Jamie Carragher: Spits in the face of 14 year old girl | Suspended by Sky

How should Carragher be punished?

  • Forced to wear a United shirt with Neville on the back for MNF forever

    Votes: 360 46.0%
  • Go on Jeremy Kyle with the family

    Votes: 169 21.6%
  • Be made to walk alone through Liverpool

    Votes: 113 14.4%
  • Buy a my little pony for the girl

    Votes: 141 18.0%

  • Total voters
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Are you really surprised? They defended Suarez’ racism, his acts of attempted cannibalism and manage to turn any manager with a shred of credibility into a bitter, delusional prick. There’s something in the water.

Yeah man, you're right. I guess i shouldn't be. There's so much wrong with that lot. They gave Evra a tough time too recently i read.
It’s a shame because he’s somehow emerged as one of, if not my favourite pundit but who the feck spits on people? It’s about as grubby as it gets.
I've seen the video a number of times.

It seems the driver was star-struck having seen Jamie in a traffic jam.

Says "Hey look Jamie Carragher" to his daughter (Those words seem to suggest it's the first time he's had a dialogue with Carragher)

Carragher actually acknowledges the father and lifts his hand to say hello whilst the window is closed. He then proceeds to open the car window hears the "2-1 Jamie lad" comment. He loses his head and just spits towards the car. I don't think it was particularly aimed at the passenger. Father was unaware the girl had been struck by the spittle until a few seconds later when the girl shouts out to the father to stop.

Carragher saying in his tweet he was provoked a number of times does not seem correct. It was a disgusting act by a TV and football celebrity. Shouting 2-1 is hardly provocation.

Good points, especially the bolded parts. Carragher has clearly overreacted and should have just carried on. Shouting the score is nowhere as bad as insulting family members with abusive language.
I've seen the video a number of times.

It seems the driver was star-struck having seen Jamie in a traffic jam.

Says "Hey look Jamie Carragher" to his daughter (Those words seem to suggest it's the first time he's had a dialogue with Carragher)

Carragher actually acknowledges the father and lifts his hand to say hello whilst the window is closed. He then proceeds to open the car window hears the "2-1 Jamie lad" comment. He loses his head and just spits towards the car. I don't think it was particularly aimed at the passenger. Father was unaware the girl had been struck by the spittle until a few seconds later when the girl shouts out to the father to stop.

Carragher saying in his tweet he was provoked a number of times does not seem correct. It was a disgusting act by a TV and football celebrity. Shouting 2-1 is hardly provocation.

Re the bottom bit he never states it’s that guy who says it 3 or 4 times just he’s been filmed 3 or 4 times and lost the plot this time. So it is possible it’s true (I’d suggest it’s lerfectly plausible as well.) it is disgusting either way though and regardless of Dad filming or whatever there’s no excuse for it. It’s horrible thing to do.

I doubt he gets sacked personally, he’ll be off TV for a month or so and come back after that like nothing happened, I reckon they’ve told Neville etc not to mention it either on Twitter.

Unbelievable, how thick can you get?

I wonder if it falls into the category of sackable offence by Sky. Certainly wouldn't be surprised if so, but suspect he'll get away with it. Not that I'd really want him sacked but it is quite an offence...

Initially, I thought it was just going to be some satire article about the way he speaks.:D

But after watching the video gotta say fair play to Carragher for the effort. If I tried that from a moving car, I reckon I'd just end up spitting in my own face.

It's funny that the only person who came out of this not looking like a total bellend was the 14 year-old girl
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I've seen the video a number of times.

It seems the driver was star-struck having seen Jamie in a traffic jam.

Says "Hey look Jamie Carragher" to his daughter (Those words seem to suggest it's the first time he's had a dialogue with Carragher)

Carragher actually acknowledges the father and lifts his hand to say hello whilst the window is closed. He then proceeds to open the car window hears the "2-1 Jamie lad" comment. He loses his head and just spits towards the car. I don't think it was particularly aimed at the passenger. Father was unaware the girl had been struck by the spittle until a few seconds later when the girl shouts out to the father to stop.

