Film Justice League

Looks like Cavill is done too (along with Affleck)?

Seriously though, how do you feck up Superman and Batman in this day and age when there is sooooo much material to take from and so much advancement in technology? (and a blueprint from Marvel and from Nolans Batman movies). Crazy.
I don't know if you read on the details of how the Justice League movie was prepared. Terrible movie director aside, the whole production of is was a clusterfeck. Seriously they shot themselves in the foot and tried to engage in a sprint
Flash point everything keep Gadot,Robbie and Kahl Drogo, bring back Bale as an older Batman, maybe keep Leto and Smith and build a proper base of a universe starting with Batman, Robin, Oracle and how that Oracle storyline happens then have a nightwing, kill a robin blah blah blah and set it up properly. Get Jonah Hill to be Penguin.
Get rid of Leto (worst Joker ever) and Smith (who took too much screen time in the S.S movie)
Get rid of Leto (worst Joker ever) and Smith (who took too much screen time in the S.S movie)
Agree with the part about Leto, thought he did a really bad job. Smith on the other hand was one of the best things about Suicide Squad, it'd be stupid to get rid of him.
They need to keep Margot as HQ.

I don't know if you read on the details of how the Justice League movie was prepared. Terrible movie director aside, the whole production of is was a clusterfeck. Seriously they shot themselves in the foot and tried to engage in a sprint

Tried to catch up with Marvel instead of actual planning.
Didnt they scrap a Superman 2 and instead made it Batman vs Superman.

Seriously, not having standalone movies to begin with before a teamup was the dumbest move especially for the lesser known superheroes. Its actually crazy theyve had Joker in a movie without it being his movie.
And silly theyve had Batman and Wonderman in teamup movies without their origin or standalone movies.

And then same with the Flash (less so), Cyborg and Aquaman.

Flash point everything keep Gadot,Robbie and Kahl Drogo, bring back Bale as an older Batman, maybe keep Leto and Smith and build a proper base of a universe starting with Batman, Robin, Oracle and how that Oracle storyline happens then have a nightwing, kill a robin blah blah blah and set it up properly. Get Jonah Hill to be Penguin.

Flashpoint would be interesting. But its gonna be odd seeing WW across different movies talking to different Superman/Batman actors.

Totally agree. Even if they stuck to the Comics they would have success.

Cavill was really good as Supes so will be a shame for him to go.

I liked Cavill but think the scripts have not helped him at all. Think he looks the part (cgi-tache aside). Just hated who they gave control of the universe to.
They need to keep Margot as HQ.

Tried to catch up with Marvel instead of actual planning.
Didnt they scrap a Superman 2 and instead made it Batman vs Superman.

Seriously, not having standalone movies to begin with before a teamup was the dumbest move especially for the lesser known superheroes. Its actually crazy theyve had Joker in a movie without it being his movie.
And silly theyve had Batman and Wonderman in teamup movies without their origin or standalone movies.

And then same with the Flash (less so), Cyborg and Aquaman.

Flashpoint would be interesting. But its gonna be odd seeing WW across different movies talking to different Superman/Batman actors.

I liked Cavill but think the scripts have not helped him at all. Think he looks the part (cgi-tache aside). Just hated who they gave control of the universe to.
Took the words right out of my mouth. I love the comics but the movies .... They have ruined them
Well in the space of half a day, Cavill is out. Then Michael B Jordan, who I cant stand, is going to be the next superman but then, no decision has been made in regards to Cavill. Sort your shit out WB, ffs.
Get rid of Leto (worst Joker ever) and Smith (who took too much screen time in the S.S movie)
To be fair, his scenes were heavily cut so we don't know how it could have turned out.

Like Cavill as Supes but clearly the director didn't understand the character, which is why he came across as a selfish cnut in all the films.

Michael B Jordan? I think he is a decent actor but he's not Superman FFS :mad:
Shame the animated stuff isn't hugely profitable because that's what they've been consistently great at for decades. Batman, Justice League, all the movies.
Getting excited at Cavill’s bods in Man of Steel trailer seems like a lifetime ago now.

WB really jumped the sharks here.
I really dont know who they can get to play Superman next. I dont think MBJ is a good fit.
Ive seen Gosling mentioned. Even Tatum.

They should just get Tyler Hoechlin
Like Cavill as Supes but clearly the director didn't understand the character, which is why he came across as a selfish cnut in all the films.

Yeah, he didnt get him. I think Synder hated the character and just sidelined Superman as much as he could.

