Jesse Lingard | Seoul singer


You'll Never Walk Away
Jul 12, 2013
No but him having an opinion on social media strategy is like him having an opinion on the club's loan refinancing or IT infrastructure. It's baseless and only serves to emphasize that he really wants to be an influencer and not a footballer.

So now you're equating disinterested members of the public on a forum sharing opinions on something to which they have no professional connection with someone that's been remunerated handsomely by their employer over a period of years talking shit about a side of the business that they've little intimate knowledge of? Yeah, nice one.
Share this same passion for Ronaldo when he complained about the facilities at United?

Loving the club means more than just the football side of it. I’d be embarrassed if I played for a club that had a faltering public image on the internet, which is where a lot of your paying customers are.


lemons are annoying
Sep 12, 2019
So now you're equating disinterested members of the public on a forum sharing opinions on something to which they have no professional connection with someone that's been remunerated handsomely by their employer over a period of years talking shit about a side of the business that they've little intimate knowledge of? Yeah, nice one.
I am, but if that was a step too far lets go with this instead: Have you ever been less than impressed with anything at a place of work? I know I have.

As for little intimate knowledge, I'm kind of doubting that you're being serious here. Lingard is very obviously right about what he said. If you said that even though he is right he shouldn't care, or that even if he is right and that it's ok to care he shouldn't tell anyone, then ok I guess. But he is right. United's Internet presence is very bad, MUTV is trash (just ask anyone following the youth side).

It's also pretty strange to take what he's saying in isolation, when what he's doing is obviously commentating about the general state of the club. He and others have brought up United's sub-par facilities for the first team, on basically all levels: training, recovery, rehabilitation, recreation, data science and other forms of technology etc. Anyone following the youth teams will tell you that investment has been similarly lacking there compared to other top clubs. Why would you treat this as a standalone thing rather than as symptomatic of United's post-SAF woes?


Full Member
Mar 15, 2021
Share this same passion for Ronaldo when he complained about the facilities at United?

Loving the club means more than just the football side of it. I’d be embarrassed if I played for a club that had a faltering public image on the internet, which is where a lot of your paying customers are.
Share this same passion for Ronaldo when he complained about the facilities at United?

Loving the club means more than just the football side of it. I’d be embarrassed if I played for a club that had a faltering public image on the internet, which is where a lot of your paying customers are.
I didn't love that, no, but the facilities have FAR more of an immediate, day to day impact on players' actual jobs than the club's digital content strategy. Also, Lingard has become a meme in part because of his 'content' creation obsession and eagerness to become a social media 'star'. Many fans find Lingard's social media output to be puerile, childish and embarrassing for the club, so, for many this swipe at digital content strategy is doubly ridiculous coming from him.


New Member
Sep 29, 2009
It was only a few months back that we were told Machester United had the most valuable social media brand in the prem. Unrivaled followers, 80 odd million more than the next best, Chelsea.

With that in mind, I see his point, you've got a free advertisement base you can engage the fans, in ways the other clubs do. With our following, you could take it to another level.

Outside of that, I don't think he said anything too shocking, nothing we didn't already know. Bad owners, no investment in facilities.
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Better at GIFs than posts
Jun 7, 2013
Oh the simpathy interview :lol:
And some of you gullible fecks are falling for it


Better at GIFs than posts
Jun 7, 2013
Bloody hell. What a take.
Yeah i'm sorry if im not gullible enough.
All those issues but still had time to promote his stupid brand online.
Not to mention posting videos on social media weekly before Ole said to stop.


Jan 14, 2010
Yeah i'm sorry if im not gullible enough.
All those issues but still had time to promote his stupid brand online.
Not to mention posting videos on social media weekly before Ole said to stop.
I didn’t realise having depression or issues meant you can’t do other things. Silly me.


Full Member
Nov 6, 2017
Nothing wrong with that, shows which club cared more. I’d choose a company that shower more willingness to hire me over another.
Nothing wrong with it. However, you would be making an active choice of comfort over achievement in case the 2 companies are not at the same level, as in Lingard’s case. He chose a project based on who was more willing to indulge him than on their respective sporting merits.


