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2021-22 Performances

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5.6 Season Average Rating
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Strange how upbeat everyone is about Sancho around the forum after a campaign where he got 3 goals and 3 assists. A terrible return by any standards, especially for an expensive, highly rated signing and Manchester United forward.

It's good we are positive as it wouldn't be doing him any favours at all to be otherwise, it just strikes me as at odds with pretty much every other player that have had lacklustre seasons that are getting tomatoes chucked at them.

Wondering if he might turn into the next Kagawa! The fans darling. Hopefully not mind.. it'd be better if he puts all doubts to rest.

Because people would rather have their head in the clouds than face reality. Like Pogba and Maguire a good player but we overpaid by a good £30m or so.
Because people would rather have their head in the clouds than face reality. Like Pogba and Maguire a good player but we overpaid by a good £30m or so.
We didn’t. We paid the market rate for a top player.
We didn’t. We paid the market rate for a top player.
That’s just it. He doesn’t play at all like a top player and he probably never will. Amazing to me that people defend him because he’s young or new to the league. Young players don’t cost 73 million. Top players do.
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Based on what?
His complete lack of physical attributes. He’s poor at protecting the ball. He has no pace and worse, he has no burst to work a yard. These are essential ingredients for top wide players in the Premier League. He’s come from a league where he’s playing against defences camped 40 metres from their own goal, he looks like a fish out of water now.
He fits the ETH system to a T. While he might not reach his Dortmund levels, I expect him a quiet a few players to go up a level or two in the next campaign.
Ten Hag's system relies on the wide players stretching the pitch and beating their man 1v1 which Sancho is horrific at, there's no hope for him to be honest
He performed well in the second half of the season in general. All that was missing was the goal contributions.

And I think the disjointed team is a good excuse for the lack of that.
Utter shite. He had 4-5 games where he was decent outside of that he was just as bad as everyone else.

Beyond the lack of threat going forward he offered the square root of feck all defensively too. The fact people actually believe he he had a good 2nd half to the season is mind boggling.
Ten Hag's system relies on the wide players stretching the pitch and beating their man 1v1 which Sancho is horrific at, there's no hope for him to be honest
Actually it doesn't, otherwise Tadic would be garbage.

ETH's system relies on creating "half spaces" for players to run into. DVB is a master at both for example. That's why wide players not having pace isn't a critical factor in the system.
Ten Hag's system relies on the wide players stretching the pitch and beating their man 1v1 which Sancho is horrific at, there's no hope for him to be honest

None of Ziyech, Neres or Tadic are Ryan Giggs. It really doesn't seem to be a requirement in his system at all.

The intelligent movement and playmaking ability that Sancho has seem a lot more relevant.
Had an underwhelming first season , hopefully with a full preseason and new manager we will get more out of him,

Maybe it was nothing but for me he never looked really fit last year , he missed a lot of the preseason been on England duty where he actually played very little and then an extended holiday before joining up late for preseason.

Even going back to his Dortmund time there has always been rumblings about his attitude to training and the physical side of it , in the premier league you can't take short cuts in this aspect or you will be found out.

Hopefully Ten Hag can unlock his potential. No excuses next season.
Had an underwhelming first season , hopefully with a full preseason and new manager we will get more out of him,

Maybe it was nothing but for me he never looked really fit last year , he missed a lot of the preseason been on England duty where he actually played very little and then an extended holiday before joining up late for preseason.

Even going back to his Dortmund time there has always been rumblings about his attitude to training and the physical side of it , in the premier league you can't take short cuts in this aspect or you will be found out.

Hopefully Ten Hag can unlock his potential. No excuses next season.
it was his tentative play and hesitancy to take on his man that upset me the most. hopefully a new Sancho emerges this season
That’s just it. He doesn’t play at all like a top player and he probably never will. Amazing to me that people defend him because he’s going or new to the league. Young players don’t cost 73 million. Top players do.

Or maybe people have patience and think having one poor season is not end of the world for young player. Glad we have people like that instead of writing off every player.
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Ten Hag's system relies on the wide players stretching the pitch and beating their man 1v1 which Sancho is horrific at, there's no hope for him to be honest
Literally not true at all. Sancho fits Ten Hag perfectly. Ten Hags coaching has been system above all else, and coaching good interplay, movement, attacking with numbers, etc.
I have high hopes.

