Positive Thread (the old title was a joke)

People go on about Jose parking the bus (someone posted an alternate professions for managers meme on my Facebook calling him a bus driver), but the only team who've scored more goals than us in the league is City.
Its a rhetoric. If we had properly parked the bus against City, they wouldn't have got 3 points.
This is obviously one place lower than we want to be, but for the first time since sir Alex left we can say with confidence that we are a better team than Chelsea, Arsenal, Liverpool and Tottenham. Okay, debate can be welcomed regarding this but under moyes, two years under lvg and last year under Jose we couldn't have made that claim with a straight face.

It's been great progress. I've been thinking about it in the last week and it's obvious to me, that city's form is making us all feel a lot worse about things and makes us feel further away than ever, despite the fact this is the best we've been in 5 years.

There's no way City will ever replicate a season like this. Not a chance. Had we finished a close second to city or Chelsea in a tight race this season I think many would be glad to be up there. City's runaway season is altering reality for us.

For me making sure we just focus on us this season, keep getting good results, hopefully a cup or miracle run in Europe and keep Jose motivated and ready for the challenge.

Overall with all the doom and gloom, we are in a position that seemed an impossibility at many times in recent years. One more step to make

If somebody can point out where this post celebrates being second or implies that it's good enough please point it out. We can talk about progress without saying we think it's enough

Yep, good on ya. It's been a long rebuild, which will make it that much sweeter when we get back to the top. We are inching our way closer...one more summer transfer window and we should be ready to battle for the title. Jose's big game tactics drives me nuts at times, but he's built a solid winning foundation here that we desperately needed.
Its a rhetoric. If we had properly parked the bus against City, they wouldn't have got 3 points.

Well if these people say we're parking the bus, what does that say about the other clubs who all bar one have scored less goals than us in the league?

Imagine if Jose doesn't concentrate on defending, we'd probably have scored 100 goals by now....or be in 4th place, 18 points from the top because we concede stupid goals.
I don't understand how, after the hundreds of posts in this thread, any person can try to claim that a single member is screaming "yay we're in second place". Is it just deliberately posting whatever you like without any regard for what posters have said? Genuinely asking you to explain that last sentence.

Because I've been questioned for saying that for me anything but first isn't good enough. This last poster who I quoted even questioned how long I've been following the club. And my replies haven't been to the "hundreds" or posts on this thread. It was to the original post and those who have quoted me...
Because I've been questioned for saying that for me anything but first isn't good enough. This last poster who I quoted even questioned how long I've been following the club. And my replies haven't been to the "hundreds" or posts on this thread. It was to the original post and those who have quoted me...

Fair enough just took issue as that line has been paraphrased by a fair few posters despite me not seeing anybody suggesting we should be happy with second.

It's not a sign of weakness/ defeatist/ lack of ambition to evaluate where we are right now as improvement, and dare I say going well. We came 6th last year and never really looked like even getting top four. Dare I even mention the horror show before that. It goes without saying that as fans we expect and want nothing more than winning the league. Doesn't mean anything short of that, especially at this time when we had three years of ruining the club, is failure. Ferguson won 13 Titles in 26 years, doesn't mean the 13 years he didn't that anybody had lost ambition or was failing or that not winning it was symptomatic of anything other than there being a better team that year.

I'm more confident than I've been in years that we are close to being fighting for the title again (we would be most years) and won't be catastrophising an amazing city run as any reflection on us.

We have no right to demand titles without any sense of rational thought and reasoning given the circumstances of each year
@SAFicus, as @Nucks alluded to... you need to chill the feck out fella :cool:

My personal opinion is that a full strength United vs. a full strength Chelsea could go either way, but I do think we're a slightly better side full strength.
I think we can confidently say we're better than Arsenal, Spurs, Liverpool
and everyone else below Chelsea in the table for the first time since SAF left. But make no mistake, Chelsea are the current champions, Chelsea and United have played just the once the season, and Chelsea came out on top, they are also extremely close to us in the table, one bad result and they're level.
So whilst I like to think that we're slightly better than Chelsea, can I confidently say we're the second best side in the country? no, and that was the point I was making. I'll be waiting until the gap between us and Chelsea increases a fair bit and our performances improve again before making such an insanely rose-tinted claim.

Now if you want to support a club full of deluded sods who can't look at things objectively, RAWK would suit you down to the ground. Or sod it, grab a bible, join a cult.

Isn't that debatable?

Its ok that your doing good 2nd and all but its not like your completely dominating games like city. Points are there on the table but performance?

About the squads Chelsea easyly has the second best team in epl on the paper. Full strength Chelsea is superior than full strength man utd only pogba, DG and may be martial would walk into a full strength Chelsea. Tottenham have a better back 4 than united, Liverpool has better attack than united. Arsenal im not sure where they stand at the moment.
Isn't that debatable?

