New York Times stands by 'racist tweets' reporter

The Firestarter

Full Member
Apr 8, 2010
Nor do I - at least not by way of Twitter pressure. The times is probably populated with enough likeminded people to where they actually do agree with much of tweet history.
Reading some of the tweets, I don't think she is particularly intelligent either.


Aug 14, 1999
Hollywood CA
Reading some of the tweets, I don't think she is particularly intelligent either.
Interestingly, this entire episode has suddenly put the neo-marxist left on the backfoot of having to explain their position of why its ok to be racist to whites. Entertaining watching them twist themselves into pretzels to whip up moral positions to justify it.


nasty little twerp with crazy bitter-man opinions
Jun 6, 2011
I'm typing this with my Glock 19 two feet from me
Too bad she didn't specify that the tweets were pertaining to American whites only.
thats okay. like i said i dont know anything about her outside of this thread so i dont really care whether she gets fired or not. im interested in the larger issue of racism and white conservative americans in the 21st century, literally the most privileged, safe, secure humans in the history of the world, trying to become victims


Full Member
Jun 24, 2013
I think we can safely say super privileged people shouldn't be racist and definitely shouldnt then play the victim.

Which again begs the question, why does Sarah Jeong get to do both?


Full Member
Aug 21, 2010
As someone privy to a lot of black twitter some of those tweets she makes are common jokes there. She's espousing the hurt and anger felt by minorities in the US. Some of them are going too far though but most are common. Also, she's clearly not being serious in a lot of those but its perspective I guess.


Full Member
Feb 5, 2012
Good example of why you should be careful with your words and actions, especially in social media where everything you post can be seen and archived. Past deeds follow you around a lot longer than you want it to depending on circumstances.

She may be smart but is certainly not a wise person. Don’t know what NYT was thinking in hiring her.

The Firestarter

Full Member
Apr 8, 2010
As someone privy to a lot of black twitter some of those tweets she makes are common jokes there. She's espousing the hurt and anger felt by minorities in the US. Some of them are going too far though but most are common. Also, she's clearly not being serious in a lot of those but its perspective I guess.
If it was any other race, a nuclear reaction would have occurred from the collective hate towards the author. 'Clearly not being serious' doesn't fly here. Of course she wasn't. She is not the Asian Hitler.


Full Member
Sep 16, 2015
what do we really mean about racism? i mean, at least in america, white people are generally not denied jobs for their race. there arent significant groups of people who would prefer their child not marry a white person. white people dont get disproportionately longer prison sentences. they werent redlined. they werent denied the right to vote. they werent enslaved. they werent lynched. they werent the victims of rosewood or tulsa. they werent denied entrance to universities. their families werent split up in auction houses. laws werent passed to exclude them from federal jobs. they werent banned from playing in the major leagues. their churches werent bombed. and so on.
Neither did Korean-Americans though. Is she getting angry on behalf of African-Americans? Can I get angry on behalf of the Chinese for centuries of Japanese aggression and go for a #CancelTheJapanese hashtag?

so what racism are we talking about? personal dislike of another race? or system injustice over centuries. for racism to really mean anything it has to be backed by power. whites have almost all of the power in this country. the government is run by a white supremacist. so while i dont know anything about her other than what has been quoted in this thread, nothing has been offensive in any real way. whereas the racism andrew sullivan espouses is backed by institutional power and a history of it in action killing and raping and stealing from the people he denigrates. he can frankly feck off
The problem with this narrative is that people are not contiguous groups, not all whiter people are in position of power and not all non-white people are systematically prejudiced. People are individuals too and as individuals they can be in position of power or not. Sarah Jeong being on the board of the NY Times is technically being in a position of power over hundreds of employees. Are you saying that if you have a board member in your company that openly dislikes a racial group, that somehow is not problematic and can be laughed off?

Not downplaying the larger extent of institutional racism in America, but also it'd be largely disingenuous to be claiming that it was equally applied to anyone non-white. African-Americans bore the brunt of it. Latinos to a much lesser but still significant extent. Koreans and Far East Asians? Not really.

But the core problem, I think, is that if you legitimise bigotry and prejudice under the pretext that "it's OK if it's not coming from people in position of power" the effect is you just get more prejudice and bigotry back. It leads nowhere good. The more you think that Jeong's type of speech is acceptable, the more likely you are to end up with another Trump. The rhetoric just gets angrier, the politics more partisan. You can basically only really move on in America if the moderate voices are louder than the extreme voices. At the moment the former are being drowned by the screeches from the latter. On either side.


