Martial's partner gives birth and the resultant hell from two warring factions

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Full Member
Aug 8, 2013
Parts Unknown
I a fan of his but can't give a shit about him right now.
However, I think people are jumping the gun. Mourinho hasn't said he's gone AWOL. He said he doesn't know if he's going to go AWOL.
There's no need to start bashing Martial or Mourinho yet.
Apparently we just fined him £180000 for going AWOL :lol:


Fun sponge.
Sep 1, 2014
Apparently we just fined him £180000 for going AWOL :lol:
Everything I have read has just had a clickbait headline, then actually said that would be standard policy for United if he did indeed just sod off and go AWOL.

I'd like to think Mou was moody in public, Martial did agree his leave, and has been training daily while spending time with his partner.


Full Member
Jun 21, 2006
I would question the source of those rumors as they sound extremely sketchy (and this is the first time I've heard them).
Well you can question them but they proved correct. They were in the media when he first left the camp.

Jojo <3 Mou

Full Member
Oct 17, 2016
Mount Sisyphus
Young players need trust and the continuity of starts to learn from the mistakes they make and apply them in game, not from the bench. There were several occasions throughout the last two seasons where Martial had come back into the team, done well and then was straight back out again. His mentality should be better but it would have been disheartening from his point of view.
I agree that continuity is necessary as well as actually game time. The issue is that at Manchester United, can you afford to play someone continuously when they do not perform or perform inconsistently?

We are under tremedous pressure each year to win things especially since we slummed post SAF. We can't play someone to give him experience if he is not contributing regularly.


New Member
Oct 25, 2012
Martial would have gone weeks ago if anybody had come forward with a serious bid.

He'll either leave on a free in 2 years or we'll have to lower our valuation so a club like Lyon or Marseille can afford him.


Full Member
Apr 27, 2014
Still can't understand the uproar. He had a kid ffs. Let him enjoy it for a while


New Member
May 28, 2017
Seeing Sanchez play just makes me care less about Martial. We don’t need him.


New Member
Oct 23, 2016
He had a good chance during this preseason and the first 3-4 matches of the league to prove and cement his position in the team before the others return. He decided that's not worth the effort and said a big feck of to Mourinho. That's poor imo.


Full Member
Jun 6, 2013
He had a good chance during this preseason and the first 3-4 matches of the league to prove and cement his position in the team before the others return. He decided that's not worth the effort and said a big feck of to Mourinho. That's poor imo.
Nope, not a single bit. He could play all pre season games score 50 goals on them and still would mean feck all to his case.


Full Member
Mar 31, 2014
From his perspective wanting to leave is the right decision and understand him wanting to return home from the tour as well given the circumstances. But situation has become a mess now and he doesn’t seem to have any interest in getting back to training.

Think he will go in this window, not much point in keeping him now. Some kind of swap deal with Willian will happen, the last week of the window is going to be desperate, lots of teams are in same position us as and have a lot to do in a short period of time.


Full Member
May 26, 2016
He had a good chance during this preseason and the first 3-4 matches of the league to prove and cement his position in the team before the others return. He decided that's not worth the effort and said a big feck of to Mourinho. That's poor imo.
In his mind he knows if he scores or doesn't score he'll get dropped the minute Sanchez and Lukaku are ready to start. I think this played on his mind as well.

Member 90887

How are people justifying the fact that no team whatsoever came forward to take him from us ? his agent has been banging on about him wanting to leave from the end of last season. Yet, here we are without a serious buyer.

And before people say, well, surely it's the price. Several reports placed what we wanted for him between 60 and 80M, several reports said that we are open to selling him for the right price. Others said that we want to recoup what we spent, which is in those regions as well.

So, how is it that he's the next best thing since sliced bread in here, but everywhere else he is another good prospect ?

If he wants to stay, i'm all for it as he has great potential. If he wants to leave, which he does, then i wouldn't be bothered with it at all as if we forced him to stay, he would have definitly fecked off the minute he reaches his potential.


Full Member
Jun 6, 2013
Seeing Sanchez play just makes me care less about Martial. We don’t need him.
We all saw Sanchez play in competitive games last season since joining and his few games in meaningless pre season friendlies. Doubt amount of care was any different back in January.


Has issues!
Jul 7, 2006
"You know why I'm here" - Marshawn Lynch
A Crack Habit.
Well you can question them but they proved correct. They were in the media when he first left the camp.
The fact that those rumor were circling(you still haven't quoted your source) when he left the camp and he hasn't returned as yet is not a confirmation that those sources were correct.

