Hurricane Dorian

Carolina Red

Nov 7, 2015
South Carolina
This this is moving west at 1mph. Any place that gets hit with the eye wall is getting EF4-EF5 tornado strength winds for 10-20 minutes on top of the hurricane force winds before and after. The northern Bahamas are gonna be a waste land :(


Full Member
Sep 13, 2004
Guimarães, Portugal
Sort of ironic that the country that polutes more and has the more percentage of climate change deniars is hit with these Category 5 hurricanes, they still dont learn

Carolina Red

Nov 7, 2015
South Carolina
Sort of ironic that the country that polutes more and has the more percentage of climate change deniars is hit with these Category 5 hurricanes, they still dont learn
Yeah, we’ve literally got people on Twitter using the cone of uncertainty as a political weapon against climate change science.


Full Member
Oct 5, 2010
Tampa, Fl
I’m over on the east coast, opposite side from Billy and Florida Man.
So far, we haven’t received any of the outer feeder bands, but it’s just starting to drizzle
Where about on east coast?
Daughter came home from St Augustine last night at parts of St Johns start evacuating today.


"Full Member"
Nov 21, 2014
Chelsea and AFC Wimbledon
I've been following it on twitter for the last day. I'll be surprised if most of the residents in Abaco are still alive. The buildings were completely destroyed when they came through the eye and they now've now been with winds of 185mph for over 12 hours since, at night and with no power.

Carolina Red

Nov 7, 2015
South Carolina
Can someone re explain the air pressure thing to me like I’m an idiot?
A particularly intense tropical cyclone is called a hurricane. Inside a hurricane, the barometric pressure at the ocean's surface drops to extremely low levels. As air is pulled into the eye of the hurricane, it draws moisture from the ocean and rises rapidly before condensing, cooling and releasing large amounts of heat into the atmosphere before falling and begins the cycle again. This refuels the hurricane, lowering the barometric pressure on the ocean surface. The lower the barometric pressure at the center of the storm, the stronger the hurricane, and vice versa. The Saffir-Simpson scale ranges from Category 1 hurricanes with a barometric pressure of greater than 980 millibars that cause minimal damage, to Category 5 hurricanes with a central pressure of less than 920 millibars.

A good explanation pulled from Reddit also...
Air is heavy. The stack of air exerts pressure on the earth and on the air around it.

The air also moves. Air flows from high pressure to low pressure areas.

Because of various forces the air can not flow straight from the center of a high pressure region to the center of a low pressure region. These forces are basically a result of the inertia that air also has, and the fact that the earth is "larger all the way around" at the equator compared to up near the poles.

So the moving air, as it trys to go from high to low, gets deflected by its own momentum and it swirls around.

The bigger the pressure difference between the highs and the lows, the more air moves, and the faster it moves, and the more it swirls.

In normal weather the highs and lows they speak of are relatively mild and quite large. That is they are large in area and small in pressure difference.

In the case of a "tropical storm" or a "hurricane" a low pressure area starts doing its normal swirl thing, and that creates a barrier of sorts. (The same sort of barrier forms when you see a whirlpool over the drain when you empty a large tub or whatever). But inside the barrier there is the warm ocean water. Warm water evaporates. Warm wet air rises faster than other kinds of air. This rising warm wet air makes the pressure even lower and so the air swirls even faster and the barrier becomes more stable and coherent.

So basically the heat of the water and the cold of the air and the rising air and the barrier all turn into an engine. The walls conduits of the engine (there are literally "pipes" of different kinds of air if you ever look at a cut-away diagram of these sorts of storms) are all made out of swirling air. And the fact that the different kinds of air are moving at different speeds, and are different temperatures, and have different amounts of water in them, "produces" the storm.

One of the main "bad things" about such a storm, worse in many ways than the wind or rain itself, is that the low pressure in the center, combined with the walls of the storm, basically form a straw to suck up the water.

Yes, like a drinking straw.

The storm causes the water to bulge upward right under the storm just like when you suck on a straw just a little and the drink in the straw becomes somewhat higher than the rest of the drink.

When this "high mound of ocean water", called the "storm surge", hits land it does so like a tidal wave, sort of. In the case of Katrina the bulge was about eight feet, though normal is more like five feet. So it's like the storm raises the tide by five feet above whatever tide is normal.


"Full Member"
Nov 21, 2014
Chelsea and AFC Wimbledon
Videos coming out of Freeport/Grand Bahama Island...

I saw that last one a few hours ago. They are trapped and not long until they are completely submerged. Awful.

Carolina Red

Nov 7, 2015
South Carolina
Lots of northeastern cnuts relocate to south Florida. There’s a saying that Florida becomes more northern the farther south you go.
Alot of truth in this. Case in point: I've not heard but maybe 2 southern accents out of all the folks they've interviewed on the news about evacuating Florida.


Full Member
Sep 16, 2015
I'm gonna be honest, when I click on these tweets and see responses like "God be with you", "Praying for you" and pictures of a crying Jesus and shit... I really get put off humanity. I know they mean well, but feck me.


Full Member
May 14, 2007
Under a tree.

As ridiculous as that sounds...

Project Stormfury was an attempt to weaken tropical cyclones by flying aircraft into them and seeding with silver iodide. The project was run by the United States Government from 1962 to 1983.

The hypothesis was that the silver iodide would cause supercooled water in the storm to freeze, disrupting the inner structure of the hurricane. This led to the seeding of several Atlantic hurricanes. However, it was later shown that this hypothesis was incorrect. It was determined that most hurricanes do not contain enough supercooled water for cloud seeding to be effective. Additionally, researchers found that unseeded hurricanes often undergo the same structural changes that were expected from seeded hurricanes. This finding called Stormfury's successes into question, as the changes reported now had a natural explanation.

The last experimental flight was flown in 1971, due to a lack of candidate storms and a changeover in NOAA's fleet. More than a decade after the last modification experiment, Project Stormfury was officially canceled. Although a failure in its goal of reducing the destructiveness of hurricanes, Project Stormfury was not without merit. The observational data and storm lifecycle research generated by Stormfury helped improve meteorologists' ability to forecast the movement and intensity of future hurricanes.

Former Cuban president Fidel Castro alleged that Project Stormfury was an attempt to weaponize hurricanes