Don't Just Fly…Soar!
Jan 6, 2008
Thucydides nuts

Bitch is racist, no doubt about that.
The three main defenses seem to be 1. she was imitating her attackers 2. racism against whites is less/not serious and 3. it's just a joke.

1. Perhaps, but if so she is also imitating her attackers outside of these provocations, in casual conversation. Sure imitation is a form of human learning but at some point you have to be responsible for your own stupid actions whether picked up through imitation or not.

2. It's a fair point. The reaction of being racially offended by the tweets seems a bit excessive. Yet some of these tweets are really quite unpleasant race aside.

3. The Chubby Brown defence.

Forget racism I wouldn't want someone as seemingly shit as she is working for my paper. But then Richard Littlejohn, Hopkins, Morgan, etc. do extremely well out of the shit show media so why not another shithead. It's all in the gutter now anyway.


Aug 14, 1999
Hollywood CA
This is basically a rehash of the Dyson/Peterson exchange from a couple of months ago.



Caf's Milton Friedman and Arse Aficionado
Dec 17, 2013
Brazil, Arsenal,LA Aztecs
Interestingly, this entire episode has suddenly put the neo-marxist left on the backfoot of having to explain their position of why its ok to be racist to whites. Entertaining watching them twist themselves into pretzels to whip up moral positions to justify it.
Who is the neo-Marxist left though? I don't think I've seen anyone really defend her except her current and past employers and co-workers. Its really silly of the NYT to hire her in the first place. If they looked through her tweets they should have just not hired her. Plenty of people could have filled that role (Atlantic and Wired alone have dozens of bloggers better than she was for a role of technology editor). Its annoying this nonsense distracts from the more important issues though.


nasty little twerp with crazy bitter-man opinions
Jun 6, 2011
I'm typing this with my Glock 19 two feet from me
Neither did Korean-Americans though. Is she getting angry on behalf of African-Americans? Can I get angry on behalf of the Chinese for centuries of Japanese aggression and go for a #CancelTheJapanese hashtag?
i dont know. i wouldnt like to make proclamations about race relations in countries ive never been to. im american and live in america though so i feel comfortable discussing that.

The problem with this narrative is that people are not contiguous groups, not all whiter people are in position of power and not all non-white people are systematically prejudiced. People are individuals too and as individuals they can be in position of power or not. Sarah Jeong being on the board of the NY Times is technically being in a position of power over hundreds of employees. Are you saying that if you have a board member in your company that openly dislikes a racial group, that somehow is not problematic and can be laughed off?
sure i suppose its a problem. but less of a problem than people the new york times currently employs. lets take a quick trip down memory lane.

All of these people are more powerful than sarah jeong. all of them hold views also held by people in power. so jeong is a bit lower on the list, yet none of the people up in arms about this are trying to get them fired. so i think its all a bit disingenuous
Not downplaying the larger extent of institutional racism in America, but also it'd be largely disingenuous to be claiming that it was equally applied to anyone non-white. African-Americans bore the brunt of it. Latinos to a much lesser but still significant extent. Koreans and Far East Asians? Not really.
theres a long history of mistreatment of chinese immigrants. we put japanese people in camps.

But the core problem, I think, is that if you legitimise bigotry and prejudice under the pretext that "it's OK if it's not coming from people in position of power" the effect is you just get more prejudice and bigotry back. It leads nowhere good. The more you think that Jeong's type of speech is acceptable, the more likely you are to end up with another Trump. The rhetoric just gets angrier, the politics more partisan. You can basically only really move on in America if the moderate voices are louder than the extreme voices. At the moment the former are being drowned by the screeches from the latter. On either side.

i dont agree and i think it goes back to my belief that the objections to her arent on the level. i think if you encourage the people who do this they will continue to do so. Weird Mike Cernovich has been doing it for years. they arent genuine in their stated beliefs of anti racism and i think if you give them the benefit of the doubt you are hurting your cause. best is to just tell them to feck off. they will never ever be part of the solution.


Aug 14, 1999
Hollywood CA
Who is the neo-Marxist left though? I don't think I've seen anyone really defend her except her current and past employers and co-workers. Its really silly of the NYT to hire her in the first place. If they looked through her tweets they should have just not hired her. Plenty of people could have filled that role (Atlantic and Wired alone have dozens of bloggers better than she was for a role of technology editor). Its annoying this nonsense distracts from the more important issues though.
From what I've seen she is a pretty good tech writer and has published a book (on online harassment ironically), so that was likely their logic in bringing her on board. I have a hard time they actually scrutinized her past social media activity which if they had would've made her unhireable.

