MERGED: Rooney signs new contract!


nice guy, unassuming, objective United fan.
Jan 21, 2004
I can't understand it either. Did he expect to be the highest paid player in the world? But, it seems he was not at all interested in resigning.
Ronaldo bothered me more because United had a chance at 4 consecutive titles. A feat no club has achieved in England before. To be a part of that is one for the ages. But, he couldn't give a rats ass about the team. I never thought of Rooney as being selfish. Perhaps I was wrong.
Thing with Ronaldo is that he never really hid his desire to play for Madrid, and he only went when the price was right. He was happy to stay otherwise and gave his best, Rooney hasn't produced in a while and now we know why. I think Ronaldo had way more class even in his departure than Rooney.


Full Member
Jun 8, 2006
Not only that, but Ronaldo allowed himself to be persuaded to play another season for us, despite having the opportunity to leave when he could have. He also stated that he wanted United to get the most out of him when he left, so we could be in a better position. That level of respect and consideration hasn't been shown by Wayne, that at the very least is clear.

An Irish Red

New Member
Sep 25, 2009
Ros Earcáin/Tuaim/an Baile Meánach
I can't understand it either. Did he expect to be the highest paid player in the world? But, it seems he was not at all interested in resigning.
Ronaldo bothered me more because United had a chance at 4 consecutive titles. A feat no club has achieved in England before. To be a part of that is one for the ages. But, he couldn't give a rats ass about the team. I never thought of Rooney as being selfish. Perhaps I was wrong.
Hopefully we'll find out more in the coming days.

Cristiano Ronaldo leaving bothered me a lot more to be honest but, at the same time, I felt like I understood and could to some degree accept his reasons. It still was a terrible situation obviously but I hold no ill will towards him and would welcome him back with open arms. The way Rooney has went about this, and the way he has dealt with Fergie, mean that he has managed to alienate everyone who has sung his name for years. It's something I will never understand with footballers. If Everton had given me a platform to make something of myself I know that I would be loyal to them as a result. The draw of United might be too great in the long run but I wouldn't disrespect them like this. It's a mentality that I just don't get to be honest.

I think Ronaldo had way more class even in his departure than Rooney.


Full Member
Feb 14, 2000
Toronto, Canada
Not really.. i was among a few people who always felt Rooney was overrated, and not as influential as many of the rest. However, you do know how people react when anybody speak out against conventional opinions. That aside, Ronaldo was a special talent, and i felt shit hearing the news, and have trouble staying awake watching us play since his departure. As for Rooney, it isn't that difficult to find a poacher. With the service of a good midfield, even Hernandez or Berba could hit 30 goals a season, and that's where the problem lies, MIDFIELD.
Rooney a poacher? Friggin' hell that guy works his ass off and back tracks and was very unselfish unlike Ronaldo. I don't why he wants to leave, but I have had no problems with him as a player. He always gave 100% for the club.


Full Member
Feb 14, 2000
Toronto, Canada
Hopefully we'll find out more in the coming days.

Cristiano Ronaldo leaving bothered me a lot more to be honest but, at the same time, I felt like I understood and could to some degree accept his reasons. It still was a terrible situation obviously but I hold no ill will towards him and would welcome him back with open arms. The way Rooney has went about this, and the way he has dealt with Fergie, mean that he has managed to alienate everyone who has sung his name for years. It's something I will never understand with footballers. If Everton had given me a platform to make something of myself I know that I would be loyal to them as a result. The draw of United might be too great in the long run but I wouldn't disrespect them like this. It's a mentality that I just don't get to be honest.

I can't accept a player not wanting to win 4 PLC in row. To me Ronaldo has always been about Ronaldo no matter how big a talent he is or was. He could of cared less to be part of a club that won 4 titles in a row. He is only interested in personal accolades in my opinion.


Full Member
Oct 7, 2008
Newtownabbey, NI

deluded cnuts, i hope this proves as fruitful as the kaka tattoo and the Manchester City European Champions 2011. Do they like jumping their guns?

Bearded but no genius

Full Member
Jul 1, 2004
Rooney's advisors claimed he was not being "supported" enough when they threw Fergie under the bus on Sunday night.

Now we know that he wanted out as of August 14th, what horrible things did Mean Mr. Ferguson do to the poor little victim during July that ruined his whole precious little life?

