Graeme Sourness | Retires from “punditry”

He is a one-eyed Liverpool t*** and always will be. He’ll do anything to undermine United and the players. Why SKY insist on having two ex-Liverpool pundits in the studio is beyond me. SKY got the game moved to Sunday causing many to lose money from cancelled flights and hotel bookings. Looks like they are running the PL.
Dinosaur big one. Remember him planting the flag in the centre circle in Turkey, always been a clown. He wouldn't be able to compete like he did in today's game as tackling has gone. Sky need a revamp big time, they got rid of keys and grey, time for this guy to go as well.
Dinosaur big one. Remember him planting the flag in the centre circle in Turkey, always been a clown. He wouldn't be able to compete like he did in today's game as tackling has gone. Sky need a revamp big time, they got rid of keys and grey, time for this guy to go as well.
He did a lot more than just tackling. Say what you want about him as a pundit, but if you ask any of your fellow older supporters on here they might enlighten you on how good Souness was as a top player. First player on the team sheet.
I remember him as a player and make no mistake he was a top player. As a pundit he's an absolute whopper though.
He did a lot more than just tackling. Say what you want about him as a pundit, but if you ask any of your fellow older supporters on here they might enlighten you on how good Souness was as a top player. First player on the team sheet.

Agreed. Way more than a hard man.

Not as good as Robbo though :cool:
he is mega harsh on Pogba but a lot of things he has said have been true about him as well, make no mistake Souness was a top player when Liverpool dominated.
Souness was typical 70/80s hard man midfielder but he was a top top player.

You guys may hate him but I'd imagine you would love someone of his calibre/drive in the current Utd team.
I remember him as a player and make no mistake he was a top player. As a pundit he's an absolute whopper though.

He was, but it was a different game then. He couldn't play that way now and his idea of how others should play is outdated.
He was, but it was a different game then. He couldn't play that way now and his idea of how others should play is outdated.
Yeah, I saw him get away with a ton of leg breakers and I heard that was almost on a weekly basis. It's funny when I see Liverpool fans who grew up in the 90's romanticize about how great they were and played beautiful football, "like the Brazilians" they say when in reality it was ugly, often defensive with cnuts like Souness kicking players off the park and not to mention their using back passes to their goalie all the time. That club definitely loves a good PR team to twist everything favorably and their fans lap it up.
Yeah, I saw him get away with a ton of leg breakers and I heard that was almost on a weekly basis.
One of my favourite ever bits of commentary — "O-oh! That is a booking!... That is certainly a booking" :lol:
He did a lot more than just tackling. Say what you want about him as a pundit, but if you ask any of your fellow older supporters on here they might enlighten you on how good Souness was as a top player. First player on the team sheet.
So what you don't have to enlighten me on anything, I watched him from the late 70s to 80s and along with most players of the era when tackling was tackling that was what he did! That's why he was 1st on your team sheet. You rate him I don't and I suppose Leeds Utd were playing football like Barcelona, in the 70s ??
Horrendous under-valuing of Souness the player. The only clips that ever get shown on here are of him kicking some poor sod in the air but he was a great forward passer of the ball and a formidable leader. He played in Serie A when it was the best league in the world and was crucial for Liverpool when they were peerless.
He's turned into an insufferable twat since, and was probably one then, but you can't knock his playing career.
Horrendous under-valuing of Souness the player. The only clips that ever get shown on here are of him kicking some poor sod in the air but he was a great forward passer of the ball and a formidable leader. He played in Serie A when it was the best league in the world and was crucial for Liverpool when they were peerless.
He's turned into an insufferable twat since, and was probably one then, but you can't knock his playing career.
We could show the one where he lamped that guy off the ball (and broke his jaw?) but cameras didnt properly catch it.

Yes, he was a very good player though never the best in the team and (imo) not the best midfielder either. Also, his "replacement" (Molby) improved the team.

Did ok at Sampdoria, scored a couple of goals, think they won a cup? Don't think he set Seria A alight.

Important to Liverpool? ... definitely. Critical? .... no.

And you're right about him being a twat but he hasn't become one, he's just honed it to perfection from when he was a player. An angry man..... should chill, for his health if nothing else.
We could show the one where he lamped that guy off the ball (and broke his jaw?) but cameras didnt properly catch it.

Yes, he was a very good player though never the best in the team and (imo) not the best midfielder either. Also, his "replacement" (Molby) improved the team.

Did ok at Sampdoria, scored a couple of goals, think they won a cup? Don't think he set Seria A alight.

Important to Liverpool? ... definitely. Critical? .... no.

And you're right about him being a twat but he hasn't become one, he's just honed it to perfection from when he was a player. An angry man..... should chill, for his health if nothing else.
Nope. He was great player. 7 seasons 5 leagues 3 ECs and captain for the best team in Europe over that period. Hard as nails but a great passer of the ball. Critical for Liverpool
Horrendous under-valuing of Souness the player. The only clips that ever get shown on here are of him kicking some poor sod in the air but he was a great forward passer of the ball and a formidable leader. He played in Serie A when it was the best league in the world and was crucial for Liverpool when they were peerless.
He's turned into an insufferable twat since, and was probably one then, but you can't knock his playing career.

