
The theory itself is utter bullshit. But the sexual abuse of minors by powerful men throughout all branches of society is of course a very real thing. The existence of such schemes(?) was never really disputed. Marc Dutroux is an example for it.

I was specifically thinking about the organized network of abusers.
I was specifically thinking about the organized network of abusers.
I think that's not shocking to anyone either.

And that's the point of Pizzagate. It was just a bunch of somewhat logical assumptions, rumors, conspiracy theories and so on mixed together to create this super evil conspiracy. But that many aspects of it were mostly likely somewhat true and real, was never really doubted. But this specific thing was just bullshit.
I'd forgotten about this one.

No wonder Simpsons declined so badly when this is reality now. 15 years ago this would be a Simpsons scene. Guy in the middle of a crowd holds up picture of a lying, cheating, women-molesting, racist, bigotted pseudo-politician alongside a child molester. Crowd (with "Make America Great Again" made in China hats) randomly chants "USA, USA". Pseudo-politician with a wig jokes about guy's haircut.

Icredible stuff. How do satirists make a living these days?
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No wonder Simpsons declined so badly when this is reality now. 15 years ago this would be a Simpsons scene. Guy in the middle of a crowd holds up picture of a lying, cheating, women-molesting, racist, bigotted pseudo-politician alongside a child molester. Crowd (with "Make America Great Again" made in China hats) randomly chants "USA, USA". Pseudo-politician with a wig jokes about guy's haircut.

Icredible stuff. How do satirists make a living these days?
Enough irony in that to make your head explode.
No wonder Simpsons declined so badly when this is reality now. 15 years ago this would be a Simpsons scene. Guy in the middle of a crowd holds up picture of a lying, cheating, women-molesting, racist, bigotted pseudo-politician alongside a child molester. Crowd (with "Make America Great Again" made in China hats) randomly chants "USA, USA". Pseudo-politician with a wig jokes about guy's haircut.

Icredible stuff. How do satirists make a living these days?
Make documentaries.
I think that's not shocking to anyone either.

And that's the point of Pizzagate. It was just a bunch of somewhat logical assumptions, rumors, conspiracy theories and so on mixed together to create this super evil conspiracy. But that many aspects of it were mostly likely somewhat true and real, was never really doubted. But this specific thing was just bullshit.

There was a lot of nonsense in it, particularly when idiots started with the language analysis and satanism/blood drinking nonsense. What is interesting about Pizzagate was the way the idea Bill Clinton had abused underage girls was written off, when in reality Epstein's records undoubtedly prove him to be at least an accessory to it if not almost certainly a partaker.
Mr Acosta told reporters: "I do not think it is right and fair... to have Epstein as the focus rather than the incredible economy that we have today".

But he added: "It would be selfish for me to stay in this position and continue talking about a case that's 12 years old."

As expected, Acosta has resigned. Weird reason but it would be too honest if he gave the real one.
Similar reasoning, in spirit, to Trump's desperate protest that he shouldn't be impeached because he's 'popular'. Weak, and telling.
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Yes, get the feeling that more stuff is coming soon.

Seems like Epstein hired a “heavy squad” last time which may have been the reason he got off so lightly. Let’s hope SDNY are on top of this.

Acosta described a "year-long assault on the prosecution and prosecutors" in a 2011 letter that was cited in part in court filings and published in its entirety by the Daily Beast.
"I use the word assault intentionally, as the defense in this case was more aggressive than any which I, or the prosecutors in my office, had previously encountered," he wrote.
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Jeffrey Epstein: how US media – with one star exception – whitewashed the story
The Miami Herald exposed a vast criminal network and a government cover-up – but why the silence elsewhere?
When Julie K Brown of the Miami Herald approached a former police chief of Palm Beach, Florida, in 2017, hoping to get him to open up about his investigation of the child sex crimes for which the wealthy financier Jeffrey Epstein had been fleetingly jailed a decade earlier, she was surprised by how unresponsive he was.

Michael Reiter told Brown he had been down this road many times and was sick of it. As Brown recalled in a WNYC interview last month, Reiter said he had talked to many reporters and told them precisely where to find damning evidence against Epstein. But nothing ever came of it.

“He was convinced that a lot of media had squashed the story and he was fed up,” she said.

Reiter warned Brown what would happen were she to continue digging: “Somebody’s going to call your publisher and the next thing you know you are going to be assigned to the obituaries department.”
ELI5 plz?

These allegations about Andrew have been bubbling away for years, and have now reached MSM reporting a few days ago.

But Andrew/ICC/ECB don't seem to give a siht as he presented England team with the cricket World Cup trophy on Sunday in front of a billion+ global audience!

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This stuff is so crazy. There's a whole world out there that the average citizen doesn't know about.
No wonder Simpsons declined so badly when this is reality now. 15 years ago this would be a Simpsons scene. Guy in the middle of a crowd holds up picture of a lying, cheating, women-molesting, racist, bigotted pseudo-politician alongside a child molester. Crowd (with "Make America Great Again" made in China hats) randomly chants "USA, USA". Pseudo-politician with a wig jokes about guy's haircut.

Icredible stuff. How do satirists make a living these days?

They print the news.
Just this morning, the government became aware of a safe that contained a pile of cash, diamonds, a passport from a foreign country with a picture of the defendant under another name," Assistant U.S. Attorney Alex Rossmiller told U.S. District Judge Richard M. Berman.

"The passport was issued in the name of a foreign country, it was issued in the 1980s, it is expired, it shows a picture of Jeffrey Epstein, and another name," Rossmiller said, adding the passport showed Epstein's residence as Saudi Arabia.
Saudi? Another strange link to SA.
Epstein’s bail hearing today. False passports, large amounts of money they know about, maybe large amounts they don’t know about, unlimited access to rich friends. Don’t know why judge Berman can’t make a decision until Thursday.....

Waiting for our world overlords to tell the judge what to do next?
feck off with that. We are happy celebrating the one time we win the world cup, just leave it out of this thread. Thanks.
Hope this is a joke and even if it is it is a poor one for one in which allegations as serious as these are being discussed.
I dread to think the amount of "powerful" people involved in this shit... I reckon the vast majority of people with a bit of dough tbh.

Good piece on something that always irritates me when this sort of thing is discussed. Incorrect accusations of paedophilia.

The replies beneath the tweet are predictably full of mouth frothing indignation. People are the worst.
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Good piece on something that always irritates me when this sort of thing is discussed. Incorrect accusations of paedophilia.

And the majority of the responses to that tweet perfectly illustrate why it's almost impossible to have a nuanced discussion about it.

Anyway back to this cnut. I mean it's obvious that he's got some serious shit on some pretty high up people so I'm more intrigued as to why it's coming out now when it's blatantly been brushed under the carpet in the past. By all accounts the last time he was busted, he was pretty much just allowed to carry on as normal so he's obviously got people pulling strings for him. Tried to blackmail the wrong person?

Good piece on something that always irritates me when this sort of thing is discussed. Incorrect accusations of paedophilia.

The replies beneath the tweet are predictably full of mouth frothing indignation. People are the worst.

And twitter people are even worse than that! And yeah it's annoying when the word pedophile is misused so much that it loses it's meaning.

Ironically actual pedo's profit because after being released they can then create the impression that they were fecking 17 olds and got locked up for that...

(Not that i'm condoning anything that this guy did, that is an entirely different point).