Kyle Rittenhouse | Now crowdfunding LOLsuits against Whoopi Goldberg, LeBron James, and The Young Turks
Dont think its a stretch at all. I think its pretty hard to interpret in any other way. Cant be 100% certain obviously, maybe he's just braindead stupid and didn't expect the reaction he got, but it was a pretty predictable reaction.

If the reaction was predictable how come the dozens and dozens of other open carry gimps there that night didn’t end up in the exact same situation?
I'm not a lawyer. If the law allows for that to happen, it's just absurd. You go into a place with a gun to stir shit up, when someone responds then you're just defending yourself? OK then...
Exactly. This ruling says that at the next "Unite the Right" rally, I can go down there with an AR-15 and maybe a banner that reads "Proud Boys Suck Balls". Then I can just stand around aiming my AR-15 at Proud Boys until one of them confronts me in an aggressive manner. At that point, I can let the bullets fly.

This ruling is outrageous.
Exactly. This ruling says that at the next "Unite the Right" rally, I can go down there with an AR-15 and maybe a banner that reads "Proud Boys Suck Balls". Then I can just stand around aiming my AR-15 at Proud Boys until one of them confronts me in an aggressive manner. At that point, I can let the bullets fly.

This ruling is outrageous.

If the reaction was predictable how come the dozens and dozens of other open carry gimps there that night didn’t end up in the exact same situation?
A mixture of dumb luck and restraint. He was acting pretty suspiciously beyond wandering around with a rifle.
Exactly. This ruling says that at the next "Unite the Right" rally, I can go down there with an AR-15 and maybe a banner that reads "Proud Boys Suck Balls". Then I can just stand around aiming my AR-15 at Proud Boys until one of them confronts me in an aggressive manner. At that point, I can let the bullets fly.

This ruling is outrageous.
Kinda hoping something like that happens tbh. A mob of mostly minorities exercising their right to protest and to bear arms near the Mccloskey's. Would love to see their reactions. Something tells me they won't be looking so confident.

Probably has been posted but a good video showing what happened that night. One thing for sure is that the police are scumbags. If anyone has any doubts about the shooters motives he's seen making white supremecist hand singles.
Trouble is, most people have a difficult time leaving out their cultural and political views when analyzing a situation like this. Instead of looking just at the legal issues, most privilege their preferred moral outcome over the facts.

Don't think anyone has trouble with that in this thread.

This is a public forum. We can and should look at evidence beyond what a single biased judge decides to allow in his private domain. We can and should look at the totality of evidence and look at things like Rittenhouse being taped saying if he had his AR-15, he'd shoot some alleged shoplifters or that he punched a female in the back. We can recognize that he violated curfew and he clearly should have been guilty of carrying illegally. Yes those were dismissed out of technicality and a single judges biased Interpretation. It clearly wasn't the intent of the exception to make it legal for 16-17 year olds to walk around after a curfew in an emotional heated situation with AR-15s but not nunchucks.

We can also all form different opinions on what qualifies as provocation different than that specific jury because that is a subjective element. It's very possible a different jury could look at the same evidence and not conclude he should have got off on everything.

I'm happy I live a state with different laws where Rittenhouse would not have walked.
In California it's illegal to brandish a firearm so Rittenhose could have been arrested before he ever ran after the first group. In New York, there is a general reckless endangerment law that Rittenhouse also could easily have been guilty of and jailed appropriately.

So no, it has nothing to do with people unable to step outside their political views. We can and should discuss all elements of the case not only the elements a single biased judge declares in his little kingdom.
Admittedly don't know a great deal about this case. Hard to find a view online which isn't extremely polarised one way or the other. Could anyone explain why the charge of illegally owning a firearm was dropped?
Even if he were charged for illegally owning a fire arm, in WI its a class A misdemeanor. Even if that were put to the jury and the convicted him it would be basically a 300 dollar fine . Its not as huge as most would think.

edit: Wisconsin statute 948.60 if you want to look it up.

Zero prison time. its completely insignificant (in Wisconsin)
A mixture of dumb luck and restraint. He was acting pretty suspiciously beyond wandering around with a rifle.

Surely it’s much more likely that this is the result of a chain of unpredictable events?

America is fecked. There’s been hordes of morons open carrying big guns at flashpoints over the last few years. Thankfully this is a relatively rare event but it seems unlikely that what happened happened because he had uniquely ill intent.

Much more likely a perfect storm of shitty coincidences that caused a bad outcome. Stumbling across mentally ill, aggressive dude at the wrong moment, passerbys who did the opposite of what most people would do, running towards gunfire etc etc

He’s definitely guilty of being a trouble-making twat. He also never should have been let near that gun. What I’m struggling with is the idea he went out that night intent on shooting someone. That seems very unlikely to me.
If people have actually watched the video n testimony evidence presented during the trial, this should not be a surprise at all. Don't know the exact US laws but prosecution should have tried him for different charges.
Surely it’s much more likely that this is the result of a chain of unpredictable events?

America is fecked. There’s been hordes of morons open carrying big guns at flashpoints over the last few years. Thankfully this is a relatively rare event but it seems unlikely that what happened happened because he had uniquely ill intent.

