MERGED: Rooney signs new contract!

Sir Matt

Blue Devil
Jul 22, 2009
I woke up kinda expecting this...but what the flying feck?

Emotionally, I'm torn. He's a huge piece of shit I'll never respect again, but in footballing terms, if he can overcome what he's done to his relationship with everyone, it's a very good thing. He's got to fire his agent, doesn't he? That's the only way he can manage to take blame off himself. If we find a buyer(not City) and can get a sizable sum, sell him.


Winner of the 'I'm not reading that' medal.
Jun 2, 2009
Big Days
If it's the same, or very close to the same, contract he was offered earlier, then he might not come off as big of a cnut. Even this new contract is 20k more, than it proves he was just after the green.


Yaaas Broncos!
Apr 6, 2009
Sorry mate, I walk out of this mess without blood on my hands. Kept dignity through the whole saga :devil::D
Re 'delete all the Rooney bullshit', he's made his own bed, he deserves all the shit he gets.

Apart from the wankers outside his house etc.


Full Member
Sep 25, 2008
Friendzoning 'nice guys'
The posters who posted so much hatred in this thread should be ashamed of themselves.
Er... no, not at all.

Rooney totally disrespected the club, fans, players and especially the manager with all this shit, he and he alone should be ashamed of himself, leading us along with all this crap and throwing his toys out the pram and threatening to leave. Pathetic behaviour. As fans we were perfectly within our rights to react badly to his appalling attitude.

Personally I'm torn between how to react to this news. In part I'm somewhat relieved, because say what you like we would have definitely struggled without Rooney. Form is temporary and all that, he'll get back to his best. But then I'm also still pissed off with Rooney for treating us this badly, and messing about with the fans, in a way I think he might have gone past the point of no return, he's tainted and I don't think I can view him as the same player - we know now he has zero loyalty to our club and fans.

Then again, I'm also pretty amused. City fans must be absolutely fuming. :lol: Better luck next time lads!


Full Member
Dec 9, 2006
Sorry if I've missed it, but does anyone actually have any idea how much he's getting paid with this new contract and (more unlikely) how that relates to the previous offer? People seem to be suggesting he's won a massive extra wad with this drama.


I want Peter Kenyon back
Jun 29, 2005
So, reading between the lines, they've agreed to sell him (2011/2012) providing he signs a new contract.

If he doesn't they'll sell him in January....but not to the club he's already made a deal with.
Thats a very cynical view you have there.

But almost spot on I imagine.


Full Member
May 10, 2009
Behind You
It feels incredibly odd to say this, but I'm in agreement with fred and Lailani right now.

The man is an absolute flying weapon. He's treated not just the club but the fans, the manager and the players like complete dirt. Acting bigger than the lot of them, acting like he deserves assurances from Manchester United and not the other way round, disparaging the achievements of the club and its manager during his hugely successful time here and - worst of all - turning on the one and only party who were still completely in his corner following a horrible World Cup, the worst period of form in his career and the worst period of scrutiny in his private life, and trying to engineer a way to either leave us, or bleed us for money...It's a disgrace

And if this has just been about getting more swag in his sky rocket, then he's not only been incredibly low and deceitfully by using the fan grievances about our financial situation to shield his motivation, but also done it whilst attempting to bleed a hard hit club dry in the process....

If he doesn't sack Stretford for what would be a catastrophic advising error, then it looks suspiciously like a plan that worked out well.

I do however realise my feelings will probably subside because football is a fickle business where you're only as good (and as loyal) as your last game..But right now, I'm not particularly happy he's staying. I would've rather he left and dealt with the consequences of his actions rather than be rewarded with more money for them.
I agree strongly with everything in this thread except the bolded. Rooney is really a massive cnut and I wouldn't have minded him being shipped off in Jan as long as we had sufficient funds to re-invest and it wasn't City or Chelsea.

But for the sake of the club I think that it's in our best interests that we've re-signed him. From a business sense him signing the contract at least means we won't get shafted if we do actually decide to get rid. Also, obviously he's our best striker when you ignore the last seven months.For the stability of the team, losing Ronaldo, Tevez and Rooney in consecutive seasons doesn't send out the right signal, nor does a player not only bullying SAF but also getting his way at the end which you can argue he has now as clearly his intention was to get more £££ from the club, but SAF called his bluff and made him look the cnut in the process. This is quite a crucial point of the season where we really don't want to lose any more ground on Chelsea and I'm thankful that this hasn't dragged to January and that the squad can focus on the challenges ahead.

