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2021-22 Performances

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5.6 Season Average Rating
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No player would come to this team and shine. It is a team that is struggling so bad it pulls anyone down. It’s unfortunate he’s walked into a team that is so dysfunctional it can not help anyone develop. I can not judge him based on this season. We need to properly restructure and actually play football
He would thrive with quick thinking players and movement around him…sadly that’s not us. Hoping ETH can get the best out of him
He's starting to worry me. Atletico, Leicester and today have been the type of performances that Martial would get slaughtered for.

He was doing well up to that point but now looks even worse than he did when he first joined. I really like him but will no longer make excuses for him, I learnt the hard way with Pogba and Martial. You just have to trust what your eyes tell you and I'm starting to get worried that Sancho is too soft physically and mentally for this league.

Hoping he makes serious improvements next season.
I can see you're fast approaching Mad Winger territory here. I should step away.
Yep thats me, all because I'm not reactionary and write a young player off after a few poor performances. Some posters on here don't deserve the good times as you can't handle the bad times, like a bunch of whinging babies.
He's the only player in the squad who I believe Ten Hag can make a significant positive impression on and become integral to the team. He's also one of 3 players I'd bother keeping if we had the opportunity to get rid of everyone.
I love how our fans pretend like they didn't cry out for him for a bloody 2 seasons or more.

They act like they can manage a club and soon as a potential mistake happens they pretend like they were never a part of it.

The craving of Greizmann. The crying for Mourinho. The signing of Sancho.

What a deluded fan base we have :lol:
Have said it before, he is like a slightly more mobile mata on the wings. Not his fault but in the premier league you have to have abit of pace in you along with the technique. Salah , mane, Saka, martinelli, Sterling etc all have the pace. Show me an amazing winger in the league with mediocre acceleration and mediocre pace. This isn’t bundesliga or serie A where you gonna get plenty of open spaces to run into. I’m not surprised neither should any one of you lot but as usual most of the posters here tend to be clueless. They see a player ripping it up in an average league and think he is gonna do the same without taking into account the characteristics and qualities of the player whether the same attributes would deliver the same results. He is gonna be up and down in the premier league in his performances due to his lack of pace and physical attributes. Never wanted him, always wanted someone like Coman.

Early days still but Kulusevski's doing pretty well.
Just don’t see it with him, he’s an okayish winger but lacks any physicality to be a force in the premier league, Kulusevski already looks quite comfortable compared to him..
I love how our fans pretend like they didn't cry out for him for a bloody 2 seasons or more.

They act like they can manage a club and soon as a potential mistake happens they pretend like they were never a part of it.

The craving of Greizmann. The crying for Mourinho. The signing of Sancho.

What a deluded fan base we have :lol:
Well that’s simply not true.

Plenty of people on here were saying stuff like:
  • Hope he isn’t another Kagawa
  • Great player, but not sure he’s suited to the physicality of the PL
  • Great player, but how is he going to fit in an Ole-style team?
I’ve not written him off at all yet, and am reasonably confident he’ll look much better in a proper system. But I don’t blame people for being sceptical.
This was why I preferred Grealish as, due to his press resistance, he could still thrive outside of a cohesive system which was what we needed. Unfortunately, as I feared, due to being a bit lightweight, it seems like Sancho needs a cohesive system in place to be effective which was the thing that put me off him.

Hopefully we finally get in a manager who makes building us into a cohesive team a priority or this could turn into another Kagawa, Mata, Mkhi conundrum.

There's still hope, though. It's not like Donny where he's flat out rubbish regardless of a system in place or not. Sancho has shown potential.
Early days still but Kulusevski's doing pretty well.
Indeed, because he has acceleration.