Bearded but no genius

Full Member
Jul 1, 2004
Not only that, but Ronaldo allowed himself to be persuaded to play another season for us, despite having the opportunity to leave when he could have. He also stated that he wanted United to get the most out of him when he left, so we could be in a better position. That level of respect and consideration hasn't been shown by Wayne, that at the very least is clear.
As much as it surprises me to say this, I agree.

Ronaldo signed a long term contract which enabled us to get the large fee when he went to chase his "dream" of playing where it was warmer and where he could chase more attractive tail.

Rooney has decided he will run his down in order to chase his "dream" of drinking himself into oblivion while lying in a bed of £1000 notes surrounded by a harem of geriatric hookers.


Full Member
Aug 23, 2005
Co Armagh Ireland
Fergies Press Conference leaves no room for doubt.
Its not about Rooney being a little bit right and Fergie being a little bit wrong.

We heard and saw it spelt out. If Rooney or his expensive mouthpiece has an answer to what Fergie said, let them speak up or crawl back into the gutter from which they emerged.
We ...the fans dont have a choice.....We are right behind the manager and I hope those at Old Trafford tomorrow night applaud Fergie more than usual. I doubt very much Rooney will be welcome in the stands.
We must rally behind our manager.

Usually when the Press Officer (and by the way I love the name Karen Shotbolt) says "there will be no questions", the Press Pack gets a bit ratty.....but they were subdued because there is no question they could have asked (and no answer) which would have been as effective as the nine minutes they had just sat thru.

We all know Fergies mind games......but this was no mind game.
This was sincere. This was honest.
Rooney is history.
Good riddance.


Jan 7, 2009
As much as it surprises me to say this, I agree.

Ronaldo signed a long term contract which enabled us to get the large fee when he went to chase his "dream" of playing where it was warmer and where he could chase more attractive tail.
Plus Ronaldo said that his dream was to win the UCL for United and if he hadn't won it in 08 he wouldn't have asked to leave that year.

I actually believed him at the time when he said it.


New Member
May 19, 2008
He's certainly not faultless, and I've no doubt that the press conference and MUTV interview today were both impeccably planned and acted out. I also don't doubt as fact anything that Fergie said. What could Fergie really have twisted? Do you think he's lying that Rooney said he wanted to leave two months ago? That he's been unwilling to listen to any contract offers? That he's adamant he's still wants to go? That's what Sir Alex said today, and those are the reasons people are pissed off at Rooney. He specifically veered away from offering any opinion on the matter.

In contrast, I'd have difficulty now believing anything from someone who cheated on his pregnant wife, blatantly and often. It would make me a shit juror, but oh well.
I think there is a blurring between truth and fiction, I do beleive that what he said happened did happen in August......but it is the rhyme and reason I am unsure of...........

Team Brian GB

Baby Cameron loves X-Factor
Jan 11, 2008
I'm not understanding exactly what Rooney has done wrong, he isn't messing you around, he isn't toying with you, there hasn't been any antics or statements going on like there has been with Torres and Fabregas. He has made his intentions clear that he wants to leave, many players in his position would have forced a move in the transfer window - gone on strike, refuse to turn up for pre-season training, that sort of thing but he is still around and it has until now been kept in house.

If he has got tired of Man United, if he senses a seismic shift in the balance of power in English football away and wants to go somewhere where he can be successful or for whatever reasons he has then that is his prerogative. After all he has already done it once, there was never anything to suggest that he wouldn't do it again. I am far from the biggest supporter of his personality and matters off the field but if he wants to leave then let him.


Full Member
Jul 12, 2009
United could spend £85million on David De Gea, Phi
That's very wise of your dad. I for once really did think that we salvaged a genius that would have been a Gazza Mk II by signing him in 2004. I'm on a verge of being completely wrong.
I told him he was talking rubbish for years on the subject, it was weird and totally random, i remember me and my dad watching the Everton v Arsenal game at Highbury and Rooney scored one of his great goals at the time, i was raving about him and he literally turned to me and said "you watch, this boy will throw all his talent away in a few years, he'll self destruct and blow his money off the field, it'll be Paul Gascoigne all over again" of course at the time i never paid any attention.