Much more likely a perfect storm of shitty coincidences that caused a bad outcome. Stumbling across mentally ill, aggressive dude at the wrong moment, passerbys who did the opposite of what most people would do, running towards gunfire etc etc

He’s definitely guilty of being a trouble-making twat. He also never should have been let near that gun. What I’m struggling with is the idea he went out that night intent on shooting someone. That seems very unlikely to me.

Intending to, probably not. Willing to is something one could argue, though.
Even if he were charged for illegally owning a fire arm, in WI its a class A misdemeanor. Even if that were put to the jury and the convicted him it would be basically a 300 dollar fine . Its not as huge as most would think.

edit: Wisconsin statute 948.60 if you want to look it up.

Zero prison time. its completely insignificant (in Wisconsin)
Also due to Wisconsin law hes technically not in violation of 948.60 because the statute was written by a moron
Intending to, probably not. Willing to is something one could argue, though.
I'm not convinced he thought he'd actually do it or was even sure he wanted to but I am very confident he went out that night thinking about shooting protestors and that he'd fantasised about shooting protesters every night of his life for some time beforehand.
Even if he were charged for illegally owning a fire arm, in WI its a class A misdemeanor. Even if that were put to the jury and the convicted him it would be basically a 300 dollar fine . Its not as huge as most would think.

edit: Wisconsin statute 948.60 if you want to look it up.

Zero prison time. its completely insignificant (in Wisconsin)

It's not about the specific charge to me but how much including that charge, which would have been 100% guilty, would influence perception of other elements of the other charges such as provocation. If he's clearly guilty of two misdemeanors, that could very well have influenced a jury based on priming and other known concepts that influence decision making in these situations.

Especially if the prosecution could have included more lesser includeds, it certainly could have led to a conviction for something like negligent homicide. Not 100% on Wisconsin but in other states, self defense would not have automatically led to a not guilty on something like negligent homicide.
I'm not convinced he thought he'd actually do it or was even sure he wanted to but I am very confident he went out that night thinking about shooting protestors and that he'd fantasised about shooting protesters every night of his life for some time beforehand.

Fair enough. My perspective as being a fringe member of that sort of community is that "just give me a reason" is a personal mantra for some.
wow. I called that one wrong. Just fecking stunned. Wow. This trial was a shit show and a joke from the beginning all the way through the verdict. Our justice system is a laughingstock.

Conservative cretins like DeSantis are now using Rittenhouse for fundraising. Just, staggering. Rittenhouse should change his name and go live an unassuming life somewhere and thank God every day that he is not in prison. Somehow I know that won't happen, and this little shitweasel cumstain will be appearing on all the right wing talk shows and will be gaining fame and notoriety.

It's important to remember that he will have a target on his back for the rest of his life, and he will be looking over his shoulder every minute he's outside his house, and some day someone is going to punch his ticket.
fecker is set for life.
People seem to be forgetting (or ignoring) that he wasn’t the only one there with a gun. He wasn’t the only right-wing counter protestor there either dressed in CoD gear. This narrative that he was some lone-wolf terrorist with the intent to kill and out to start shit doesn’t really hold water based on the evidence we have. For whatever reason he was alone and singled out, chased, and assaulted by the mob and defended his life from imminent serious injury or death by the 3 he shot.

He’s an idiot for going into the riots with a rifle and should know that there’sa possibility he might have to use it, which he did and ended up killing 2 people. He’ll pay the price in other ways other than prison for the rest of his pathetic life.
People seem to be forgetting (or ignoring) that he wasn’t the only one there with a gun. He wasn’t the only right-wing counter protestor there either dressed in CoD gear. This narrative that he was some lone-wolf terrorist with the intent to kill and out to start shit doesn’t really hold water based on the evidence we have. For whatever reason he was alone and singled out, chased, and assaulted by the mob and defended his life from imminent serious injury or death by the 3 he shot.

He’s an idiot for going into the riots with a rifle and should know that there’sa possibility he might have to use it, which he did and ended up killing 2 people. He’ll pay the price in other ways other than prison for the rest of his pathetic life.
What are you imagining here?
This narrative that he was some lone-wolf terrorist with the intent to kill and out to start shit doesn’t really hold water based on the evidence we have.

I haven't seen that narrative anywhere, at least not on the caf. I myself referred to him as a MAGA terrorist but that doesn't mean he went out there intending to kill people. MAGAs know they can cause disturbance by their presence alone, especially among leftists.

For whatever reason he was alone and singled out, chased, and assaulted by the mob and defended his life from imminent serious injury or death by the 3 he shot.

The reason being he is a 17 year old kid with no real understanding of what he was doing or how to handle engagement.

He’s an idiot for going into the riots with a rifle and should know that there’sa possibility he might have to use it, which he did and ended up killing 2 people. He’ll pay the price in other ways other than prison for the rest of his pathetic life.

So you get the reason why this happened. And yes, hopefully his life turns to shit but it being America there will always be someone who will buy him a meal or give him a job.
I haven't seen that narrative anywhere, at least not on the caf. I myself referred to him as a MAGA terrorist but that doesn't mean he went out there intending to kill people.

The reason being he is a 17 year old kid with no real understanding of what he was doing or how to handle engagement.

So you get the reason why this happened. And yes, hopefully his life turns to shit but it being America there will always be someone who will buy him a meal or give him a job.
Book deal alone will set him up for life.