He plays on the right and was cheaper than Sancho so of course we went for the more expensive option because either our scouts suck or our coaches have no idea on how to accomodate Sancho.
Wrong players and environment around him. Don’t judge him in this team.
He plays for this team, with these players. If we're able to go in on everyone else for shite performances then why should the 72m 350k a week man be exempt? Might not be the perfect environment for him to flourish but at the same time he should be able to complete a 90 minute game because right now he looks dead by the 60 minute mark. Also his passing is generally shite too.
Have said it before, he is like a slightly more mobile mata on the wings. Not his fault but in the premier league you have to have abit of pace in you along with the technique. Salah , mane, Saka, martinelli, Sterling etc all have the pace. Show me an amazing winger in the league with mediocre acceleration and mediocre pace. This isn’t bundesliga or serie A where you gonna get plenty of open spaces to run into. I’m not surprised neither should any one of you lot but as usual most of the posters here tend to be clueless. They see a player ripping it up in an average league and think he is gonna do the same without taking into account the characteristics and qualities of the player whether the same attributes would deliver the same results. He is gonna be up and down in the premier league in his performances due to his lack of pace and physical attributes. Never wanted him, always wanted someone like Coman.


Other than a small purple patch he’s been a huge flop so far. He’s got talent but he’s never going to be a RW in the Premier League. Can see him doing well on the left but is going to need an attacking LB behind him and some other players on same wavelength.

Like Pogba he has a lot of talent but doesn’t actually address problem he was signed to solve.
Have said it before, he is like a slightly more mobile mata on the wings. Not his fault but in the premier league you have to have abit of pace in you along with the technique. Salah , mane, Saka, martinelli, Sterling etc all have the pace. Show me an amazing winger in the league with mediocre acceleration and mediocre pace. This isn’t bundesliga or serie A where you gonna get plenty of open spaces to run into. I’m not surprised neither should any one of you lot but as usual most of the posters here tend to be clueless. They see a player ripping it up in an average league and think he is gonna do the same without taking into account the characteristics and qualities of the player whether the same attributes would deliver the same results. He is gonna be up and down in the premier league in his performances due to his lack of pace and physical attributes. Never wanted him, always wanted someone like Coman.


I have my doubts about him but I don't think a lack of pace is the issue.

I have my doubts about him but I don't think a lack of pace is the issue.
It’s not just pace with Sancho. It’s pace coupled with lack of acceleration, aggression, doesn’t have a good shot on him, not willing to take one on one etc. basically the ingredients u want in your winger. The anti kanchelskis or anti Coman in today’s time. He has some good attributes but it’s very easy to contain him because of his laid back style as a winger. His lack of body strength and him shying away from committing himself is a worry too. Foden seems short and weak but the way he threw away AWB was mind boggling. You can’t be that passive in this league and expect to be amazing.
Premier league and passivity doesn’t go hand in hand. It excels in its fast paced, aggressive nature. Football might not be the best and it’s chaotic but it is what it is and even managers like pep had to tweak their style to adjust to it. Passive Wingers are never going to get space and time here.

Mahrez’s pace has gone down over time but he was fast at Leicester. Used to beat defenders with his pace all the time. Not blistering pace but still fast. Plus he was always an aggressive winger, willing to take on his man and also more tricky than Sancho.
Is your ego hurt ? You may not like it but caf almost always gets it wrong. I remember the collective wanking for Sancho calling him generational talent and whatnot now they all seem surprised he is so passive. He was always this passive, he was never this aggressive winger the whole caf thought he was. The ridiculous amount of space available in bundesliga played a huge part on posters forming their opinion on Sancho where he was just running into spaces , running at the few defenders in counter attacks. As chaotic as PL is it’s fast and as less technical as it might be it’s strong. Sancho never gonna tear up here like he did in bundesliga. Either people learn this quickly or just accept they were wrong in the first place to think of him as something he was not.
He plays for this team, with these players. If we're able to go in on everyone else for shite performances then why should the 72m 350k a week man be exempt? Might not be the perfect environment for him to flourish but at the same time he should be able to complete a 90 minute game because right now he looks dead by the 60 minute mark. Also his passing is generally shite too.

