PL D FA Premier League

Manchester United 0:0 Southampton

Post-match discussion

Sat, 30 December 2017

Will Singh

Full Member
Jun 19, 2013
Theatre of dreams
Toothless, poor and a bunch of pussies. Mata is finished and it’s like Mourinho is just holding on to him to prove a point. Rashford and Lingard ain’t UTD quality and Lukaku (hope he’s ok) missing that easy chance summarised the performance.

I can’t see how Mourinho will take us to the next level as the PL has moved on and he’s still playing he’s old system that got him sacked at Chelsea?


Full Member
Aug 1, 2006
Hope, We Lose
You're a lot more tolerant than I am I guess. I don't make much difference between a missplaced pass and one that is close to be pointless. Mkihtaryan is a master of that (Mata does it too), lots of passes that do nothing to create movements, never mind chances.
Perhaps. I mean, it does bother me when a player can easily play someone in and they hit it slightly too hard making the chance harder or something. And then our striker finishes it really well and we see a bunch of comments about how it was an amazing pass or something. I do notice it and would obviously prefer if things were always top quality and I certainly wont join in raving about something unless I do truly believe it was amazing.

I just dont like how extreme the reactions can get when one of our players is under par. Why people cant look at the good side of an under par performance and what they still managed to do as well as the bad side, I dont know. Surely we should be looking for positivity and encouragement towards the players that are contracted to the football club and instead of posting "He cant pass", "He cant cross", "He's barely a footballer" we can post "He annoys me sometimes when he plays inaccurate passes but I hope he finds his confidence and does better next game"?

Again he wasnt good. He wasnt our best player. He was below what I'd expect from him.

But the people who suggest he didnt do anything right at all simply dont appreciate the things that he did do okay. And perhaps thats on them rather than on him.


Doom-monger obsessed with Herrera & the M.E.N.
Jun 4, 2011
Barrow In Furness
Pogba reacts to the result
He told the BBC:

“We wanted to win today, but we could only get the draw. We need to get back in the winning mentality, because it will be better for all of us.

“We didn’t have the final pass today, and we had a penalty that wasn’t given, and if we had that, and scored, it would’ve changed the game.

“The pressure is coming from behind, but we have to forget about everyone else, and focus on ourselves.”


Full Member
Jan 26, 2016
What is even more frightening is our only world class player DDG, was given MOM by 50% of voters on these boards for the game, & four of the top five were defenders. This is against struggling Southampton at home. A side like ours shouldn't have our goalie consistently being given MOM, which is the sort of thing the likes of Burnley would have.

Strachans Cigar

New Member
Oct 23, 2015
If you take the two best attackers that Jose has signed out of the team, don’t be surprised if our goal threat goes back to what we had under the previous management.


New Member
Jul 7, 2008
Shocking, serious questions need asked of both the players and the manager. Any signings over the transfer window will just paper over the cracks. No confidence in themselves at all they seem to be playing with fear.

Baby Groot

New Member
Sep 19, 2017
Seriously, does SAF have healthy issues? If not can't he do a Heynckes?
Doesn't seems like his having any issues every time I see him in the stands. But I doubt he did fancy a comeback, but he´s 4 years older than Heynckes and Fergie said prior to retirement that if he retired he wouldn't want to do Busby and return, and just to compare when Busby retired and then returned Busby had only been out of the game for 1 and half year, but I Ferguson were to return now it would mean that he had been out of the game for the past 5 years.

Struggling to stay awake watching that..
Feeling old remembering the likes of Giggs, Ronaldo, Scholes, Rooney, Ruud and of course SAF.

How did it come to this?
SAF retired and the board made the wrong decision when it came to recruiting replacements.
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Full Member
May 28, 2011
Spineless display. Seem to have lost any motivation to even try since that City defeat.

Our creativity today consisted of nothing but shit cross after shit cross, so yes it was very much like watching Moyes. Big Sam will have a field day if we attack like that Monday.


New Member
Sep 7, 2014
Thats not true at all. If the ball finds the player he has a chance to make it into something. It might be a bit behind him, or too far for him to get the best contact, but he can keep it alive and do something. I remember several seasons ago when Valencia was praised for making the most crosses in the league. His crosses were usually behind his teammate requiring good work to make them into good opportunities, but sometimes our players were able to do so.

So finding your teammate even if the pass or cross isnt absolutely perfect does mean a good amount. It gives someone else the chance to do something with it, even if it still takes a lot of work.

And given what the rest of his teammates produced today, crosses and passes that werent perfect but found a teammate who were able to get a shot on goal is a big improvement over what most of them produced.