That said, we have to make sure that we don't forget he's been a complete and utter cock towards the club, the fans, and his teammates. I hope he gets dog's abuse off the fans at OT and that he comes out admits he's wrong and has been a bellend, a proper apology and grovelling, not some half-arsed statement through an agent. And of course that he plays 50% better to justify a 50% pay rise.


Sep 27, 2004
I love librarians
I'm glad he's signed

but that doesn't change the fact that he's a lying cnut and having tried to shaft SAF will find that he'll be farmed out next close season . For a fat fee and good riddance - SAF will not forget this episode

The Taurean

looks like a chipmunk
May 10, 2009
Nothing is so common as the wish to be remarkable.
as in official site
Wayne to rebuild the relationship
Shortly after signing a new five-year contract with United, Wayne Rooney sat down with MUTV on Friday to talk about his new deal and staying at United...

Wayne, a new contract for you. How are you feeling?
Yeah, I’m delighted. There has been a bit of controversy over the timing of it all. But I’m delighted it’s finally signed. Hopefully I can move on and get back fit and get back playing again.

What have the last few days been like?
It’s been difficult for me and for the club as well. For me, I felt I had to get my point across and we finally came to an agreement, which I think is best for the two of us, for me and the club.

You originally had discussions with David Gill a while ago, can you explain your feelings and how things have changed?
As a player here at United I care for the club. I had some concerns and I made the manager and David Gill aware of that. It went on from there and it didn’t really move forward in terms of contract talks. Then in the last few days that’s all been made public knowledge, which made it more difficult. We felt – myself and the club – that we had to move quickly to sort it out. I’ve spoken with the manager, David Gill and the owners and all of them have confirmed to me that this is the right club for me to be at, and that the club is going to continue to be successful and win things. I had other things I wanted to air as well, but I was happy to move forward and sign the deal.

How complicated is the negotiation process?
It is very complicated. It’s about the football club, but it’s about me and my career as well. So I had to think about it really hard. I’m just delighted it’s over now and hopefully we can put it to the back of our minds.
How does it feel to be a young footballer in the middle of all this? What emotions are going through your mind?
It’s difficult. There’s a lot of media coverage that you have to deal with. I’m sure with other players these discussions happen as well, but they just never become public knowledge. Obviously my situation did, and it made it more difficult. But I spoke with the club and we felt it was best to move things on quickly. I’m really delighted I’ve managed to agree the deal today.

Presumably it’s wonderful at times being Wayne Rooney, but being who you are is the reason why people have such strong opinions on it…
Yeah, that’s something I’ve had for many years now and you just have to try and learn to deal with it. I know I can deal with it myself. Sometimes it does get a bit difficult, but I’m glad it’s over with now and I’m just looking forward to getting back fit and playing again.

We heard from Sir Alex earlier this week and he sounded passionate, and quite emotional. You mentioned him in your statement too; what have you got to say about the way he has been throughout all of this?
It’s been difficult for him as well, I’m sure it has. He’s got to look after the club and he was trying to convince me to sign a new deal. We spoke about it and he has been fantastic. He’s a great manager and I’ve said that many times. He’s one of the big reasons why I joined United – to work under him and be successful. I’ve managed to do that. I’m hoping in the next few years we can do that again.

Is he one of the main reasons you are staying here?
Yeah. He’s not the only reason. I’ve been here now for six years. The fans have been great for me in that time. But the manager’s experience, passion and will to win are one of the main reasons why I’m playing here.

Are you surprised by how everything has happened?
Since it’s become public knowledge, it meant we had to move quickly. Once it all came out, it looked like there was nowhere to go, and that that was it. The manager quite openly made it clear that the door was still open for me to sign and that he still wanted me to sign. That’s when I spoke to my agent and said, ‘let’s go in and sit down with them and try to resolve it and try and get the deal done’. We went and spoke to the manager, David Gill and the Glazers. And I’m just pleased we worked it out.

What’s your message to the fans now?
I’m sure the fans are upset with everything that they’ve heard in the media. But my message is that I care for this club and I want to be here. That’s important to know. I want to continue being successful at this club. Some fans might not take to it too quickly. It might take time. But I will give 100 per cent on the pitch. I want to try and build that relationship back up. I hope that we can work together on this and try to do the best thing for Manchester United and win trophies here.
edit: guess its already posted.


