How long will Liverpool's dominance last?


Full Member
Aug 10, 2011
LVG's notebook
Whilst yesterday's result was a sobering realisation in terms of the gulf that exists between our two clubs, it was even more depressing to see that their key players are hitting, or are about to hit the prime of their careers. They're European and (imminent) Premier League champions, and the core of their team is yet to hit their peak. Add this to a manager that has taken to the city and club like a duck to water is ominous for the future.

The last time I saw something like this was the Chelsea team under Jose from 2004-2006. They looked simply imperious.

I know no club will achieve dominance anywhere close to what Sir Alex achieved, and I suppose that is reassuring. Surely the only way for them is down?

So... how long will it last? I need the nightmare to end soon. :(
Till Flopp heads to Madrid or some tabloid finds out something interesting about his private life. Another year or so should do it.
Reminds me of a similar thread from 2015. How long will Chelsea dominate the league after Jose's return. I'm sure something similar was said for City.

Can see them dropping off next year. They've been able to play almost with the same starting xi game after game, and have rode their luck at times. Everything is clicking this season.
They'll most likely have a massive drop off next season due to the effort their putting in(Similar to City, plus Klopp has a tendency to drop off) . Also chances are Madrid and Barca will be going after some of their best players in the summer.

Yes they are doing amazingly well but this panic about domination is a bit odd, this will be their first PL trophy.
Till Flopp heads to Madrid or some tabloid finds out something interesting about his private life. Another year or so should do it.
Realistically, can you see him moving to Madrid? I think he enjoys being the head of a cult, where he is considered a God-like figure. He knows he'd be safe from the sack even if he miraculously drives them to the brink of relegation. He has a similar pull on the Liverpool fans to Rafa Benitez. I can't see him moving to a team like Madrid or Barcelona.
I don't expect it to last long at all. They (and Citeh for that matter) look on the verge of diminishing returns without significant improvements/additions to refresh the squad. And that's the one thing their managers haven't exactly proved adept at doing so far in their careers. I'd be shocked if either of those 2 clubs win the next 2 league titles.
Nice to see similar opinions being typed at the same time as mine
There’s two things for me, firstly I think Klopp asks a lot of them mentally as well as physically and at some point there will be some fatigue.

Secondly, when they’ve achieved a level of success, they will expect to be rewarded accordingly, especially when the Real Madrid’s and PSG’s of this world are making counter offers. How they deal with that will be interesting, I’m not sure they can afford £200k per week across the board and they’ve got a good number of players who will be offered that if they move elsewhere.
I think people are jumping to conclusions thinking they will dominate for years. City won the domestic treble last year and were really unlucky to not be in the CL final and yet this season they’ve been way below their best.

Winning the league one season (albeit doing it very well) doesn’t guarantee anything even in the next year.
No one will dominate a league with a team as well backed financially as City, especially when the people who run them are unfortunately very smart and ruthless in a very effective way.
I don't expect it to last long at all. They (and Citeh for that matter) look on the verge of diminishing returns without significant improvements/additions to refresh the squad. And that's the one thing their managers haven't exactly proved adept at doing so far in their careers. I'd be shocked if either of those 2 clubs win the next 2 league titles.

Whilst I admire your optimism, they've been very shrewd in the transfer market (the recent signing of Minamino highlights that). They've spent well and all their players are at a good age. It pisses me off that the sale of Coutinho is mostly responsible for this.

There’s two things for me, firstly I think Klopp asks a lot of them mentally as well as physically and at some point there will be some fatigue.

Secondly, when they’ve achieved a level of success, they will expect to be rewarded accordingly, especially when the Real Madrid’s and PSG’s of this world are making counter offers. How they deal with that will be interesting, I’m not sure they can afford £200k per week across the board and they’ve got a good number of players who will be offered that if they move elsewhere.