I hope this doesn't appear as rascist as that is not what I'm intending but honestly - Superman is white, he has always been a white character. It's like Bond - he is a white guy from Scotland. Really don't understand why people would be happy with a character changing to a different race - especially iconic characters like Superman. Would put me off completely. I'd feel exactly the same if the Black Panther was played by a white guy by the way.
The actor really isn't the issue here. The whole DC Universe is a mess. Flashpoint might change some things in the universe but wouldn't superman still be expected to look the same.
I hope this doesn't appear as rascist as that is not what I'm intending but honestly - Superman is white, he has always been a white character. It's like Bond - he is a white guy from Scotland. Really don't understand why people would be happy with a character changing to a different race - especially iconic characters like Superman. Would put me off completely. I'd feel exactly the same if the Black Panther was played by a white guy by the way.
I'm black and I honestly don't think it's racist at all because I completely agree with it. Certain comic book characters are so iconic, you really should portray them the way they've always been. I have no doubt this is done by the production just to score some P.R point on some level.
I hope this doesn't appear as rascist as that is not what I'm intending but honestly - Superman is white, he has always been a white character. It's like Bond - he is a white guy from Scotland. Really don't understand why people would be happy with a character changing to a different race - especially iconic characters like Superman. Would put me off completely. I'd feel exactly the same if the Black Panther was played by a white guy by the way.

It wouldn't really change what the character is about if MBJ played him though. He's an alien adopted by american parents. In fact if DC really wanted to make an interesting movie, a look at how americans react to a black refugee with those powers would be quite interesting.

Hopefully this is all contract negotiations though. Cavill was solid casting.
The actor really isn't the issue here. The whole DC Universe is a mess. Flashpoint might change some things in the universe but wouldn't superman still be expected to look the same.

Yup, I don't think a reboot even helps at this point. They will just repeat the mistakes, WB haven't shown anything to make think otherwise.

I can't stand the look of the JL movie too, it's a big issue for me.
I hope this doesn't appear as rascist as that is not what I'm intending but honestly - Superman is white, he has always been a white character. It's like Bond - he is a white guy from Scotland. Really don't understand why people would be happy with a character changing to a different race - especially iconic characters like Superman. Would put me off completely. I'd feel exactly the same if the Black Panther was played by a white guy by the way.

I agree with you

It's fine for a character like Nick Fury, who has been both white and black in the comics and ultimately the black version was based on Jackson, so it works, and I can live with them changing minor characters, and supporting characters to a different race than the comic counterpart. Like Heimdall, cos ultimately it doesnt really effect anything, but with a character so iconic as Superman, changing something like the race just isnt right.

Same with Batman, part of his character is that he is a rich white dude with privilege. It doesnt work quite as well if you make him black or asian.
Yup, I don't think a reboot even helps at this point. They will just repeat the mistakes, WB haven't shown anything to make think otherwise.

I can't stand the look of the JL movie too, it's a big issue for me.
Man it was terrible, CGI'd to within an inch of its life. Don't know how they have managed to get it so wrong but it definitely started with giving so much control to Snyder.
The actor really isn't the issue here. The whole DC Universe is a mess. Flashpoint might change some things in the universe but wouldn't superman still be expected to look the same.
That's what I was thinking about, tbh. I doubt Flashpoint (on earth) would change the events on Krypton? But I'm not too clued up to know the answer.
I saw the Justice League film recently and it really is a nothing movie. It wasn't particularly entertaining or boring, just a couple of hours of bland mediocrity.
They have fecked up every movie since Nolan's last Batman film, and I include the Wonder Woman in that as I think a lot of the positive reviews were given due to it having a female lead. Cavill was made to be Superman but they gave him 2.5 shit films. Affleck could be a great Batman but they fecked him over too. I would love to know what the Batman script he was working on was like.

At this point I think they should leave it a year or two and work on nailing the scripts for their major characters and securing somebody better than Snyder.
I'm black and I honestly don't think it's racist at all because I completely agree with it. Certain comic book characters are so iconic, you really should portray them the way they've always been. I have no doubt this is done by the production just to score some P.R point on some level.
For me I wouldn't understand why the move has been made, personally I don't see the need for a black Kal-el (just have another black Kryptonian arrive and bingo). It wouldn't stop me from seeing the movie tho, and it's possible it could be great. I rarely get hung up on the changes made in adaptions.

It's not a big deal to me. I thought Cavill was good tho and really like MoS. So it's a shame...