New Member
Jan 16, 2006
what about that banner that called him a whore are we going to cheer him on now, jesus it make us look like hypocrites.


I want Peter Kenyon back
Jun 29, 2005
I'm glad he's signed

but that doesn't change the fact that he's a lying cnut and having tried to shaft SAF will find that he'll be farmed out next close season . For a fat fee and good riddance - SAF will not forget this episode
Fergie may not be around much longer.

After this I could hardly blame Fergie if he said "feck this.. no point carrying on when players can do this"


Full Member
Mar 17, 2006
blah blah fecking blah

a fat fee from the cnuts in Madrid in the summer and I'll be willing to drive the cnut there myself and I won't be alone.


I want Peter Kenyon back
Jun 29, 2005
blah blah fecking blah

a fat fee from the cnuts in Madrid in the summer and I'll be willing to drive the cnut there myself and I won't be alone.
He wont be going to Madrid.

We wouldnt sell them a virus..

remember ?


Full Member
Nov 30, 2006
Hunting The Hunter !
How can he respond to the question by saying "But my message is that I care for this club and I want to be here. That’s important to know "

erm, 2 days ago you stated you were adamant to leave. £180k enough ambition for ya ?


Full Member
Mar 17, 2006
United have been around long before him and will be around long after.

Like I said, a fat fee in the summer and we should feck him right off.


I want Peter Kenyon back
Jun 29, 2005
Lawrenson was right. United needs Rooney more than Rooney needs United.
I've been saying this all the way along.

Its fecking terrible that football has got this way, but thats the harsh reality of it.

No matter what anyone says, the players are now bigger than the clubs.


New Member
Jan 16, 2006
quite a sad state of affair, we cave in to his demand after he slate our players and our club in public....


Full Member
Dec 31, 2003
what about that banner that called him a whore are we going to cheer him on now, jesus it make us look like hypocrites.
It reminds me on the situation liverpool fans had with Steven Gerrard in July 2005. But difference is, I have not seen a United fan burning Rooney shirt like the liverpool fans did to gerrard :lol:


I’m afraid I just blue myself
Sep 18, 2008
what about that banner that called him a whore are we going to cheer him on now, jesus it make us look like hypocrites.
No it doesn't.

Majority aren't happy that our best player has signed a new contract, that should be an indication of how much of a cnut he has been in this whole saga.

I can't believe anything what he says these days, he's still a cnut for me despite this contract.


Officially gullible
Jun 30, 2005
At the secret training camp for United Militia
Rooney has done possibly one of the most retarded things in World football. He's made millions of fans that adored him think he's a twat and want him out of their club, and the end result is that he's signed a deal that was already on the table anyway. He could've had these conversations with Sir Alex in private and recieved the assurances that he wanted in private without dragging the club through the shit. It's utterly retarded from Rooney and Stretford.

The positives.

- We still have a World Class Waye Rooney.
- We have a World Class Wayne Rooney with an awful lot to prove and some fans to win over.
- The World, despite questining us over the past few days has had some kind of display that there isn't a big problem at United, that from Waynes statement, there are funds here to spend if needed and that perhaps tales of our decline are much exaggerated.
- City fans who have already made a "Welcome to Manchester" Sign with Rooney on, can jog the feck on.

The negatives.

- looks like we pandered to him a bit
- possibly issues in the dressing room. Although I think that can resolved in the same way I have to resolve the issue in my own head. I think he's a cnut. But also I know he's a thick fecker. Perhaps the players can forgive Forest Gump.


I want Peter Kenyon back
Jun 29, 2005
It reminds me on the situation liverpool fans had with Steven Gerrard in July 2005. But difference is, I have not seen a United fan burning Rooney shirt like the liverpool fans did to gerrard :lol:
No, we just sprayed "sign for City and you're dead" over his face.

Im red2

Prophet of Doom
Aug 5, 2001
In the begining(time), God created the Heavens(spa
Fergie: "Ok Wayne here's the plan...Whisper,whisper, whisper, I just hope the fans don't lynch ya befor it works. That way we get the Glazers to realise they need to invest, and with some luck maybe even our neighbours fans might think you are gonna sign for them" LMAO