James McClean: 'Does being abused for being Irish and anti Irish abuse acceptable?'

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Historiographer, and obtainer of rare antiquities
Mar 19, 2008
Irish gypsies on the other hand still face heavy prejudice. I think it's the prejudice that goes most unchallenged in this country by far.
Same in Ireland. We pretty much throw all the classic anti-Irish tropes directed against us in history at them.


Full Member
Sep 23, 2014
The problem with the majority of this is a lack of education. I for one grew up and was schooled in England through the mid-90-00's was not taught about England's history in Ireland. I genuinely had very little idea of the scale of the oppression and damage that was caused. The Irish were and are still often painted as some caricature within society. Now when you take that into account many people cannot always immediately understand the position McClean took and the views he holds. I think where the abuse stems from is ignorance of the historical facts, and with a lack of knowledge or education on the matter, your typical football fan/keyboard warrior takes 'offense' and starts with the abuse. I truly believe that if the education system in England was corrected and told us of the atrocities we committed we would have a much broader understanding for why some people think we're dicks (to put it mildly), and any sensible people would see his views on the poppy and say that's fair enough without any further comment whatsoever. It shouldn't be a discussion point, and certainly not one that produces such heated debate.

No one deserves the level of abuse he has had to endure. Likewise, the likes of Tuanzebe and Martial are not deserving of their abuse. Social media companies must enforce ID registration for accounts sooner rather than later. It is the only way to firstly reduce such abuse, and secondly, to remove such people still intent on spouting it from the platforms.
Excellent post. Sensible and with a level of awareness that is very rare.

I agree completely. The lack of education and will to acknowledge any past wrong doing by the British empire is the main reason for the backlash.

Champagne Football

New Member
Nov 28, 2015
El Beatle
I'm sure the social media companies will figure something out eventually as players are getting racially abused even by their own 'fans', so something has to give sooner or later.

The neanderthal 'fans' that get aroused by racially abusing anyone they can online, can hardly believe their luck to have such a platform they currently have to terrorise people they are jealous of with their hate.

Hooligans who attack McClean will say that he deserves the abuse as he's happy to pick up a whopper weekly salary in the country he supposedly does not respect.... Without fully understanding the history of Derry and why McClean thinks the way he does. Hooligans don't need a big excuse to despise someone.

Anyways I'd imagine the social media companies will figure this problem out eventually. If Twitter can't offer protection from racists, then another social media company will emerge who can.


Not fat gutted. Hirsuteness of shoulders TBD.
May 5, 2003
I love free dirt and rocks!
You used to hear 'Paddy' stereotypes and jokes when I was younger about the Irish beng thick and/or lazy but I personally haven't heard comments like that for most of my adult life. I think bigots have other targets now.

Irish gypsies on the other hand still face heavy prejudice. I think it's the prejudice that goes most unchallenged in this country by far.

Paddy jokes were a staple of beige-clad 70's comedians. Alternative comedy pretty much blew them all away.


New Member
Mar 2, 2019
Education is supposed to solve everything but it's being wrongly schooled that leads to racism. People aren't born racist. It's freedom from poverty and marginalisation that stops racism. If you feel bottom of the heap you go looking for someone who seems even lower.

Posh Red

Full Member
Jul 4, 2013
Peterborough, England
Education is supposed to solve everything but it's being wrongly schooled that leads to racism. People aren't born racist. It's freedom from poverty and marginalisation that stops racism. If you feel bottom of the heap you go looking for someone who seems even lower.
Well that explains some of Boris Johnson’s past publications :lol:


Full Member
Apr 9, 2008
Hang on a second, this is the bloke that posts pictures of himself in a balaclava "teaching" his kids about history.

Brings it on himself somewhat.

On the flipside, I'm sure the families of soldiers that died at the hands of the IRA are not overly thrilled with that.


Full Member
May 26, 2010
Hang on a second, this is the bloke that posts pictures of himself in a balaclava "teaching" his kids about history.

Brings it on himself somewhat.