Will never forget it as ive used it to shut him up time and again since! especially last season, but maybe he was right all along, to much money to early.


Full Member
Aug 23, 2005
Co Armagh Ireland
I told him he was talking rubbish for years on the subject, it was weird and totally random, i remember me and my dad watching the Everton v Arsenal game at Highbury and Rooney scored one of his great goals at the time, i was raving about him and he literally turned to me and said "you watch, this boy will throw all his talent away in a few years, he'll self destruct and blow his money off the field, it'll be Paul Gascoigne all over again" of course at the time i never paid any attention.

Will never forget it as ive used it to shut him up time and again since! especially last season, but maybe he was right all along, to much money to early.
The point is that Dads are indeed very wise men.
When a boy is about 15 he thinks his dad is an idiot.
When you get a few years older, you just get amazed at how much we know. :)


New Member
May 19, 2008
Ive been saying that to my two sons for years.......Hang on you arent one of my sons are ya? :lol:
But seriously Gazza and Rooney are very much alike.
Ya but Maradona and Best are similer too and hey they still achieved alot. I'm only 23 and I can only imagine the pressure he's under day in day out, not to mention he vices that tempts him day in day out...........look at Rio, at 29, he's hardly a fully formed individual......Someone once said 'you stop maturing once you become famous', I think that should be taken into account before the personal insults are fired.


Full Member
Jul 12, 2009
United could spend £85million on David De Gea, Phi
The point is that Dads are indeed very wise men.
When a boy is about 15 he thinks his dad is an idiot.
When you get a few years older, you just get amazed at how much we know. :)
Very true, it came as no surprise he phoned me today and simply started the conversation with "told ya" the git!

Shame though, youd think Rooney would see what happened to one so similar and learn from it, why is he so thick?? all scouseness aside.


Nothing happens until something moves!
Jul 8, 2010
I'm not understanding exactly what Rooney has done wrong, he isn't messing you around, he isn't toying with you, there hasn't been any antics or statements going on like there has been with Torres and Fabregas. He has made his intentions clear that he wants to leave, many players in his position would have forced a move in the transfer window - gone on strike, refuse to turn up for pre-season training, that sort of thing but he is still around and it has until now been kept in house.

If he has got tired of Man United, if he senses a seismic shift in the balance of power in English football away and wants to go somewhere where he can be successful or for whatever reasons he has then that is his prerogative. After all he has already done it once, there was never anything to suggest that he wouldn't do it again. I am far from the biggest supporter of his personality and matters off the field but if he wants to leave then let him.
It was kept in house until his team leaked it to the press, seemingly to try and paint a picture of a falling out with Sir Alex (who fairly brilliantly turned all that on its head).

He will be allowed to leave, but we're quite within our rights to take issue with how this came about, how you change your mind from wanting to sign a life contract with a club, to within six months completely wanting out without discussing any sort of contract offer. I may be wrong, but to me that suggests his head's been turned by wads of cash within that time frame. Again, to me, that's twatish.

Also, think about the timing of his refusal to sign a contract - on the eve of the new season, midway through august, with less than two years remaining on his contract. Pretty much guarantees that he'd only have 18 months tops left on his contract when we realised we'd have to sell - clubs in a weaker position. I'm not going to go as far as saying it had been planned for a while, but the timing is fairly shit to say the least.


In Gadus Speramus
Jun 15, 2000
I'm not understanding exactly what Rooney has done wrong, he isn't messing you around, he isn't toying with you, there hasn't been any antics or statements going on like there has been with Torres and Fabregas. He has made his intentions clear that he wants to leave, many players in his position would have forced a move in the transfer window - gone on strike, refuse to turn up for pre-season training, that sort of thing but he is still around and it has until now been kept in house.

If he has got tired of Man United, if he senses a seismic shift in the balance of power in English football away and wants to go somewhere where he can be successful or for whatever reasons he has then that is his prerogative. After all he has already done it once, there was never anything to suggest that he wouldn't do it again. I am far from the biggest supporter of his personality and matters off the field but if he wants to leave then let him.
He bells the club he wants a contract for life and that he is at the best club in the world. A few months later, and with no argument with SAF or anything like that, he announces that he won't sign a new contract via his aged and then face to face with SAF says he wants to leave. Refusing to negotiate a new contract is handing a transfer request in minus the obligation not to take a cut of the transfer. He then gets himself into all sorts of trouble again and then tops it off with contradicting SAF about the injury (which appears to have been real in any case). Basically he has not only failed to repay the loyalty that the club have shown him which you can expect from modern players but then takes the piss to make sure the transfer gets out into the open.