Fully Fledged

Full Member
May 23, 2013
Midlands UK
what do we really mean about racism? i mean, at least in america, white people are generally not denied jobs for their race. there arent significant groups of people who would prefer their child not marry a white person. white people dont get disproportionately longer prison sentences. they werent redlined. they werent denied the right to vote. they werent enslaved. they werent lynched. they werent the victims of rosewood or tulsa. they werent denied entrance to universities. their families werent split up in auction houses. laws werent passed to exclude them from federal jobs. they werent banned from playing in the major leagues. their churches werent bombed. and so on.

so what racism are we talking about? personal dislike of another race? or system injustice over centuries. for racism to really mean anything it has to be backed by power. whites have almost all of the power in this country. the government is run by a white supremacist. so while i dont know anything about her other than what has been quoted in this thread, nothing has been offensive in any real way. whereas the racism andrew sullivan espouses is backed by institutional power and a history of it in action killing and raping and stealing from the people he denigrates. he can frankly feck off
I actually have been denied a job because of my race. I was out of work and applied to become a prison officer. I went in and sat the test and scored in the top 1% of all applicants but got a letter saying they were sorry but I wasn't the demographic they were looking for.

I wasn't talking about institutional racism though. I was talking about how people on the street, individuals treat each other. If you think it's okay to insult me or anybody else based on their race then I don't know what to say to you. Even if someone did it to me though I still wouldn't do it back.


DUX' bumchum
May 10, 2009
applied to become a prison officer. I went in and sat the test and scored in the top 1% of all applicants but got a letter saying they were sorry but I wasn't the demographic they were looking for.
They done you a favour, you UK based? Prison officers are becoming way too overworked for what they get paid!


Full Member
Aug 30, 2013
I actually have been denied a job because of my race. I was out of work and applied to become a prison officer. I went in and sat the test and scored in the top 1% of all applicants but got a letter saying they were sorry but I wasn't the demographic they were looking for.

I wasn't talking about institutional racism though. I was talking about how people on the street, individuals treat each other. If you think it's okay to insult me or anybody else based on their race then I don't know what to say to you. Even if someone did it to me though I still wouldn't do it back.
You scored in the top 1% they wrote to you.

You should have sold that to the Mail or Guardian.

Glad NYT didn't cave to the disingenuous trolls with their fake outrage.


Hates Beyoncé
Apr 22, 2014
I actually have been denied a job because of my race. I was out of work and applied to become a prison officer. I went in and sat the test and scored in the top 1% of all applicants but got a letter saying they were sorry but I wasn't the demographic they were looking for.
You were discriminated for a job based on your demographic, by the Government, you had written proof of this and you... didn't sue? You didn't do anything?

Glad NYT didn't cave to the disingenuous trolls with their fake outrage.
Very true.

Fully Fledged

Full Member
May 23, 2013
Midlands UK
You were discriminated for a job based on your demographic, by the Government, you had written proof of this and you... didn't sue? You didn't do anything?

Very true.
The Race Relations Act of 2000 reinforced public authorities' duties to prevent racial discrimination, promote racial equality and promote good relations between members of different racial groups. All forty-three police forces in England and Wales were required to meet targets set by the government to increase the number of recruits from minority ethnic communities.
I found the one about the police but not the prison. It was public policy set out by the race relations act to increase recruits from ethnic minorities. Do I still have the letter nearly 20 years on? No that's long gone.

Edit: The fact is that I agree that we need to increase diversity in the police and the prison service so why would I sue.


Hates Beyoncé
Apr 22, 2014
I found the one about the police but not the prison. It was public policy set out by the race relations act to increase recruits from ethnic minorities. Do I still have the letter nearly 20 years on? No that's long gone.

Edit: The fact is that I agree that we need to increase diversity in the police and the prison service so why would I sue.
I'm fully aware of what the race relation policy set out to do.
It wasn't public policy to deny jobs to people because of their race - that's actively what it set out not to do - but rather provide minorities more opportunities to interview. Further, it's intention wasn't to stop white people from getting jobs, or only give jobs to minorities - it just levels the field at interview stage.