But he better show up in shape. He was pudgy last season. Needs to be slimmer and more nimble.

No more excuses.

I do see him playing as a no 10 or some kind of central role.
None of Ziyech, Neres or Tadic are Ryan Giggs. It really doesn't seem to be a requirement in his system at all.

The intelligent movement and playmaking ability that Sancho has seem a lot more relevant.

Good post, was about to give Ziyech as example.
People are in for a rude awakening next season. He’s really not that good.

You're way too certain about Sancho, why is that?

I'm myself not that certain how Sancho will turn out next season under Ten Hag, he might continue to flop, or might improve and get better, but as of now, I can't tell really,
You're way too certain about Sancho, why is that?

I'm myself not that certain how Sancho will turn out next season under Ten Hag, he might continue to flop, or might improve and get better, but as of now, I can't tell really,

Same here. Not sure what to expect. Don’t think he will hit Bundesliga heights in terms of productivity but expecting him to be more effective certainly than last year. He certainly has a lot of quality. Not sure why people are writing him off
I'm not optimistic about United anymore so not optimistic about next season either but watching Sancho play is one of few things I'm excited these days. He was inconsistent in his 1st season but was excellent at moments.
People are in for a rude awakening next season. He’s really not that good.
He was fantastic for Dortmund.

I shake my head when I read comments on here about Ten Hag improving dross like McTominay or Maguire. They're fundamentally poor players severely lacking in the qualities required for a high press team. But Sancho seems like an ideal fit and one of the very few players in the team we can be positive about. Its a bit odd that overall people appear to be more excited about academy players than a young lad who has already proved to be a top talent at a very good German team.
That’s just it. He doesn’t play at all like a top player and he probably never will. Amazing to me that people defend him because he’s going or new to the league. Young players don’t cost 73 million. Top players do.
You paid the price for a top player because Sancho was a top player when you bought him. It's really that simple.
Sancho is a top player. He had a difficult first season in a train wreck of a team but showed glimpses of what he is about. He will be the player who most benefits from ETH in my opinion because he’s probably the player we have with the highest football iq and if we can get more players around him who know the system and make the right runs he will be electric. Agree with others that he needs to work on improving his stamina over the summer but I think with ETH training that will happen.
The state of the Caf :lol:

Are we seriously doubting Sancho`s talent?

There are alot of Caf members that are going to have egg on their faces when Ten Hag gets the team playing well and Sancho is ripping the PL apart.
Sancho will fit well into Ten Hag's system as he is a total football type of player. You can see that when he first came, he had trouble adjusting as the team was too direct with players randomly picking spaces on their own instinct. He had difficulties trying to find a way to create spaces and exploit their movement.

In Ten Hag's system, space creation and movement will be a key focus which Sancho is very good at. Let the manager deal with the players, we shall just support and be optimistic as fans should be.
He hasn’t played anything like a top player for us. Or England. Werner looked like a top player in Germany too.
Werner didn't look as good as Sancho, and Werner has had a year and a half under Tuchel. Not remotely comparable.
Werner didn't look as good as Sancho, and Werner has had a year and a half under Tuchel. Not remotely comparable.
Werner had 36 goals and assists in 34 league games in his last season. He looked like one of the best players in the world. And it’s not about how long he’s had under Tuchel, I’m making the point that you can’t always rely on Bundesliga performances to judge a players quality.
Werner had 36 goals and assists in 34 league games in his last season. He looked like one of the best players in the world. And it’s not about how long he’s had under Tuchel, I’m making the point that you can’t always rely on Bundesliga performances to judge a players quality.
Werner was also underwhelming under Rangnick at RB Leipzig. Sancho has been pretty consistent, and his game wasn't just about goals and assists, by the way.

And of course Tuchel is relevant. You can't blindly compare Sancho in a broken squad, broken dressing room, no permanent manager to Werner who has now had a full season under a CL winning squad and coach.
Werner was also underwhelming under Rangnick at RB Leipzig. Sancho has been pretty consistent, and his game wasn't just about goals and assists, by the way.

