Johnny Depp and Amber Heard | 2nd November: Loses libel claim


Dagestani MMA Boiled Egg Expert
Mar 4, 2017
Anyway, she seems like a bad’un.

Doubt so many would just say Depp is this placid, kind Keith Richards listening junkie when he’s already pretty much finished.


Sleeps with tramps, bangs jacuzzis, dirty shoes
Nov 19, 2009
Jet fuel doesn't melt steel beams
Amidst the grim spiral of domestic misery, there are some curious snippets.


Depp took his daughter to school with Marilyn Manson

Depp called his wife 'Amber Turd' after claiming she soiled the bed


Depp threatened to slice off Elon Musk's penis because he he was having an affair with Amber Heard


Depp tells Sasha Wass QC she is 'more familiar with MDMA that I am.'


Dawn’s less famous husband
Jun 25, 2009
I wouldnt normally follow this kind of Garbage but this one is peaking my interest. I read an article last year about how much of an alleged looper this Amber Heard character is and I remember seeing her on Top Gear a while back thinking she looked like she was all smiles while hiding a nasty side.

I don't believe a word she is saying in court.


Full Member
Sep 30, 2009
That thread of the judgement is quite something.

Maybe the full thing makes it make better sense, but in every instance the judge seems to be saying that he is accepting Amber Heard's testimony because she said it, whilst discounting Depp's evidence because he said it.


Full Member
Oct 19, 2009


Full Member
Mar 28, 2014
Meh choosing between a wife beater and the sun is like choosing between aids and worse aids. The only question that remains is if Depp actually is the former, but aids certainly isn't going to convince me of it.


Full Member
Aug 8, 2018
I’ve not payed much attention to this but from the glimpses I’ve read they were both seemingly abusive to each other. I also read that he admitted he did head-butt her but was insistent it accidental, however once he admitted that it was always going to be hard to rule in his favour.

My biggest take away from this is just the confirmation of how toxic fanbases are and nailing their colours to the mast based on previous enjoyment of somebody’s work rather than accepting it is probably best to not comment or at least try and destroy somebody career and reputation over something they have limited knowledge and understanding off.


Ross Kemp's caf ID
Sep 13, 2012
I’ve not payed much attention to this but from the glimpses I’ve read they were both seemingly abusive to each other. I also read that he admitted he did head-butt her but was insistent it accidental, however once he admitted that it was always going to be hard to rule in his favour.

My biggest take away from this is just the confirmation of how toxic fanbases are and nailing their colours to the mast based on previous enjoyment of somebody’s work rather than accepting it is probably best to not comment or at least try and destroy somebody career and reputation over something they have limited knowledge and understanding off.
Pretty much what I've taken away from the story too. The whole situation is toxic as hell.


The bad "V"
Jun 12, 2014
Not into locations = will not dwell
I guess the issue is that The Sun were arguing that Depp is a violent person, which is technically true despite it leaving out all other nuance (e.g. that Heard was also just as unhinged and abusive). Hope they can both move on and stop being a bunch of shits to their next partners.


Full Member
Jun 24, 2013
Always the risk with going for a civil suit in a he said-she said. Basically rests on the whims of the judge.

Pretty clear from the actual evidence presented that they were both extremely abusive to each other. Depp probably deserves the tarnished reputation but it's galling for the Sun and Amber to walk away and present themselves as exonerated.


I'm so gorgeous they want to put me under arrest!
Jan 17, 2008
A never-nude? I thought he just liked cut-offs.
The fallout from this is so strange. It's featuring prominently in TV news broadcasts, as to be expected, yet online media (Sun aside) seem so muted in their coverage of this verdict. Weirdest thing of all is seeing respected women's rights charities celebrating this as some sort of grand victory given that Heard appears at the very least to have been an abuser herself:

Lisa King, from the domestic violence charity Refuge, said: “This is an important ruling and one which we hope sends a very powerful message: every single survivor of domestic abuse should be listened to and should be heard. No survivor should ever have her voice silenced.

“A common tactic used by perpetrators of domestic abuse is to repeatedly tell victims that no one will believe them – and to use power and control to try and silence them. What we have seen today is that power, fame and financial resources cannot be used to silence women. That is a welcome message for survivors of domestic abuse around the world.”

******* Wistrich, the founder of the Centre for Women’s Justice, said: “So many women who have tried to speak out or share their experiences are being threatened with libel actions. This is a really helpful judgment and will serve as a warning to men who think they can silence those who speak out about their abuse.”

Nicki Norman, acting chief executive at Women’s Aid, said: “The allegations of domestic abuse against Johnny Depp were extremely serious. Everyone who has experienced domestic abuse deserves to be listened to and believed. This also applies to survivors who do not fit the image of the ‘perfect’ victim – and regardless of the high profile of the alleged abuser. There is no excuse for domestic abuse.”


Full Member
Apr 9, 2013
The fallout from this is so strange. It's featuring prominently in TV news broadcasts, as to be expected, yet online media (Sun aside) seem so muted in their coverage of this verdict. Weirdest thing of all is seeing respected women's rights charities celebrating this as some sort of grand victory given that Heard appears at the very least to have been an abuser herself:
It is surprising that these women have made such careless comments in spite of being 'representatives' of organisations that would take issue with exclusionary language or practices.

"No survivor should ever have her voice silenced." A seemingly small error but with modern progressive thought and an ever increasing array of genders, "their voice silenced" would be a more appropriate statement.
Further more, the case decided today was not an attempt to silence Amber Heard, It was in fact an attempt to silence a dubious media outlet that quite frankly couldn't give a shite about Amber Heard and simply wanted to run salacious stories about celebrity folk.