Carragher saying in his tweet he was provoked a number of times does not seem correct. It was a disgusting act by a TV and football celebrity. Shouting 2-1 is hardly provocation.
Seems Charagher is trying to over exaggerate the provocation. No ifs or buts, he should be sacked.
Showed it to my girlfriend and she instantly said: "Are you sure he didnt vomitted on them?" :lol:
I like the way he claims to have been goaded 3/4 times leading up to incident, as if that would somehow justify him spitting at someone (scouse logic?), then goes on to claim that his behaviour was inexcusable. Way to contradict yourself Jamie.

Don't see how Sky could possibly keep him on after this PR nightmare. Bye Jamie.
I'm sorry and I can't be bothered to search through the thread, but who is defending him? There's really no excuses to be made. I guess everyone can lose their head sometimes, but there are simply no excuses for such behaviour. The video also suggests that it's the first time this person provokes him - although of course others could have done the same before this incident.

Carragher should accept any punishment he gets for this.

Not many people are defending him to be fair.

After sifting through the comments section of his tweet on the incident, I read maybe 4 or 5 supportive comments. He deserves none though, don't see how anyonecould defend him after viewing the video.
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I like the way he claims to have been goaded 3/4 times leading up to incident, as if that would somehow justify him spitting at someone (scouse logic?), then goes on to claim that his behaviour was inexcusable. Way to contradict yourself Jamie.

Don't see how Sky could possibly keep him on after this PR nightmare. Bye Jamie.

He didn't try to justify himself. He said it was unacceptable. I'm unsure what's contradictory here.

And he won't get sacked.

Stolen off twitter but this was brilliant.
So much wrong with that video. Why does this idiot dad think it's ok to randomly honk at people (that itself is against the law), why does he think it's okay to abuse Carragher while driving and holding a camera? Why does Carragher even lower the window?
Well its not nice... but if he sprayed my 14 year old daughter with Jamie Juice I'd probably be relieved it was only a bit of spit

looking forward to the next time a player spits at somebody on the pitch during a game and all the other pundits start hammering him on air about how scummy it is - Hope Garry Neville is there when it happens
Just realised he did this in the same week as International Women's Day :lol:
So much wrong with that video. Why does this idiot dad think it's ok to randomly honk at people (that itself is against the law), why does he think it's okay to abuse Carragher while driving and holding a camera? Why does Carragher even lower the window?

Agree about the honking part, but he’s not abusing him! He’s just saying «2-1» that’s not exactly shouting abuse.
What an absolute wanker.

I liked him as a pundit, but this is shocking behaviour.
He’s an idiot. I hope he doesn’t lose his job though, I actually think he’s a better pundit than anyone else Sky have got, and it probably means Souness is guaranteed more air time.

Also. I’m sure it’s already been mentioned, but I hope the guy gets in trouble for using his phone while driving with his daughter in the car.
He didn't try to justify himself. He said it was unacceptable. I'm unsure what's contradictory here.

And he won't get sacked.

If he wasn't attempting to justify himself why make up the whole "I was goaded 3/4 times leading up to the incident"?
Really dumb thing to do by Carragher, but what an absolute fecking tool. You're a grown man in the car with your daughter. Get a grip.
Well now that’s one way of giving the main role at Sky back to G Nev. Neville lost it when he went to Valencia and I think he’s about to get it back now
I could forgive Carragher if his defence was that he spat at the father for driving while using his phone.
I've seen the video a number of times.

It seems the driver was star-struck having seen Jamie in a traffic jam.

Says "Hey look Jamie Carragher" to his daughter (Those words seem to suggest it's the first time he's had a dialogue with Carragher)

Carragher actually acknowledges the father and lifts his hand to say hello whilst the window is closed. He then proceeds to open the car window hears the "2-1 Jamie lad" comment. He loses his head and just spits towards the car. I don't think it was particularly aimed at the passenger. Father was unaware the girl had been struck by the spittle until a few seconds later when the girl shouts out to the father to stop.

Carragher saying in his tweet he was provoked a number of times does not seem correct. It was a disgusting act by a TV and football celebrity. Shouting 2-1 is hardly provocation.

Before Carra Rolled his window down Did you not hear the daughter say to her dad when he was filming to stop it?

I could be wrong be to me that tells me this wasn't the first time the bloke had his phone out filming the stick he was giving Carra.

Also I hope this fella gets a £200 fine and 6 points for using his mobile whilst driving.