And of course Tuchel is relevant. You can't blindly compare Sancho in a broken squad, broken dressing room, no permanent manager to Werner who has now had a full season under a CL winning squad and coach.
And Sancho has always looked underwhelming for England. I think Sancho is crap mostly based on the attributes he has. I get that he needs players to combine with but how can that be his entire game? He has zero individualism, looks terrified when he tries taking on his man, can’t work a yard for a shot or a cross, he isn’t a technical freak like Bernardo Silva to make up for his lack of pace. How can his entire game be reliant on combination play? Someone like Demarai Gray (while also crap) is a more threatening player for me.
And Sancho has always looked underwhelming for England. I think Sancho is crap mostly based on the attributes he has. I get that he needs players to combine with but how can that be his entire game? He has zero individualism, looks terrified when he tries taking on his man, can’t work a yard for a shot or a cross, he isn’t a technical freak like Bernardo Silva to make up for his lack of pace. How can his entire game be reliant on combination play? Someone like Demarai Gray (while also crap) is a more threatening player for me.
I don't give a feck about international games - they're a different format and a completely different approach. This is why Pogba looks good for France, lets not play with that logic here.

I never said his game is based on combination play. I'm saying he needs to bed in, and it's borderline impossible to bed in when everything around you is broken. He also had some personal matters last season that he had to battle with, Rangnick mentioned he went through the demise of someone close to him.

Regardless, you give the first season to bed in. Its just ridiculously daft to rule out a player like Sancho for us.
I don't give a feck about international games - they're a different format and a completely different approach. This is why Pogba looks good for France, lets not play with that logic here.

I never said his game is based on combination play. I'm saying he needs to bed in, and it's borderline impossible to bed in when everything around you is broken. He also had some personal matters last season that he had to battle with, Rangnick mentioned he went through the demise of someone close to him.

Regardless, you give the first season to bed in. Its just ridiculously daft to rule out a player like Sancho for us.

He cost 73m. He shouldn’t need an entire season to bed in. Maguire got pelters in his first season (as he should have), I didn’t see anyone saying he needs an entire fecking season before we can criticise him.
He cost 73m. He shouldn’t need an entire season to bed in. Maguire got pelters in his first season (as he should have), I didn’t see anyone saying he needs an entire fecking season before we can criticise him.
Why not? He doesn't decide his fee.
And no Maguire didnt. Maguire actually got a lot of praise as the season went on.

Criticism is fine, but the below is just blind, daft presumption.

That’s just it. He doesn’t play at all like a top player and he probably never will.
Why not? He doesn't decide his fee.
And no Maguire didnt. Maguire actually got a lot of praise as the season went on.

Criticism is fine, but the below is just blind, daft presumption.
Doesn’t matter who chose the fee, it’s what he’ll be judged against. None of us would care about Pogba being inconsistent if it wasn’t for the price tag. And Sancho is on 350k a week I might add.
Doesn’t matter who chose the fee, it’s what he’ll be judged against. None of us would care about Pogba being inconsistent if it wasn’t for the price tag. And Sancho is on 350k a week I might add.
The fee is not material in the context of the whole picture. He was 21 years old and moving from a foreign league. He needed a year to bed in and get used to the pace of the Premier League under normal circumstances, but here you are not only harshly judging him from environments that isn't his fault, but also rather daftly, ruling out his entire career at the age of now 22.
Sancho is a ridiculous player who will show what he's made of with some proper guidance. Everyone looks shite in our current set up.
He cost 73m. He shouldn’t need an entire season to bed in. Maguire got pelters in his first season (as he should have), I didn’t see anyone saying he needs an entire fecking season before we can criticise him.

Yeah no difference between player at his peak moving within same league and a young player signing from different league, none at all.
That’s just it. He doesn’t play at all like a top player and he probably never will. Amazing to me that people defend him because he’s young or new to the league. Young players don’t cost 73 million. Top players do.
Nunez has just been bought for the same after one good season in Portugal. He's not a top player (yet).
Yeah no difference between player at his peak moving within same league and a young player signing from different league, none at all.
Okay, how about Pogba then. He was young, moved into a new league and got slaughtered after every shite performance.
And Sancho is on 350k a week I might add.

This is what Ducker posted when deal was agreed. Excess of 250K including all bonuses, he would be adding 100K if it was 350K. Some random source started 350K and somehow everyone started to use it.

Sancho - who will become the second most expensive English footballer in history after Maguire - is expected to sign a five-year contract with the option of another year worth in excess of £250,000 a week with bonuses once he has undergone a medical after the Euros.
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