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Jadon Sancho England flag

2021-22 Performances

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5.6 Season Average Rating
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This season so far Sancho's had about as many rotten games as he's had decent ones. He's going to prove yet another shocking waste of money just like those two twats Pogba and Maguire before him.

Ah sweet, what are the lottery numbers for next week whilst you have your magic 8 ball out?
Ah sweet, what are the lottery numbers for next week whilst you have your magic 8 ball out?
In fairness, pretty much every signing has turned out to be a disaster over the last 10 years. Maybe it's the player's fault, maybe it's the club's fault. I'll be shocked if Sancho comes good, just because of the recent past.
In fairness, pretty much every signing has turned out to be a disaster over the last 10 years. Maybe it's the player's fault, maybe it's the club's fault. I'll be shocked if Sancho comes good, just because of the recent past.

Can't judge how a player is going to turn out purely on past signings. Facts are:

He's 21
New league
Joined at a tumultous time for the club
About to enter a period with new people at the top (not Glazers) and a new manager

It's incredibly premature to write him off now
Sancho is going to be great and one of the bright sparks for the future. Morale is low but jesus.
I can see Sancho absolutely killing it under ETH.
Can't judge how a player is going to turn out purely on past signings. Facts are:

He's 21
New league
Joined at a tumultous time for the club
About to enter a period with new people at the top (not Glazers) and a new manager

It's incredibly premature to write him off now

I agree we shouldn’t write him off. That’s mostly just people venting because there’s been so many sources of frustration from United this year and people need to blow off some steam. But he has given us plenty of reason to worry about whether he’ll succeed here. Not all of his own making but certainly some of it too. Most of us expected more from him and reasonably so. Performances like Leicester are all too common.
I didn't see the game on Saturday, but he has been one of our better players the last few months, although that's not saying much.

I actually think he's one of the few players within the squad that has enough footballing intelligence to be able to take on what Ten Hag wants to do. Generally, he uses the ball well, is not sloppy with it and seems to have a bit more going on in-between his ears compared to some other players.

He'll do well under ETH.
I agree we shouldn’t write him off. That’s mostly just people venting because there’s been so many sources of frustration from United this year and people need to blow off some steam. But he has given us plenty of reason to worry about whether he’ll succeed here. Not all of his own making but certainly some of it too. Most of us expected more from him and reasonably so. Performances like Leicester are all too common.

Yeah this was basically his average performance throughout the season. He's been better since the turn of year but we've been clutching at his best moments which are few and far between this season. I'm sure he will do better in a settled, stronger side but as I said before, I don't expect him to suddenly turn world class after we've signed him exactly the 4-5 players he needs around him to play well. The limitations that he has are quite concerning and the most worrying one for me is his lack of confidence. It's extremely difficult to succeed in Premier League if your go to move in key moments is passing the ball to the nearest player so they can do something with it.
When Ralf says that some players are technical but not aggressive, is he thinking of Sancho? Pogba is the obvious candidate.
You'd think that people would be wary of calling him a flop after getting to eat their words already this season, yet one poor game and here we are again.
I havent commented in a while but we need to talk about Sancho.

First of, shout out to the recruitment team for chasing a right winger for 3 years to play him on the left. Stellar job, guys.

Second point, because we want him to do well, some goes to extreme lenghts to justify his performances.

"He needs this, he needs that"
"He needs another fullback"
"He needs another coach"

I'm sorry but the lack of intensity of his game is solely due to him and that's his main problem. He looks half asleep every game.
Every single pass he makes is underhit and he's spent after 70 minutes.
He looks like a mix of Lingard, Mata and Sanchez right now and that mix is not a recipe for success.

The solutions because they exist of course, he needs to start playing on the right, he does not have the pace to play on the left.
He has to release the ball much quicker because he's a flair player, he thinks he has to show some tekkers it every time he gets the ball. You don't.