No. I can't imagine why the club are a bit disappointed by his behavior.

Team Brian GB

Baby Cameron loves X-Factor
Jan 11, 2008
Well when is a good time? Would you have rathered him sign a new contract and decide he wants out within six months of that? Then you'd all be saying why did he bother, you have plenty of time with him still under contract, the fact he informed the club of his intentions before any contract negotiations were to begin means Man United would be foolish if they began making hay of not being given enough time to sell him for his worth.

The one thing Man United fans have discussed more than anything else over the last five years is the impending doom brought about by the Glazer takeover - that you are heading into a blackhole, that funds are being diverted to keep the club and holding company solvent, that Man United will decline as a force in football etc. etc. Perhaps it became clear to him over the summer that this position may in fact be a solid one, looking at the squad your club had heading into the season whilst looking at Mourinho constructing his squad in Madrid and Man City bring in their latest line of players. I'm sure there are plenty of things evident in the Old Trafford dressing room about the future, about where the club is heading, how much money can be spent and consequently how likely it will be for any player winning trophies long term.

If indeed he was to go to Man City it would be far too self righteous of you to pin it squarely on wages, the way many players will see it from now on is that Man City is the better bet to win trophies year after year - indeed any good club where Rooney would go would become an excellent club just by his move.


Full Member
Jul 12, 2009
United could spend £85million on David De Gea, Phi
Well when is a good time? Would you have rathered him sign a new contract and decide he wants out within six months of that? Then you'd all be saying why did he bother, you have plenty of time with him still under contract, the fact he informed the club of his intentions before any contract negotiations were to begin means Man United would be foolish if they began making hay of not being given enough time to sell him for his worth.

The one thing Man United fans have discussed more than anything else over the last five years is the impending doom brought about by the Glazer takeover - that you are heading into a blackhole, that funds are being diverted to keep the club and holding company solvent, that Man United will decline as a force in football etc. etc. Perhaps it became clear to him over the summer that this position may in fact be a solid one, looking at the squad your club had heading into the season whilst looking at Mourinho constructing his squad in Madrid and Man City bring in their latest line of players. I'm sure there are plenty of things evident in the Old Trafford dressing room about the future, about where the club is heading, how much money can be spent and consequently how likely it will be for any player winning trophies long term.

If indeed he was to go to Man City it would be far too self righteous of you to pin it squarely on wages, the way many players will see it from now on is that Man City is the better bet to win trophies year after year - indeed any good club where Rooney would go would become an excellent club just by his move.
Well obviously yes, we then wouldn't be in a situation where we find ourselves looking at having to accept bids as much as 30 million below what we should be getting for a player like him.

Ronaldo signed a new contract knowing full well he was leaving soon after and the club knew it to, what it did was enable us to get top whack as compensation for losing him.

Team Brian GB

Baby Cameron loves X-Factor
Jan 11, 2008
Well obviously yes, we then wouldn't be in a situation where we find ourselves looking at having to accept bids as much as 30 million below what we should be getting for a player like him.

Ronaldo signed a new contract knowing full well he was leaving soon after and the club knew it to, what it did was enable us to get top whack as compensation for losing him.
Well you could argue forever what his true valuation should be, what many Man United fans would consider to be unfair because of his contract situation many not connected with the club would say is due to being out of form for the best part of a year after only one year at a peak level.

A player the level of Rooney does not become openly available on the market at all often - Man City build big for anyone that has ever been for a trial in the premier league, Chelsea will obviously be thinking about how to replace Drogba long term, Madrid are always making bids for 'marquee' players whilst no doubt Barcelona would be interested as well. Do you not believe they will not all force each other to keep the valuation of any bid very high?


Not the only poster to be named Poster of the Year
Jan 27, 2009
Editing my own posts.
Let this be a warning to those of you thinking about posting things even slightly as gay and embarrassing as that...It WILL end up in the national press. Facht!

Women, know your limits!