About as debatable as United being as good or better than City when the current league table shows them 11 points better off than us already in mid-December @mayurr.
This season so far United have been miles better than Tottenham, and a damn site better than Liverpool or Arsenal, so yeah, you can say with some confidence that we’re better than them currently.

The Chelsea thing you can flip on it's head, and not including at least one United centre back (Bailly for exmaple) when Chelsea have been playing Christensen & Cahill is bizarre. So who would definitely start for United from that Chelsea side? Azpilicueta, Kanté, Hazard and a strong case can be made for Morata. Both sides have 3 or 4 positions they need to improve on, hence why they are at a similar level this season, a fair bit behind City who don't have the same weaknesses.
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About as debatable as United being as good or better than City when the current league table shows them 11 points better off than us already in mid-December @mayurr.
This season so far United have been miles better than Tottenham, and a damn site better than Liverpool or Arsenal, so yeah, you can say with some confidence that we’re better than them currently.

The Chelsea thing you can flip on it's head, and not including at least one United centre back (Bailly for exmaple) when Chelsea have been playing Christensen & Cahill is bizarre. So who would definitely start for United from that Chelsea side? Azpilicueta, Kanté, Hazard and a strong case can be made for Morata. Both sides have 3 or 4 positions they need to improve on, hence why they are at a similar level this season, a fair bit behind City who don't have the same weaknesses.

i was not making like for like comparisons. If we really do that, morata over lukaku, hazard over martial...kante, febregas, devid luiz, Azpilicueta we can go on. its a personal assessment and i will still stand by my opinion that Chelsea Xl is better than yours. Players like young, valencia, blind, Herrera, matic, jones, lingard wont make their full strength squad. You can make a case for one or two like Bailly but does that change the overall equation? Again its an objective argument and everyone has their own views. Chelsea being better doesn't mean im saying your team is shit but in man for man comparison that squad is better.

Miles better than tottenham? Damn site better than Liverpool? Points wise you are 6 points better than Liverpool , 10 points better than tottenham who topped that madrid-dortmond group. Points wise yes i agree your doing great but performance? It doesn't look like you are that far ahead of the pack if you are getting my point. That is why i said you are doing great and improving no doubt but 2nd best team in England? Miles ahead of the rest of the top 5 barring city? I personally don't think so.
i was not making like for like comparisons. If we really do that, morata over lukaku, hazard over martial...kante, febregas, devid luiz, Azpilicueta we can go on. its a personal assessment and i will still stand by my opinion that Chelsea Xl is better than yours.

This post is all over the shop so I'll have to break it down.

Like for like means nothing, David Luiz doesn't play and is on his way out. Your opinion is absolutely fine, and if you even read just a couple of my posts in here you'll see that I'm arguing against United being able to confidently say they are 2nd best, because of Chelsea. You're arguing against someone who fecking agrees with you.

Players like young, valencia, blind, Herrera, matic, jones, lingard wont make their full strength squad. You can make a case for one or two like Bailly but does that change the overall equation? Again its an objective argument and everyone has their own views. Chelsea being better doesn't mean im saying your team is shit but in man for man comparison that squad is better.

Valencia would, he's a much better player than Moses and Matic.. well, you'll be hard pressed to find a Chelsea fan that wouldn't prefer to have him back this season over Bakayoko. Both Jones and Bailly are better than Christensen and Cahill who are regulars for Chelsea at the back.

Miles better than tottenham? 10 points better than tottenham who topped that madrid-dortmond group.

10 points :eek:by December is miles, so yes, abso-fecking-lutely. In the same way City can rightfully claim they are miles ahead of United this season. That Tottenham topped a group in which Madrid have had their worst start in a decade or so and are lingering 4th in La Liga and Dortmund who had a shocking CL campaign and are on the same points at the 6th team in the Bundesliga has nothing to do with this debate whatsoever.

Damn site better than Liverpool? Points wise you are 6 points better than Liverpool

Nar, we're a full 7 points ahead of you @mayurr

Points wise yes i agree your doing great but performance? It doesn't look like you are that far ahead of the pack if you are getting my point.

Liverpool are great on their day, as are United. But the table doesn't lie, and United are better because they can play poorly and win, you can't seem to master this.

That is why i said you are doing great and improving no doubt but 2nd best team in England? Miles ahead of the rest of the top 5 barring city? I personally don't think so.