Creator of the Worst Analogy on the Internet.
Sep 20, 2014
I am still mad United let him go.
Every Interview he does just shows that he is the kind of player that can hold a team back.
Now, he is talking about drinking alcohol before going to bed. So, basically he was not 100% there. I like players like that at United.


Full Member
Oct 25, 2013
Wayne Rooney took on the club questioning it's ambition. Lingard questioned it's social media reach.

Coming at a time people can barely heat their home, on strike for their jobs or have no hope of calling an ambulance. Staggering sense of entitlement caused by a soft club


Last Man Standing finalist 2019/20
Jan 12, 2019
The real question is, how bad must Forest's pool table and social media game be for him to have not scored for them yet?


Full Member
Jun 15, 2013
United Kingdom
It's odd that mental health still isn't taken seriously. I wonder why?

Unfortunately there's many posts like his on here and all over social media.
It is, generally. It’s also fair to point out that Lingard frequently talks about it as and when he isn’t performing on the football pitch. The whole thing is disingenuous to me and you can tell from his attitude, which is vile in some of those clips, that some of his issues (in footballing terms) are completely self-inflicted.

I don’t buy it.


Better at GIFs than posts
Jun 7, 2013
Stick to gifs please, because every time you speak you make yourself look like more of an idiot.
Im being realistic im not as gullible as some of you who believe in every sad story you read/hear.
The guy was a proper cnut who acted like a teenager despite being in his mid 20s.
I'm sorry if i don't believe in his sad stories.


New Member
May 24, 2022
It is, generally. It’s also fair to point out that Lingard frequently talks about it as and when he isn’t performing on the football pitch. The whole thing is disingenuous to me and you can tell from his attitude, which is vile in some of those clips, that some of his issues (in footballing terms) are completely self-inflicted.

I don’t buy it.
However there is often a hidden truth behind the bravado.
It's why you always hear people say 'I had no idea' after somebody attempts to or does something silly.


Full Member
Jan 8, 2014
I have no issue with what he says in the interview.

What I find weird is fans who pick on little sound bites from an interview that’s about 70 minutes long. His comment on United’s social media was coming off the back of conversation about how well the England national team engage with fans through social media nowadays.

Good on him for talking about mental health too.


Full Member
Jan 20, 2010
His off the ball movement was something else, we could use his movement at the dancefloor this Sunday.


Full Member
Feb 11, 2014
It's no coincidence that leaks have diminished and squad harmony has improved with him leaving.


Full Member
Mar 15, 2021
I have no issue with what he says in the interview.

What I find weird is fans who pick on little sound bites from an interview that’s about 70 minutes long. His comment on United’s social media was coming off the back of conversation about how well the England national team engage with fans through social media nowadays.

Good on him for talking about mental health too.
Again, it's hardly surprising that fans are annoyed when someone that is a puerile, childish embarrassment on social media chews out the people that (over)paid him for many years for the way they use that same media. I'm all for talking openly about mental health but it's absolutely understandable that people would be wound up by the social media soundbite, given his pratting around on those same tools.


Better at GIFs than posts
Jun 7, 2013
Seeing your written posts is the equivalent of when the Undertaker retired and started appearing on podcasts.
Same with the gullible folks here.
This is the same guy who had a 1 month purple patch under Mourinho where he scored 7 goals and people started calling him Messe Lingod
He had 1 GOOD fecking MONTH not a season, not a year but a MONTH!!
He was so bad as soon as 2018 came around that people started saying he was World Class at running.
The levels... :annoyed:

Red Stone

Full Member
Jan 30, 2011
He's right. We're over a decade behind other clubs at this point with our facilities. Old Trafford is falling apart, our training ground is out of date, we aren't appealing to young fans at all. He doesn't play for us any more. He's fully within his rights to talk about things he feels we should be doing better just like all of us on here are. And the fact that he's had depression and alcohol problems should be taken seriously by everyone. Too many players have had their lives and careers ruined by depression, drugs and alcohol at this point for us to just tell the ones that are struggling to get on with things and keep kicking the ball like they're paid handsomely to do.