I agree there is no excusing it, he’s been crap, very expensive crap! but it’s too soon to judge him too harshly. He’s a product of a bad environment and it will be interesting to see what he does next season with a new manager and some new players etc.
Is your ego hurt ? You may not like it but caf almost always gets it wrong. I remember the collective wanking for Sancho calling him generational talent and whatnot now they all seem surprised he is so passive. He was always this passive, he was never this aggressive winger the whole caf thought he was. The ridiculous amount of space available in bundesliga played a huge part on posters forming their opinion on Sancho where he was just running into spaces , running at the few defenders in counter attacks. As chaotic as PL is it’s fast and as less technical as it might be it’s strong. Sancho never gonna tear up here like he did in bundesliga. Either people learn this quickly or just accept they were wrong in the first place to think of him as something he was not.

Of course my ego isn’t hurt. It isn’t wrapped up in the collective wisdom of the caf. I’m just laughing at your arrogant post. How to make friends and influence people. Well done.
He’s top notch. Once we get a striker who can hold the ball up, link play and who runs in behind creating space we’ll see how top notch he is.

Yeah, he’ll be a good player for us. He’s one of very few attacking players to have had some decent performances. Which is impressive considering it’s his debut season and everyone around him is so profoundly dysfunctional. He was shit against Everton, mind you. Hence the frantic jerking of knees.
It’s not just pace with Sancho. It’s pace coupled with lack of acceleration, aggression, doesn’t have a good shot on him, not willing to take one on one etc. basically the ingredients u want in your winger. The anti kanchelskis or anti Coman in today’s time. He has some good attributes but it’s very easy to contain him because of his laid back style as a winger. His lack of body strength and him shying away from committing himself is a worry too. Foden seems short and weak but the way he threw away AWB was mind boggling. You can’t be that passive in this league and expect to be amazing.
Premier league and passivity doesn’t go hand in hand. It excels in its fast paced, aggressive nature. Football might not be the best and it’s chaotic but it is what it is and even managers like pep had to tweak their style to adjust to it. Passive Wingers are never going to get space and time here.

Mahrez’s pace has gone down over time but he was fast at Leicester. Used to beat defenders with his pace all the time. Not blistering pace but still fast. Plus he was always an aggressive winger, willing to take on his man and also more tricky than Sancho.

Yeah that's my thoughts as well.

Personly I think he's quick enough but agree with everything else you've mentioned. He badly needs to toughen up. He's too nice on the pitch.

But even in a poor performance like Saturday I thought you could still see his first touch and first time passing were very good.
Man Utd 3:2 Norwich

Playing in his best position in comparison to Rashford who is getting tonnes of hate after 10 mins.
System player , I’ll say it once again don’t think he’s a winger we should try him as a CAM he’s not better than Martial on that left wing.
I don't think it is acceleration, well at least not off the ball, at times this year he has come towards the ball, spun and gained yards on his full back, the best at that on the wing since Giggs. However he is just not dynamic enough on the ball, not direct as much as he should be, settles for the sideways pass or overlapping run when he could be braver.
System player , I’ll say it once again don’t think he’s a winger we should try him as a CAM he’s not better than Martial on that left wing.
Yes he absolutely is better than Martial they're as Martial is a lazy, ineffective waste of space. Not a great season for him but he's new, in a massively dysfunctional team under a lame duck coach.
One of the players who will benefit from ETH system
The thing that I noticed is how off the weight of his passes were coupled with some bizarre decision making in certain situations

Yeah he clearly doesn’t have a great understanding with most of the other attackers, but that can’t explain those underhit passes at this point…even if they’re not on his wavelength, surely he knows how to do what they want him to do. It’s so annoying.
He is not better then martial on the left, infact he is not even better than Rashford on the left
His form has dropped off so badly that he needs to be dropped but we have not got anyone else
such a nothing player
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