Now before you lynch me for apparently sticking up for Carra, I'm not, spitting is disgusting and there was no reason why Carra couldn't have just ignored this fella, he should have ignored hime, kept his window up, wacked some music up and left it there, he didn't and he has made a tit of himself and let himself down big time and should be embarrassed.

I can't see Sky tolerating this and won't be surprised to see him sacked

This video shows not one idiot but 2

and poor girl in the middle
Aren’t ex pros always saying that spitting is the most heinous crime on the field? Obviously ok in a traffic jam. Or when kids are involved.
I've seen the video a number of times.

It seems the driver was star-struck having seen Jamie in a traffic jam.

Says "Hey look Jamie Carragher" to his daughter (Those words seem to suggest it's the first time he's had a dialogue with Carragher)

Carragher actually acknowledges the father and lifts his hand to say hello whilst the window is closed. He then proceeds to open the car window hears the "2-1 Jamie lad" comment. He loses his head and just spits towards the car. I don't think it was particularly aimed at the passenger. Father was unaware the girl had been struck by the spittle until a few seconds later when the girl shouts out to the father to stop.

Carragher saying in his tweet he was provoked a number of times does not seem correct. It was a disgusting act by a TV and football celebrity. Shouting 2-1 is hardly provocation.

Nah, I think you can tell by the daughter's reaction the video isn't the true start of it. He'd probably already been provoking Carragher and then had the idea to get the phone out to record it.

The "Hey look it's Jamie Carragher" is 100% for the video. Who knows what interactions they had beforehand, but the daughter seems uncomfortable from the very start of the video, suggesting more has gone on.
A lot of people engaging in "whataboutery" with reference to the driver.

Deal with what Carragher did and put aside your faux outrage over the driver driving using his mobile (something we all do FFS).

And what Carragher did was beneath contempt.

I'm never one for calling for people to be sacked but he's placed himself in a very difficult position over his stupidity.
Carragher is not a footballer anymore, and is not going to cost £30m to replace, so normal workplace rules will apply. He will be lucky to still have a job at the end of this.

Not an expert on employment law, but how can workplace rules apply if the incident took place outside of work? Only thing I think Sky could get him on is bringing the company into disrepute as it's gone viral.

He could probably be done for assault, although a good lawyer might get him off lightly, "He was provoked and aiming at the car m'lord". Plus the father is on shaky ground himself.

Out-of-court settlement written all over it.
I hope he's not sacked. Idiotic thing to do but it's such a minor thing compared to the quality of punditry he brings. Since Neville tried to be everyone's best friend Carragher has been getting better and better.
The amount of whataboutism here is just sad, but but but the dad is also bad. What kind of human being spit on another human being in this day and age. Despicable person, despicable fans.
I hope he's not sacked. Idiotic thing to do but it's such a minor thing compared to the quality of punditry he brings. Since Neville tried to be everyone's best friend Carragher has been getting better and better.

Yeah, hopefully he isn't sacked. This "yeah sack him for the mistake" is very knee jerk thing. I don't think he did anything stupid before, so why not excuse people for their first mistake. He apologised and people should move on.

If he repeats it again, then we can talk about sacking and all that.
He won't be sacked. He'll get a warning about his conduct. I bet as soon as he did it he thought 'feck...stupid'. He's a good pundit and works really well with Neville and Sky will know this. Sky will put out a statement about not condoning his actions and that he's been warned they won't accept this type of behaviour in the future. It was unpleasant and idiotic to be riled by an opposing fan, he's dealt with that all his life on the pitch. Plus, in the past, he's talked about 'spitting' being disgusting and not acceptable in football.

The father doesn't get off either - equally a dickhead. Filming while driving...that's points and a ban. Plus he comes across far more immature than his daughter, who I genuinely feel sorry for.
A lot of people engaging in "whataboutery" with reference to the driver.

Deal with what Carragher did and put aside your faux outrage over the driver driving using his mobile (something we all do FFS).

And what Carragher did was beneath contempt.

I'm never one for calling for people to be sacked but he's placed himself in a very difficult position over his stupidity.

Bit of a generalisation, I don't drive and use my phone, it's right to think they're both in the wrong but Carragher will clearly get more coverage as he's the famous one.
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