Man tries to aggravate United at train station and moved on by Police

Because someone without authority to do so is illegally trying to move him on. He was fine until then.

Why are you standing up for this bellend? Obviously @TheReligion knows what he is talking about given his profession - and even IF you are right, who cares? The guy was a nuisance towards the players and was rightfully told to jog on.

The players were quite happy to pose for pictures with people who were acting like normal human beings (check twitter for evidence).
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You can tell from the video that this guy isn't just a fan. From the way he was following the players and trying to provoke Fellaini you can tell he wanted something he could sell to the Sun or the Mirror.
The two policemen should've cuffed him and put him in the back of their car the second he kicked off and started swearing at them.

This is exactly what would have happened almost anywhere else. The person behind the camera harassed multiple people before the police arrived. This shouldn't be tolerated, but it doesn't require the person to be bludgeoned. US cops take it way too far at times, it is much more pleasant to live in a place where incidents like this would get dealt with more effectively.
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I know this is going to sound like a complete over reaction but.... I just can't shake the feeling that we don't have any leaders/tough guys in our team. I kind of long for the days when we had a Keane/Robson type. Zlatan would have probably delt with this guy, even the likes Rio and Vidic. I just kinda feeling Pogba dancing in the background on his phone kind of typifies this team.

I know, I know "comes on ffs it's just a guy with a mobile phone". Just how I feel!
Excellent point, totally agree
Because someone without authority to do so is illegally trying to move him on. He was fine until then.

Imagine someone doing this to a random group of blokes waiting on a platform. Sure they would try and move him on in exactly the same way if it already hadn't escalated by then.
Why are you standing up for this bellend? Obviously @TheReligion knows what he is talking about given his profession - and even IF you are right, who cares? The guy was a nuisance towards the players and was rightfully told to jog on.

I've worked for many years as a TV producer in news. We're always wrongly being told we can't be here and can't film here by goons in a bad uniform just like that. If we took any notice, there wouldn't be any news. Personally I would never film someone for no reason like this tw#t did, but the principle stands. He was entitled to be there.
I've worked for many years as a TV producer in news. We're always wrongly being told we can't be here and can't film here by goons in a bad uniform just like that. If we took any notice, there wouldn't be any news. Personally I would never film someone for no reason like this tw#t did, but the principle stands. He was entitled to be there.

I see your point as a news producer, however, this weirdo isn’t with the news.
The guy comes across as a bit of an idiot and the players handled it well. I also think the lady telling him that the part of the platform was now private was completely wrong.

They don't have the right to privatize part of the platform like that.
See my post 117. The someones you refer to were railway employees and do have exactly that authority.

They were Virgin employees, and quite junior ones. They were clearly making an arbitrary declaration that it was a private area just to make him move.
The guy comes across as a bit of an idiot and the players handled it well. I also think the lady telling him that the part of the platform was now private was completely wrong.

They don't have the right to privatize part of the platform like that.

With the permission of the company who owns the platform I’m sure they do. I’m not in the UK though so the likes of @TheReligion can shed more light on this than I can.
No he's a tw#t. But he has the same rights as an ITN camera crew.

I don’t think he has, look at the posts by an actual member of the law enforcement, even so it doesn’t matter. Screw principles when dealing with morons like this. For all they knew he could have posed a danger to the players - he was clearly not «normal».

Can’t believe we’re at four pages :lol:
They were Virgin employees, and quite junior ones. They were clearly making an arbitrary declaration that it was a private area just to make him move.
Yes, that's what they're entitled and expected to do. If someone doesn't like they're decisions they could complain to the company or take out their own legal action but as only a complete knobhead would do so in a case like this they wouldn't achieve very much.
With the permission of the company who owns the platform I’m sure they do. I’m not in the UK though so the likes of @TheReligion can shed more light on this than I can.
They don't have any more rights over the platform than anyone else does. They're customers looking to make use of the train service.

Unless their's some kind of VIP of First Class lounge they get the same amount of privacy as everyone else does.
Nah it's cause we police properly. Wouldn't be great if the cops beat you up for swearing would it?
I'm not saying you don't police properly, but people don't respect authority like they used to.
I know this is going to sound like a complete over reaction but.... I just can't shake the feeling that we don't have any leaders/tough guys in our team. I kind of long for the days when we had a Keane/Robson type. Zlatan would have probably delt with this guy, even the likes Rio and Vidic. I just kinda feeling Pogba dancing in the background on his phone kind of typifies this team.

