Kylian Mbappe signs new contract at PSG until 2025 | LaLiga will file a complaint

It's not about getting insane amounts of money, he obviously gets a lot, it's about knowing the difference between Real's offer and PSG's. And so far, outside of Tebas's rant, there's no consistent information proving that PSG offered far more than Real.

What do you think about your new president demanding a focus on french players?
Is this wishful thinking or trying to put him in a good light as a PSG fan? I can understand if you are a PSG fan and want to go: “owh no he loves the club/city/challenge”

All of which could be true, but come on now.

Nobody denies he gets a lot of money. I was merely replying to dozens of posts here pretending he ONLY stayed because of money. Which would go against pretty much everything we know about Mbappé and the way he manages his carreer.
On the money side if the rumours are correct PSG will pay more than Real Madrid but not a lot more. PSG's offer allegedly includes a part of his image rights while Real Madrid left the image rights to the player.
I'm not sure I know what you're refering to.

It is rumoured that PSG will focus on french players and that it's part of what Mbappé wanted, more french less south americans.
Love to see all the "insane amount of money!!!" in here. And yet, still nothing to back that up. All the reports from France so far mention a PSG offer superior to Real's but not by an unreasonable amount.

Of course no one involved is going to come out and admit money was a big factor in swaying him to change his mind last minute. In fact they're trying very hard to convince everyone the offers were similar or even claim Real Madrid can pay more. :lol:

No one can believe that.
Right now the only way any journalist can know details about PSG's offer is because someone involved (Mbappe's people or PSG's people) told them details. It is in the best interests of Mbappe's people and PSG's people to pretend the money isn't insane, because it looks bad to be open about it. This is an obvious case where information from the press is less useful than common sense.
Nobody denies he gets a lot of money. I was merely replying to dozens of posts here pretending he ONLY stayed because of money. Which would go against pretty much everything we know about Mbappé and the way he manages his carreer.

We might never know (or until he publishes his biography) but I think the fair assumption would be:

He gets much, much more than what he got at Real. The reported figures are just what we and journalists know of right now, but guessing most people assume that under the table it is just a stupid amount more.

And that part being the primary aspect, things like hometown/CL etc. possibly being second. But I’m guessing even he would know that this would be what all the talk would be about. Even disregarding salty Madrid talk, that for most people it would come across as a moneygrab.
Love to see all the "insane amount of money!!!" in here. And yet, still nothing to back that up. All the reports from France so far mention a PSG offer superior to Real's but not by an unreasonable amount.

Just three things from my part: Faiza Lamari's declarations saying both offers were almost identical, what we know about PSG and this
:lol: He's doing an interview with MARCA tonight

He should stop at this point, he's being polite and everything. It's like he doesn't want to close any door for a possible move in the future to Real Madrid but the damage it's done. Even if I don't dislike him as a person or a player everyone is done with him and I don't think the club will try to go for him, yet again, in the future. He already rejected the best offer from the club so he also needs to move on and stop mentioning Real Madrid.
He should stop at this point, he's being polite and everything. It's like he doesn't want to close any door for a possible move in the future to Real Madrid but the damage it's done. Even if I don't dislike him as a person or a player everyone is done with him and I don't think the club will try to go for him, yet again, in the future. He already rejected the best offer from the club so he also needs to move on and stop mentioning Real Madrid.

Things change in football. I remember when Pogba left for Juventus, he kept speaking about Man Utd, and it seemed as if bridges had been burnt. Yet several years later we re-signed him for a (at the time) world record fee.

I'm betting Mbappe will end up at Real Madrid sooner or later.
I doubt he thinks that.

No way he is that dumb/naive. I know things can change in football but I’m pretty certain he’ll never play for Madrid. The fans hate him, the media hates him and the club won’t be interested no matter how good he is. And Perez is petty af :lol: as long as he is alive, Mbappe won’t sign.
He should stop at this point, he's being polite and everything. It's like he doesn't want to close any door for a possible move in the future to Real Madrid but the damage it's done. Even if I don't dislike him as a person or a player everyone is done with him and I don't think the club will try to go for him, yet again, in the future. He already rejected the best offer from the club so he also needs to move on and stop mentioning Real Madrid.
I agree. Today was a bit inevitable because there was a lot of Spanish press but in the "comunicado" the other day it was unnecessary to mention our disappointment and wish us luck, as if we were a jilted bride.
Twitter is full of the Will Smith meme :lol:
He should stop at this point, he's being polite and everything. It's like he doesn't want to close any door for a possible move in the future to Real Madrid but the damage it's done. Even if I don't dislike him as a person or a player everyone is done with him and I don't think the club will try to go for him, yet again, in the future. He already rejected the best offer from the club so he also needs to move on and stop mentioning Real Madrid.
I doubt you'll feel this way in three years time if he continues improving as a footballer and wants to join you.
We might never know (or until he publishes his biography) but I think the fair assumption would be:

He gets much, much more than what he got at Real. The reported figures are just what we and journalists know of right now, but guessing most people assume that under the table it is just a stupid amount more.

And that part being the primary aspect, things like hometown/CL etc. possibly being second. But I’m guessing even he would know that this would be what all the talk would be about. Even disregarding salty Madrid talk, that for most people it would come across as a moneygrab.

That's not a "fair assumption" when we talk about Mbappé. This kid has been under the spotlight since he's 17, he NEVER came across as someone who would put money over his legacy. Now people here might not think much about his legacy in France but offering PSG his first champion's league would instantly turn him into an absolute legend in the whole country. With this contract, he still has a chance to do that while still having enough prime years left to leave a mark in another club after that.

It is rumoured that PSG will focus on french players and that it's part of what Mbappé wanted, more french less south americans.

It's a good thing, we have plenty of great talents in France. I'm not sure what will be Mbappé role in all that, you don't take Luis Campos as your sports director to tie his hands because of the opinion of a player, but he'll sure have the opportunity to make his point.
It's a good thing, we have plenty of great talents in France. I'm not sure what will be Mbappé role in all that, you don't take Luis Campos as your sports director to tie his hands because of the opinion of a player, but he'll sure have the opportunity to make his point.

Logically Campos will be the only one deciding and if he is true to himself it will be obvious very quickly.
I doubt you'll feel this way in three years time if he continues improving as a footballer and wants to join you.

I don't hate him but I can't see it happening now. The only way I can envision him joining us in the future would be if he was willing to reduce his salary overall but by that time the club much rather go for Haaland or someone else. We can't wait for him anymore so we have to renew the team without expecting him to come.
Now people here might not think much about his legacy in France but offering PSG his first champion's league would instantly turn him into an absolute legend in the whole country.
That was true last summer when he told PSG he wanted to move to Real Madrid.
Logically Campos will be the only one deciding and if he is true to himself it will be obvious very quickly.

It'll be a hit or miss. Campos doesn't tolerate being told what to do, we know what happened with Bielsa when they had different opinions. If PSG doesn't give Campos enough power, he'll be gone within a year.
I don't hate him but I can't see it happening now. The only way I can envision him joining us in the future would be if he was willing to reduce his salary overall but by that time the club much rather go for Haaland or someone else. We can't wait for him anymore so we have to renew the team without expecting him to come.
Haaland won't happen either. Not having a pop at you or saying Madrid won't be competing at the highest level just that City never seem to let their best players leave.
That was true last summer when he told PSG he wanted to move to Real Madrid.

Which I assume he still does (not that it matters), but not necessarily right now. He kept his options open till the end, nothing wrong with that. Players are always using other clubs for leverage. As a man utd fan we know all too well. Players potentially coming to us only to end up renewing with Real.
That was true last summer when he told PSG he wanted to move to Real Madrid.

Except the club was an absolute mess. Most people here don't know PSG enough to know what's going on behind the scenes but there's some seriously disfonctunal elements. On top of that, Mbappé and his family dislliked Leonardo a lot. Now they started a total revamp of the whole structure, they're going to push very hard to move all the deadweight so they can get actual football players, they're targetting french talents instead of washed foreigners, we're going to see a LOT of change at PSG this summer, and it already starded.
I absolutely loathe PSG but this is fecking hilarious. Love all the Real Madrid apologists trying to pretend their money isn't super dodgy as well (Franco's team), makes it all the more delicious.
Except the club was an absolute mess.
PSG is still an absolute mess. Leonardo was fired just two days ago.