Erm... what the feck? Where has anyone said that? And you're arguing with me ffs, in the very first post you replied to I had written:

RAB said:
"I think we can confidently say we're better than Arsenal, Spurs, Liverpool and everyone else below Chelsea in the table for the first time since SAF left. But make no mistake, Chelsea are the current champions, Chelsea and United have played just the once the season, and Chelsea came out on top, they are also extremely close to us in the table, one bad result and they're level.
So whilst I like to think that we're slightly better than Chelsea, can I confidently say we're the second best side in the country? no, and that was the point I was making. I'll be waiting until the gap between us and Chelsea increases a fair bit and our performances improve again before making such an insanely rose-tinted claim.
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i was not making like for like comparisons. If we really do that, morata over lukaku, hazard over martial...kante, febregas, devid luiz, Azpilicueta we can go on. its a personal assessment and i will still stand by my opinion that Chelsea Xl is better than yours. Players like young, valencia, blind, Herrera, matic, jones, lingard wont make their full strength squad. You can make a case for one or two like Bailly but does that change the overall equation? Again its an objective argument and everyone has their own views. Chelsea being better doesn't mean im saying your team is shit but in man for man comparison that squad is better.

Jose must be the best in the world, to make these useless players play to good level.

BTW you mean squad as in first 11 or 25?
We're Man United, anything either than 1st place for us is a fail. Now as for being second by 11 points? While playing some dire stuff at times, that should not be lauded.
3rd best now and sliding towards being 6th again in line with our actual performance level.
The other teams look to be gathering pace as well. I knew all this "we're second" was premature. Fergie said it enough times.

With the morale and lack of fight we could be 5th. We look a soft touch to a lot of teams I bet. I'll be impressed if Jose can perk up and get this team playing again and finish second or a close third. The coming weeks are incredibly important, could go either way.
Never thought even from start of season we would finish higher than 4th. Chelsea are better than us, City are obviously and I would say we are pretty close with Spurs, Liverpool and Arsenal although all of them have better atttacking players than us. It will be very tough to finish in top 4.
Seems like people take joy from being right. Death to anyone who tries to stay positive, am I right? You bloody moaners got what you wanted so revel in it.
Seems like people take joy from being right. Death to anyone who tries to stay positive, am I right? You bloody moaners got what you wanted so revel in it.

Or we just know it’s all wrong and want it to be different instead of blindly bopping along hoping it will magically fix itself?
Seems like people take joy from being right. Death to anyone who tries to stay positive, am I right? You bloody moaners got what you wanted so revel in it.

To be fair it didn't take a genius to state that we wouldn't remain 2nd for long playing the way we were, I'm usually up beat about United but today really has pissed me off for some reason, I feel like an Arsenal supporter the way this team lacks any real fight, leadership, character, mentality whatever you want to call it, we really are a bunch of pussies our there and the opposition can smell it a mile away.
Or we just know it’s all wrong and want it to be different instead of blindly bopping along hoping it will magically fix itself?
For majority it's easier to take head in the sand approach than looking at the realities, we don't work as a team at all.
We’ll finish 5th or 6th and I think that is a fair reflection of the players and the management.
Dippers are on our tails and on form. Finishing second should not be accepted in any sport .But because you are rewarded for doing so people are alright with it.
Can't believe a poor Chelsea side are ahead of us and the fecking scousers might get there too. Taking 3 points from the last 3 games is absolutely criminal.
Seems like people take joy from being right. Death to anyone who tries to stay positive, am I right? You bloody moaners got what you wanted so revel in it.

Hang on you've been criticising anyone who looks at performance rather than league position for a while now.

When those performances start to affect league position, as we predicted, you're still criticising?

Rather than going defensive maybe take on what others have been saying for a while. Stats are temporary and fleeting. If they're not backed up with performance they'll soon change.
Positivity? Actually there is one thing, our current crisis must/should see us buying new players in January.
The other teams look to be gathering pace as well. I knew all this "we're second" was premature. Fergie said it enough times.

With the morale and lack of fight we could be 5th. We look a soft touch to a lot of teams I bet. I'll be impressed if Jose can perk up and get this team playing again and finish second or a close third. The coming weeks are incredibly important, could go either way.
If the talk of us being in 2nd was premature, when we were actually in 2nd, how is the talk of us finishing out of the top 4 not incredibly premature?
Positivity? Actually there is one thing, our current crisis must/should see us buying new players in January.

Not sure there is a real crisis really, just more of the football we hate, only the results haven't gone our way.

A sticky plaster is January isn't really going to do much, plug on and hope for the best in the summer, that's what it has come to for me.
Jeez, so much for the positive thread. There are dozens of other threads where people are welcome to grumble. Why do you all come and spread your misery in here too?
Seems like people take joy from being right. Death to anyone who tries to stay positive, am I right? You bloody moaners got what you wanted so revel in it.
Let's wait for a situation that suits your narrative and let's see if you take joy in being right?
Got what you wanted? Are you now insinuating that these people that are "right" wanted United to lose?
Let's wait for a situation that suits your narrative and let's see if you take joy in being right?
Got what you wanted? Are you now insinuating that these people that are "right" wanted United to lose?

There was a situation that suited my "narrative" but the whining from people like yourselves never stopped.
We still have the FA Cup. Even if we were outstanding this season we would still be behind City. The title race has been over for a while so whether we finished 2nd, 3rd or 4th is does not matter much.