On the flipside, I'm sure the families of soldiers that died at the hands of the IRA are not overly thrilled with that.
You dont bring on racist abuse yourself ffs.
On a side note, is that history not Derrys history?


Full Member
Apr 9, 2008
You dont bring on racist abuse yourself ffs.
On a side note, is that history not Derrys history?
My point being, don't act like a dick with things and people won't abuse you, it's called being a decent human being, whether your Irish, English whatever.

If you're going to post inflammatory posts on Instagram, don't cry when people set fire to shit.


Full Member
May 26, 2010
My point being, don't act like a dick with things and people won't abuse you, it's called being a decent human being, whether your Irish, English whatever.

If you're going to post inflammatory posts on Instagram, don't cry when people set fire to shit.
He was getting abuse before he was posting on instagram. He was getting shit on for not wearing a poppy and just explaining why. Your timeline doesnt add up.
He is allowed to be a republican. This has to be made clear on every thread it seems. He is from an area that is extremly republican because of his past. Thats who he is.
It is not illegal to be a republican, half of their sitting government are republicans. Its not bringing it on himself by being a republican.
Lets abuse every republican out there shall we? They bring on all the death threats by dickheads in Leicester who never stepped foot in NI and couldn't point out Derry on a map.


Full Member
Apr 9, 2008
People are going to be dickheads wherever you're from, background, religion, sexuality whatever.

If you do shit like that you're going to get shit, it's simple.

I don't give a shit about his background or religion, I just think he's brought it on himself somewhat.


Full Member
Apr 9, 2008
He was getting abuse before he was posting on instagram. He was getting shit on for not wearing a poppy and just explaining why. Your timeline doesnt add up.
Right so you're saying that after being given shit for not wearing a poppy, he chose to post on instagram in a balaclava?

feck me.


Full Member
Jan 9, 2011
Loughborough university
People are going to be dickheads wherever you're from, background, religion, sexuality whatever.

If you do shit like that you're going to get shit, it's simple.

I don't give a shit about his background or religion, I just think he's brought it on himself somewhat.
Those people are in the wrong. Not him its them who need to change their behaviour not him. Stop blaming the victims and blame the racists


Full Member
Apr 9, 2008
Not at all, I'm saying that if you stoke the fires, dickheads are going to be dickheads.

Name me another Irish footballer that gets shit? I can't think of one.


Full Member
Jun 11, 2011
Hang on a second, this is the bloke that posts pictures of himself in a balaclava "teaching" his kids about history.

Brings it on himself somewhat.

On the flipside, I'm sure the families of soldiers that died at the hands of the IRA are not overly thrilled with that.
Do the IRA (which one?) have a trademark on the balaclava or something?

Why does wearing a balaclava automatically get associated with the IRA?


Full Member
Apr 9, 2008
Do the IRA (which one?) have a trademark on the balaclava or something?

Why does wearing a balaclava automatically get associated with the IRA?

This is my point, why even bother going there if you're getting shit about being anti-British?

It doesn't help does it? In fact it has the opposite affect and winds the British up which is why he gets shit. Maybe I'm missing something :confused:


New Member
Feb 3, 2015
Do the IRA (which one?) have a trademark on the balaclava or something?

Why does wearing a balaclava automatically get associated with the IRA?
Sigh this thread is still rumbling on then.

Come on, he knew what he was insinuating and pretending he never is embarrassing.

He doesn’t deserve death threats for it but it was always going to attract massive backlash especially from keyboard warriors on social media.


Full Member
Apr 27, 2014
Do the IRA (which one?) have a trademark on the balaclava or something?

Why does wearing a balaclava automatically get associated with the IRA?
Oh Steve cmon. You've made great points in this thread but of course that was what he was getting at.

He intended it as joke, and I imagine his local audience found it funny, but posting it on Instagram for the world to see was idiotic and he had to realise it would receive massive backlash.


Full Member
Jun 11, 2011

This is my point, why even bother going there if you're getting shit about being anti-British?