Mbappe reached a conclusion last summer, and he reached a different conclusion this summer. But the core of the situation hasn't changed. PSG is still PSG. Ligue 1 is still Ligue 1. Patriotism is still patriotism. Real Madrid are still Real Madrid.

So what could have changed from one year to now? The answer is obvious: the money.

Now they started a total revamp of the whole structure, they're going to push very hard to move all the deadweight so they can get actual football players, they're targetting french talents instead of washed foreigners, we're going to see a LOT of change at PSG this summer, and it already starded.
So he wants to win the CL... within three years (the length of his contract, after which you've said he'll leave Ligue 1)... at a club that needs a total revamp of the whole structure and to move a ton of deadweight.

Great idea.
Haaland won't happen either. Not having a pop at you or saying Madrid won't be competing at the highest level just that City never seem to let their best players leave.

Even then I still think that's more likely to happen. If Mbappe leaves PSG it's going to be somewhere else than Real Madrid probably the Premier League.
Even then I still think that's more likely to happen. If Mbappe leaves PSG it's going to be somewhere else than Real Madrid probably the Premier League.
True. I'd agree that particular ship has sailed.
PSG is still an absolute mess. Leonardo was fired just two days ago.

Mbappe reached a conclusion last summer, and he reached a different conclusion this summer. But the core of the situation hasn't changed. PSG is still PSG. Ligue 1 is still Ligue 1. Patriotism is still patriotism. Real Madrid are still Real Madrid.

So what could have changed from one year to now? The answer is obvious: the money.

Yeah, like PSG didn't try that in the 3 years they tried to renew his contract. There's reports of huge offers from PSG for years now, I don't buy the fact that PSG would have suddenly decided to throw the propper amount a couple of days before he decided when he could have signed for another club since january.

I've seen litteraly no argument backing that claim, even spanish journalist don't dare to give any kind of figure because they don't have any idea, and you don't have any idea either. Most of you here don't know the guy and only watch him 3 times a year in the CL, i'm not really sure it's the best way to give an educated opinion. Any, and I mean ANY player, journalist, consultant that ever talked to Mbappé will tell you otherwise, I'd rather trust them than bitter spanish or english fans that think no football is worth watching outside of their league.
whose the next PSG player the Hala boys are going to lust after :lol:

Mbappe has been stringing them along since 2017. He has actually cucked them thrice, yet some want you to believe he changed his mind recently.
On a serious note, Mbappe will sign for RM after this contract is over. It sounds outlandish, but there is a small chance PSG has imploded by that time. Once their world cup is done this year, they don't really have anything to keep them interested in the club. They've given no indication they're interested in creating a sustainable future for the club (as opposed to City). Also who the hell gives out a record contract to a player only to tie them for 3 years?

As for Mbappe, he has showed the absolutely worst negotiation dance the football world has ever seen. I'd taken Raiola throwing chairs any day over this supreme selfishness. Him and Pogba have ran down their contracts to their last days, with vastly different outcomes. Dembele, Lingard have done something similar, and I really hope this doesn't become a trend. These players would do well to study what happened between Valdes and Monaco. There needs to be a limit to their greed and this sport will keep on turning away the working class supporters so long as these disgusting contracts keep being dished out.
" Once their world cup is done this year, they don't really have anything to keep them interested in the club "

Google "Poissy PSG" you'll see the 300m project of the PSG
Why? :lol: like there is nothing to gain, it is over.

I think if he ever does leave PSG (not expecting it), it will be for the PL. City?
Trying to soothe the bruised egos of the Madrid fanbase and media and try to salvage that bridge for the future. He went out of his way to do the 'it's not you it's me' thing and play lip service to Madrid in his press conference earlier.

Even saying he doesn't know where he'll be playing in 3 years. It's in response to all the righteous indignation in the reaction to him staying with PSG. Madrid feel personally slighted and disrespected because they apparently have the right to every world class player in the world in their eyes and anyone who ecer dares turn them down is automatically a disrespectful git deserving of a tar and feathering as public enemy no.1 :lol:

The outrage has been incredible and stupendously short-sighted when we're talking about a 23 year old not even in his prime. Beyond stupid throwing the toys out the pram and shutting that door permanently over bruised pride/ego when 100% of the indignant Madridistas and media members crying would take that deal 10x out of 10 in the same position.

It's fitting though given their inherent God complex as a club that can do no wrong and is entitled to everything.