People are starting to do the same with Keane since people only want to talk about his aggression and not his Footballing ability.
People are starting to do the same with Keane since people only want to talk about his aggression and not his Footballing ability.
I’ve noticed that too. Another great player and leader but can be a prick on tv. They were thugs only because they could be in their time but above that they were great players. Souness was above everyone in England at his position for the years he played at Lfc.
The guys had a hair transplant, ears pinned back and his teeth done....and yet wants to criticise Pogba for being an ego maniac ?
Nope. He was great player. 7 seasons 5 leagues 3 ECs and captain for the best team in Europe over that period. Hard as nails but a great passer of the ball. Critical for Liverpool
Yeah, I know he won trophies though personally I've never classed a player by his medals (Sammy Lee got 3 leagues and 2 ECs in 4 years) - they had a great team stacked with very good/great players. Depends on def of who you count as very good and who as great I guess. Saw a bit of him but my cousin and his Dad were LFC fans (married in, nothing we could do) and watched them home and away. Loved his leadership, ferocity, drive (which obviously helped) but wouldn't class him as an LFC great .... again, it's where you draw the line on "great". Opinions eh?
Horrendous under-valuing of Souness the player. The only clips that ever get shown on here are of him kicking some poor sod in the air but he was a great forward passer of the ball and a formidable leader. He played in Serie A when it was the best league in the world and was crucial for Liverpool when they were peerless.
He's turned into an insufferable twat since, and was probably one then, but you can't knock his playing career.
Aye true. There's only so much people can excuse or play down the individuals within that Liverpool team before it gets to the point where their dominance of European football for a decade would have been simply impossible. There are plenty of hatchet men from the 1970s and and 1980s who wouldn't survive in the modern game, but Souness isn't one of them. He was the iron fist in the velvet glove, knew when to impose himself physically and what he could get away with inside the rules of the time. It's little different to the likes of Keane, Davids or Vieira who pushed the rules as much as they could - and often exceeded them - to stamp their control on games. But equally Souness could play and bossed midfields across England and Europe for many years, going toe-to-toe with a great generation of central midfielders starring Paul Breitner and Paulo Roberto Falcao and still bringing home all of those European Cups.
On SSN reacting to the sacking and goes on yet another rant about Pogba. Key points for those who missed it:

God given athleticism
Major disappointment
Needs to take a look at himself
On SSN reacting to the sacking and goes on yet another rant about Pogba. Key points for those who missed it:

God given athleticism
Major disappointment
Needs to take a look at himself
Is he wrong though?

A lot of what he’s said in the last few days had been spot on to be fair to him.
On SSN reacting to the sacking and goes on yet another rant about Pogba. Key points for those who missed it:

God given athleticism
Major disappointment
Needs to take a look at himself

Going off his comments after the game on Sunday, souness seemed to show genuine admiration for the potential Pogba has, but is deeply frustrated by what he perceives as his attitude which is holding him back. Think his words went along the lines that Pogba should be the best midfield midfielder in the Prem
On SSN reacting to the sacking and goes on yet another rant about Pogba. Key points for those who missed it:

God given athleticism
Major disappointment
Needs to take a look at himself

Only thing there I would disagree with, is the point about athleticism - goes back to the racism debate, really. Pogba is a tall, strong player, but what makes him special is his technique, vision and flair, not his physical attributes.
Only thing there I would disagree with, is the point about athleticism - goes back to the racism debate, really. Pogba is a tall, strong player, but what makes him special is his technique, vision and flair, not his physical attributes.

Rubbish - you can have all the skill in the world, but if you can't run, and have no stamina you can't be a pro footballer. Athleticism is part of your genes. With all the training in the world, I'm never going to be a great 1500m runner or a shot putter - I don't have the genes. To be a top player you need both.
Rubbish - you can have all the skill in the world, but if you can't run, and have no stamina you can't be a pro footballer. Athleticism is part of your genes. With all the training in the world, I'm never going to be a great 1500m runner or a shot putter - I don't have the genes. To be a top player you need both.

Of course you need both - I just find it silly to highlight Pogba's athleticism as the main reason for his potential, when you consider what he can do with the ball when he is on form.
Pogba isn't even that athletic. His ball qualities are his greatest strength.
Of course you need both - I just find it silly to highlight Pogba's athleticism as the main reason for his potential, when you consider what he can do with the ball when he is on form.

I didn't read whatever Souness said, but duty thats mm is quoting him. Souness knows what a skillful player can can be, that's why he's frustrated by him. I'm prepared to be proved wrong, but surely he didn't say his potential is just down to his physical attributes?
Sounness generally disregards Pogba's technical qualities and pigeon-holes him into a glorified runner. He has god given everything really, the way he can ping a ball with pin point accuracy for a runner is ridiculous, the way he can shrug off a player like he is a child and make a bulldozing run is also ridiculous.

Paul Pogba should be a once in a generation player, with the combination of technical and physical qualities he has, but he isn't that yet.
I didn't read whatever Souness said, but duty thats mm is quoting him. Souness knows what a skillful player can can be, that's why he's frustrated by him. I'm prepared to be proved wrong, but surely he didn't say his potential is just down to his physical attributes?

"We get kidded by his athleticism"

"When you see him move he is an absolute Rolls Royce. Does he have a football brain?

"He has still to develop his football brain."

Just one example. There are plenty of quotes from Souness praising his athleticism, but slamming his understanding of the game. Rarely does he highlight his technique.