Global Warming

So guys, any good source on the climate change effects? Or that explains in layman's terms what will happen if we don't do anything?
We're already in the middle of a mass extinction caused by climate change, that will only be exacerbated. Coastal areas get flooded due to rising sea levels, this will impact poor nations harder as they don't have the resources to build defences and a number of islands will be lost completely. Extreme weather events will become more common, droughts will become longer and hurricanes harder. Heatwaves will get hotter and longer. These will impact the global south significantly more than the rest of the world so there will be record breaking mass migration to the west as people try to escape famines and resource wars. This will likely lead to a revival of fascism and genocide.
So guys, any good source on the climate change effects? Or that explains in layman's terms what will happen if we don't do anything?

watch the movie "The day after tomorrow". :D

A few of their predictions are coming true.

Hail for example. I have never seen hail fall in middle of a sunny spring, until now. Many growers lost their whole crops because of it. That's something no one is expecting.

So, less food available. That's gonna be huge problem.
It's hard enough getting the richer nations to get on board with adopting more environmental, and more expensive, energy resources. How can we expect the poorer nations to do the same things when they're trying to grow? Think we've well and truly fecked it.
It stuns me that anyone thinks that the light they see at the end of the tunnel isn't an express train.
Older generations think they'll die soon anyway.
Middle aged are too caught up in the norms of social life and habits.
Younger generations feel they're invisible, no care for tomorrow.

"What can I alone do anything" is the most depressing thing to hear.
The recent South Park episodes were some good satire on global warming.

I recommend the series Years of Living Dangerously for some general effects that global warming has had around the world.
So there will be record breaking mass migration to the west as people try to escape famines and resource wars. This will likely lead to a revival of fascism and genocide.

More like closed borders guarded by military presence, leading to indirect genocide of the people trying to get into Europe(From Africa). As the resources(food and freshwater) becomes scarce and the migrations becomes unbearable, people in western countries will have to decide us or them. Will Europe allow mass migration into their countries or will they close the borders and look the other way? All Countries and areas in the world between latitudes 40 degrees north and south will be affected earlier and far worse than those longer north and New Zealand and Patagonia in South America. Seing as these areas are barely self sufficient on their own today, being able to feed and house the rest of the world will be a monumental challenge.
More like closed borders guarded by military presence, leading to indirect genocide of the people trying to get into Europe(From Africa). As the resources(food and freshwater) becomes scarce and the migrations becomes unbearable, people in western countries will have to decide us or them. Will Europe allow mass migration into their countries or will they close the borders and look the other way? All Countries and areas in the world between latitudes 40 degrees north and south will be affected earlier and far worse than those longer north and New Zealand and Patagonia in South America. Seing as these areas are barely self sufficient on their own today, being able to feed and house the rest of the world will be a monumental challenge.
I'd like to read more on that. Any source?
I'd like to read more on that. Any source?

The excact latitude is merely speculation on my behalf, and in the beginning living in areas between these latitudes would be possible. But as the time goes on and the climate change worsen, the distance (north and south) from equator that would be less than hospitable to live in will increase.

I have not read this exactly anywhere, but more as a conclusion from the effects of global warming and the current state of certain areas and countries.
Older generations think they'll die soon anyway.
Middle aged are too caught up in the norms of social life and habits.
Younger generations feel they're invisible, no care for tomorrow.

"What can I alone do anything" is the most depressing thing to hear.

Sweeping generalisation there don't you think.
I am part of the 'older generation' as you put it and while non know when we are going to die, I am still passionate about the future of our planet.
Don't forget lots of older people have grand children to consider.

I am convinced that the human race has enough ingenuity to be able to contain the worst effects of global warming but someone needs to take the lead.

I have written to the CEO of a number of leading UK companies asking them to consider spending 50% of their advertising budgets on either acquiring large parts of rainforests to prevent deforestation or buying cheap land and planting new forests covering thousands of hectares.

This is a relatively cheap and zero risk start and those companies will get massive benefits from doing this.

We simply cannot all sit looking at each other and do nothing.
The higher technology things like CCS can then mature into viable methods.
Sincerely thanks for your effort.

Generalization, yes. But that's my experience from the POV of people around me in a developing country. Its depressing. I'd like to believe there are people around me taking initiative I don't know about.

Selective. Marble Bar and Mildura hot in December:eek: Amazing. Welcome to the “News”

This is the third year running we haven’t got in the pool until November. (We obvs use a thermometer) Always took the first plunge in September. Tbf, summers appear to be arriving and ending later, in line with WA. It has been warm well into April and now, finally, seems to be warming up with a vengeance.
Everything is getting more extreme. We haven't had a cold winter in Sydney in many years. I'm guestimating a decade or so.
We hear a lot of talk that Technology can be the key to reducing the amount of CO2 either being put into the atmosphere or reducing the CO2 level.

