
I’m not sure what the context is but all the clip shows is Ozil driving away while his teammate faces down knife wielding thugs on his own. That reinforces the image he has of going missing when you need him so it’s convenient for people to believe.

Regardless of the context anyway people only know what they saw in the clip and unfortunately for Ozil it looks really bad.
Reports seem to confirm that Özil hid in the restaurant. The idiots attacking was also reportedly targeting him.
Honestly, I like you Kostur, but I think it's a bit small-time to get negative about a escape-reaction when you are attacked.

It's fine man, I always take the piss out of him :)
Mesut Rapinoe can't be much use in a scrap. As he slowly makes the transition from lazy b@stard to MVP at the women's world cup, I can't help but wonder if Arsenal fans would rather Megan instead?
Really easy think to say, unless you were in that position nobody knows how they would react. We are chatting about people wielding knives with intent to use them. It's split second decisions with life changing consequences. I don't live in London but with the current knife crime attacks, I'm not sure I would be laying down if I thought they were going to stab me regardless. That said I wasn't in that situation and I don't know how I would react.

It's an understandable reaction, like you say instinct but that doesn't make it less stupid. In 99% of cases all these guys are interested in is a quick and easy score of watches, jewellery etc, they're not looking to hurt or kill people.

Reacting like Kolasinac in the heat of the moment is one thing but i'd hope on reflection he is more along the lines of "feck that could have went horribly wrong" and not "i'm the man".
I'm not clear on what his strategy is really. He's clearly never going to pour loads of cash in as that would make zero business sense so what's his gain here? Maybe just a handy place to park loads of cash?

An investment for him, there will probably be a bumper increase in revenues around the corner and value will only go up further. Remains to be seen

Your club's situation resembles a lot of United's. Yes we are able to spend (somewhat) but we also have many deadwoods that we are not able to ship off. I still feel to just have a budget of 40m is an absolute joke for a club like Arsenal.

Man Utd even without CL football have insane commercial revenue, our commercials have been dire for years now. Dunno what the feck Gazidis getting paid for because when you look at clubs around us we have massively underperformed on but off the pitch as well. Supposedly at the time highest paid chief exec in the PL when he was with us....
An investment for him, there will probably be a bumper increase in revenues around the corner and value will only go up further. Remains to be seen

Man Utd even without CL football have insane commercial revenue, our commercials have been dire for years now. Dunno what the feck Gazidis getting paid for because when you look at clubs around us we have massively underperformed on but off the pitch as well. Supposedly at the time highest paid chief exec in the PL when he was with us....

Are there solid figures which show how much he's taken out of the club? I thought there was only one big siphon a few years ago.
You might think of Ozil as a lightweight in terms of football, but the man is still huge compared to the average man.

Alright first of all I can understand Ozil driving the wives away to some degree (maybe kolasinac told him to...)but you also need to admit how it looks leaving his mate by himself.

My main point though, according to google Ozil is 5’11” and 168 pounds (12 stone) or 76 kg. How small are you that that is “huge”? I’m 6 foot 185lb and no one would ever describe me as huge...
Hard men on the internet acting tough. Everyone is mesmerized.
Kolasinic is a fecking legend! Hardest man in football now? Surely fighting off a knife weilding car jacker counts for a lot with respect to that... :lol:
Ozil and Kolasanic are not playing in the opening games due to security incidents. Wonder if Ozil is targeted due to who he hangs about with.
Only just saw this story. I'm simultaneously impressed by Kolasinac's bravery and Ozil's uncanny understanding of how not to get stabbed in a carjacking.
Ozil and Kolasanic are not playing in the opening games due to security incidents. Wonder if Ozil is targeted due to who he hangs about with.

Dosen't sound good at all if there's ongoing threats and his safety travelling to games can't be guarenteed.
This needs to be brought under-control, as do car-jacking / moped crimes in general.

The sentences for people using helmets as masks to commit crime need to be made very high - it's fecking cowardly, and the crimes happening now are getting more and more nasty.