Again, he wasnt good. He just wasnt anywhere near as bad as people want to make out. Similar to the Nani days
Mate, Kouroux is right. He was shite and probably the worst player on the pitch. I'll take my own eyes over stats any day of the week.

Alabaster Codify7

New Member
Mar 11, 2015
Nothing to say that hasn't already been said. Absolutely abysmal. This is what Jose is serving up after £300million of signings and three transfer windows. We are completely shocking at even the most basic elements of the game.

I can't remember the last time I enjoyed one of our games. There is a sickening atmosphere of misery and defeatism that has seeped from the manager down to the players - we are hopeless. Season is basically done, as far as I'm concerned. Another wasted year down the drain. Feck this team. I can honestly say I only care about less than 50% of our squad.


Full Member
Aug 21, 2012

We've fallen apart. We need to get a win ASAP, so just to remember the feeling that a win garners. We can't afford to slip up vs Everton.


Aug 14, 1999
Hollywood CA
We could be out of the F.A. Cup by next Friday evening. Just saying. Derby are a really good side.
A loss to Everton and a poor FA Cup result and we will be in full on free fall. Conversely, a strong response against Everton and a solid FA Cup performance we things will be a bit more stable. Everything depends on our performances.

Hed Zitin

New Member
Apr 24, 2011
Parking the bus
Boring boring Man Utd

Boring boring Man Utd

Boring boring Man Utd

I didn't watch because I knew the line up was slow paced and dawdling

Ra Ra Ra


New Member
Jul 8, 2011
One thing you can give Jose credit for, he doesn't seem easily embarrassed. He can make comments to the press about needing more money during a run of draws to Leicester, Burnley, and Southampton, and a defeat to Bristol City. This despite having signed a MF and striker for 100 million each, along with Mkhitaryan, who looks like he's booked the first plane out of here.

I felt that the manager should be given until the end of the season when we can evaluate but I honestly don't think he's going to make it. What I saw today was a team that didn't want to be there. There were a couple of isolated good performances but for the most part, everyone was shit. There were players who looked more interested in arguing or confronting the Southampton players than getting on with it.

We meanwhile never had them under any kind of sustained pressure and our decision-making in the final third was abysmal. You can make the argument that the players aren't good enough but they're not exactly working in a system that helps them. No one makes runs. Our attack is restricted to the left wing and even there Shaw or Martial will go into the final third without a supporting runner with him. Pogba is simply playing too deep to influence the game, yet Herrera stays on the bench.

Our defending is also shockingly bad for a Mourinho team. Jones needs to be showed the door. He is one of the players I think should readily go. Lindelof has improved from his first few games but always looks like he has a mistake in him. Matic even looks like he's no longer buying into this crap.

All I know is that if we fail to get top 4 and Jose is still around, he should not be back next season. He'll need a strong finish to the league because the Europa League is not there to save him this time. We should also be looking at whether those higher in the club should still be here. We've spent a fortune for nothing and deserve all the ridicule we get.


Doom-monger obsessed with Herrera & the M.E.N.
Jun 4, 2011
Barrow In Furness
A loss to Everton and a poor FA Cup result and we will be in full on free fall. Conversely, a strong response against Everton and a solid FA Cup performance we things will be a bit more stable. Everything depends on our performances.
They need to man up. If they can't show some courage, then we might as well rip the whole team up, apart from DDG and start again.


Full Member
Mar 10, 2008
Antwerp, Belgium
Pathetic from start to finish, in every area of the pitch. Not sure where we go from here. Falling out of the top 4 suddenly starts to look realistic.


Full Member
Apr 24, 2003
Lindelof jones de gea young did well.

Rest were toothless lazy, rashford looked way way short. Has Mou lost the dressing room??


Full Member
Feb 8, 2014
Apart from De Gea if the rest of the team were to be replaced by total strangers tomorrow, I wouldn't care less. I don't feel anything towards this team. It's same old, same old.

However I still haven't lost complete faith in Mourinho, yet.

I just think his biggest fault were the players his bought in, the amount his bought in, and not rotating them in the games such as the energy drink cup, which was pointless in my eyes and knowing we have so many injuries/small squad.

Our team is literally skin and bones, they all look tired.

We Are Fecked


New Member
Apr 30, 2017
A loss to Everton and a poor FA Cup result and we will be in full on free fall. Conversely, a strong response against Everton and a solid FA Cup performance we things will be a bit more stable. Everything depends on our performances.