I know, I know "comes on ffs it's just a guy with a mobile phone". Just how I feel!
:lol: I'm sure many of them would of liked to give him a slap but they're a bit smarter than that. The guy is filming them and any attempt at aggression would be met with a law suit.

Best thing for them to do was move away and let security deal with it.
What’s stopping that happening at any place at any time?
Because where the players will be waiting at airports or train stations will be private lounges, the reason they’re waiting on a little platform is to avoid a lot more people. They won’t be getting off at Piccadilly, they’ll be getting off at some smaller stop near Manchester. But if they’re doing that they need to have more security, even just one guy.
I've worked for many years as a TV producer in news. We're always wrongly being told we can't be here and can't film here by goons in a bad uniform just like that. If we took any notice, there wouldn't be any news. Personally I would never film someone for no reason like this tw#t did, but the principle stands. He was entitled to be there.
I've had the BBC stopped from filming on a train in under 10 minutes. One call to a railway company's publicity officer, one from them to the BBC, one from the BBC to the filming team, and the camera and mikes were nicely put away. Mobile phones are great at times. If you work for the BBC you should have people you can double-check that with, it might save you time in the future.

What you're missing, as many others have to be fair, is that railway land and trains are private property and are not open public space. In addition the railway companies and staff have rights on that property conferred by a variety of Railway Regulation Acts of Parliament, and Railway Bye Laws.
I don’t think he has, look at the posts by an actual member of the law enforcement, even so it doesn’t matter. Screw principles when dealing with morons like this. For all they knew he could have posed a danger to the players - he was clearly not «normal».

Can’t believe we’re at four pages :lol:

If I had a fiver for every time a member of the police had attempted to stop filming without the power to actually do so, I'd have £735 more than I do have. Although in this case he would have been within his rights to stop the filming, ironically.

But the sensible ones know not to try it on with a national broadcaster's camera switched on.
I've had the BBC stopped from filming on a train in under 10 minutes. One call to a railway company's publicity officer, one from them to the BBC, one from the BBC to the filming team, and the camera and mikes were nicely put away. Mobile phones are great at times. If you work for the BBC you should have people you can double-check that with, it might save you time in the future.

What you're missing, as many others have to be fair, is that railway land and trains are private property and are not open public space. In addition the railway companies and staff have rights on that property conferred by a variety of Railway Regulation Acts of Parliament, and Railway Bye Laws.

I agree. You would have the power to stop me filming. That's rather a different matter to a train operator junior employee declaring Network Rail property to be private property on a whim.
I agree. You would have the power to stop me filming. That's rather a different matter to a train operator junior employee declaring Network Rail property to be private property on a whim.
Thanks for the agreement on filming.

The 'junior employee' wouldn't be declaring it private property, it is private property. I'm not quite sure what 'on a whim' means, but in this case they were clearly trying to protect their customers from harassment. I would hope to receive the same consideration if some drunken oaf was shoving a camera and talking bollocks at me when I just wanted some peace as well.
The 'junior employee' wouldn't be declaring it private property, it is private property.

Let's say they wouldn't have the authority to declare one particular area of a station (which, remember, they do not own) to be private property and (even if they did own it which they don't) without properly signposting it as such in advance.
Let's say they wouldn't have the authority to declare one particular area of a station (which, remember, they do not own) to be private property and (even if they did own it which they don't) without properly signposting it as such in advance.
It's not that the lady declares the station private. It's that she says that the section of the platform they're in "is now private". She can't just declare that because some famous people are waiting for a train there.

The station itself is clearly private property.
I know this is going to sound like a complete over reaction but.... I just can't shake the feeling that we don't have any leaders/tough guys in our team. I kind of long for the days when we had a Keane/Robson type. Zlatan would have probably delt with this guy, even the likes Rio and Vidic. I just kinda feeling Pogba dancing in the background on his phone kind of typifies this team.