Someone above said they think Snyder hates and doesn't get superman. I think his Superman has been good. Apart from the whole collateral damage in MoS thing (I understand the criticism but I justified it as untrained Superman trying to do what he can and enjoyed the fireworks), and his demeanor which is more grounded in his current context, he's been fine.

WB need to sort their shit out, they aren't far off righting the ship but they seem more set on making it worse (not saying MBJ would make it worse, it's all the chopping and changing).
For me the issue with Snyder's Superman is that he seemed to want a multi-movie arc showing his journey from uncomfortable alien to humanity's beacon of hope but ruined it by each movie being complete shit and it's more or less beyond repair now. Cavill was a fine Superman and would have been very good had the writing been up to scratch.
For me I wouldn't understand why the move has been made, personally I don't see the need for a black Kal-el (just have another black Kryptonian arrive and bingo). It wouldn't stop me from seeing the movie tho, and it's possible it could be great. I rarely get hung up on the changes made in adaptions.

It's not a big deal to me. I thought Cavill was good tho and really like MoS. So it's a shame...

Someone above said they think Snyder hates and doesn't get superman. I think his Superman has been good. Apart from the whole collateral damage in MoS thing (I understand the criticism but I justified it as untrained Superman trying to do what he can and enjoyed the fireworks), and his demeanor which is more grounded in his current context, he's been fine.

WB need to sort their shit out, they aren'tfar off righting the ship but they seem more set on making it worse (not saying MBJ would make it worse, it's all the chopping and changing).
Glad to see I'm not the only one who liked MoS.
For me the issue with Snyder's Superman is that he seemed to want a multi-movie arc showing his journey from uncomfortable alien to humanity's beacon of hope but ruined it by each movie being complete shit and it's more or less beyond repair now. Cavill was a fine Superman and would have been very good had the writing been up to scratch.

Glad to see I'm not the only one who liked MoS.
Yup. Looking like a missed opportunity now...
Man of Steel was fine. Started well and lost its way, but there was so much potential for future movies.

I don't think you could fault Cavill, in fact, I really liked him. Casting a Lois Lane who was 10 years older was probably never going to help this incarnations legacy. That said, DC and WB have fecked it up so badly that it will never even become an issue.

Shame we never got to see a non-origins or shared universe movie. We never saw the optimistic Superman, the treatment of Doomsday was beyond awful and don't even get me started on Lex Luther.
Is it weird that i dont care who plays Bond (and actually want Idris) but think that Superman should be white? hmmm

Edit: not even Superman. But clark kent lol
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For me the issue with Snyder's Superman is that he seemed to want a multi-movie arc showing his journey from uncomfortable alien to humanity's beacon of hope but ruined it by each movie being complete shit and it's more or less beyond repair now. Cavill was a fine Superman and would have been very good had the writing been up to scratch.

In going back to the original films in the 70s and 80s, the best one was (imo) the first one, which was recreated very nicely in Man of Steel. The subsequent ones were each good but not nearly as good as the original. They should've just stuck with Cavill but created some new scripts beyond the old Lex Luther type plot lines.
Man of Steel was fine. Started well and lost its way, but there was so much potential for future movies.

I don't think you could fault Cavill, in fact, I really liked him. Casting a Lois Lane who was 10 years older was probably never going to help this incarnations legacy. That said, DC and WB have fecked it up so badly that it will never even become an issue.

Shame we never got to see a non-origins or shared universe movie. We never saw the optimistic Superman, the treatment of Doomsday was beyond awful and don't even get me started on Lex Luther.
Luthor and Joker, 2 iconic villains, were done terribly.
The DC universe have done just about everything they could wrong since MoS, WW aside, there was a lot of potential there after that film but they got greedy. They rushed through their cinematic universe in order to try and catch up to Marvel which was never going to happen. If they'd have taken the proper time to give each character a good introduction movie, and flesh them out and make the viewer actually care about them, then I think they could have been in the position they wanted to be. Instead they tried powering through to their "Avengers" with barely any build up.

Potentially replacing your two biggest characters a year after your big team up movie comes out is a very bad look. Personally thought it was a poor choice going with an older batman to begin with, even when taking into account the young batman in the Nolan trilogy being done recently. I do struggle to see where they go from here.
I'm so disappointed that WB have screwed the DC movies up. The MCU is cool and all but I grew up on the Batman and JL animated series, these are among my favourite fictional characters and it's sad to see them so badly handled. It's probably harder to feck up characters like Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman etc. but they have found a way. Smh.