Those sources may be no more than mischief making based on him stating his desire to leave via his agent, we then have other rumors which I gather have come directly from the mother of his newborn to state that there were complications with the birth of his child which would keep most concerned fathers at their child's bedside.

The fact that he is still away is nowhere near confirmation of the rumors you have mentioned.


Full Member
Jan 8, 2016
We've had him for three years now, and he's spent at least half of that time sulking.

Whether you think his most recent 8 month sulk is a legitimate grievance or not it's not the behaviour of a player who has the desire to make it at the top level of the game.

Cut our loses, sell him abroad and reinvest the money in someone that has the desire to help this club win.
How on earth do you work that one out?


nipple flasher and door destroyer
May 8, 2013
Martial would have gone weeks ago if anybody had come forward with a serious bid.

He'll either leave on a free in 2 years or we'll have to lower our valuation so a club like Lyon or Marseille can afford him.
Is that how low you rate him? Absurd.


Full Member
Jan 8, 2016
His fans have made excuses for him at every turn but the reality is he’s never nailed down his place in the team despite several opportunities to do so. In fact he was the starting LW when Jose arrived and lost his place due to form, deservedly.

His attitude on the pitch is just terrible and he makes such poor use of the talent he has. A player with those physical attributes should be torturing defenders and yet he’s content to jog around and wait for the play to come to him. There’s just a lack of intensity he doesn’t have the ability to justify.

Refusing to show for work though is a new low and any United fan defending it should take a look at themselves. Whatever his difference with the manager he still has a professional obligation to train – He has his teammates, the club and the supporters to play for and yet he still no shows in a difficult moment. It’s disgraceful and will probably put off other clubs. Rashford may be equally frustrated with playing time yet he sees the opportunity and comes back early rather than sulk and down tools. Martial was actually pencilled in to start vs Leicester according to Jose and he still pulls this stunt. No desire at all to compete for a place.

I think we’ll get him out before the window. A deadline deal with Spurs would be my bet with Aldeweireld coming to us. However he performs for another club, and I’ve no doubt he’ll play like his life depends on it against us, I’ll not miss him. He was a petulant prat who could never be relied on him. Heading into a big away game you just knew he’d offer little to nothing.
To be honest all I'm seeing in this thread is Mourinho apologists making excuses and reinventing history to justify his treatment of players.

Hope they enjoy the meltdown when it comes.


Full Member
Nov 11, 2009
To be honest all I'm seeing in this thread is Mourinho apologists making excuses and reinventing history to justify his treatment of players.

Hope they enjoy the meltdown when it comes.
Absolute nonsense. Am a huge fan of his but, this is absolutely turning me off. This is cowardice and nothing less. There are others that have a high opinion of him and don't care for how Mou has handled him but, have said this is all on Martial. A player with guts/character will fight regardless of his relationship with the manager, if he wants away and thinks he is supremely talented and worth going to another big club, he'll put in displays that will say come get me no matter the price, I am worth it. That's not Martial obviously and he'll never realize his potential with such a crap attitude.


Full Member
Jun 17, 2008
He went by the name of Wayne Rooney
The club should only sell if our valuation is met. We should not be forced by any player into lowering their valuation by such underhand tactics. Either someone pays the 80 million we are apparently demanding, or he stays. He will suck it up and join the rest of the group once he realizes he can't hold one of the biggest clubs in the world to ransom.


can't stop thinking about balls - NOT deflategate
Jan 31, 2014
Absolute nonsense. Am a huge fan of his but, this is absolutely turning me off. This is cowardice and nothing less. There are others that have a high opinion of him and don't care for how Mou has handled him but, this is all on Martial period. A player with guts/character will fight regardless of his relationship with the manager, if he wants away and thinks he is supremely talented and worth going to another big club, he'll put in displays that will say come get me no matter the price, I am worth it. That's not Martial obviously and he'll never realize his potential with such a crap attitude.
In theory I would be on your side but like everyone else, you know absolutely nothing and Mourinho said nothing. So what is turning you off?


Full Member
Jun 21, 2006
The fact that those rumor were circling(you still haven't quoted your source) when he left the camp and he hasn't returned as yet is not a confirmation that those sources were correct.

Those sources may be no more than mischief making based on him stating his desire to leave via his agent, we then have other rumors which I gather have come directly from the mother of his newborn to state that there were complications with the birth of his child which would keep most concerned fathers at their child's bedside.

