Jonny Evans | 2010/11 Performances

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Never got close to challenging Samba. Could have been David Dunn leaping and he might have scored it
Won't do his confidence any good. To come on in a completely dominated match and beeing at fault for a goal of their's.
but Vidic was keeping him quiet.

Smalling would have handled him.

True, although Vidic is one of the best defenders in the world. Evans is still learning and I still maintain that in 4-6 years time he'll be our first choice CB and one of the top defenders around the world.

EDIT - Also, i'd just like to add that coming on as a substitute as a CB is probably the hardest position on the pitch to do so in my opinion. It doesnt matter how the oppostion are playing, a quick jog down the touch line wont get you up to speed with the tempo of the match, and concentration levels arent as high. As a striker, winger, etc you might get away with this, but as a CB you're punished.

Just throwing that out there.
bloody hell some people just love to hate a United player, he clearly has a problem handling big powerful players at the moment but it is a side to game he can improve as he is still very young, the lad has proven he has class and will be a united player for the next decade.
just saying Smalling is a better player...

has potential to be but he isn't yet, he has played well in the league cup where Evans has gone places like the san siro away to Inter milan had his ankle strapped up, pumped up with pain killers and put in a superb performance. He has had a dip in form and Rio has had them, Vidic had one that lasted about 10 months and I'm sure Smalling will have them aswell.
Put a big man against him, and he might as well not be there. Just no presence in the air at all these days. A bit annoying. Hopefully he finds his confidence and puts in some hard hours in the gym.
Put a big man against him, and he might as well not be there. Just no presence in the air at all these days. A bit annoying. Hopefully he finds his confidence and puts in some hard hours in the gym.

Hope he plays against West Ham. He needs to play in these cup games.

He has the character to come back...perhaps another Kung-Fu against the likes of Drogba should do it...
The fact that we did not feel Rio's absence as much as we used to says alot about Evans, If he's good enough to made us forget about Rio he's good enough.

The lad's still young and learning and he's already doing quite good. Plus i don't think he's a closet RM fans by any means
True, although Vidic is one of the best defenders in the world. Evans is still learning and I still maintain that in 4-6 years time he'll be our first choice CB and one of the top defenders around the world.

EDIT - Also, i'd just like to add that coming on as a substitute as a CB is probably the hardest position on the pitch to do so in my opinion. It doesnt matter how the oppostion are playing, a quick jog down the touch line wont get you up to speed with the tempo of the match, and concentration levels arent as high. As a striker, winger, etc you might get away with this, but as a CB you're punished.

Just throwing that out there.

Tempo of the match? There was no tempo to handle. His concentration should be high for playing for that short period of time. Didn't even give Samba a challenge for those two headers he had.
He really has no excuses for it as he does it every game, starting or not.
He's going to be an absolute smashing player. He's going through a crisis of confidence that happens to a lot of young defenders.

In my opinion, most defenders peak around 28-33, so he's got so much time on his side.
Tempo of the match? There was no tempo to handle. His concentration should be high for playing for that short period of time. Didn't even give Samba a challenge for those two headers he had.
He really has no excuses for it as he does it every game, starting or not.

that was my frustration.

I remember SAF giving him a right bollocking in a CL match...thought he would be back after that.

You could see SAF being right pissed after that goal was conceeded.

But I do agree he has been quality before...and hopefully he will get his confidence back.

If anyone can get him back to his best it will be Sir Alex.
I love you Jonny, but hit the fecking gym.

He just gets out-muscled and pushed around constantly, and considering he's 6'2" or 6'3" it's obviously something that he can improve. Build up some strength and attack the aerial balls more and he'll start pushing the main two again.
Tempo of the match? There was no tempo to handle. His concentration should be high for playing for that short period of time. Didn't even give Samba a challenge for those two headers he had.
He really has no excuses for it as he does it every game, starting or not.

Thats true, although I didnt see the match I might add.
Tempo of the match? There was no tempo to handle. His concentration should be high for playing for that short period of time. Didn't even give Samba a challenge for those two headers he had.
He really has no excuses for it as he does it every game, starting or not.

I agree.He hardly tried to jump or to bother Samba for his headers.Not that it matters but it's not good to see him so lethargic.
He got dominated by Samba. It was like he was Evans was trying to help him score by ducking under.
People seem to ignore the fact that Samba gave him a push in the back - so basically Evans never had a chance. The goal should have been disallowed - and at 2-1 or 3-1 United - it probably would have
he's just lacking confidence. He has admitted himself that he doesn't quite know why he hasn't been playing well, so its not as though he doesn't know it himself. Good luck to him, he certainly has a big talent so lets hope he builds up that confidence again and plays like we know he can...
Muscles and balls is what he lacks as of yet...when he bulks up a bit and let a pair of balls grow he will be class
Another poor performance. He looks weak, slow and unfocused. Shape up and get down the gym. Has a lot to prove, Smalling has taken bigger strides in a smaller amount of time, Smalling also looks far more the stronger and cultured defender.
I don't understand all this talk about him needing to go through some dramatic physical and/or mental transformation to become a decent central defender. He's already proved he has what it takes and his poor form isn't because he's suddenly "bulked down". He's just not playing very well. Which happens. The short memories on here never cease to amaze. It's almost as though the dozens of top class PL performances Evans has already put in for United and Sunderland never happened and we're discussing some kid who might or might not cope with the step up from the reserves.

All he needs is a run of games to regain his confidence and form. Hopefully he'll get those games in the domestic cup competitions, so he's ready to step up if needed in the bigger games at the end of the season.
People seem to ignore the fact that Samba gave him a push in the back - so basically Evans never had a chance. The goal should have been disallowed - and at 2-1 or 3-1 United - it probably would have


Either way, he has the talent to be a very good centre back for us. Not a certainty of course, getting rid of sloppy mistakes is probably the biggest challenge for most defenders, and what separates the really top notch ones from the rest. Rio himself took a long time to iron out his concentration issues. But hopefully he gets there.
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