True, but as I've said above they've developed a knack of being extremely good at a) getting top dollar for their players; and b) reinvesting that into the squad. Just look at the number of world class players they have in their starting XI at present:


That is an extremely strong core of players all under 30 (I think) - even if they lose one or two they'll probably get £2-300 million for them which they can smartly reinvest. I can see their dominance lasting longer than we think.

IMO they'll be dominating for as long as Klopp's around (or his sanity).
If their team remains fit, they can win multiple titles in the next five years. Aguero and Silva are getting older and Man City might have to go on a bit of a rebuild, the rest are a league below and aren't catching up anytime soon.
It's impossible to say. 12 months ago we were told city would dominate English football for a decade. Guardiola was a god. English football should be grateful to him for coming. Every six year old that couldn't tie his boots was being moulded every time pep picked his nose.

I wouldn't be surprised if in 2-3 years the entire side has fallen apart and been rebuilt poorly. Conversations about dominance should only begin after 2-3 titles and even then should be tentative
It will only last till the have their front three firing, as soon as they are gone and they couldn't find their suitable replacement, their dominance will be gone.

It is something similar to what United had till 2009, yes we won couple more titles and reached Champions League final after Ronaldo and Tevez were gone, as Sir Alex has made United habitual winners, but we simply couldn't emulate the same dominance.
I think they will be successful for at least about 2-3 more years, but it will become more competitive when City and Chelsea become stronger again.
They won’t dominate for a long time. This ascension to the best team in the world and in the PL has come about during major transitional periods for their major rivals. If man city had their first choice CB pairing and Fernandinho playing his usual position all season, the gap wouldn’t be as big as it is, so other teams injury woes have been of huge benefit to them too. The stars have aligned in every way possible for them this season, but if they do win it all I think a few of their players loyalty will be tested by the big teams in the summer. I mean, who the feck wants to live in Liverpool for any extended period of time.
They've been lucky with no sustained injuries to their key players this season - their squad depth is good but not great. Coupled with the AFCON removing both Salah and Mane next season, I think next year is going to be a lot closer than this.
They haven't won anything yet..

...only the small matter of a champions league.

But, in response to the original post, I don't think we will dominate on our own. It will probably be us and City, even though that's not that much more reassuring from a United perspective.
They haven't won anything yet..
Only the Champions' League, and coming second in a season where their points total would have won them the league. They're absolutely cruising it this season, and I can't see their rivals stepping up. Pep's floundering, Brenton is a level below world class, Arteta and Lamps are newbies, Ole's incompetent and Jose is... Jose.

It will take some collapse for them to suddenly not be competitive.

I'm just bracing myself for the number of years of misery we'll have to endure before we can laugh at Liverpool again. :D

They've been lucky with no sustained injuries to their key players this season - their squad depth is good but not great. Coupled with the AFCON removing both Salah and Mane next season, I think next year is going to be a lot closer than this.

Good point about the AFCON. It would have been amazing if the fixture pile-up or injuries had screwed Klopp this season. Sadly, neither have. My next hope is the AFCON.

All I know is that if (when I hope) Klopp implodes, it will be glorious.
Even the best teams in the last 10 years have struggled to dominate and you don't need to look much further than Man City from last year who we would have been sure would be running Liverpool close this season. They could win 2 of the next 5, maybe even 3 but I don't think any team will ever dominate in the way we have seen in the past.

edit: and while I am an advocate of making your own luck, the current points gulf is still quite flattering. Personally I think City on their day are more formidable than Liverpool.
All depends how long they keep hold of their best players.
I think one of, if not both Mane and Salah leave in the summer. If they do they won't be replacing them anytime soon
...only the small matter of a champions league.

But, in response to the original post, I don't think we will dominate on our own. It will probably be us and City, even though that's not that much more reassuring from a United perspective.
Lmfao forgot that, my bad slow Monday :)
Liverpool could dominate for a while if Pep throws in the towel at City.

Just can't see anyone else putting up a challenge.
All depends how long they keep hold of their best players.
I think one of, if not both Mane and Salah leave in the summer. If they do they won't be replacing them anytime soon

Hate to say this but Klopp is on the path to assembling something special here, they will all want to part of it.