One of these is Carbon Capture and Storage CCS although this may be years away from being in production.

Nature already knows how to do this and has been doing it for millions of years. It is called Photosynthesis. Fortunately for us, plants take in CO2 and give out Oxygen reliably and risk free.

So why are dumb humans still cutting down millions of hectares of forest.
So why are governments not planting millions of trees on land not required for food production.

I am not a scientist but is it not obvious that we should follow nature and replicate what we already know works.

I have no problems with deploying technology where it is proven and cost effective but why should we wait for this when there already is a well established solution.
We hear a lot of talk that Technology can be the key to reducing the amount of CO2 either being put into the atmosphere or reducing the CO2 level.

One of these is Carbon Capture and Storage CCS although this may be years away from being in production.

Nature already knows how to do this and has been doing it for millions of years. It is called Photosynthesis. Fortunately for us, plants take in CO2 and give out Oxygen reliably and risk free.

So why are dumb humans still cutting down millions of hectares of forest.
So why are governments not planting millions of trees on land not required for food production.

I am not a scientist but is it not obvious that we should follow nature and replicate what we already know works.

I have no problems with deploying technology where it is proven and cost effective but why should we wait for this when there already is a well established solution.

Planting wont work fast enough even if we could stop us continuing to deforest the world. Lets do both.
We hear a lot of talk that Technology can be the key to reducing the amount of CO2 either being put into the atmosphere or reducing the CO2 level.

One of these is Carbon Capture and Storage CCS although this may be years away from being in production.

Nature already knows how to do this and has been doing it for millions of years. It is called Photosynthesis. Fortunately for us, plants take in CO2 and give out Oxygen reliably and risk free.

So why are dumb humans still cutting down millions of hectares of forest.
So why are governments not planting millions of trees on land not required for food production.

I am not a scientist but is it not obvious that we should follow nature and replicate what we already know works.

I have no problems with deploying technology where it is proven and cost effective but why should we wait for this when there already is a well established solution.

We cut forests because there are massive economic benefits to it - grazing or crop land, timber, coal or mineral mining, setting up new cities. We don't plant because the economic benefits of that are less, and occur in the long-term.
Planting wont work fast enough even if we could stop us continuing to deforest the world. Lets do both.

Of course we should do both.
My point is that we ought not wait for the technology to become mature enough.

By the way, how do you know that a programme of mass tree planting won't work fast enough.
I have read that given the current tree population, it would only take 2000 years to produce the current 20% atmospheric Oxygen content (Wikipedia).
We cut forests because there are massive economic benefits to it - grazing or crop land, timber, coal or mineral mining, setting up new cities. We don't plant because the economic benefits of that are less, and occur in the long-term.

You are missing the point.
It has been calculated by the recent Climate Change conference that the true cost of Global warming will be many hundreds of trillions of dollars whereas the cost of keeping within the 1.5c maximum would be significantly less.
Prevention is always cheaper than the cure.
Of course we should do both.
My point is that we ought not wait for the technology to become mature enough.

By the way, how do you know that a programme of mass tree planting won't work fast enough.
I have read that given the current tree population, it would only take 2000 years to produce the current 20% atmospheric Oxygen content (Wikipedia).

Deforrestation, even in developed countrys, continues, so planting to an extent that reversed loss and sequestered carbon at a rate that impacted climate change is a pipe dream.

Not sure what oxygen levels have to do with anything but we have far less than 2000 years to reverse things regarding rising carbon dioxide levels. Maybe 20 at most I suspect.
Deforrestation, even in developed countrys, continues, so planting to an extent that reversed loss and sequestered carbon at a rate that impacted climate change is a pipe dream.

Not sure what oxygen levels have to do with anything but we have far less than 2000 years to reverse things regarding rising carbon dioxide levels. Maybe 20 at most I suspect.

I was referring to the Oxygen production to illustrate how potent trees are to atmospheric content.
I am well aware that we only have a few years to get to grips with the problem but we have to start somewhere.
Anyway thanks for your comments.
You are missing the point.
It has been calculated by the recent Climate Change conference that the true cost of Global warming will be many hundreds of trillions of dollars whereas the cost of keeping within the 1.5c maximum would be significantly less.
Prevention is always cheaper than the cure.

But that cost will not be borne by people living today (mostly), who can instead profit from cutting forests, etc, and not see the real damage before they die.