The fact that he is still away is nowhere near confirmation of the rumors you have mentioned.
There were a number of tweets posted on this forum. This is one of them. It’s not confirmation, just a hell of a coincidence. From a player who has made it clear he wants to leave and put in less effort playing in his last game than most did watching it makes me lean towards some truth in it. We know for sure he hasn’t returned.

sal klita

New Member
Feb 13, 2017
I don't care who is right in this specific case. It's 3rd Mourinho season all over again. Let's prevent Chelsea 2015/16 situation. Let's sack Mourinho now. We can play hofball also under Butt/McKenna, and maybe we will some attacking football and happy faces on the pitch.

ice-bionic red

Full Member
May 10, 2013
I’m a big fan of martial but I back Jose over him. He’s had a child which is great but usually footballers don’t get much time off for a birth of a child (I believe?). Anyway, he wants to leave. He doesn’t want to play for us so what are we waiting for? United will move on, quickly without him.


Worst scout to ever exist
Aug 13, 2011
Wonder if he's been told to force through a move. He wants to go, Mourinho would rather sell, the club wants him to stay. Could even be that Mourinho told him to make a situation where he has to be sold. Who knows tbh. Think its ridiculous that he hasnt been sold yet though, considering how long ago he said he wants out. Then United set a massive asking price yet dont entertain bids from the Premier League out of fear it'll bite us in the ass? Just a mess of a situation from day one.


Full Member
Dec 16, 2013
Mourinho has said that any player that do not want to play for Manchester United could go, for the right price. Martial has not been happy for the last 2 years so let him off.

Shaw is not happy but sticks around because of the wages he gets here. Pogba is not happy and wants to return to Juventus. How many more are not happy here. Mourinho has hung most of our players out to dry in public, so who should go.


Pogba's biggest fan
Dec 6, 2015
Mourinho has said that any player that do not want to play for Manchester United could go, for the right price. Martial has not been happy for the last 2 years so let him off.

Shaw is not happy but sticks around because of the wages he gets here. Pogba is not happy and wants to return to Juventus. How many more are not happy here. Mourinho has hung most of our players out to dry in public, so who should go.
Do you believe every bullshit story in the media?


matchday malcontent
Mar 4, 2017
Still can't understand the uproar. He had a kid ffs. Let him enjoy it for a while
I am his huge fan but this whole summer is on martial. First of all, people must stop treat players like they are something special. Yes, he had baby. Like millions and millions other people who work( being football player is a job, you know). You get few days free and go back to work. Not 10 days. If you have problems to solve on work, you go back even quicker.
He could play this pre season and convince jose to put him on the right wing or change tactics or move sanchez on the right or ... anything. Would that work? I don't know but he could try. He didn't even try.


Pogba's biggest fan
Dec 6, 2015
No I do not believe every story, But we all heard Mourinho slag off the players in Public, and they certainly cannot be happy about this.
Slag off players? How?

Managers can give their players a kick up the arse every so often. They aren't divas and shouldn't be treated as such.

Pogba himself has spoken of how the issues were small ones and how he's happy where he is.

Son Of Sam

New Member
Nov 26, 2015
Still can't understand the uproar. He had a kid ffs. Let him enjoy it for a while
Morata’s wife had twins, Morata is already back training with his colleagues but Martial is still breastfeeding at home.

It’s because of such attitude that he got dumped by Deschamps. I can’t wait to be shot of him. He’s such an embarrassment to the club. He’s so unprofessional.

We should swap him for Bale or Douglas Costa.

Alvaro Maestre

Last Man Standing 2 finalist 2023/24
Oct 12, 2016
Ten Hag's last hair
Pereira gets shipped out on loan every season. He's put in 200% this tour and looks to be one of our breakouts this season. The bloke goes on loan when asked, he busts a gut in pre-season, and he just keeps going.

Martial gets competition for his position and loses his number.....chucks a hissy fit, and demands a transfer. Get this guy out of the club.


New Member
Oct 23, 2016

Didn't return to Carrington it seems. Could be fined 2 weeks wages according Luckhurst.


New Member
May 28, 2017
There is a potential excuse for not returning to America. There isn’t an excuse to not return to Carrington.


Correctly predicted Italy to win Euro 2020
Jun 1, 2014
There is a potential excuse for not returning to America. There isn’t an excuse to not return to Carrington.
Clearly Mourinho clamped his car so he couldn't make it in.
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