I'm actually back in that awful place now I was with LVG. Kind of secretly hoping that we do lose a few games now and play crap so we can actually be put out of our misery and Jose can take his dark , moaning , negativity cloud with him to PSG and ruin them instead.

I know I shouldn't feel that way but for long term good of the club that I love I can't stop myself almost wishing for it. I'm ashamed of myself for these awful wishes. I repress them but they wake me up at night.... what am I becoming? What is happening to this club?

I have dark dreams but also good ones about an ex United player or one of the class of 92 coming in as manager......


Full Member
Aug 3, 2015
So bad from our attacking players!

Pogba gets the ball deep and there’s literally nothing on for him, no runners or players leaving markers!

Mata clearly worked his ass off and pressed as much as he could and I like the guy but him, and rightfully Miki wont be around next year.

PED Fraudiola

New Member
Dec 26, 2017
All right that was a pain to watch.Couldnt score a single goal to save their lives.
In my opinion Jose must ditch this 4-2-3-1 formation, we simply dont have the right balance and players for it to work.
No point in having a n10 if none is good enough at that position, also none of our players are good at the wings.Im afraid we may need 2 new experienced winger/forwards cause Martial and Rashford combo doesnt work at the wings, neither does Mata or Lingard or Mikh or any combination between them all.Martial and Rash may work in the future if they get better (especially Martial) but at the moment they're bad at these positions.
Right back is an issue I hope we solve in the summer.Shaw gets better every game if he continues like that we wont need any reinforcements at the left back.
I think we will need another box to box type midfielder and Jose gotta start playing 4-3-3 with a sole CDM (Matic) sitting back with the 2 CBs defending and supporting Pogba and the third mid who are going to be mostly attacking,while the wingbacks are also attacking making it 3-4-3 no need for a n10.
Hope Lukakus injury is nothing serious and he will be back for next game, otherwise we are left with no natural striker and Zlat is very bad atm.Cant see who is going to be scoring the goals lol.Maybe try Martial as striker.
Just my 2 cents.


New Member
Feb 9, 2017
Frankly I'm glad this shit side has been found out for what it is. Too many people were over optimistic.


Full Member
Aug 15, 2003
Today was the day I lost faith in José. Don't think he'll be able to turn this round and achieve anything here now.


New Member
Apr 6, 2017
Same clueless dross every game. No ideas or invention up front. Countless undirected aimless crosses to no-one in particular (did the players notice Lukaku had actually gone off and Fellaini is injured)! Rashford/Martial running into dead ends with 2/3 players on them. Inability to string more than 4 passes together.

Pogba much too far back most of the time to add his needed invention to the attack. Different corner takers none of whom can put in a decent cross or even beat the first man most of the time. Even looking vunerable and saved by last ditch tackles at the back. Jose if supposed to be a world class coach but he's totally devoid of a new strategy or able to bring the best out of this team it seems.

If we don't buy at least a right winger in this window to spread the play we are looking at 5th now ... and spending 100 million (i.e. most of the budget) on another 'marketable' signing in the summer will just mean a squad full of as many gaps next year as this year.
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Player Ratings

5.1 Total Average Rating

Highest Rated Player

Lowest Rated Player

Compiled from 290 ratings.

Score Predictions

  • Man Utd win
  • Southampton win
  • Draw

Detailed Results

  • 27% Man Utd 2:0 Southampton
  • 15% Man Utd 2:1 Southampton
  • 12% Man Utd 3:0 Southampton
  • 9% Man Utd 1:0 Southampton
  • 8% Man Utd 4:0 Southampton
  • 7% Man Utd 3:1 Southampton
  • 7% Man Utd 1:1 Southampton
  • 3% Man Utd 5:0 Southampton
  • 3% Man Utd 2:2 Southampton
  • 2% Man Utd 0:0 Southampton
  • 1% Man Utd 1:3 Southampton
  • 1% Man Utd 0:5 Southampton
  • 1% Man Utd 4:1 Southampton
  • 1% Man Utd 1:2 Southampton
  • 1% Man Utd 5:1 Southampton
  • 1% Man Utd 0:2 Southampton
  • 0% Man Utd 5:2 Southampton
  • 0% Man Utd 3:2 Southampton
  • 0% Man Utd 1:4 Southampton
  • 0% Man Utd 0:1 Southampton
  • 0% Man Utd 4:2 Southampton
Compiled from 436 predictions.
Show more results Score Predictions League Table

Match Stats

  1. Man Utd
  2. Southampton
55% 45%
15 8
Shots on Target
3 3
10 7
12 13


Craig Pawson