Has RedCafe soured you to Manchester United?

It’s fun because it’s sport at the end of the day , not life or death

A refreshing attitude, that doesnt seem to be shared. Seems most people do treat it as life or death, or worse a soap opera. Every opposing opinion is a personal insult, every lose is a sign of the apocalypse. Players are scoring 50 goals a season, or they are deadwood. And the worst part of it is, I find myself getting sucked into it every now and again.
A refreshing attitude, that doesnt seem to be shared. Seems most people do treat it as life or death, or worse a soap opera. Every opposing opinion is a personal insult, every lose is a sign of the apocalypse. Players are scoring 50 goals a season, or they are deadwood. And the worst part of it is, I find myself getting sucked into it every now and again.
We all do but like a match, it should be forgotten and move on.

SAF used to say about success;it lasts a minute then think about the following game or season. Defeats and form are the same, you can’t change it by lingering on it
The club? Not at all. It hasn't even soured me towards mankind as I'm too hardened by it already to get surprised at anything. The stuff I've seen - absolutely nothing shocks me as far as human behavior goes. A lot of people needs to be told straight though how utterly clueless they are and why - because so many adults and kids alike have been treated far too gently in life and are growing up yet never achieving maturity. Not everyone can handle life and become properly functional individuals unless it disciplines them and a lot end up way too entitled and used to getting what they want on demand to ever achieve this - never having learnt the hard way why virtues holds value and why being a petty little moron breeds pestilence. All stupid needs to prevail is for wise men to shut up - so forums like these are actually doing our community a service as it grants us an opportunity to confront the madness. Also I actually quite like how it's moderated. Been watching it for some time before deciding to join in - and the moderators seems every bit as moderate as you'd expect from someone who knows how the internet works.
You have to have close to zero real problems in life, if internet forum can make you soured or caring less for your football team. The club always been in all kind of media spotlight, especially tabloids writing bollocks after bollocks, so it's nothing new if there's a strong contrast in talk about Manchester United.

I always find Football forums amusing and glad it will never change. I think people need to finally accept that others can have their opinions.

Imagine a world where everyone got same opinion as you. Boring.
Nah, you feel what you feel. After so many years supporting United , no one can change the way I think or feel about the club.

I don't read a lot of the 'what's wrong with the club type threads much these days. They're getting a bit old now.....
I'm torn between my old self and the shit that's posted on here.
I used to love United come rain or shine and it was one of the reasons I signed up here almost twenty years ago.
I don't like posting on the untied or football forums anymore.

I honestly feel posters on here have soured me to my team.

Kudos Billy lad, i've only been active on the forum for 20 months and i've been sectioned 3 times already due to comments from so-called United fans.

Have you got anything nice planned for your 20th Anniversary ?
Some of the posters complaining about the s**t opinions on the forum are so hell convinced about their own s**tty opinions.
Some of the posters complaining about the s**t opinions on the forum are so hell convinced about their own s**tty opinions.
Some of the posters have been here for ages and have seen this shit before. Make sure you're sights are set before you make sweeping statements.

This forum is trash. The opinions are trash.

I'm going back to the general now
The forum hasn't, and it's not just the club but I've soured on football in general. It's no longer a sport for the everyman, it's yet another big business designed to sperate people from every bit of cash it can.
If you are on really hard times you can no longer go to see your team or even watch them in TV apart from a few minutes on match of the day. Sky and bt want to make money out of you, the chairmen agents and players don't care about anything as much as they care about lining their pockets, the champions League allows clubs who haven't won the league in three decades in, never mind currently being the best team in their respective leagues in the name of more money, you have players like Jesse lingard "earning" £100000 a week for nothing and still being greedy enough to start a fashion line because they need even more rather than thanking their lucky stars no one has noticed he's shit and asked how he gets that much.

Finishing top four has somehow become an achievement greater than winning the league cup or fa cup, actual trophies you to win.

Football is fecked and will remain so, yet somehow I still can't walk away from this club..............
I was interested to hear what people thought on this thread then came across this. The anti Lingard crew are everywhere on the Red Cafe worming their way into threads that have nothing to do with him and even complaining about 'being greedy' for setting up a fashion line.The kid could have another 70 years left to live after he quits, what's he supposed to do in that time. And why lingard? I suspect if you bothered to look there are worse than him getting more money and if you're offered that salary would you turn it down?
I want the best of success for this club.

Players who are rubbish more than half the time like Pogba, Lukaku, and Sanchez must go.

Young gets it in the neck all season. And so do Jones and Smalling.

But now that dyed hair Pogba is getting the criticism since he's playing rubbish, his fans are crying about the forum.

And people who are saying "I'm 30 we'll get success soon stop moaning" - The EPL wasn't as competitive in the time you went through dry periods. Another year or two of the poor signings and I dread to think how far away Liverpool and City will be. It's getting to a stage that if we don't improve, our only chance of catching them will be their manager leaving and them falling apart like United

If that's too much for you to handle, wake up
Thank you for illustrating the OPs point
Redcafe was different some years back... but the frustrations here and there can be understood.

Moyes, Van Gaal, Mourinho and now Ole.

I think it's make or break for Ole.
No, but it's opened by eyes at how fickle our fans are.

