Real Madrid's New Club Badge

Would you lot care if United dropped the devil from your crest due to concerns over offending people?

The devil looks tacky, to be fair...I've never liked it but it's hardly a swastika. As for dropping parts of the badge...Real have proved everything has a price. Even your arse.
I bet majority of muslims following football don't care how a club's logo looks like, especially non-issue like this.

Agreed with manuttjw on this. None of the Arabic sponsers have had any issues with Devil on Man Utd's logo.

Why the arabic specifically the Devil is bad in all the religions.
This is just for the display of the logo in Abu Dhabi. Real Madrid are not changing their logo. Stop overreacting.

This. It's not effecting any other Madrid badge.

Find it funny how some United fans are getting on their high horse about Madrid being money hungry when we are nearly just as bad, have you seen some of the sponsorship deals we have signed over the years? Football is very much a business now, these deals are important when you are spending hundreds of millions on transfers every year.
Why the arabic specifically the Devil is bad in all the religions.

Besides the fact United have played and trained numerous times and have sponsors in Arab countries without an issue. I think this is just a case of the odd over zealous sponsor most just get on with it.
The devil looks tacky, to be fair...I've never liked it but it's hardly a swastika. As for dropping parts of the badge...Real have proved everything has a price. Even your arse.
Real are selling duffer's arse?
I would agree that this is roughly the reason it's not happened (yet!).

But that's a bit different to "If something is part of your heritage there should be a line". There is also a line related to long run financial interests and it just so happens to coincide with this one!

I was just saying that for me it doesn't make sense on a number of levels. Business (brands) and heritage are intertwined after all. Plus it panders to religious intolerance which isn't good to see.

Wonder how this will go down with their fans?

Would imagine they're fairly staunchly Catholic and might have their noses put out of joint by the decision.

Not staunchly, I don't think. Not on level with how the Irish appear to be (from this far point of view). Both Portugal and Spain have strong Catholic tradition but in these days it's mostly only old people in churches, and the average citizen doesn't really care or let religion influence their day-to-day. In my generation a great number of people are fairly anti-religious and I don't think it would be that different in Spain.

According to the Eurobarometer 69 (2008), another independent source, only 3% of Spaniards consider religion as one of their three most important values, while the European mean is 7%.

It still should go bad with the fans, I guess depending on how important they perceive the extra revenue to be. I'd hate to see my club changing its badge for something like this, even if it was this "tiny" change, and being an atheist. It's not an irrelevant detail, it's the royal coat of arms crown they're changing, and the club is still called Real.

EDIT: Should have read the article first. A change in a credit card logo sold in a far away corner of the world isn't likely to be much of an issue. Thought they were changing the logo for good, that would be huge. Still a strange principle, but a minor thing IMO.
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Not staunchly, I don't think. Not on level with how the Irish appear to be (from this far point of view). Both Portugal and Spain have strong tradition but in these days it's mostly old people in churches, and the average citizen doesn't really care or let religion influence their day-to-day. In my generation a great number of people are fairly anti-religious and I don't think it would be that different in Spain.

Actually, that's similar enough to Ireland. The religious cohort in Irish society was always aging and the recent scandals (institutionalised paedophilia etc.) accelerated the decline amongst younger Irish people (as well as a decent chunk of the older generations too)

I get the impression that Italians are still fairly religious in the younger generations, possibly the outlier in all of this?
Tolerance? Afaik, Buddhism is the only religion that says to be tolerant. The others say convert that heathen at all costs.

Well, I was raised a Catholic in a Catholic primary school and C of E secondary school and we had lessons about other faiths etc Tolerance was definitely on the agenda in Sunday sermons etc

Seems to me that the default Islamic stance is a lot more militant than Christian religions (yes I'm aware this is a generalisation but Islamic intolerance is oft reported in recent years)
The article is new but I swear I've read this same story about a year ago already. Am I having some kind of dejavu?!?!
As far as changes go it's not very substantial, but the idea of making changes to something like the club crest to appease sponsors doesn't sit well with me.