It's possible to think he's a mediocre player, complete manchild and a giant tool, like I still do, and at the same time not dismiss everything he says just because it's him saying it. Some people in this thread need to take a hard look at themselves.


New Member
Jul 10, 2021
Read the BBC article and watched some clips.

Abuse from fans and problems with mum's health led to depression and I can totally understand that. Everyone goes on about how much money he earned... honestly, I save a lot of money while I'm depressed. I don't do much at all. I have more money than I need at those times. I don't even look at the bank account, it takes care of itself. Money doesn't buy you happiness is a cliché, but one based on copious amounts of people who have valid experiences. Once you can manage your utility bills, afford shelter over your head, afford warmth, food and health... honestly, money after that is nice and it gives some short term highs (holidays, events, etc) but generally it doesn't make you instantly wonderful and happy at all. People saying things equal to "this guy earned a lot of money so he has no right to talk about being depressed" - that's honestly pure ignorance. Either you've never been depressed, in which case congratulations (I wasn't depressed until I was in my 30s and very financially comfortable - it can happen for any kind of reason)... or you have been depressed but not financially stable, in which case I can sympathise with you, but still think you're being ignorant about it. Ignorance isn't always intentional, I respect that, I'm sure I'm ignorant of a huge amount of things too, such as what it's like to be black in a white-dominant country, or white in a black-dominant country, or to be pregnant, or whatever. But a little empathy goes a long way.

Generally speaking, I back what he's said about the club, I agree with pretty much all his thoughts on it. At least Lingard is focusing more on "the club needs to do better" rather than "I deserve to start every game, I'm amazing". I agree that if you're asked if you want time off it shouldn't be published to the media. I agree that having a manager ask about your mum when she's having problems is a good thing to happen. I agree the club needs better facilities, and that he deserved five minutes having been at the club as long as he was (people are comparing him to Januzaj who was here for just 4 years of his life, while Lingard was here for 22 years, how is that even comparable).

The website and social media management? Maybe that's a bit far. I'm not bothered about the lack of games room, although I can appreciate that it would be nice if I were at that level but I wouldn't speak about it to the media. It's probably the only area I can critique him on this interview from what I've been reading about what he said.

I agree with many saying that people are showcasing hatred and disgusting views in this thread. Lingard danced on TikTok sometimes and had a silly nickname. I don't like to dance, personally, and I don't like attention on social media... but I have absolutely had a silly nickname (it's right there, you can read it, I got it when I was 12 and it stuck for life). If he likes dancing and showing off his life on the internet, that's up to him. So long as he puts in the effort on the pitch, I don't mind. From all accounts, all the players and most of the managers appreciated and liked the guy, I don't recall constant criticisms about him not working hard enough, or not turning up on time, or anything like that. People just see a dude dancing and not scoring goals and they think he should be spending literally every single second of his entire life trying to become the next Messi. Even Messi and Ronaldo took holidays, and I'm sure they both spend time doing things they enjoy outside of football. If Lingard likes to dance on TikTok or Instagram or whatever, so be it. I don't care. People getting livid at him for it just come across as jaded and bitter.

I don't think Lingard is one of the greatest players we've had at all, I think he was a solid bench player and at times he did justify starting. I don't have any issues with his tenure here. And the things he is saying about the club, are, quite frankly, things that (games room aside) should be said, as they encourage change.

Ronaldo's interview was a billion times worse than this, though. Lingard talked about his personal issues and failings and didn't seem to have any disagreement with the club's assessment of his position or status within the club, he wasn't insisting (that I have heard/seen/read) that he should have been played more often, that he was better than anyone else. He was simply saying he should have got 5 minutes to say bye to the club (I agree), that the facilities should have been better (I agree), that the club shouldn't publish to the media that he requested time off when the club asked him first (I agree), that depression is rough (I agree), that family problems are hard (I agree), and his personal experiences with each of the managers (which weren't terrible assessments, he had at least some positive things to say about LVG, Mourinho and Ole).
This is the best post I've ever read on this board.