  • Want immediate success
  • Calling for Ole's head after this terrible run after getting excited stating we got our United back during his first 10games. Yet it's clear as day our players are simply friar tucked. They're fitness is shot.
  • Knee Jerk reactions to big name players
  • The treatment of Pogba (there's a reason why he's in the players team of the year)
  • A lot of our fans seem very entitled. May be it's because a lot of them grew up (Myself included) always knowing United being the best and winning a lot of the time, challenging for the title, challenging for the UCL. That they've had it too good, now the going's getting tough being a United fan and they hate it. Calling for big name players heads when it doesn't go their way. Throwing the toys out the pram when we don't win. God knows how they'd be if they were a West Ham, Everton, Huddersfield, Fulham. Heck any team outside the Top 6!? Or even their local team (if they're not from Manchester) - We aren't as good as we used to be.
I think you've got to take the things said on here with a pinch of salt. A lot of people on here are stereotypical 'internet fans' who whine on the forum whilst we're playing, expect the transfer market to work like Football Manager and don't even watch any other teams. The thoughts of fans on here don't mirror match going fans whatsoever, for example the abuse De Gea is getting is a joke. The guy's been a goalkeeping god and our best player for years, really don't understand how people can be so fickle.
In fairness I don't have Facebook, Instagram or any other social media in my life because they're all basically megaphones for idiots.

For a long time I just used to read the Caf as some people on here are very well informed and it used to be a great source of information for all things United.

Since I started actually getting wound up enough to write posts I've found that online Liverpool fans, online City fans and online United fans for the most part act like massive tampons and are pretty much the Facebook and instatwats I've been avoiding for the last 15 years.

I think the problem is that most people, when they get handed the social media megaphone, just want to shout all of the rubbish that nobody in their real life wants to listen too.

You won't find any internet forum that isn't 70% cretin because 70% of people posting online are bellends.

So basically it's not the content or the club associated . . . It's Ihni binni dimi diniwiny anitaime being Ihni binni dimi diniwiny anitaime
Not as much as our shitty performances on the pitch have.

Soured might be the wrong word - i'm disillusioned. It just feels wrong the level of effort out on the field.
No it hasn't soured me but its definitely not helping. When things are bad on the pitch you want to have some crumbs of consolation that might soften the blow. Caf is not the place to go for that!
Some of the posters have been here for ages and have seen this shit before. Make sure you're sights are set before you make sweeping statements.

This forum is trash. The opinions are trash.

I'm going back to the general now
Apologies. I didn't intend it for you. Should have made that clear.
Basically there’s a lot of idiotic fans here. Look at those now crying that Ole got the job. But I’m happy that i get it and they don’t. Must suck for them.
In the Stretford End on Sunday there was a real life obnoxious internet fan. He was literally calling every other player United player a cnut every thirty seconds. He was one of those that really stood out as just being vile, even in a crowd of people swearing and chanting obscenities. His mate looked completed pissed or coked too and was giving it large ones. The crowd slowly turned on him and he started trying to pick a fight with various other people, who were all telling him to feck off. One guy fairly close to me, then turned around and addressed him with something close to the following: "Shut the feck up. What are you going to do about it, huh? Shut your mouth, you aren't going to do anything are you. It looks like N Sync has lost one of its backing dancers!"

Not a peep for the rest of the match.
Not the club, no. The fans, definitely.
The internet in general is just a very dumb place. Caf's not so bad really, if you ignore large parts of most threads.
I remember when I joined this forum that it seemed to have quite high standards. I put a lot of effort into my posts to get the requisite ten likes to get through the door and out of the newbie forum, and managed to do that within my first couple of dozen posts. I did make a concerted effort to do that however.

The forum seemed to lose its way at some point and I'm wondering whether the removal of the newbie forum for a period meant that the floodgates opened and it become too large for the current moderation team to handle. I'm a regular poster of a few forums for a different interests and all the successful ones quickly weed out toxic members who are spoiling the surroundings for everyone else, and make any new members earn free posting privileges with solid contributions early. You have to earn the right to have a shitpost every so often.
Manchester United has soured me to Manchester United.

The posts I read on here generally reflect my mood towards the team fairly well anyway. After that second half yesterday, for instance, I don't think anything I could read on a forum could sour me any more - my pH level was already rock-bottom.
Social media just seems to sour me towards people in general. Brings out the worst in almost everyone
In fairness, watching us play would sour you enough anyway. Club is a mess. No proper leaders on the pitch, or proper leader in the boardroom. Fergie was able to keep an eye and control on 85% of things, times change in football and each element from youth setup and scouting, to first XI and transfers have really stagnated. the club is badly run and it's all come to the fore - hence why there is no real easy fix.

People posting here realise this. It's not negativity, it's the realisation that there is no quick fix. It is what it is, sadly.
Nothing online can sour me, I'll just that certain events in life (death of a relative for instance) puts everything into perspective and makes you realize how trivial football really is.
Best post of the day, we all love United and football, but there has to be a limit/balance. We're all too heavily invested in something we have zero control over! And let it dominate our lives.
I often wonder if players read this forum. If they do they should stop.
Best post of the day, we all love United and football, but there has to be a limit/balance. We're all too heavily invested in something we have zero control over! And let it dominate our lives.
It doesn't prevent me from getting frustrated and angry at Man United but it makes it so easy to put things into perspective and easily move on
I was interested to hear what people thought on this thread then came across this. The anti Lingard crew are everywhere on the Red Cafe worming their way into threads that have nothing to do with him and even complaining about 'being greedy' for setting up a fashion line.The kid could have another 70 years left to live after he quits, what's he supposed to do in that time. And why lingard? I suspect if you bothered to look there are worse than him getting more money and if you're offered that salary would you turn it down?
He's far from the only one, I'm just fed up of mediocrity being rewarded in all walks of life, and he is a perfect example of it.
You do know you're not morally obliged to have conversations with people you think are stupid? You don't HAVE to argue the toss with lesser mortals whose opinions differ from your own. You can always just skim over it or even block people who you find particularly annoying.
You dont have to be an Internet master to ignore posts on the Internet.