Coutinho alone is a good enough reason to stay at pool even if your not first choice.
I’ll be happy and content with 21 to united’s 20. If we go back to the pack and compete every year for CLs and league runs so be it.
Last year people were asking how long will Cities dominance last? I'd imagine the Liverpool dominance will be about the same.
The "gulf" is called Paul Pogba and Scott McTominay..

Head buried in the sand if all you think between us and Liverpool is Pogba and McTominay, got to be a wum surely (if it is and its gone way over my head i apologise i just can never be too sure on this forum anymore)

Klopp isn't the typical manager i'm afraid, he will not go to the likes of Madrid, he's a bit like Fergie in his love for the game, the only way I see him leaving is back to Dortmund at some point in his career, probably the latter half, or to the German national team which seems like a natural progression for him at some point. Otherwise, unless things go catastrophically wrong, he will be there for many years to come I believe
Can't see any club really dominating in today's environment to be honest. The days of winning 3 titles in a row are over. A Guardiola-led City with all their money and star players couldn't do it 3 times in a row.

Liverpool may win it next year again if they keep their squad intact but can't see them winning more than 2 titles in a row.
Head buried in the sand if all you think between us and Liverpool is Pogba and McTominay, got to be a wum surely (if it is and its gone way over my head i apologise i just can never be too sure on this forum anymore)

Klopp isn't the typical manager i'm afraid, he will not go to the likes of Madrid, he's a bit like Fergie in his love for the game, the only way I see him leaving is back to Dortmund at some point in his career, probably the latter half, or to the German national team which seems like a natural progression for him at some point. Otherwise, unless things go catastrophically wrong, he will be there for many years to come I believe

He said he's taking a sabbatical when his current contract expires.
They'll most likely have a massive drop off next season due to the effort their putting in(Similar to City, plus Klopp has a tendency to drop off) . Also chances are Madrid and Barca will be going after some of their best players in the summer.

Yes they are doing amazingly well but this panic about domination is a bit odd, this will be their first PL trophy.

There’s nobody in that Liveroool squad that couldn’t be replaced. The players don’t make that the team, it’s all about the coaching from the manager.
There's 2 ways this works :

1) It won't be long until a player like Salah is enticed to trying a different club out & Liverpool will be good - but not 100% as good & consistent as they are now. This tends to happen but Liverpool stay strong but slowly start declining bit by bit whilst other clubs have the ability to start getting stronger.

2) Klopp gets bored/tired & needs a break after a surprise poor season that happens after a combination of injuries, bad luck and also feels like he has taken Liverpool as far as he possibly can - ie I dont think he is a manager who settles at a club for 10 years and wants to win the same titles with the same club. I can see him trying to achieve a record for Liverpool if possible & then go off for a similar job in Milan before that goes away.

Why not try be the manager who gets Milan back as the giants they used to be - seems like that type of manager who doesn't want the pressure of hype pre job & yet will have all the compliments post success.

I don't think Liverpool's success will be long after Klopp - after he is gone they are back to players like Henderson, widjnaldum, Keita, Milner & Co - they just currently have a magician of a coach who make good players look great, world class players look like legends.
Guardiola has just come out and said he's staying another year. That pretty much tells you he has guarantees from the Sheik that they'll break the bank this summer.

Let's see Klopp deal with a renewed City core before we start talking dominance...
Their a couple of injuries (the 6 untouchables) from a crisis.
No way can them 6 carry on playing week in week out for another 2 years. Sandwiched between the Euros and Africans nations.
City were in a much stronger position 18 months ago and now they are fighting Leicester for runners up. Football is too unpredictable to make predictions for the next 2 or 3 years.
Haven't City won something like 4 of the last 6 leagues?

Maybe wait until they go more than 5 minutes without winning it to proclaim anyone else as "dominating"

This is a bit like deciding to have a Pot Noodle for lunch for the first time in 10 years and then wondering how long Pot Noodles are going to "dominate" your diet for.