"This is a really helpful judgment and will serve as a warning to men who think they can silence those who speak out about their abuse"
Is it only helpful as a warning to men? Would it not be more suitable to replace the 'men' with 'anyone'? Do women not also experience domestic abuse at the hands of other women? Men at the hands of women? It all seems a bit 20th century.

"Everyone who has experienced domestic abuse deserves to be listened to and believed." A frankly inane comment. Of course everyone that has experienced abuse should be listened to and believed. The very fact we say they 'experienced' is a defacto recognition that they are believed and how can we believe that which we have not heard.
Everyone that claims to have been abused should be listened to as well but we should not be looking to believe people simply because they make a claim. That is the very reason we have judicial systems, to test the believability/credibility of such claims.
If I were to be unkind I would assume this individual was attempting to convey that all claims should be listened to and also believed. This is a dangerous approach in to any scenario.

"There is no excuse for domestic abuse.” but we'll have no mention nor condemnation of the woman that admitted to multiple instances of it in the very same trial.

I'm sure it seems finickity of me to focus on these things but you would hope that a domestic violence charity might have something to say about the violence Amber confessed to in the process of all this or would at least have the tact to recognise and acknowledge that victims of domestic violence can and do come from both/either side of a relationship.
It seems very strange that in such a 'woke' age these representatives cannot take the care to express their views in a more considered and appropriate fashion.

Would these same people have made a statement in support of Depp if he won this case?
I would suspect not and assume that in fact they would have simply decried the lack of things that they applauded in this instance. The trial, however it concluded was always going to be an irresistible soapbox for them The cynic in me thinks they have about as much genuine interest in the welfare of Amber Heard as the Sun do.

Both parties (Depp and Heard) come out of this looking awful, I have never held any particular sentiment for either and hope they both disappear in to obscurity.

PS: The whole "survivor" tag is something that irks me no end as well.
PPS: 'Wife beater' is a well known term, do we yet have an equivalent? 'Husband beater' doesn't have the right ring to it and can definitely be improved upon.


Can never have too many Eevees
Jul 14, 2008
AKA: Slapanut Goat Smuggla
The fallout from this is so strange. It's featuring prominently in TV news broadcasts, as to be expected, yet online media (Sun aside) seem so muted in their coverage of this verdict. Weirdest thing of all is seeing respected women's rights charities celebrating this as some sort of grand victory given that Heard appears at the very least to have been an abuser herself:
Meanwhile they're excusing the domestic abuser who's a woman.

Hypocritical cnuts.


Self-Aware RedCafe Database (and Admin)
Mar 4, 2010
Also won Best Gif/Photoshop 2021
The fallout from this is so strange. It's featuring prominently in TV news broadcasts, as to be expected, yet online media (Sun aside) seem so muted in their coverage of this verdict. Weirdest thing of all is seeing respected women's rights charities celebrating this as some sort of grand victory given that Heard appears at the very least to have been an abuser herself:
It was all over the Daily Mail et al and on most front pages:

Though the US election, virus testing and terror attack mean it isn't mentioned at all on some front pages.


Sleeps with tramps, bangs jacuzzis, dirty shoes
Nov 19, 2009
Jet fuel doesn't melt steel beams


I'm so gorgeous they want to put me under arrest!
Jan 17, 2008
A never-nude? I thought he just liked cut-offs.
It was all over the Daily Mail et al and on most front pages:

Though the US election, virus testing and terror attack mean it isn't mentioned at all on some front pages.
It was reported everywhere I looked, but what I meant was that the lack of comment pieces or editorialising struck me as strange. You're right of course that there are bigger issues taking up most of the column inches.


Sleeps with tramps, bangs jacuzzis, dirty shoes
Nov 19, 2009
Jet fuel doesn't melt steel beams
It was reported everywhere I looked, but what I meant was that the lack of comment pieces or editorialising struck me as strange. You're right of course that there are bigger issues taking up most of the column inches.
Just search it on any mainstream UK media site and you'll see stacks of comment pieces alongside the court reports etc...Given the US election, lockdown, Vienna's still been one of the most extensively covered stories of the last week.
No idea where you've been looking to miss this.


I'm so gorgeous they want to put me under arrest!
Jan 17, 2008
A never-nude? I thought he just liked cut-offs.
Just search it on any mainstream UK media site and you'll see stacks of comment pieces alongside the court reports etc...Given the US election, lockdown, Vienna's still been one of the most extensively covered stories of the last week.
No idea where you've been looking to miss this.
Yeah, suffice to say I either looked too soon after the verdict or didn't look with much vigour at all. I've subsequently seen plenty of coverage and I stand corrected :)


Full Member
May 23, 2014
Maddening really, nobody came off well from this but I suspect Depps career will be the only one to suffer for it. Amber heard, putting domestic abuse victims back another decade all things considered.


Ross Kemp's caf ID
Sep 13, 2012
Always the risk with going for a civil suit in a he said-she said. Basically rests on the whims of the judge.

Pretty clear from the actual evidence presented that they were both extremely abusive to each other. Depp probably deserves the tarnished reputation but it's galling for the Sun and Amber to walk away and present themselves as exonerated.
I think that's exactly right.

It was a particularly high-risk taking The Sun to court given that (as far as I'm aware) only 1 of the 14 allegations needed to be deemed likely true for the wife-beater description to be deemed "substantially true".

That's a difficult court case for Depp at the best of the times but made harder when he admits to having kicked her, having blackouts, having smashed bottles and punched holes in the wall, having written on the wall in his own blood and having sent text messages to people describing how he wanted her dead and what he would do to her corpse, etc.

And the end result of losing would be that a court has upheld claims that he was a wife-beater. Which was always going to impact on his career in a way that tabloid stories wouldn't have. With that in in mind, it seems Depp received some bad legal advice.