No one is writing him off now, no need to blind ourselves just because we paid a lot of money for him, we're just calling what we see currently. A luxury player. Can he turn it around ?
Absolutely and when he does, I'll be the first to say it.
You'd think that people would be wary of calling him a flop after getting to eat their words already this season, yet one poor game and here we are again.
Not to nitpick but he was shite against Atlético Madrid too. This season has been very much a huge flop from Sancho.
You'd think that people would be wary of calling him a flop after getting to eat their words already this season, yet one poor game and here we are again.
He has been shite. Soon it'll be a case of talking about how we find a way of selling him before erupting with rage after finding out the club have signed him to a new contract.
Not explosive enough to play that wing position effectively in the prem. For him to excel in that position with his lack of blistering pace, he needs to be much better at dribbling and operating in tight spaces than he currently is.
Was much netter when he moved over to the left, which was to be expected, as we're set up to just play down that side, hence why we find it so hard to break teams down.

Similarily, Elanga was anonymous when he came on and moved to the right. We need balance! This was something RR harped on about when he joined, yet nothing has changed.
Have said it before, he is like a slightly more mobile mata on the wings. Not his fault but in the premier league you have to have abit of pace in you along with the technique. Salah , mane, Saka, martinelli, Sterling etc all have the pace. Show me an amazing winger in the league with mediocre acceleration and mediocre pace. This isn’t bundesliga or serie A where you gonna get plenty of open spaces to run into. I’m not surprised neither should any one of you lot but as usual most of the posters here tend to be clueless. They see a player ripping it up in an average league and think he is gonna do the same without taking into account the characteristics and qualities of the player whether the same attributes would deliver the same results. He is gonna be up and down in the premier league in his performances due to his lack of pace and physical attributes. Never wanted him, always wanted someone like Coman.
It seems like a cheat.

Didnt we go for him for being our new RW? He has only really played/played well as a LW for us.
Have said it before, he is like a slightly more mobile mata on the wings. Not his fault but in the premier league you have to have abit of pace in you along with the technique. Salah , mane, Saka, martinelli, Sterling etc all have the pace. Show me an amazing winger in the league with mediocre acceleration and mediocre pace. This isn’t bundesliga or serie A where you gonna get plenty of open spaces to run into. I’m not surprised neither any one of you lot. He is gonna be up and down in the premier league in his performances due to his lack of pace and physical attributes. Never wanted him, always wanted someone like Coman.
Yep. Its like Depay and Mata all over again.
Has the collective united fan base ever gotten a signing more wrong than this..the hype prior to signing for 2 straight years was unreal
He's more effective when we play football which we've done a few times this season. The other times when we want individual magic it won't happen. I think he will be good in this league and magbe us if we can dominate possession
There's times he's completely invisible for 10-20 minutes in games. Another dud from the hype train.
One of the reasons I wanted Grealish over him is because, due to his press resistance, he can still impact games outside of a cohesive team. I feared Sancho needed that, and it looks like he does.

Let's hope our next manager implements a cohesive system because it could be another Kagawa, Mata, Mkhi situation.
Dont know why people expected him to excel in this kind of league. He lacks any of the tools required for a winger to excel in this league. He's not fast, he's not particularly aggressive, almost no stamina or energy, barely takes anybody on when on the ball, minimal passing or shooting range. I wondered why he cost that much when he was signed and i'm still wondering why he cost that much.
It's alarming sometimes how he wants so much time on the ball. He always gets hounded by the opposition and doesn't have the acceleration or physique to get round them.

Expect he'd improve massively with a better LWB to take away some of the pressure
He needs to get on it if he wants to go to the World Cup. No chance playing like that. Southgate doesn’t fancy him as it is.
73m for a younger version of Mata? Just please stop overpaying for mediocre English players such as Sancho, Maguire and AWB.

I cannot believe how bad our scouts are. We need a massive clearout of players, scouts and coaches. Unfortunately we are stuck with the Glazers.
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