Marko Arnautović | United have pulled out

Four or five years ago I quite liked him, and would have enjoyed bringing him in to play that squad striker role that we later filled with the likes of Ighalo and Cavani. He was better than most gave him credit for. With him being 33 now and the fact he's been playing in very weak leagues the last few seasons I doubt he'd be suitable anymore. Actually, I just realised he played in the Serie A last season and looks like he did quite well. Maybe it's not as bad a shout as I thought, although obviously Serie A is still slower and weaker than the EPL.

Can he really?
He can play on the right, but it's probably his weakest position in the front three. I'm basing that on his performances from four years ago - if he's lost speed he may be even weaker there now.
The saddest thing is there are going to be plenty of people doing mental gymnastics to come up with reasons why this is a great idea and all part of the plan, rather then just admit this whole transfer window has been a complete disaster and we’re scrambling trying to save face & give ETH something to work with.

We’ve truly hit peak Liverpool during their barren run. The type of Downing, Adam, J.Cole signings that we used to regularly mock them for.
Limited time, limited funds and a seemingly redundant recruitment department mean this is exactly the type of signing we will have to make.
Arnie in for a Season with Sesko loaned back and joining next year. Would make sense as part of a medium term strategy. Can’t solve everything in one window.
Arnie in for a Season with Sesko loaned back and joining next year. Would make sense as part of a medium term strategy. Can’t solve everything in one window.


At his very best (before he went to China...) he was a mid table player, if we sign Arnautovic it's an absolute disgrace

Manager going for a rebuild and ends up with 2 new attackers in Eriksen and wouldn't see Everton scooping that low ffs.
If Arnautovic had still been at West Ham last season, West Ham would have finished top 4 and won the Europa.

When we sold him he was one of the best centre forwards in the league. He was still one of the best centre forwards at the last Euros.

He is light years ahead of a player like Haller.
I'll believe it when I see it. It's not a hard job as the media. You know the positions we want, you can pretty much throw any player that Ten Hag has at some point exchanged glances with at the wall.
No issue with this if it means we buy big in that department next year. Right now we are desperate. Need options with or without Ronny.

I suppose Haller might be transferable next season. Which other strikers has EtH managed at some point in career?

On the plus side I suppose we don’t have to worry about being left with a load of deadwood if it doesn’t work and EtH leaves, he’ll be back for the lot of them the next window.
For SadCafe, a place where people will moan about pretty much anything, I'm shocked at how so many are alright with this :lol: it's probably all bullshit anyway, but still, horrific.
Remember when Klopp played Caulker up top?

At least ETH is looking for an actual striker.
Remember when ETH said we would only ever sign the 'right player'.
3 year deal for something close to 10m, 200k a week, a great stop-gap solution. Amazing!
If this means we buy Sesko and loan him back for a year and we get an experienced striker in for a year, it’s not as bad as folk will make out
Why do so many people here always believe bullshit media reports? Have they never seen a transfer window before?
I would mind him tbh. Better than nothing for a year
I would mind him tbh. Better than nothing for a year

Why are you settling though? why is it better than nothing? we've had all summer to sign players.

Have we fallen that low? Arnautovich is seen as a suitable player for United.
Thread titles been changed very quickly

This really is a new low for United. The likes of Zlatan, Falcao, Ighalo Cavani on frees/loans was one thing. But actually paying £10 million for a well past his best 33 year old who’s last four clubs have been Stoke City, West Ham, Shanghai & Bologna is laughable. Our rivals are brining in players like Haaland, Nunez, Sterling, Jesus, Richarlison & we’re scrambling around for basement bargain deals like this. It’s an utter shambles.
I would take him, season or two as a backup to Martial etc... Plugs a hole whilst we fill out the rest of the squad.
I would take him, season or two as a backup to Martial etc... Plugs a hole whilst we fill out the rest of the squad.

We dont need a backup for Martial, Martial is the backup. Arnautovic will need to play more than everyone is wishing for.
Why are you settling though? why is it better than nothing? we've had all summer to sign players.

Have we fallen that low? Arnautovich is seen as a suitable player for United.
Name a striker we can get who is going to be a better shout.

I can only think of Jonathan David.