I'm struggling to come to terms with the idea that a Government body would tell someone that they weren't going to hire them on the basis of their race, and then write this in a letter.

Fully Fledged

Full Member
May 23, 2013
Midlands UK
I'm fully aware of what the race relation policy set out to do.
It wasn't public policy to deny jobs to people because of their race - that's actively what it set out not to do - but rather provide minorities more opportunities to interview. Further, it's intention wasn't to stop white people from getting jobs, or only give jobs to minorities - it just levels the field at interview stage.

I'm struggling to come to terms with the idea that a Government body would tell someone that they weren't going to hire them on the basis of their race, and then write this in a letter.
Believe me or don't believe me I don't really care.


Full Member
Nov 25, 2015
What is flying over a lot of heads here is the fact that by these tweets she lost all credibilty as a serious journalist and as far as I know, the NYT practices serious journalism.

I doubt white people are actually offended by her tweets, because boo fecking hoo we get sunburn.

Someone publically stating they enjoy being cruel to old people is not qualified for a job at the NYT. Perhaps Vice has a job for her.

Also, she is so very obviously racist. I don’t give a feck, but she is. It’s like the media are trying to help Trump say see The media are shite.


Full Member
Aug 30, 2013
What is flying over a lot of heads here is the fact that by these tweets she lost all credibilty as a serious journalist and as far as I know, the NYT practices serious journalism.

I doubt white people are actually offended by her tweets, because boo fecking hoo we get sunburn.

Someone publically stating they enjoy being cruel to old people is not qualified for a job at the NYT. Perhaps Vice has a job for her.

Also, she is so very obviously racist. I don’t give a feck, but she is. It’s like the media are trying to help Trump say see The media are shite.

Calling B.S on that, she's a very much respect journalist, has happens to be a outspoken feminist, which means she's a 'feminazi' to the alt-right trolls that roam the internet.
They their spend time looking for old jokes & tweets to weaponize for their fake outrage.


Hates Beyoncé
Apr 22, 2014
What is flying over a lot of heads here is the fact that by these tweets she lost all credibilty as a serious journalist and as far as I know, the NYT practices serious journalism.

I doubt white people are actually offended by her tweets, because boo fecking hoo we get sunburn.

Someone publically stating they enjoy being cruel to old people is not qualified for a job at the NYT. Perhaps Vice has a job for her.

Also, she is so very obviously racist. I don’t give a feck, but she is. It’s like the media are trying to help Trump say see The media are shite.
Trump managed to be president while being openly racist so forgive me if its difficult for me to empathise in the grand scheme of things. Nothing is flying over my head.

Is anyone here a subscriber of the NYT? Or reads the publication regularly? If not, then how will it affect your life in anyway? Surely she's just an individual with an opinion.
And even so, there will be plenty of other journalists with opposing opinions, so it's like you'll be forced to read her writing.


Full Member
Sep 16, 2015
Calling B.S on that, she's a very much respect journalist, has happens to be a outspoken feminist, which means she's a 'feminazi' to the alt-right trolls that roam the internet.
They their spend time looking for old jokes & tweets to weaponize for their fake outrage.
True but the same happens from both sides, not just the alt-right.


Full Member
Nov 25, 2015
Calling B.S on that, she's a very much respect journalist, has happens to be a outspoken feminist, which means she's a 'feminazi' to the alt-right trolls that roam the internet.
They their spend time looking for old jokes & tweets to weaponize for their fake outrage.
Calling B.S on what exactly?

That what she said is racist or that someone writing for a respected publication as the NYT shouldn't go on 2 year Twitter rants?

I'm sure you're right about the outrage. As I said I'm not offended by her Tweets in the least, but we are in the age of Twitter policing and firing people over dumb past tweets. We should at least be consequent.


Full Member
Nov 25, 2015
Trump managed to be president while being openly racist so forgive me if its difficult for me to empathise in the grand scheme of things. Nothing is flying over my head.

Is anyone here a subscriber of the NYT? Or reads the publication regularly? If not, then how will it affect your life in anyway? Surely she's just an individual with an opinion.
And even so, there will be plenty of other journalists with opposing opinions, so it's like you'll be forced to read her writing.
The people voted for Trump, blame them.

I'm not talking about morality here, as I said, I'm not offended by what she says, since I do get sunburn and I don't give a feck. It's just a dumb business decision to keep her on staff, especially because it will only further fuel the FAKE NEWS, biased media nonsense Trump spouts.