I know, I know "comes on ffs it's just a guy with a mobile phone". Just how I feel!
If the players retaliate and get a long ban with added bad press to boot, how does that help them?
Let's say they wouldn't have the authority to declare one particular area of a station (which, remember, they do not own) to be private property and (even if they did own it which they don't) without properly signposting it as such in advance.
She absolutely can. You could take up whether you thought she was right or not with her management later, but as I said earlier, good luck with that. If you refused to move on the day then the employee could ask the police to move you on. Obviously the police would assess the situation, but in most cases the person requested to move would be a knobhead, so they would comply.
Looks like you can't get on the train without some London idiot trying it on. Watford junction has become a place of mouthy guys. Well behaved by the Man Utd players.
This guys team must be doing bad. What a hater
She absolutely can. You could take up whether you thought she was right or not with her management later, but as I said earlier, good luck with that. If you refused to move on the day then the employee could ask the police to move you on. Obviously the police would assess the situation, but in most cases the person requested to move would be a knobhead, so they would comply.

I'm not sure being a knobhead is a recognised legal criteria for such things, but I'm not a high court judge :)
Hilarious that anybody is defending this mope. Whether its man united or any group of employees if some guy comes up with a camera in faces, seemingly intoxicated and somebody tasked with the security of that group deems it right to ask him to leave they are allowed as much as he has a right to say he wont. Where it differs is that he turns into an asshole and living in the real world whether joe bloggs likes it or not is that a professional football team in a public space with an intoxicated (?) Adult male behaving the way he is would correctly be judged to be more at risk of antagonistic behaviour. Laws dont have to be broken to try keep the peace.

Also if this is what the muppet deemed good to share, what do we know what he was like before. Maybe half those players have already passed him on the platform and got a mouthful.

Internet justice warriors to the rescue! Hes bloody pathetic
Internet justice warriors to the rescue! Hes bloody pathetic

Hey you can string this cnut up by his balls for all I care. I just don't like people in uniform making up rules as they go along.
Yes, the guy is a twat, but he only started becoming aggressive when he was asked to move, at first he was ok IMO.

He is within his rights to stand anywhere on that platform.

If I was asked to move for taking pics / recording United I would be pissed too.

But like I say, he is a twat for the way he handled it.
No idea what the logic behind it is, other than that we like our train to London. Shame Fellaini didn't get a hold of that wanker's cell phone and threw it one the railway by the way.
It's way more relaxing and you have much more freedom and room to walk around also be easier if they have post-match meals or routines that they must go through to prep for a midweek game. Stuff like this is the only thing I can think offhand why they took the train, that and maybe the trip to the airport added in its roughly the same journey time
Yes, the guy is a twat, but he only started becoming aggressive when he was asked to move, at first he was ok IMO.

He is within his rights to stand anywhere in that platform.

If I was asked to move for taking pics / recording United I would be pissed too.

Like I said earlier, the players were happy to pose for pictures with other people who acted fine.
Hey you can string this cnut up by his balls for all I care. I just don't like people in uniform making up rules as they go along.

I wouldn’t waste the string to be honest. But I didn’t see anybody making up rules. Poorly executing their role and trying to say something to resonate with a probably pissed up meathead yeah, but not stringently trying to abuse power or enforce rules. Theyd have likely told him to kindly piss off if the coward didn’t have a camera in their face
Putting the phone in their faces may have been annoying but nothing the players aren't used to.

Bit bizarre they said it's a private part of the platform :lol: the guys train on the opposite platform turns up, yet some people think you can be told you can't stand there.

Don't really see this as being much of an issue apart from a guy being a bit annoying and some staff kicking up a fuss.
The lad filming is an absolute twat - but the fuel is all put on the fire by the self appointed rule-maker who intervenes first. She is one of those people reveling in her sense of self importance & through bullsh*tting, hinders rather than helps this situation. Similar to the kind of idiot in a yellow bib in a car park, who causes more harm by their own presence.

Slightly longer version that shows fellaini turning clearly already pissed at this guy who seems to start to say something back to him before talking to lukaku. The fact fellaini swats at the camera seconds later is a good indication this muppet has wound him up already. I can’t stand where I like is one thing. Interfering with other people’s right to stand where they like and to feel unthreatened doing so is another. So this clown decides to chance her arm and say it’s a private area. Let’s all jump up and down in outrage. For all we know it’s worked for her before when dealing with trash like this.

Keep up the good fight all , this muppets rights to piss people off just because they’re famous are well protected