jan 27, 2009
Editing my own posts.
I do.

i've never cheated on anyone, so I'm very nicely comfortable in my big stone house thank you very much...lobbing some of it's loose brick work at my inferiors...Mwa ha ha ha!

Dr. Dwayne

Self proclaimed tagline king.
May 9, 2006
Nearer my Cas, to thee
No it doesn't count, but it does make you a bit of a prick. Unless said people were fit, in which case it makes you a prick but we understand.
Oh she was fit alright, but she didn't wear a ring and I got all excited the first time I met her. Her accent gave me wood.

Anyway I was as foolish as any of these women we read about, thinking I could convince her to leave her husband. Eventually I gave up.


Lowering the tone since 2006
Sep 1, 2006
Did you sell your story Dwayne?

Dr. Dwayne Love Hell
"I was so hurt, it left me with erectile dysfunction..."

Read more shocking revelations inside this weeks Heat.


Part of first caf team to complete Destiny raid
May 12, 2005
I do.

i've never cheated on anyone, so I'm very nicely comfortable in my big stone house thank you very much...lobbing some of it's loose brick work at my inferiors...Mwa ha ha ha!
Top man, now if you go and do said atrocity in the next few decades, I'd say that is a hell of a lot worse than us unworthy folk who got it out if our systems in our teens and twenties, maybe even worse than Giggs because by all accounts he doesn't seem to hide what he's like outside of the media and isn't running around moralising...


Not the only poster to be named Poster of the Year
Jan 27, 2009
Editing my own posts.
Well very possibly, but that's neither here nor there until I do...But it would clearly make me a hypocrite. Though I'd assure you that if I did, I'd be incredibly disappointed in myself, and blame myself entirely and take the responsibility & whatever consequences come with it, rather than about turn and say "yeah, well, we all do it don't we, it's natural, if she's fit, etc etc"....And I'm not sure how you've worked out Giggsy isn't hiding it...He's clearly been hiding it from his wife, and his other mistresses. I'd say it was all very secretive. No he didn't flaunt it like George Best, but with a wife & family and a profile, that would've been an incredibly stupid thing to do.

I'm not saying I hate all people that cheat, far from it. Cheating happens. A lot. And in a lot of cases it's merely a drunken mistake rather than a calculated affair. Plus there are loads of things I've done that I'm sure people who've cheated can look down on me for. I've stolen, I've injured people, I've lied, frequently. I'm hardly holding myself up as the moral bastion of everything, just pointing out I think cheating is shitty, and trying to dismiss it is even shittier, and actually doens't make any sense. But loads of people cheat, some of my best friends have and I'm pretty sure my dad has. Everyone makes mistakes about something or other. What's that quote? "I don't ask that people don't make mistakes, but I do ask they take responsibility for them"...I'm not even sure that's really a quote now, but yeah, that's the point.

It's simply the excusing verbal gymnastics that some use to try and dismiss their own shitty behaviour as really not their fault, and actually something anyone and everyone does, that makes me feel like posting about it...

But you know, there you go. They're just my opinions on it. I'm not going to enforce them into law or anything.


Not the only poster to be named Poster of the Year
Jan 27, 2009
Editing my own posts.
Surely pointing out that other people are trying to be morally superior is, itself, trying to be morally superior?

The only neutral position is to not comment.

By definition most people would consider their own morality superior to any different kind, as it would be the reason they hold it in the first place. To this end, the only real alternative would be to promote a lack of morality as the morally superior position.

Unless of course we decide that each person's individual set of morals is just as viable as the next, which would be thoroughly lovely, but for the original point that everyone has their own morals because they consider them to be superior & thus can't ever truly believe that.

Thus it's the phrase moral superiority itself which is the real problem, as it's use is either disingenuous, hypocritical or meaningless.

Mwa ha ha ha ha ha ha!!


Not the only poster to be named Poster of the Year
Jan 27, 2009
Editing my own posts.
Oh, and none of my views on cheating have any relevance to why this should still be in the news, or why it deserves to be anyway. It doesn't IMO. But then that's another conversation on the low-brow nature of our society and it's neverending steaming gaggle of spastics.


Full Member
Sep 25, 2008
Friendzoning 'nice guys'
I've never gotten the "it's in our nature" thing...So is murder, so is fighting and injuring others for supremacy. Both of those things are illegal though, rightly, because we've decided as a society they should be. Cheating isn't illegal, but it's frowned on in most societies for many of the same reasons. You can't really bring up our animal instincts whilst ignoring our other ones, or admitting that actually, we're humans, not animals.


Can't We Just Be Nice?
Jul 28, 2006
I have no idea either, yet.
Surely pointing out that other people are trying to be morally superior is, itself, trying to be morally superior?
Not really. I just think that like religion, our own morals are really only our own concern. Less grief if we try not to impose religion or morals on others, as it's quite impractical.


Not the only poster to be named Poster of the Year
Jan 27, 2009
Editing my own posts.
I was really just trying to be a smart arse and have a pointless debate about something existential...

Though tbh, I don't think morals are equatable to religion, personally, as religion is more than just a code of conduct. Surely parents are encouraged (or supposed) to pass on morals to their children? Not doing so would be considered negligent parenting surely?


Grumpy Old Git
Apr 7, 2006
Mrs Slocombe's Pussy
I'm quite happy to believe that ''a man is innocent until proven guilty''.

But if this all turns out to be true about Giggsy, then he is a wanker and deserves all the shit coming his way!