Need to start making examples of these cretins.
I'd assume tv cameras camped outside would be adequate enough security unless they left.
Remember when the caf faithful wanted this dud along with Alexis? Some also wanted Wilshere.

What do people reckon, since Pogba got marked out of the PSG home fixture not one of our 10's has had a meaningful performance since. In a team that lacks creativity through the middle could Ozil be an answer to this issue ?

I actually think Mesut would suit Solskjaer's management, we don't really adopt a system that helps players thrive, so having an individual who already has the footballing IQ to make it without detailed coaching instruction would surely benefit the teams performances.

Ozil was also ridiculously crafty with runners into spaces at Madrid, whereas Arsenal typically drop into pockets of space to recieve the ball, he would imo fit like a glove in our current set of circumstances with James / Martial / Rashford. Having an extra creative individual also occupies the opposition defensive responsibility so marking him would free up the attacking players and or Pogba.
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What do people reckon, since Pogba got marked out of the PSG home fixture not one of our 10's has had a meaningful performance since. In a team that lacks creativity through the middle could Ozil be an answer to this issue ?

I actually think Mesut would suit Solskjaer's management, we don't really adopt a system that helps players thrive, so having an individual who already has the footballing IQ to make it without detailed coaching instruction would surely benefit the teams performances.

Ozil was also ridiculously crafty with runners into spaces at Madrid, whereas Arsenal typically drop into pockets of space to recieve the ball, he would imo fit like a glove in our current set of circumstances with James / Martial / Rashford. Having an extra creative individual also occupies the opposition defensive responsibility so marking him would free up the attacking players and or Pogba.

Ozil should be playing at Arsenal but as a past prime player on huge wages isn't the profile of player United should be chasing
If he took a cut I don't see it harming, we need more creativity and an in form Ozil offers it in spades.
What do people reckon, since Pogba got marked out of the PSG home fixture not one of our 10's has had a meaningful performance since. In a team that lacks creativity through the middle could Ozil be an answer to this issue ?

I actually think Mesut would suit Solskjaer's management, we don't really adopt a system that helps players thrive, so having an individual who already has the footballing IQ to make it without detailed coaching instruction would surely benefit the teams performances.

Ozil was also ridiculously crafty with runners into spaces at Madrid, whereas Arsenal typically drop into pockets of space to recieve the ball, he would imo fit like a glove in our current set of circumstances with James / Martial / Rashford. Having an extra creative individual also occupies the opposition defensive responsibility so marking him would free up the attacking players and or Pogba.

Signing yet another out of favor and washed up footballer? Guys I've found Woodward's caf account.
:lol: wouldnt take this spineless clown even he pays us but he would feel right at home with some of our pricks.


Guess he is better at Fortnite now than playing football.
He would be an awful signing. Thankfully Solskjaer doesn't seem interested in us being a retirement home for declining superstars.
I thought that it would be worth a try to sign him when we’ve signed Sanchez, but surely now it’s blatantly obvious that he’s not going to drastically change the way his career has been going for the past few years.

Like Di Maria, he never had the character to be a main star of a big team, although both thrived as a supporting players.
He s past it, shows no interest in the game, not to mention he s in the top 5 most paid players in Epl.
It would be Sanchez fiasco all over again.
Thankfully this won't happen
People are crazy wanting Ozil at United. The guy is done.
Yep, he has regressed a lot and his bond with Erdogan only adds more fire. You dont want that guy here right now. I didnt want him years ago and wouldnt want him now on a free on 10k a week.
It’s hilarious how people want Özil.

People like scholes say we need him, but then sit there slagging off a player like pogba :lol:

Özil is lazier, plays less, paid more and has an even worse attitude.

When he’s at his best he’s one of the most creative players in the world - but there’s no way our team could carry him
I thought that it would be worth a try to sign him when we’ve signed Sanchez, but surely now it’s blatantly obvious that he’s not going to drastically change the way his career has been going for the past few years.

Like Di Maria, he never had the character to be a main star of a big team, although both thrived as a supporting players.
meh he is fine. His problem is he plays for arsenal. You put him in a balanced team and he creates wonders. Emery is just a dummy who plays torreira as a 10 every now and then.