It doesn't help does it? In fact it has the opposite affect and winds the British up which is why he gets shit. Maybe I'm missing something :confused:
I must be missing something mate. No wearing a balaclava is of course going to upset some who lost family members to paramilitary groups plural, not one group. And no it wasn't the brightest thing to do, an ill thought out poor attempt at humour that obviously wasn't going to translate well.

But i do find it odd that quite a few people now seem to associate him wearing a balaclava with him somehow impersonating an IRA member. Why the IRA specifically? Also which IRA?

And thats a problem because there are other people (not necessarily on here) who seem to also link his choice to not wear a Poppy or liking rebel songs or whatever else he's ever done to somehow being an IRA supporter. When in truth none of those things would necessarily make someone an IRA supporter.

You know as well as I do it's a symbol.
A symbol of paramilitaries or...?


Full Member
Jun 11, 2011
Oh Steve cmon. You've made great points in this thread but of course that was what he was getting at
He may well have been mate but i just find it odd that wearing a balaclava is solely linked to the IRA for some people. More than one group who killed and murdered innocent people wore them and i don't think that should be forgotten.


Full Member
Jul 7, 2013
Not at all, I'm saying that if you stoke the fires, dickheads are going to be dickheads.

Name me another Irish footballer that gets shit? I can't think of one.
Maybe because they are afraid of this kind of backlash?

Stoke the fires is a pretty interesting way to describe speaking out against discrimination though


Full Member
Apr 9, 2008
A symbol of paramilitaries or...?
Come on Steve, you know as well as I do it was to represent the IRA whilst he taught his kids the history, it was idiotic.

Lets just imagine for one second that I'm a footballer (could have been but I got a bad injury fam) and I have been accused of being anti-Irish.

And on my instagram I post a picture of me in a burgundy beret. It's not because I'm pretending to be Frank Spencer.


Full Member
Apr 9, 2008
Maybe because they are afraid of this kind of backlash?

Stoke the fires is a pretty interesting way to describe speaking out against discrimination though
That's not what I said is it.

What I said was posting pictures of yourself on social media in a balaclava, means you will get shit from people. You can't do things like that and moan about being targeted on social media.


Full Member
Sep 23, 2014
That's not what I said is it.

What I said was posting pictures of yourself on social media in a balaclava, means you will get shit from people. You can't do things like that and moan about being targeted on social media.
Are you serious?

You can't post a picture of yourself in a balaclava and then moan if you get death threats?

Just have a little think about what you've just said.


Full Member
Apr 27, 2014
He may well have been mate but i just find it odd that wearing a balaclava is solely linked to the IRA for some people. More than one group who killed and murdered innocent people wore them and i don't think that should be forgotten.
It's not soley linked the ira but it is for McLean.

If Jamie bryson done it (hoping your from ni and know who this is) we'd all be saying its linked to the uvf.

The author of the post has to be considered


Full Member
Jul 7, 2013
That's not what I said is it.

What I said was posting pictures of yourself on social media in a balaclava, means you will get shit from people. You can't do things like that and moan about being targeted on social media.
But that's not why he gets abuse and you know it, it's just one cherry picked incident that most people don't even remember. The whole poppy thing started nearly a decade ago, and he immediately received death threats when the media first reported him not wearing one. I assume your point is that he is not 100% innocent during all of this and has done or said some things to fan the flames. But when he's been abused for nearly a decade over a personal choice, it's not that hard to imagine him giving same back from time to time.


Full Member
Apr 9, 2008
But that's not why he gets abuse and you know it, it's just one cherry picked incident that most people don't even remember. The whole poppy thing started nearly a decade ago, and he immediately received death threats when the media first reported him not wearing one. I assume your point is that he is not 100% innocent during all of this and has done or said some things to fan the flames. But when he's been abused for nearly a decade over a personal choice, it's not that hard to imagine him giving same back from time to time.
I agree completely, I just think that he hasn't helped himself.

You can't moan about social media if you yourself are fanning those flames on social media. Thats my point.
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